#holiday packages sicily italy
floripayoga · 4 months
The Best holidays packages in Sicily | Floripa
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Check out Floripa's beach vacation packages and holiday packages. Discover beauty by adding relaxation and adventure for the ideal vacation with our carefully chosen offers.
Enjoy an amazing relaxing yoga escape full of fun, relaxation and delicious vegetarian food in a beautiful setting in the south of Sicily. We offer ongoing yoga holiday packages from March till November. There are no fixed arrival and departure dates.
Read more: https://www.floripa.it/holiday-packages/
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bellysoupset · 1 year
Sicily - Part 1
I have no patience whatsoever! So here, have part 1:
Vin was not the type to make a big fuss out of his birthday. Most years he only went out with Leo, Luke and Bell and they got drunk and smoked weed, maybe sung in the karaoke.
But that was before. Before he got a super extra girlfriend who loved to party and didn't understand what "no" meant. Before he nearly broke his neck in a car crash and worried his parents half to death. Before his birthday incidentally lined up with a long state holiday.
So this year they were celebrating his birthday in "style" as Wendy had called it. She had been incredibly secretive about everything for a month now and Vince couldn't say he wasn't amused and enthralled by it. It was heartwarming to know how much he was loved.
He had, so far, walked on Wendy talking on the phone with his mother twice, in a zoom call with Lucas, with Jonah too, and hiding packages in the closet, giggling with Bella. So Vince couldn't say he was surprised when she straddled him in bed, a week before his birthday and held up a deep red box before his eyes.
"What is this?" he asked, lying against the pillows. She had a large, manic smile on.
"Open it up."
He rolled his eyes, putting away his book, marking the page and taking the box.
"You're a bit early for my birthday, honey, it's only in week..." Vince said, voice trailing off as he found a simple cardboard box, long and skinny under the paper wrap. By the package he had judged it was a watch, but no watch would come in a little paper box. A pen?
"Open it, open it, open it," Wendy said, almost bouncing with how happy she was. Vince smiled, pulling the lid off and then removing the box contents: a handmade long ticket, in Wendy's handwriting.
"I don't understand this, Wen," Vince said, picking up the paper and reading it. You're invited to the best birthday trip ever. Dress code: your birthday suit and that speedo I love. Turn it around- "what...?" he turned the sturdy cardstock around and then raised his eyebrows. Clipped to the back there was another ticket, this one not so handmade, "Wendy, no. This is too much."
"It's not," she rolled her eyes, leaning in and smashing her lips against his, "I wanna make love to you in a beach. I want to see if you get tanned or red like a lobster," she said against his mouth, "I want you to have the best birthday ever."
"Wendy, amore mio," Vince's voice was strained as he pushed her back, holding the ticket before her eyes, "this is a ticket to Tonnara. È in Sicilia, Wendy! Sicilia, Italia!"
She jumped when he switched from English to Italian and Wendy rolled her eyes, sitting back on her heels and cupping his face, "Vincenzo," she said in a stern voice, "we almost lost you this year, you understand that, honey? Please let us celebrate you?"
"Not in Italy!"
"No one else thinks it's that big of a deal," she smiled, hitting his nose with hers, "your parents wanted to go to Sicily anyway-"
"My parENTS!?" Vince exclaimed, pushing her off his lap and pacing the room, "Wendy Marshall, what did you do?!"
"Lucas has a house there! It's not the end of the world-"
"Lucas doesn't have houses, his father does!"
"We're going!" Wendy got up on the bed in order to be able to see eye to eye with him, "all tickets are bought, your mom is over the fucking roof. Bella and I already shopped for it. Jonah switched all his hospital shifts! It's in four days, Vince. We're going and you're going to love it and you'll let me and all our friends spoil you rotten because we love you and this was not just my idea, it was everyone else's too! Capiche cábron?"
"Cábron is Spanish," Vince scoffed, then his shoulders dropped as he took in a deep breath. A smiled sprouted up in the corner of his lips, "fine, but ask for it in italian."
"You want me to beg?" Wendy rolled her eyes, but she was smiling again, "you're out of your mind-"
He wrapped his arms around her, pulling her to him and grinning, "say per favore, amore mio."
