#hojfy rambles
sipsteainanxiety · 2 years
ok but yes to an extra dragon bkg chapter from his pov or no
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sipsteainanxiety · 2 years
holding out (just for you) is a literal work of art and you should be so proud of yourself for creating an actual masterpiece,, your writing is perfection and the pacing is excellent
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a MASTERPIECE?! stop im blushing >//< tyvm nonnie!!! i was actually a bit worried abt the pacing LOLL like 13k words of them just being in a cave for three days and then another 13k that happens over the course of a couple months or so. LNDSKJXSKD seemed a bit off to me 💀💀💀
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sipsteainanxiety · 2 years
tbh I liked the way chapter 2 ended before u changed it lol. The first time I read it through, I thought the same thing and just figured that Kiri found Baku and left with him and that's just what reader assumed as well. Sure she felt a little betrayed but he's still a whole ass dragon so just brushes it off. But actually Kami just said it wierd!! Because we all know that he isn't exactly the most perceiving. So that just ends up being what Kami THINKS happened, but in actuality...
REALLY?! ngl i liked that ending too</3 but for clarity's sake the one i changed it to is fine ig. idk i don't wanna change it a third time and like,,, no nvm i wont say it yall r gonna see in ch3 anyways and understand why im angsty LMDFKSHDF
ngl ur ask rly made me sit and think if i could change up my outline a little but LMFAO with the way i have ch3 set up that wouldn't work. and ur right kami WOULD say it vaguely as 'said he found his pal and went back home' LOLL giving us hurt for no reason
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sipsteainanxiety · 2 years
NEXT for dragon bkg and I WILL send this five times if need be
LORI PLEASEHKSDFHDFKGF LMAOOOO has it rly gotten to this point.... i think it has JHDSFKSF im writing im writing!!!
There was the sound of huffing and shifting from outside that you paid no mind to for the time being, instead focused on easing your boots from your feet. A groan escaped your lips once you managed to free your aching ankle and a quick inspection of it after you slipped your sock off showed that it was swollen. Great.
send me an ask for this game!!
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sipsteainanxiety · 2 years
So I've been wondering, when are you gonna post Part 3 of Holding Out??? I really want to see what happens next!!!
hello hello!!! ummmmm ideally? sometime this month. realistically? uhhhh idk but knowing me it might take a bit. i'm about 5k into it and itll likely end up being over 10k again :')
lets see lets see.... i have exams and papers coming up over the next few weeks so i'll be busy with those... oof i'll TENTATIVELY say the 23rd. maybe if i put a deadline on it, itll make me write it faster LOL
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sipsteainanxiety · 2 years
Congratulations, you have created my newest fanfic obsession. Now it’s time for me to stalk your other works cuz I need more and you are an amazing writer. Like seriously the noises I made when Kiri showed up were inhuman, and just omg it was so good.
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omg? 😳😳😳 im blushing LDNSKDJSK
glad u liked dragon bkg!!! AND YES OMG DUDE IT WAS SOOO MUCH FUN WRITING KIRI’S APPEARANCE LOLLL. i have more fun writing the bakusquad interactions (+deku) than bkg’s ones LMFAO maybe bc hes a dragon and cant. rly talk kscjksdks
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sipsteainanxiety · 2 years
Idk, if you're still playing the game, but if you are, FIRST!
i am!! and ill keep it up at least until tmr morning when i wake up lol!! this is for dragon bkg ch3 since thts what ive been slowly typing away at ever since lori sent an ask DFKGDF
bc i didnt wanna stop it at the two sentences heres the first two paragraphs LMAOO
You had a feeling for a while now that Bakugo didn’t like being indebted to you. 
You picked it up from some of his more subtle mannerisms whenever you brought him food or spent hours on end healing him. You didn’t mind, you really didn’t, and you tried telling him as much. But well, if there was one thing you learned about him over all these months, it was that he was a stubborn bastard. He could be grumpy all he wanted, though—it wasn’t like you were going to stop.
send in an ask for this game!!
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sipsteainanxiety · 2 years
AAAHHH I HAD A FEELING!!! I didn’t like know if Sweets was like an OC/self insert type of thing, but the more I thought about it, if it was then it would be like an actual name drop. Sweets isn’t really a name, more like nickname, but if it was then then could that mean like another story in-universe! And a story with Kiri!!!! That would be awesome too, like I wanna know the conversation that he had with Bakugou like “dude you’ve been gone for so long, I was so worried- oh you’re cursed? You know the healer? Oh, OH OKAY WELL GOOD LUCK THERE MY DUDE!” Cuz he got out of there real quick XD. But I’m not going to lie, I’m like going through your entire AO3 and I didn’t realize that you wrote the Fae!Bakugou a couple weeks ago and I absolutely adored that one. Faes are like one of my all time obsessions and I like thought over that fic for hours, it kept me awake just thinking about it. It was so good!!!!!!
LMAO YEAH! it was originally ochako but then i was like wait no i wanna write a deku spinoff so i changed it HAHA. and yeahhh kiri spinoff! i just think it would be so cute for him to get lost in a new place and have reader come help him. a reader who travels a lot or smthn!! and he joins them as they travel around the country!! and they meet ashido somewhere and then stay at sero's inn in yuuei!! ITS CUTE!! i'll definitely put the convo with bkg in that spinoff LOL. kiri telling him abt the state of the kingdom, bkg giving him some orders, etc etc. IDK I JUST RLY LIKE THE IDEA OF HAVING THEM BE CONNECTED! i think its so neat!
AND AW hope u like whatever lil things i wrote on ao3 LMFAO. i wrote that fae bkg oneshot bc i was procrastinating on dragon bkg actually LOL and the idea of fairy bkg wouldn't leave me alone!! i might continue it one day after i finish dragon bkg LOL bc its nice to be able to write him when he can actually talk HAHA
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sipsteainanxiety · 2 years
ok so I’ve read your work before so obvi I know you’re mad talented but like the dragon series!?? I didn’t think I’d be into a fantasy AU but you write that world SO BEAUTIFULLY it is full on escapism for me like omfg yuh are easily my fave writer on this app
NONNIE?!?!? HAND IN MARRIAGE RN WTF i am holding u so tenderly thank u for your kind words!! i thiiinkkk this is technically my first fantasy series so i tried my best to flesh it out as much as possible!!! i wanted it to seem like a legit world lol and well, i havent gone too in depth with it but there is more to come :))
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sipsteainanxiety · 2 years
Like man I thought the whole house heard me, it was so loud XD. I loved the interactions with Denki too, it’s so fun to watch him squirm in guilt. Plus very satisfying when Midoriya was like oh no man you fucked up and the interaction with the MC and his arm was fun. Also can’t wait to see where it goes with him on what he actually does, like oooh the mystery there is going to be fun.
YEAH! denki my beloved 🥺 hes always sm fun to write 🥺 ALSO— I AM SO GLAD U BROUGHT UP DEKU BECAUUUSEEE (drum roll pls) ✨i’m writing a spin off one shot for deku!✨set in the same universe as dragon bkg 😌😌 it will be a prequel tho, waaay before the events of holding out! all that mystery of what hes doing and stuff will be kinda answered in that Lol tho well, since its a deku/reader oneshot u can. probably guess what hes been up to LOL
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