#hlev game
fettery-fetterie · 10 months
Dead serious when I say when the games comes out I'll go and psychoanalyze hlev's ass
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fettery-fetterie · 1 year
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Glitchety city
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fettery-fetterie · 2 years
Thinking about hlev and teorija thinking about hlev and teorija thinking about hlev and teorija
UGH your honor i want them to be best friends i want them to struggle i want them to cry for and to each other i want them to learn from the other i want them to be happy and to make the other happy i want them to hurt each other i want them to forgive to grow to start from the ground up to view the world in different ways and and and (⁠-̩̩̩⁠-̩̩̩⁠-̩̩̩⁠-̩̩̩⁠-̩̩̩⁠_⁠_⁠_⁠-̩̩̩⁠-̩̩̩⁠-̩̩̩⁠-̩̩̩⁠-̩̩̩⁠)(⁠-̩̩̩⁠-̩̩̩⁠-̩̩̩⁠-̩̩̩⁠-̩̩̩⁠_⁠_⁠_⁠-̩̩̩⁠-̩̩̩⁠-̩̩̩⁠-̩̩̩⁠-̩̩̩⁠)(⁠-̩̩̩⁠-̩̩̩⁠-̩̩̩⁠-̩̩̩⁠-̩̩̩⁠_⁠_⁠_⁠-̩̩̩⁠-̩̩̩⁠-̩̩̩⁠-̩̩̩⁠-̩̩̩⁠)(⁠-̩̩̩⁠-̩̩̩⁠-̩̩̩⁠-̩̩̩⁠-̩̩̩⁠_⁠_⁠_⁠-̩̩̩⁠-̩̩̩⁠-̩̩̩⁠-̩̩̩⁠-̩̩̩⁠)
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fettery-fetterie · 1 year
Yet there he was, watching the seeds of lunacy his boss had cultivated over the past 4 years
The office was empty and the door was open, she wasn't going to come back soon so....just a peek, it's all; would it matter, anyways? There knew each other for a bit while now, so
The door looked somewhat old, so he slowly pushed it; creaking, revealing the ungodly-dirty and neglected room she uses as her bedroom
A pile of trash bags, another for already opened cans of energy drinks, another for empty bottles of alcohol, clothes and blankets and papers all over the place, it was a mess
The only somewhat clean spot of the room was around a dimly lit desk and a billboard
A billboard...full of strings and photos, news articles and notes
A conspiracy board.
It shouldn't be shocking to see, knowing what kind of jobs they do, yet there was something odder about it
He carefully walked towards it, making sure to not disturb anything alongside the path. Once he reached it, he realized it wasn't about any myths they made record of; it was for people.
At the center was the photo of a middle age man, from him there were coming billions of strings; events, documents, more people. All linked to him.
Above him was a logo for a company, he was probably the CEO, surrounding him were 4 people, yet the nearest one was...
What was he doing here? Is this about the disappearances?
Have all of them met the same fate as him? What happened to them after disappearing?
Questions, questions yet more questions, and so 'little' time to answer them. At any moment she could come back, she would notice, it would be a disaster.
He did what he does best.
Flash turned off, the desk light was enough. Snap. Snap. Snap. Snap....silence. all possible corners of the board saved for later, he...he had so many questions that may be answered once he squishes every single bit of information it has
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fettery-fetterie · 1 year
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got to see slav slav reaching the number of all time
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fettery-fetterie · 2 years
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There’s no point in dreaming anymore
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fettery-fetterie · 10 months
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fettery-fetterie · 2 years
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The Chromatic Turnabout (or rather a very poorly doodle of it) 
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fettery-fetterie · 1 year
-I don't get it, why wouldn't you use an umbrella at all? This is gonna be the 5th time you get sick this month.
-It just feels..wrong.
That day...it started raining that day, somewhat like this. When I noticed something was wrong, i ran out of the house and went as far as my body let me; and inspected every nook and cranny i was able to. I found nothing.
In the walk back, I felt every single drop hit me like if they were bullets.
The rain brings back that pain, it's my reminder.
-If rain revives that moment, wouldn't it be better to avoid it? To use an umbrella and be painless?
-Maybe, but...deep down i feel like the rain is guiding me, every single drop is the rain telling me where he is, missing even one of them would be like missing the entire message, i can't let that happen. Not yet.
-....Very well then, if you ever need an umbrella again, we can always share mine.
-Thank you, I'll ask once i need it
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fettery-fetterie · 4 months
Honestly I hope when ma100t gets big and people start making memes, someone makes a video of like hlev or whatever* just doing the most cunty shit ever or twerking or something idfk it'd be fucking great
*or literally any male character in the game. Whoever feels better
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fettery-fetterie · 11 months
It wasn't ice cream, you could argue it was better than that
They simply found a store much sooner than any ice cream seller; it was late at night too so, "let's treat ourselves", she said.
Warm, suffocating at times; the office was silent, the couch was nice tho
Hlev simply wasn't having it today, with reason but...ough, what a disaster; "maybe a giant glass of beer or two could solve it" she thought.
A couple minutes went by and it was starting to hit them, you'd think all these years of experience would be for some good use...alas, she was first to fall.
- Kid.
- Yeah.
- I'm glad.
- ...?
- I'm glad I found you.
- ...
I'm glad I found you too, Teo.
