topmodelranking · 6 years
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#1 – Ritse
I am still not a massive fan of this photo, but it is the best of a bad bunch. Her pose isn't doing much for his body, especially since he is just layered in fabric, but the face is quite strong. His cheekbones and jawline look great, and expression still plays up the more boyish angle. I definitely think it is the strongest of the week, even if that isn't saying much.
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topmodelranking · 6 years
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#5 – Milan
Again, this shot is just hot. Milan looks gorgeous, but I still feel a bit underwhelmed. He looks satisfactory, but I feel his jawline has been lost. Clearly straight-on isn’t quite his angle, as his face looks nowhere near as strong as it did last week.
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topmodelranking · 6 years
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#6 – Daila
A bit bland, but perfectly adequate. And that seems to be enough. Her face looks nice from this angle, a gorgeous jaw, and her body is alright. I wish they had done something more radical with her makeover, I feel she could have handled bleached eyebrows and icy blonde. It would have taken her away from typical-blonde which I feel she is trapped in.
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topmodelranking · 6 years
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#2 – Bonita
Quirky, striking and fresh. This is everything I wanted from Bonita, but it still falls a bit flatter than last week's photo. The shot feels less fashionable. There is something about how her face has photographed when compared with last week. I feel maybe her jaw is a bit loose, she needed to tighten it, and close her mouth. But her eyes really do hook me, and it is one of the most memorable photos, without requiring a gimmick.
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topmodelranking · 6 years
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#3 – Montell
I mean seriously...what the hell is he wearing. Is this what is fashionable in Holland? So confused. But anyways, Montell is working with what he has. I think there is a strength in his face, and his body has some energy. Part of me thinks it is a bit extreme for a fashion shot, but since this is a shoot intended to be used as a promo, rather than a legitimate photoshoot (which makes the horrid fashion slightly more forgivable) I am willing to forgive that. If anything, it makes the shot more memorable.
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topmodelranking · 6 years
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#9 – Sanne K
This is a massive disappointment after her shot last week, and I feel only part of that can be blamed on the bangs. Her pose isn’t great, the side view makes her look wider because of how billowy the top is. Her expression is bland too, maybe some intensity would have helped.
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topmodelranking · 6 years
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#12 – Chelsey
I don’t understand why this got first call-out, like was there something else to the decision making that I am missing. I find the pose to be completely contrived, and not particularly flattering for her body given the weird velour-like fabric. The fierce expression could work, but the angle of her face is just overly highlighting her forehead.
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topmodelranking · 6 years
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#11 – Jamie
Jamie’s pose is somewhat interesting, but just incredibly campy. Jamie’s look is already so niche, that he doesn’t need to play into it with his body language. If anything, I think it makes him look even less like a model. There is some nice intensity in the face, but other than I still see nothing special about this guy.
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topmodelranking · 6 years
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#4 – Sanne J
I wish this wasn’t a full body shot, or had been cropped above the waist. The face is just stellar here, I love the soft, wide-eyed stare, and I think her makeover compliments her face perfectly. She has transformed, and had it just been cut closer this would be my favourite photo from the week. Sadly, the awkward holding of the dress ruins the photo. It just looks awkward, and it would have been so much better if she had just gone simple.
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topmodelranking · 6 years
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#7 – Senna
Ah, poor Senna. I don’t think he should have been eliminated, but I can understand not being a fan of this shot. I love it in a quirky way though, I think the expression is odd, but works. I will say it is exactly the same as last week, but it could be a kind of signature look. I wish he hadn’t put his hand to his head, I loved his makeover, and it covers that entirely.
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topmodelranking · 6 years
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#8 – Latanya
Another girl whose makeover I just don’t get, this length of hair looks awkward. I think it should have been shorter, or far longer. Her face looks prettier here, but the expression just isn’t working for me. Her pose too feels a bit contrived, and I’d have rather had something simpler.
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topmodelranking · 6 years
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#10 – Quincy
I mean, can I address now how baffling the styling was for this shoot. There just seemed to be no common themes. Quincy’s shot is a bit baffling for me, it just doesn’t read as a model to me. His body looks decent, but the pose and expression read almost as creepy.
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