"No," Wendy looped her arms around his neck, "let me go."
He chuckled, squeezing her and letting his hand wander down, pining her to the bed, "can't believe I'm going back to Sicilia, I haven't been there in years..."
"Yeah," Wendy smiled, squirming under him and kissing him, "you're going with me. With all of us."
Wendy wasn't kidding about everything being decided already. Even his boss had been talked with, seeming entirely too smug as he cornered Vince in the museum after a tour.
"Your pretty little girlfriend said you two are going to Italy," Troy said, big smile on. He was a tiny man with striking blue eyes and a bowl hair cut, "sounds like a proposal sort of trip, Vince. Do you wanna tell me anything?"
"I'm not proposing," Vince rolled his eyes, "it's far too early for that, we've only been together for a year."
"Uhm," Troy shrugged, "well, you know how these college girls are. Ring before spring, Vince."
"Wendy isn't like that," he insisted, "it's not about some ring, it's because of the accident I had at the start of the year. Scared them all half to death."
The older man nodded in understanding, "scared us too, Vince. Either way, enjoy your trip. You don't have to come next Friday."
Vince raised his eyebrows, "you're giving me the day off...? Our busiest day?"
"Your little Tinkerbell is very convincing," Troy shrugged and moved away, leaving Vince stunned into silence.
"Did you bribe my boss?" Vince asked later that day, as he sat on the bed and neatly folded the clothes Wendy was throwing his way.
"Troy?" Wendy asked, crouching before a drawer and digging through her swimming suits, "no, I just asked."
"And he agreed? Easy like that?" Vince frowned, stopping folding a minty green dress, "are you a witch?"
"Yes," Wendy teased, looking over her shoulder and blinking innocently, "I'm an angel, amore mio."
"Well, clearly..." Vince shook his head, surprised, "you even convinced Leo to join."
"Can't take the credit for that one, it was more of a group effort between Jon and Luke," Wendy straightened up, stretching her back, "I talked with your mom and Sophia is sooo excited that Luke is going too."
"Oh no," Vince chuckled, "wait until she finds out Lucas is basically married and Bells is tagging along."
"Poor thing," Wendy laughed, "can't blame her, he's dreamy."
"Marshall, shut up," Vince rolled his eyes, "come to bed, you fold, let me pick my own clothes."
"We're going to carpool tomorrow," Wendy said, a handful of minutes later as Vince threw her the clothes he wanted to take, "you, me, Luke and Bell in Lucas' car. Leo and Jonah are going in Leo's car, the trunk is bigger for all the bags."
"Where are we meeting Luke and Bell?" Vince asked absently minded, "Jon's?"
"Yep, my car is staying in his building."
"Alright, honey," Vince couldn't help but feel a wash of anxiety dawn on him. He couldn't even remember the last time he had been on a plane, to Sicilia no less... Home.
They left terribly early that morning. Wendy muffling yawns against his bicep and Vince himself blinking against sleep. Jonah was already downstairs, in the parking lot of his building, but Leo wasn't nor was Jon's red car.
"He should be back in twenty," Jon explained, helping Vince get the bags out of the car and loading them in Leo's car, "he's taking the kitten to his work friend who's cat sitting for us."
"Bet you already miss her," Wendy chuckled, still sleepy, "Lucas texted ten minutes ago, said they were leaving too."
Vince made small talk, since Wendy left him to his own devices, face pressed to his arm as she napped standing. He had chuckled at her for opting to come still dressed in her pjs, but Wendy had simply rolled her eyes and said "it's a fifteen hours long flight, Vince. I wanna be comfy, I don't care what people say."
"You guys are already late," Leo said when Luke and Bell finally arrived, ten minutes later than they should be.
Lucas cringed, "sorry guys, my fault," he owed up, so Vince immediately knew it was actually on Bell. He looked at the ginger and frowned.
"Everything okay, Bella?"
She nodded, although she looked a little pale, "just not used to waking up so early," Bell yawned, rubbing her eyes, "let's go?"