An ice breaker, more than she expected at this point, and a nice one at that too; she continued.
- Yeah..I'm glad for that too.
Y'know kid...all this, year. Years I...have been feeling kinda down..as in.. y'know..
They were just, kicking my ass. Hard. It all has felt miserable and...bad.
But you. You are one hell of a guy. I'm glad for that.
A break and a couple more sips in her wine, in his beer, he followed.
- I suppose that makes us two
Another sip and a soft smile, continuing.
- My years have been miserable too..I feel....like all my time was wasted, all my chances, choices, doors sealed in front of me at the blink of an eye.
- People sealed to never come back...at the blink of your eye...
Muttering sickening words for herself
- The least you expect it and your world falls down.......your chances to love and be loved gone.....at what was supposed to be a special day...........
Breaking voice, heaving breathing, turmoil from the first day running back again to her heart
- I...will show him. I- I will show him..
To every one of them. I'll show..
My pain. My suffering. This ache in my heart
I'll... make sure the world goes through the same hell I am in now. All of them...
Oh, the tears flowing, and a tight grip to her bottle's neck. She stopped
Looked at her side just to check, he was right in the same spot as her.
He put his glass on the table, half full; a soft smile and tired, gloomy eyes, slowly leaning towards her
Did the alcohol get him too quickly? Were these too late hours for him? Hm..well,
She did the same
Trying their best to get comfortable, even while disoriented, they simply put their heads on top of each other and let the tears go out
A quick session of (almost) one-sided drunken heart-to-heart simply wasn't enough, she kinda wished it was, though
She also wished to not have let out that much information, what if someone's eavesdropping?
"...Doesn't seem like it anyways." Her final thought for the night.
It was what, 11 in the morning?
Both woke up like if hit by a truck; absolute misery formed by headaches, puking, the nasty stuff...but at least it was the more bearable type, the type that can be burrowed by a meal or two with a good friend.
They got that ice cream afterwards.
11 in the night on a school night. None of my past fixations did this to me. But of course fucking slavija has to. Fuck you slavija. Fuck you hlev fuck you teorija and fuck you specifically leather. Love you and your stupid ass nonexistent game.
Either way, hlev did do listen to her, he simply didn't had the energy to rationalize what he had heard at the moment.
He's a smart kid, let's trust him in figuring this out.
Either either way, saying you want to fuck up an eavesdropper's plans doesn't mean they'll be surprised
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fettery-fetterie · 1 year
Just thinking about flowers for hlev game
Hydrangeas for Hlev! Blue to purple to pink! Let my boy regret bullshit! Let him understand himself! Let him connect with the ugly and "ugly" parts of himself!
Lilies for Teorija! Let her show her grief and sorrow and mourning! She can't let to just yet! And i actually need to find flowers that mean heal and/or moving on because!!!!!
And let her know about what these flowers mean! What they represent in her (and hlev's) life! Let her have the knowledge!
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fettery-fetterie · 2 years
One of my wishes for hlev game is for it to have a good chunk of artists as fans, so all of us can make a zine of it
I would love to join a zine, in all honesty
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fettery-fetterie · 2 years
sxf x hlev game au
tortino is loid and hlev is frankly (<- because i know damn well who i want yor and anya to be)
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fettery-fetterie · 2 years
thinking about my hlev game ideas uggggggggggh i hate it here </3
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fettery-fetterie · 3 years
Ok look i know than when michael said i made up more hlev canon than he and leather did was a joke and all but i just,,,started to not feel like that anymore
I want to clarify something before starting: this post is NOT towards them AT ALL, this is not me saying "aYYY THEY MUST SAY EVERYTHING THEY DO!!!!!"; I am an idiot who makes fanfics of not released stuff, not an asshole who pushes game dev to make their games. I know i could just not explained this thing and let the rest to speak by itself but i can't trust my wording for that...or basically myself
Game that doesn't have any specifics on its canon + my natural gravitation towards writing shit up about others characters made me just end up with more than i was looking for, way more than i was looking for
I could talk about all of the ideas i have, than while they're not huge or many, they are pretty much still there,,,y'know
I made a personal canon, a provisional canon, to be more exact. One that can fullfil my own desires as a fan without interfering with the people who are still on this huge work in progress. Yet it still feels so wrong to do
Like, i know writing fanfics isn't bad but, i can't stop having this sensation of disrespect towards them, towards what they're trying to do, i support them all the time but..am i really doing that while having my own bullshit backstage?
This is not me saying "haha i will steal the idea!!" This is me saying "i have written more stuff than i was supposed to, and even if I don't use it for my benefit and make it in a healthy way to pass the time while getting the actual good stuff, it still feels wrong"
My emotional, irrational part fears the idea of the hate for those, the idea of being excluded, the idea of the disrespect leading to a tragic fate just for some stupid writing
While the logical, rational one tries to tell me than those ideas are not harmful, than those ideas just help me to pass a urge as a fan, than they're ok in their own way
It's a loud, constant inner battle when i think about it
I am in a sort of limbo about what to do, for one part, i want to show these things to the world, to see what it thinks. On the other hand, the fear is there
I think I'll stick around with what i am currently doing, they're all on my head, if I feel like drawing something about them, I'll do, if I feel like posting them, I'll do it here
But never there
Never at their eyes
...unless they actively ask for it, if that's the case then, even with the fear i could show something
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