#hit em w the old hc ray
boimgfrog · 3 years
You know you don't have to be autistic to hc characters as autistic right. It's free. I do it all the time.
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nightwingswing · 8 years
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Thanks @talesfromthecreed for requesting this one and I hope you enjoy and like it  and I hope it helps you feel a bit better. :)
Request. Say, maybe, reader meets a cute boy during their time-traveling adventures, said boy breaks her heart, and the legends make him regret it? 
Serie: Part1  Part2  Part3 HC Part4
When the team ended stuck in the 70s you pleaded Rip and Len to let you go investigate.  After pleading and pleading they allowed you to go to a small party in a bar. You hugged them hard, making the other members of the Waverider jealous. Your moment was ruined as Jax and Ray who asked Rip to show them what needed some fixing, you smiled at them and gave each one kiss on the cheek before running away towards Sara’s room.
The guys looked at you fondly.
You were their little angel.
“Can you help me?” You asked Kendra and Sara, the tree of you were in Sara’s room with a lot of clothes that you dragged from you room, in the ground.
“You want us to cover you so Rip, Snart or Rory don’t see you when you are going?” Sara asked.
“Why?” Kendra asked.” They gave you permission to go”
“They did, but I know Len and Mick, and they get… a bit overprotective. It was bad when Lisa was with us but now that she is in Central city they only got me, and after Savage kidnapped me it got worse. And they don’t like when I go partying with dresses or skirts”
“But for what you are wearing? C’mon I don’t think-“
*In other room, Mick found your black skirt you were going to wear to that party*
“You were saying?”
“We’ll help you”
“Thanks!” You smiled.
The night came and with the help of the girls you escaped your overprotective family.
Like a pro.
You wore a (f/c) dress, black boots and a black leather jacket. Your hair pulled in a high pigtail and a set of earrings Len bought you.
Like, actually bought you.
You entered the bar, the old music and the dance moves made you laugh. You went towards the bar to ask for a (f/d) when a tall guy with gelled (h/c) and (e/c) eyes. A leather jacket hugged his frame and a smug grin slipped on his face.
“Hey, doll.” He smirked and you blushed, his 70s charm making you weak in the knees.
“Hello.” You said shyly.
“What’s your name, doll?”
“I’m (y/n), you?”
“(e/n)” He said as his hand bought your hand to his face, kissing it.
You blushed and the guys smirk widened.
“What are you having?” The gruff voice of one of the bartenders asked him.
“Whatever she is having” The bartender looked at you before sighing and shaking his head, and then he went to get your drinks. The bartender’s behavior seemed off but you ignored it. Your attention drawn toward this really attractive guy who wanted to meet you.
It’s been months since you found a guy who wasn’t an asshole and was cute and interested.
“So, where are you from? I’ve never seen you ‘round here.”
“oh, em, I-I’m traveling!, yeah! Traveling with my family! When won’t be here for long.” You smiled highfiving yourself for your lie.
“Then, I gotta show you lots of things” He smirked as he grabbed your hand and pulled you off. Dragging you to the door and towards his motorcycle.
“Wait! I don’t have a helmet!.”
“Put mine”
“But you-“
“I’ll be fine, baby” He smirked and the bike roared in its awakening.
You sat behind him, your arms hugging his waist so you don’t fall.
“Ready baby?” He said looking at you. You pulled the glass of the helmet down, smirking at him and winking.
“Ready” He speed the bike and you laughed as the two of you speed toward the night.
He showed you the most iconic places, you laughed and you felt your heart speeding like his bike.
The two of you got off of the bike in the highest point of the city where you could see all the lights. The quietness and the trees bought the two of you a feeling of intimacy. He sat in the ground and you sat next to him, the two of you contemplating the lights. His hand made its way towards yours.
When they touched, the two of you looked at each other, bewitched by the eyes of the other.
(e/c) meet (h/e/c).
Plump pink lips meet chapped ones as you sank in the warm heat that was the other’s arms.
