hcckum · 2 years
daisy !
            “   you  think  that  guy’s  okay   ?   like   ...   mentally   ?  ”   she  questioned  whoever  stood  by  her  side   ,   the  witch  assuming  their  company  meant  they  were  also  confused  by  what  was  happening   .   standing  beneath  a  tree  was  a  man  with  a  picket  sign   .   the  sign   ,   while  beautifully  crafted   ,   held  a  very  amusing  message  :   caitlin  is  a  trollop   .    he  wasn’t  waving  it  around  or  ranting  in  anger   .   he  simply  stood  there   ,   like  an  artist  trying  to  make  a  point   .   “  weird  word  choice   .   not  sure  anyone  says  trollop  anymore  .   ”
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xwulf · 3 years
remy !!
          “  you  know   ...   you’re  a  tough  person  to  track  down  .   ”   he  gave  a  breathless   (   and  arguably  inaudible   )   chuckle   ,   offered  in  that  charming  way  he  used  only  when  he  was  trying  to  downplay  the  mental  gymnastics  plaguing  his  mind   .
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vviitchery · 2 years
who:  open  —  mary  macdonald
where:  madam  pudifoot's  in  hogsmeade  village
      if  you  had  asked  mary  to  trace  their  steps  and  truly  think  about  how  they  found  themselves  in  their  current  situation  . . .  well  she  just  could  not  tell  you.  holding  the  cloth  filled  with  ice  against  her  upper  lip ,  mary  hissed  when  the  freezing  temperature  touched  their  skin .  looking  at  the  ever  gracious  worker  of  the  little  shop,  mary  held  the  cloth  closer.  ❛  i  was  on  the  wrong  end  of  a  flying  elbow,  i  fear  ,  ❜  they  said ,  letting  out  a  small  laugh  to  break  the  tension .  ❛  this  better  not  leave  a  mark  !  ❜  
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frxnkielngbttm · 2 years
passing time between classes during times of nice weather never seemed to be a bother for frank, who was a bit of an outdoorsy person himself. he’d normally pass the time on the grass somewhere doing something of no use, like reading a comic ( or smoking, if a lack of professors around permitted). on a day so boring as this one, however, he had permitted himself to both.
 as he lounged, he watched as people commuted their to’s and from’s. he couldn’t help but chuckle though as he noticed one of the people he had seen began to slip a bit in a muddy patch of grass. biting back the rest of his laugh he called out “ hey careful over there ! need some help ? ”
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benjyfenwxck · 2 years
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It had been some time since Benji had been permanently staying in one place.  For the past year, he had been commuting between the wizarding world and the muggle world for work.  Living with his Dad in muggle England, but studying and working amongst the wizarding world.  Though, he had discussed it with his father, and after a fairly arduous debate of back and forth, Alexander Fenwick had finally managed to convince his son to indefinitely move back
.  ‘Ah won’t ‘ave ye regret it when yer older son, ye have t’ go back, it’s what yer Mam would want.’  
Needless to say, that was the line that finally convinced him to pack up for the last time.  In his past visits he had rushed off each time, purposely not hanging round long enough to notice just how much he had missed it all.  This time, he allowed himself the luxury of wandering through Hogsmeade, which had always been his favourite. He almost hoped that he would run into a familiar face somewhere down the line. It was going to be a fresh start this time.
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ssiriussly · 2 years
who: open!  where: the grounds when: a week or so into the term
Finding Sirius Black lounging somewhere outdoors on a nice day was not unheard of. Far from it. He got antsy when he was inside for too long. The sight of him leaning against a tree near the lake, his things strewn haphazardly around him, was almost a fixture every since he was a teenager.
What was unusual was to find him reading. He’d charmed a thick, illuminated tome to hover next to him, leaving his hands free to eat an apple as he perused the text. It was in French - worse, in Old French. He occasionally noted down words to look up later in a little notebook he kept off to the side. But he was interested in the story in front of him, the reactions playing out on his face.