Leo and Jonah waved goodbye, entering Leo's car with Leo in the driver's side and Lucas threw his keys to Vince.
"You drive, I'm gonna go in the back with Bell," he said, all smiley, although he looked a little tired too.
Wendy frowned, "guys? Everything ok?"
"It's alright," Bella sighed, sounding frustrated, "I just woke up queasy, that's all. Lucas is making a fuss."
"Aw sucks," Wendy sighed, "don't you wanna go shotgun then? Avoid carsickness?"
Bella shook her head, "no, I'm just going to try and nap. Don't worry about me."
It was an hour and a half to the nearest metropolis, where they were getting the plane. Wendy's type A personality, mixed with Lucas and Jon's control freak behavior meant that their flight only left at midday, but they were leaving town at 7 AM.
"You never know what could happen," Wendy shrugged when Vince voiced it, keeping her voice a whisper, "we could have a flat tire or there might be a traffic jam... If you ask me, we're leaving too late already."
"You're an insane woman, sweetheart," Vince shrugged, glancing at the rearview mirror. Lucas was resting his head on the window petting Bell's hair as she lied across his lap, "alright, buckle up. Folks."
They drove the first forty minutes quietly, Wendy napping against her window, Lucas far away and singing under his breath to soothe Bella. Vince couldn't remember if he had ever heard Luke sing, but he wasn't surprised his best friend had a beautiful voice, it was a pity he never ever sang.
As they neared the one hour mark of the trip, suddenly Bella sat up straight and rolled down the window, groaning loudly, "ugh," she moaned, poking her head out.
Vince glanced back to the rearview, "Bells? Do I have to pull over?"
A sick, airy burp answered him and then a groan as she kept her head out of the window, "uhm... I think so, sorry."
"It's alright beautiful, morning sicknESs is liKE ThAT!" he laughed the rest of his joke as Bella kicked his seat.
"I'm not pregnant you ass!" she groaned, clutching the door handle as Vince switched on the lights.
"Of course-ow?!" Vince whined when Lucas flicked his ear hard, moving on the seat to rub his girlfriend's back.
"Shut up, Vince," he scoffed, gently pulling Bella's hair away from her mouth with one hand, rubbing her back with the other, "we're stopping, baby, just take a deep breath."
"I'm trying," Bella groaned, another wet burp punctuating the end of her sentence, "Vince, pull over!"
"Just a second!" he exclaimed, keeping his voice low, although he doubted Wendy could actually sleep through the commotion. He pulled the car to the dust shoulder, near a gas station and no sooner the car had come to a stop, Bella pushed the door open and almost fell off with a harsh gag.
Lucas scrambling to grab her by the shoulder was the only thing that stopped her from taking a dive in the asphalt. Vin cringed in sympathy, reaching in the glove compartment where he knew Lucas kept napkins and a water bottle.
Only then did Wendy open her eyes, seeming out of it, "what's happening? We're here?" she yawned and Vin shook his head.
"Bella's redecorating the road," he said and Wendy took a second to understand. She let out a sigh.
"Aw, honey, switch places with me," Wen turned on her seat, already opening her door, "the backseat is no good."
He heard another wet, gurgly burp and more vomit hitting the side of the road. Vince glanced at the rearview, Lucas was rubbing Bella's back, seeming terribly worried.
"She's fine, Luke. Carsickness happens to us all once in a while..." Vin frowned as he saw a car slow down and stop a couple feet ahead of him. Leo jumped out, seeming confused.
Out of everyone, Leo was probably the most excited. He had never taken an international trip... Or any trip, so he was basically vibrating with happiness.
"Here," Vince handed Lucas the napkins and water bottle, "be right back."
He jumped out of the car and met Leo halfway through, "everything is fine, Bella just a little carsick," Vince said before the blonde could even question him, "you guys can go ahead, we'll catch up in a second."
"Are you sure?" Leo frowned, glancing past Vince's shoulder to where Bella was still hanging out of the door. Vin had left his own door open, so only the puddle of sick on the ground could be seen.
"Yeah, she's fine. Bells is tough as nails, don't worry," Vince smiled brightly, patting his friend's shoulder, "go on, we'll catch up at the airport."
