#his slbp flavor is much worse by comparison
krys-loves-otome · 2 years
for the chara ask meme: yasu, mitsun, mitsuhide? 👀 also a bit curious about yoshimoto!
Put A Character in My Ask Box and I'll Give My Onion on Them
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Like I said in one of the previous iterations, I'm not the biggest fan of tsuns. The emotional yo-yoing wouldn't be good for my heart so, at best, I'd prefer him more as a platonic love rather than as a romantic one.  I liked his dynamic in Masamune's route where he was trying to be MC's reality check as he knows what a whirlwind Masa can be and he didn't want her to be hurt because of it. Heck, I still smile thinking of Masa's romantic end after they had cliff-dived to escape Kennyo and Yasu pulls MC away from Masa because he didn't want her catching her death from being wet and cold the entire ride home while he just looks at Masa like 'you'll live. I won't like it, but you'll survive, somehow, by whatever hell streak has allowed you to live thus far.'
But as a love interest, with romantic intent? Pass. I think I had a similar problem when I was playing Mozart's route, where MC is more… I guess bubbly and happy, if that's the word I'm looking for?  The MC's in those routes both seem very determined to make the grumpy sourpuss that says mean things to them to like them and change their sourpuss ways and I'm just here like 'why?' Be mean to me and I'll do my damnedest to avoid you, don't need that kind of negativity affecting my vibe, no thanks. Maybe I might have liked him a little more if the MC was a little more cynical and not put up with his tartness? Bite him back, so to speak.
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Sweetest bean! He deserves all the hugs and forehead kisses. Though he is the sweetest bean, however, I feel like cybirb kinda infantilizes him too much. I mean, I often headcanon him as demisexual (because I always love me some ace headcanons), but there are points where I want to remember that Mitsun is very much a capable adult that is capable of doing adult activities, but cybirb makes it hard to do that. There is a difference in have no interest in something and being completely ignorant of it, and I think cybirb leans a little too hard into the ignorant part of Mitsunari's sexual capacity (and Ikevamp's Vincent… and IkeRev's Luka).
Other than that, again, sweetest bean to bean that does his best in whatever he tries. He's got some self-esteem issues but I still love him despite it. We can work on those issues together.
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Boy, is this guy a fan favorite. I like him best when we can be an equal to him. Something about outwitting someone that is supposedly un-outwittable feels so good. Loved him as the unrequited in Hideyoshi's route specifically because MC was able to pull one on him and he respected her for it (maybe even crushed a little bit on her because of it). I liked his POV portions in his route because we got to see him actually being honest with himself. Even if externally he was putting on this cool and teasing façade, inside he was so giddy when he got to play pretend husbando.
Too bad cybirb seems to be quite happy with reminding me exactly who is the one pulling the strings here with everything else about Mitsuhide. He always has to be one step ahead of everyone, including MC, always dangling a string in front of her to see if she'll take the bait, like a kitten, so she'll play along with his game. He always takes charge of sexytime antics (I was disappointed with one story where the chance was there, but wasn't taken for MC to be in control of him, like, what a wasted opportunity), he lets MC assume incorrect things for as long as the narrative needs her to before it's revealed that Mitsu was playing her all along, sorry girlfriend, you just got punk'd. I just don't like being the one in the dark all the time while Mr Fox Man over there gets his jollies by watching MC stumble her way into his arms as she always does and forgives him for his teasing behavior. Rinse and repeat.
Honestly, to a certain point, I think I like him more when I see other fan interpretations of him, who both give him an MC that is more on equal footing with him as well as revealing more of his vulnerable sides rather than just portraying him as this aloof and teasing enigma that cybirb makes him out to be. He's got his good points, but I'd much prefer a fox man I can play with on an equal field rather than one where my opponent has already won even before we've started playing.
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Two birthdays stories (three if you count the Princess Bday story, which I also bought), and various events later, most I can say before his route comes out in English, is that Yoshimoto is a very, very sad and depressed man.
Like, while he is quite bold and forward in his declarations for his love of MC, he's also got this melancholy air always surrounding him. He's lost his territory to Nobunaga, his vassals and those under him barely listen to him, he cares more about looking at pretty things than trying to restore his clan to their former glory, and he has so many self-deprecating thoughts, it's making me worried. Hell, there was one scene where Shingen caught him in a self-loathing spiral and he told him to stop doing that, we don't do that kind of talk here (which is ironic, coming from a man that is literally dying).
Idk, I get why he's in this negative thought spiral, but I still wanna give him hugs and warm soup to help ease some of his pain, if I can.
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