As someone moved into his periphery, he spoke up. “You’re blocking my light.” They weren’t. But if it was someone that wasn’t worth talking to, that would be enough to keep them moving. He took another bite of his apple and turned the page of his book.
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opasnosts · 3 years
___** / open
shaking her head, everything seems to focus.  apparition was not her first choice, but with the state her life was in, organization was not on her priority list. with a cough to ease her stomach , her finger dig into her robes for a cigarette. she promised she would quit, but she needed a boost to start greeting people. 
a flick of light to her right startles here, paranoia was  a constant for her. fingers rap tightly around the cigarette. shit, guess she would have to go without one. 
“do you need something?” the annoyed tone felt bitter on her tongue. 
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canismajcrs · 3 years
   Punctuality was never Sirius Black’s forte. Which is why it’s no surprise that instead of hastily unpacking his bags in his new dormitory room or getting all dolled up to attend one of the events on campus, he was instead flying over the London skyline on a rather NOISY motorbike. He had been on what was an extended holiday before it was time for him to go to school. His travels taking him to exciting, exotic places that he really didn’t want to leave. So, because of this wanderlust, he was late to the first day at the notorious campus of Hogwarts College. Not that he was really bothered by his lack of punctuality.          No, the young man was confident and cool as ever as he finally spotted the campus buildings through the haze of the clouds. Without much thought, the former Black heir steered his motorbike into a landing in front of one of the campus buildings. His tardiness making him blissfully unaware of any of the planned events for the evening. As a result, his expression turned into confusion as a pair of students crossed his path dressed in some of their evening finery. He shut off the rumbling roar of his motorbike as he casually leaned back in the seat with his arms crossed.         ❝ Late to the party and underdressed? What a spectacle I’m making of myself, ❞ He spoke aloud with a low whistle.
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fnnsgain · 2 years
 adie !                       
                         “   oi   ,   ye  look  a  bit  shit   .   ”
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        “   just   ,   y’know   ...   wonderin’  if  i  should  grab  a  shovel  is  all  .   ”
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xbustian · 2 years
rabastan !
      his  dark  black  hair  was  disheveled  and  sticking  out  in  weird  places   .   the  flask  hidden  in  his  jacket  pocket  was  empty  and  his  grunts  were  anger-induced  and  guttural   .   it  had  been  a  rough  night   .   whimpers  and  cries  for  help  plagued  his  ears  as  he  remembered  the  psychotic  laughter  that  echoed  from  his  father’s  lips   .   we  don’t  enjoy  torture   ,   rabastan         he  preached   ,  his  voice  hoarse  from  decades  of  smoking         we  enjoy  retribution   .     
      from  his  peripherals   ,   he  saw  someone  walk  up  and  sit  right  beside  him  despite  the  large  selection  of  open  seats    .    the  fucking  audacity   .   “  unless  you’re  buying  me  a  drink   ,   i’m  not  interested  .   ”   he  mumbled  before  finishing  off  the  remains  of  his  glass    ,    the  bartender  looking  both  impressed  and  worried  by  the  display   .   
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xwulf · 2 years
remy !
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             “   hate  to  say  it   ,   but    ...   he’ll  never  learn  your  name   .   ”   amusement  laced  his  voice   ,   accompanied  with  an  impish  grin  that  seemed  to  fit  too  perfectly  against  his  tanned  features   (  a  nice  reprieve  from  his  pale  demeanor  whenever  a  full  moon  was  near   )   .   with  his  arms  crossed  over  his  chest   ,   he  shot  the  professor  a  final  glance  as  the  elderly  man  walked  away   .   “   don’t  take  it  personally  .   ”  
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vviitchery · 3 years
when:  august  thirty-first
where:  student floo  enterance
      as  the  hours  ticked  down,  the  nerves  that  flooded  dorcas'  system  continued  to  make  her  hands  shake  and  her  knees  as  she  grabbed  what  she  could  carry  through  the  floo  network.  she  could  just  apperiate  but  that  always  makes  her  a  little  nauseous.  with  a  toss  of  powder,  her  breathe  caught  in  her  throat  when  the  green  flames  consumed  her.
      landing  at  the  all  too  familiar  hogwarts  college,  dorcas  adjusted  her  bag  on  her  shoulder  as  she  came  out  of  the  floo.  coughing  slightly  as  the  dust  settled  around  her,  before  shifting  her  eyes  up  and  looking  straight  into  the  eyes  of  the  person  before  her.  ❛ back  again  huh,❜  she  started,  shifting  her  bag  to  the  other  shoulder.  