"Alright... My phone is with Jonah, so just call if you need us to stop ahead," Leo nodded, "poor Bells, it's gonna be a long trip."
"Fifteen hours, kiddo, I thought you were excited" Vince rattled him, causing Leo to laugh and swat him away, walking back to the car.
By the time Vince was back in the driver's seat, Wendy had switched places with Bella and the poor ginger was pressed up against the door, her eyes closed.
"I'm gonna take this as a sign of good luck," Vince teased, while Lucas fished out a plastic bag from his carry-on bag and planted it on Bella's lap.
"Thanks," she said in a small, tired voice, "it better be good luck."
Vince smiled, slamming the door shut and squeezing her knee, "or pregnancy."
"I'll make sure to aim at your lap, you idiot," she rolled her eyes, slapping his hand sharply, while Wendy let out a scoff and Lucas groaned loudly, pushing his shoulder from the backseat.
"Just drive already, Vince."
He smiled, pulling the car back on the road. It was going to be a good trip, he could feel it.
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italyluxury · 4 months
Planning a Family-Friendly Vacation to Italy: Tips and Tricks
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When life gives you lemons, add limoncello and enjoy an Italy vacation!
As one of the top tourist destinations, Italy offers a perfect blend of ancient history, stunning architecture, vibrant culture, and delectable cuisine. With countless attractions for people of all ages to enjoy, it's no wonder that a vacation to Italy is on many families' bucket lists.
If you are currently planning a vacation to Italy with your family, here's what to think about.
How to pick among Italy holiday packages
The very first thing to do is to choose the right holiday package. With so many options available, it can be overwhelming to pick one that suits your family's needs and preferences. You need to consider if:
You want an exclusive guided tour or a self-guided itinerary,
The provider offers custom-designed packages for families,
The package includes kid-friendly activities and hotels,
The itinerary covers all the destinations you want to visit,
The accommodation and transportation are comfortable for your family,
They provide local guides/drivers to make the experience hassle-free,
The locals/guides are multilingual, and
Their fleet of cars isnew and well-maintained.
Take your time to research and compare options before making a choice.
Best places to visit in Italy with family
Once you have chosen your perfect Italy holiday package, it's time to plan your itinerary and decide which places you want to visit. Some of the top family-friendly destinations in Italy include:
Cinque Terre
The Amalfi Coast
Make sure to include a mix of historical sites, cultural experiences, and fun activities that your kids will enjoy. One tip is to involve your children in the planning process, as it will make them more excited and engaged during the trip.
If your family wants an exclusive vacation to Italy, Italy Luxury Tours is the perfect travel partner. Their team of experts can help you design a tailor-made and exclusive holiday package that suits your family's interests and preferences. Contact them at (855) 539 0045 or visit their website to learn more about their services.
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italyinsight · 9 months
Indulge in Opulence: Unveiling Exquisite Luxury Holiday Packages in Italy
Venice: Romance on the Grand Canal
Begin your Italian luxury escapade in the enchanting city of Venice, where timeless romance meets lavish indulgence. Explore the historic architecture of St. Mark's Basilica, and then retreat to a sumptuous private gondola ride along the Grand Canal. Exclusive accommodation options include opulent palazzos with views of the waterways, ensuring an intimate and secluded experience.
Florence: Art and Elegance in Tuscany
For connoisseurs of art and culture, Florence is a haven of sophistication. Luxury Holiday Packages in Italy Tuscany often include private tours of the Uffizi Gallery, home to masterpieces by Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, and Botticelli. Indulge in a culinary journey with private cooking classes led by renowned chefs, and unwind in lavish villas surrounded by the rolling vineyards and olive groves of the Tuscan countryside.
Amalfi Coast: Cliffside Retreats and Azure Waters
The Amalfi Coast, with its picturesque cliffside villages and crystalline waters, offers an idyllic setting for an exclusive getaway. Luxury packages in this region provide access to private yacht charters, allowing guests to explore the coastline in style. Retreat to cliffside villas with panoramic views of the Mediterranean, and savor gourmet cuisine prepared by private chefs in an intimate setting.
