#hm googling how to write a starter
piracytheorist · 9 months
Fanfic writer emoji ask: 🤡 🍦🎯🤗 👀
What's a line, scene, or exchange you've written that made you laugh?
You know what, I don't actually remember a specific line. I've laughed a lot with my own crack recaps, if that counts XD but I do have an entire short fic I wrote that I was cackling all through writing it, and it's the one about Hope from OUAT growing into a teenager who likes whump. It was written in a bit of spite but I actually poured my own experience into it and I found it so funny! Considering that angst is my main inspiration, I don't get a lot of chances to laugh while writing my things XD
What's the sweetest fic you've created so far?
I think the one that has the least amount of angst is that ficlet about Rogers and Tilly (while still cursed) "accidentally" spending Christmas together. I really enjoyed writing that one and getting into the feeling of it :)
Have any of your readers accurately guessed major plot points? Care to share which?
I only have two multi-chapters where that would be possible, and though it wasn't something too unexpected, (SPOILERS for Macabre Theme and Variations), I was so excited when I saw people comment they wanted to see Twilight and Yor team up at the end to get the guy!! I was so close to commenting back with a "YES! Read on and you'll see!" but I had to hold back to not spoil it for them, lol.
What advice would you give to new fanfic writers that are just getting started?
For starters, write. Just write your heart out. It may be cringe, it may look silly, it may be out of character. Write it. It's your only way to get better. Experience is the first thing that makes a writer grow and become better, so write your shit. You'll be better before you know it.
Something that isn't discussed much but helped me actually finish the aforementioned multi-chapter: write as the flow goes, and if you can't remember a word or aren't sure about a fact and can't find it within a few seconds, write a bunch of question marks (or whatever kind of symbol will help you find it later with control + F) and keep writing. You might end up spending too much time googling what you wanted and you'll lose track and flow otherwise.
Take an estimate of how much time you need to find the information you're seeking. For example, it takes a couple seconds to find how much an African elephant weighs in average. But if you want to find out how to properly take care of an elephant, you might need some long minutes of research. Find the weight, then add your symbols for the second information.
For me, that was a saviour for writing MTaV. I don't think I would have finished it if I hadn't implemented it. Treat the first draft as it is; a first draft, that you will edit later, so let it have holes and questions (to a certain degree, of course). When the long process of editing starts, you can take your time spending long hours researching because the scenes and dialogues are already written with the flow.
Tell me about an up and coming wip please!
Hm I actually have one for SxF that I should be finishing up. It's short, sad but with a bit of a feelings ending. One hint I can give is that it has a lot to do with Bond :D
Send me an emoji!
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vio1315 · 7 years
Tagged by: @rabbits-of-negative-euphoria -link to vine of that one guy blowing a kiss to the judge- thanks <3 :v
1. Favorite classical/instrumental (non-soundtrack) piece?
How dare you ??? non soundtrack??? I did just hear a nice one yesterday, lemme find it....
“ Karl Jenkins- Palladio” is what it was called. Idk it was nice
2. If you could take the mature content out of any story (either for your own enjoyment or for that of younger audiences), what story would it be?
Stranger Things, honestly. Couldn’t keep watching it after the pool thing I was so upset. Like you force me to see that crap? Screw off. In fact, cut out the entire teenager segments, they brought the whole show way down.
In terms of animated stuff, might be nice if Princess Jellyfish chilled out a bit, too? It wasn’t very bad, but I’d like to have more people see it
3. What is the language you most want to learn?
4. You can have a crossover of any two animated shows. Which two?
Heck, I don’t know. Anything + Pokemon would be way fun, but ah... hm... Like MP 100 and Pokemon? Fun fun. Kagepro and Pokemon? So fun. A/Z and Pokemon? Fits super well actually. Inaho’s starter would be a legendary because of course it would be. I hate him so much.
5. 1980s or 1990s, and why?
??? I d k because neither of them falls into my interest periods. I guess 90s because it’s a bit more familiar to my childhood and it’d feel more at home. Plus computers were a bit more there. Get that sweet land before time pc game action and all
6. If you could be proficient in any art form, what would it be?
Hm. Maybe dance? Then I could dance wherever I wanted and be a bit confident and nobody would make fun of it. But hmm... writing wouldn’t be awful either. Photography! That’d be very useful to me. Never drawing for wish things because it’d be better to learn it in every way. If you wish away time spent with the thing that gives your life meaning, it won’t end well.
7. Music videos or lyric videos?
Lyric videos. I do love AMVs and such, and animatics a TON, but music videos, the official ones, I usually hate. I just dislike live action, but also, the visuals generally have nothing to do with the song and that really bothers me? 
The other thing about MVs which I HATE is that they take like 30 seconds to even play the dang music most the time :/ and only 10% of the time do the added sound effects improve it. So if you just wanna listen, you have to hunt down the lyric video instead because otherwise have fun listening to 30 seconds of alarms going off or doors closing and opening :///
8. Pick a favorite century. Now pick your favorite historical figure from that century. Now pick a favorite quote by them.
Well medieval usually which is I guess a big time frame, but like idk, near the end of it we’ll say. Not quite “high middle ages” thoughhh? 
Anyhow it’s hard because heck, I usually look into culture crap, not people. Especially not people notable enough to have quotes. 
However I will google for you ‘middle ages quote’ and give you my favorite that I find within like 2 minutes...
“Taqî ad-Dîn Aḥmad ibn Taymiyyah: “Don’t depend too much on anyone in this world because even your own shadow leaves you when you are in darkness.” “ My man, my man it’s gonna be okay. I love the spirit here, but chill. It’s okay.
“ Nicholas of Cusa: “For even he who is most greedy for knowledge can achieve no greater perfection than to be thoroughly aware of his own ignorance in his particular field. The more be known, the more aware he will be of his ignorance.”” Now see, Nicholas has the right idea here. 
9. Cozy-Pumpkin-Autumn or Foggy-Eerie-Autumn?
Both? How dare you try and make me choose? Why else would you enjoy the season? I’ll say cozy pumpkin because to me this implies it’s still warm out, which is my favorite part of fall.
10. Tropical vacation or European vacation?
Neither. Let me stay home. I’m tired. So tired.
I guess European because... castle? I wanna see one.
11. Last dream you remember having:
REMEMBER? No, I don’t. I know I had one yesterday but I forgot all the good details :( 
There was a dragon in a hall at some point. That’s it, that’s everything.
Go to vio1315.tumblr.com/tagged/Vio’s+Dreams
there they all are
Not tagging anyone unless you wanna do the pre-existing questions because I AM TIRED. NO CREATIVITY NO.
But yo thanks again for the tag
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usedshield · 4 years
@ailesdefaucon !! 
“i gotta be honest, pal ---” the scene they were involved with was far too near to the last one, the one where it all went wrong. all the same, steve was falling into pre-mission banter with a familiar ease. this would be different because they’d make it different; the team had suffered enough failures, enough hardships. he slipped on his gloves. it was time. “i’d rather be here than at that gala.”
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