     ❛ have  a  good  holiday?  seemed  like  the  summer  just  ticked  on  by... ❜
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lilyevuhns · 2 years
fall  had  a  certain  beauty  to  it   ,  a  mystic  aura  of  its  own  that  somehow  managed  to  effortlessly  enrapture  those  lucky  enough  to  experience  it  in  it’s  entirety  and  lily  evans  was  by  far  its  most  willing  victim  .  she  loathed  the  heat  of�� summer  and  the  dreariness  of  winter  ,  far  more  interested  in  the  mysterious  chill  that  flowed  through  the  air   as  wilting  leaves  tumbled  gracefully  to  adorn  the   streets  of  her  home  .  needless  to  say  ,  the  blonde  was  thrilled  that  her  favorite  occasion  of  the  year  was  actually  taking  place  ,  even  though  for  a  while  there  ,  she  was  certain  it  would   have  been  cancelled  ,  as  would  be  prudent  .  what  a  conflict  it  was  ,  to  love  something  so  ,  yet  know  having  it  could  result  in  utter  chaos  .  she  tried  ,  like  she  was  sure  the  minister  also  endeavored  ,  to  rid  herself  of  any  concerns  as  she  strolled  under  the  twinkling  lights  and  admired  the  decorations  scattered  across  the  once  bland  streets . . .  though  she  couldn’t  help  the  keen  awareness  of  the wand  secured  firmly  to  her  forearm  should  she  need  to  deploy  it  in  a  bind  . 
❝  you’ll  ABSOLUTELY  want  to  add  an  extra  smathering  of  whipped  cream  on  that  ,     ❞  the  witch  commented  earnestly  as  she  stepped  up  to  the  quaint  booth  from  which  the  rich  familiar  smell  of  hot  cocoa  coaxed  passing  patrons  in  .   ❝  i  get  one  every  year  and  always  regret  not  asking  ,  so  i  just  have  to  step  in  and  save  your  day  .   ❞
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benjyfenwxck · 2 years
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Benji had barely stopped for the past couple of weeks, but he had finally shifted the last box from his dad’s house to the new flat.  Okay so he had procrastinated slightly with the actual haulage, but it was all done now, finally.  And he had afew days off studying, so really the only logical conclusion was to visit the three broomsticks and get a cold pint down his throat.  
“Oh bloody ‘ell that hit the spot.”
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ssiriussly · 3 years
who: open when: 31 august where: the three broomsticks
There was never a question for Sirius, which party he was going to. The very word mixer sent unpleasant shivers down his spine. He wasn’t completely sold on the idea of a memorial either, but at least that had some potential once people started getting drunk. He may or may not have shrunk his record player and a few albums and slipped them in his jacket pockets for later, even. They’d have to see how things went.
For now, he wandered through the party, nursing a rum-spiked butterbeer and looking for familiar faces he hadn’t seen since the spring. And a few he had seen over the summer. He spotted to someone and instantly sidled up next to them, his lips turning up in a warm smirk. “Hey there! It’s been a bit. How was your holiday?”
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wvrthinvss · 2 years
                       open / closed               location: outside the duelling club room
     IRIDESSA     is still panting as she exits, chest heaving and skin slick from exertion ( it didn’t matter that the duelling club hasn’t been held today , she’s restless in her skin ) she’s distracted as she plays back through her practise , dissatisfied as she recounts the things she could have done ( should have done ) better. “ oh !! “ she startles as she almost walks into someone. “  - - i’m so sorry , i wasn’t paying attention . i wasnt expecting anyone to be around here . “ 
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