You would be stuck here for a few days, and each one of them you slipped out of the Waverider without anyone noticing and hanging out with (e/n).
The team saw that you were happier lately but didn’t say anything in hopes of you staying like that.
When I say “they” didn’t say anything I mean that the girls dragged Mick and Len away from you, that way they couldn’t act like the overprotective assholes they are.
What you didn’t know was that Ray, worried about you, shrank and hided himself in your purse.
You walked toward (e/n), who was talking with a girl, clearly flirting with her. Your heart stopped.
(E/n) saw you and came up to you, grabbed your hand and smiled falsely sad.
“Sorry (y/n), but I found someone better, prettier and that doesn’t look like a freak. So I’m breaking up with you, you know, (b/n) and I have been together before I meet you. It was a bet between us. And how you are going away I’ll never see your hideous face again. So is a win-win. At least for me.”
“Good riddance, ugly!” Yelled (b/n)
He went toward the other girl who was laughing loudly, he laughed too as your heart had been shattered to million pieces.
Your tears clouded and scalding hot tears fell from your eyes, your shoulders trembling from the broken sob you tried to hide.
Their cackle could be heard from miles.
Tears flooded from your eyes as you ran away.
Their laugh as a background.
What no one was aware of was of the shirked Atom who broke one of your earbuds in his rampaging rage. He engraved the face of those two in his mind with fire.
Ray smirked evilly.
They had no f*cking idea of what was coming for them.
The crew was chilling together. Mick, Len and Sara were playing cards meanwhile Jax was looking at them play. Stein was reading as Kendra and Carter were talking with Rip when you stormed in the room, sobbing miserably. You through your purse to the ground and your hands came to your eyes, covering the big tears falling to the ground.
“(Y/N)-“ Rip said but before he could say anything the most broken sob escaped your lips before you ran to your room.
Kendra and Sara darted from their spots and ran behind you, worried.  Leonard and Mick got up and we’re about to run after you too, but were hold up by Jax, who shook his head, no.  
Suddenly Ray returned to his actual height surprising his teammates, who looked at his flushed angry face, red with rage.
“What happened.” Len said cold as an iceberg. Mick’s shoulders tensed, making him look broader.
“She meets a guy. Guy made her happy. Guy was bich and broke her heart.”
“What did he do.” Carter said, eyes narrowing.
“He said she was just a bet he had with his girlfriend, that she was ugly and a freak. That he was breaking up with her. And they mocked her in front of everybody.”
Mick had broken the chair he was sitting on, his knuckles red from the hit in the hard surface.
“I know of someone who got a free pass to the icicle’s collection.” Len mean smirk was so terrifying cold.
“Revenge?” Jax asked.
“Oh yeah” Mick smirked pulling his Heatwave glasses on. “Kid just lost his prick.”
“I know who they are” Ray walked towards Len. “Let’s get them”
“Stop.”  Said Kendra, Sara behind her.
“You weren’t thinking of going to avenge (y/n)” Sara said looking at the members of the crew disappointed before an evil smirk appeared on her face.
“Not without us” Sara and Kendra’s aura was frecking terrifying. The guy’s smirked minus Rip, whose eyes reflexed his anger.
“Let’s go” Len ordered.
“I’ll follow you, soon. I have to cheek on (y/n).”
You were cuddled in your bed, tissues making a halo around your head. Eyes red with fresh tears and a red nose.
Rip entered the room and sat next to you, his hand brushed your hair back. Your teary eyes looked at Rip, breaking his heart. A fresh set of tears fell from your eyes as you asked Rip:
“I-It’s –hic- som-something wrong wi-hic-th mee??” You broke down again as Rip shushed you. Kissing your head again and again.
“NO, darling, no. You’re perfect, I love you, We love you.” Rip’s hands wiped your tears away.
He stayed with you until you fell asleep. Kissing your head and reassuring your self-esteem.
“He doesn’t deserve you,(y/n). If he tries to change you, if he betrays you, if he abuses you have to stand up. Said enough, leave him. You deserve so much better, there will be someone who will love you with all their hearts, who will see your flaws as virtues. Who will understand you, who will see you as the light that completes them, as you will feel the same.
