#hmmm not sure about the internet but making with OCs generally give them voices so y'all can...imagine it when reading?
houseofmad · 2 years
I think I always forget to mention but the drabbles I write on LavEmiya are waaaaayy out of order 😅. Besides the chapter 1, I posted which is actually the prologue (I forgot if I wrote prologue on it lol) but the one where he meets her at the greenhouse is the prologue
After that, there’s like a whole boring war section and information dump for what’s happening in the plot. Which I always forget but Lavenza and Archer didn’t get along--Archer was put-off by her stiff personality (she kind of acted like Lleysritt lol) but they both were with some soldiers (because war and yeah, this part is kind of boring but I couldn’t bring myself to get rid of it. I felt like it was essential in Lavenza’s growth as a character, as well as for them to bond over something), the soldiers would often tell Archer how Lavenza was which contradicted how she acted with him--and then he realized she was purposefully acting like a doll because he was a magus. 
The drinking scene I posted was meant to happen when they were at a town for supplies--it was a sort of break from the war, at this point, Lavenza somewhat opens up, and then cue more information dump on magic and the whole reason there even is a war. Around this time Lavenza gets her staff from the deformed homunculus (I think I posted this scene here? I didn’t post the description of her getting the actual staff but more so the scene of her talking to the deformed homunculus because that’s important to her story).
Anyways, there are some things with the Holy Church and the actual plot (I might need to shorten the plot because it sounds very very long lol) but the story takes place in a span of months or a year--I couldn’t pull off two weeks like OG FSN that seems impossible here lol--I know for certain the story goes through Christmas to Valentine’s Day--there’s a lot of timeskipping. I’m not about to pull a Dracula Daily here, going day by day. 
And then I don’t think I ever mentioned the plot but the plot is essentially a magus is trying to recreate a Holy Grail but he wants a pure Holy Grail--as in, he’s on the side of humanity, magi or human he doesn’t wish to sacrifice anyone really but still wishes to reach the Root. The magus is also trying to make a countermeasure for Angra Mainyu so nothing like the 4th Fuyuki HGW happens again. Though I think it would be cool to have an actual grail war, I also felt having Archer in one again as a human was....weird, even if he’s not a master? So this is supposed to be a preparation for making a Grail War and not so much the Grail War itself (Archer is trying to dismantle it before it begins by the way since he is suspicious of the magus).
And this is supposed to take place a few years after Archer makes the contract with Alaya--R.I.P me because Archer wouldn’t have all his amazing weapons yet so I have to limit it. Sadly also, if you ever see it says the Doctor, its because Lavenza quite literally doesn’t get her name until near the end of the story--she is often referred to by other names with the narration of Archer’s POV being ‘The Doctor’ and her creator calling her Alaya. And I think I will change the narration to calling him Emiya instead of Shirou lol. Lavenza and a few others call him by first name--not because it’s the whole ‘special reason of like dating or familiarity in Japanese or something’ but because Lavenza is essentially a British/Anglophone and by that logic kept botching his name (E-MEE_A; Emilia, Miya) to the point he was just ‘Shirou will do’. If I’m remembering right, Lavenza still butchers it a couple of times but on purpose--something like ‘Sher-roo’ or something. 
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heleentje · 5 years
For the fanfic ask: 1, 3, 13, 15, 18, 20, 27, 28, and 10,14,16, 46 for So Far, So Good? (Forgive me, I am curious by nature and have no self control. Please don’t feel like you have to answer all of these if you don’t want to. ^^’)
I started on this, lost everything I’d already written and had a hard time picking it back up again. So my apologies for the delay and here you are!
1) How old were you when you first starting writing fanfiction?
I’ve been writing in some capacity since I was 8, but I was 12 when I wrote fanfic for the first time. It was a story about the Founders of Hogwarts, it lasted for two pages and has never seen the light of the internet, nor will it ever :)
3) Do you prefer writing OC’s or reader inserts? Explain your answer.
OCs for sure. There are only so many variations of myself I can write and I vastly prefer creating OCs. Sometimes only for minor roles, sometimes for very big ones. I’ve had to cut some of my OCs from my stories, sometimes very late in the editing game, and that always hurts a lot.
13) Who is your least favourite character to write for? Why?
In general I have trouble writing characters I can’t find at least some common ground with. Examples are Jack, Amon and Divine. That doesn’t necessarily mean I don’t like the characters (I like Jack very much), but I have a hard time getting a grip on their voice. 
15) If you write OC’s, how do you decide on their names?
I check a lot of baby name sites :p Usually the names have some kind of meaning that connects to their personality or role in the story, though I do try to keep it something their parents would actually name them. Every once in a while, the name comes to me before the character does, but that’s admittedly rare.
18) Do you have any abandoned WIP’s? What made you abandon them?
A couple that I’ve since taken down. Usually I lost interest, figured the plot wasn’t what I wanted it to be, or my writing had progressed so much that it became old shame.
20) Are there any stories that you wished you’d ended differently?
Hmmm, while there are always things I would’ve done differently in hindsight, I can’t think of any story that I would’ve ended drastically differently. The ending I have is usually one I’m happy with.
27) Do you make a general outline for your stories or do you just go with the flow?
I am a dedicated plantser! I usually have a concept, a general outline of points I want to hit in the story and some character notes, but aside from that, I’m making it up as I go. That means the stories can change drastically. 
(To give an example, One Second Per Second was supposed to end after what is now chapter 24. In the current story, that’s the halfway point.)
28) What is something you wished you’d known before you started posting fanfiction?
Gosh, I’ve always been a lurker so I actually picked up on a lot of conventions before I started posting. I can’t think of anything that I would have been able to change. I would’ve liked my English to be better, but since I learned English through reading and writing fanfic, that wouldn’t have been possible.
So Far, So Good
10) Why did you decide to end it like that? Did you have an alternative ending in mind?
No alternative endings! SFSG was always going to have a... well, not entirely happy ending, but mostly happy, at least. It’s an intrinsically optimistic story and I don’t think I ever made any secret of the fact that it would have a good ending. Let’s just say I’m definitely not a fan of tragic endings just for the sake of tragedy.
14) How did you come up with the title?
The title comes from the very first line of Shasta (Carrie’s Song) by Vienna Teng. The song itself has very little to do with SFSG but it’s a lovely song that I greatly enjoyed at the time and still do today.
16) How did you come up with the idea?
At the time,  the idea of a Good Light as a counterpart to Judai’s Good Darkness had already come up several times in discussions with a couple of people (among which @higuchimon​ and @silvormoon​). The rest of it just grew organically from that idea. 
46) I really loved your fic. If you were ever to do a sequel, what do you think might happen in it?
Thank you! I’m still amazed by how much love this fic gets even years later.
I actually did plan for a sequel once upon a time, though I fear it’ll never get written. In it, the Light of Hope, still split between Yubel and Johan, is trying its hardest to reunite, something that would also merge Yubel and Johan. And well... it has no idea why either of them or Judai would have an issue with that. 
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