So don’t worry, my darling (y/n).
You won’t ever be alone, you will always have us.
We love you, (y/n)
I love you (y/n).”
Your tears stopped as you fell asleep, a peaceful smile on your face.
You feel loved again.
Even though they never stop loving you.
Rip arrived before the fun began. Sara had knocked up the two cheaters as Kendra tied them up. Len, parka, glasses and gun sat before them a threatening smile on his face, Mick behind him was lowly growling and the rest of the team glared at them.
The two tied up teens groggily searched for something familiar when their eyes meet Captain Cold’s gun, proceeding to screech and try and broke the ties. Sara came toward the two ear-piercing yelling teens and hit them, softly (but still hard as hell).
“W-who a-are you?” The girl asked.
“Your worst nightmare.” Snart’s smile was al teeth. Dangerous.
“A-aaaahhhhhhhh” The girl shouted until Jax knocked her out. The team looked at him surprised.
“What?” He asked.
“Well done, kid.” Len smirked.
“I’m proud” Mick smirked.
Jax smiled at the team who were giving him a thumps up.
“Let’s put our plan in motion. Nothing fatal.”
“Aye Aye cap’tain”
Kendra and Carter flied with them and hanged them from a lamp post, their clothes changed to the most horrible of clothing, Jax had given them a makeup, and Mick had glued a sign that said:
On the girl, who was given a Joker makeup:
On the asshole that broke your heart, who had his lips painted red and make up as if an unicorn had vomited a rainbow on his face.
Len freeze their bounds so they only could be put down in the morning sun, so as many people as possible see them.
Sara took as many photos as possible, which anonymously ended in their high school.
But what can I say?
Some of them are villains or morally ambiguous.
“Let’s go back. They’re meaningless. This won’t change a thing.” Rip said cold as ice.
“I need to talk to my lil’ sis.” Len said. Mick agreed, weapons safely keep away of  sight. The team returned to the Waverider.
When you wake up, Carter and Kendra were asleep on your bedside. As you sit they stirred, they saw that you were  awake and hugged you like an octopus.
“Are you ok? Do you need anything?? I-” Kendra said.
“Ken, I’m okay. Really, It doesn’t hurt as much as before. Because I know I’ll have you and the team. You are my family, and I love you unconditionally.”
Tears clouded their eyes.
“We will love you unconditionally too.” They kissed your eyelids as you hugged them both.
“(Y/N)!” Jax and Stein entered your room and hugged you. Asking how you were feeling. You laughed at their actions.
Sara then entered the room, kissed your head and showed you the photos. Your eyes widened. You felt a bit bad but also good because your team did all of that for you.
Leonard suddenly broke in the room and hugged you, even though he wasn’t fond of showing emotions in front of others, but you had him worried sick.
“The next one that breaks your heart, I will freeze his dick off and then Mick will burn it and then I will cut it.” He whispered. You hugged him hard and kissed his cheek.
“Thanks, big brother.” You smiled
“(y/n), never let a guy like that say those things to you! If any dare I’ll burn him slowly! Grr” Mick’s big frame enveloped you in his warm.
“Thanks.” You smiled.
You looked for Rip but he was nowhere to be seen.
After a few hours everyone leaved.
Well, you had to shoo Len and Mick away.
Their overprotectiveness overwhelmed you.
Really, why never is anyone just whelmed?
A few hour later, you waked up to Rip brushing your hair.
“Hey…” You smiled.
“Hello” Rip smiled back.
“Thanks you for what you said before Rip” You smiled at him
Rip hugged you hard and you surprised hugged back.
“I took care of them.” Rip whispered in your hair.
“I know.” You smiled “I love you, dad Rip”
“I love you too, darling”
Never forget you will always have somebody that will support you, that loves you, be it your family, your friends or people on internet…
You are never alone, my darling lil’ wing.
(Promps still open!)
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