Rome: Majestic Splendor and Timeless Grandeur
No visit to Italy is complete without experiencing the grandeur of Rome. Luxury Yacht Charter Vacations in Italy in the capital city often include VIP access to iconic landmarks such as the Colosseum and Vatican City, where guests can explore the Sistine Chapel without the crowds. Accommodations in historic palaces and boutique hotels add a touch of regal elegance to the Roman experience.
Lake Como: Tranquility in Lakeside Retreats
Escape to the serene beauty of Lake Como, where luxury is synonymous with tranquility. Exclusive packages offer private boat tours on the lake, visits to elegant lakeside villas, and personalized spa experiences. Nestled against the backdrop of the Alps, Lake Como provides an intimate retreat for those seeking a peaceful and luxurious escape.
Sicily: A Blend of History and Mediterranean Bliss
For a unique blend of history and Mediterranean bliss, Sicily is an enchanting destination. Luxury holiday packages often include private tours of ancient ruins, such as the Valley of the Temples, and exclusive access to private beaches. Indulge in the flavors of Sicilian cuisine with private tastings of local wines and traditional delicacies.
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hphmsecretsanta2020 · 4 years
Merry Christmas @dimitri-hphm !! This is from your Secret Santa @aviandemiwitch
We hope you have a wonderful day! Happy Holidays!!
December, 1989
It was far colder than he liked, this year. The snow had come early this year to the Highlands, making him wish all the more that he was back home. The wolf in him wished to den down for the winter, or find a warmer location before it got any colder.
It was also nighttime, and he hoped the calculations he’d been given by the one Gryffindor were correct. The metallic ozone smell that lingered around her unnerved even him.
He entered the courtyard, shifting with barely a thought, before heading out to the forest. Talbott was due to meet him there. 
Finding their preferred meeting point, he turned back and shivered in the cold Scottish air. He was glad it wasn’t a full moon, though he could feel it was getting close. He’d be in Sicily for this month’s, meaning a back room instead of a drafty old house.
The closeness of the full moon, and his uncommon impatience with Talbott, left him feeling unusually restless.
A rustle of leaves, and familiar smells grabbed his attention as a bronze eagle fluttered to the forest floor. A twitch of tails, and Talbott appeared in human form.
They embraced briefly. Talbott was staying, and the portkey was only set to activate with him. There was a small part of him that wanted to stay, despite the efforts he put in to get out early. Charms and Kettleburn had been the least objectionable and easiest to payback. Snape and McGonagall were among the hardest, given their midterms were the most practical of the classes.
And the time was getting close.
He hoped Talbott would be able to come later, once the holidays started, and after winter midterms were completed for everyone else.
They untangled, before pulling a small gift out of his pocket. It had taken some hunting, and a trip to Flourish and Blott’s to find it.
“Thought I’d give this to you now,” he said, handing the blue-wrapped item to his boyfriend. This was his least favourite part of Christmas, the expectation of gift giving and receiving. He hated owing anything to anyone, or vice versa. It left a bitter undertone to his already anxious mood. But Talbot had been talking about it, and so he found it.
“Thanks,” Talbot replied. “I already owled yours to your family.” He nodded curtly, the tick-tick-tick of his wristwatch reminding him of the piece of parchment remaining in his pocket.
A last kiss, quiet murmurs of “Be careful,” before a flick of his tails, he was off.
The scenery sped past as he headed towards the Scottish border. It was times like this that he secretly appreciated his ability to keep part of his human mind while transformed.
He transformed back when he reached a clearing, where a boot sat waiting. It was if someone had just forgotten it, rather than his means home. He pulled the scrap of parchment out, before checking his watch.
Nearly time.
Her grabbed the ankle portion, before feeling the abrupt gut hook pull of magic moving him between Scotland and Italy.
It was not his favourite way to travel.
But it beat navigating several fireplaces between Scotland, England, France and Italy. And came with less suspicions about the firearm he kept on him, especially since he was going home.
The fewer the questions, the better.
The portkey landed, as abruptly as it had left, sending him thudding to the ground and it skidding a few feet, before stopping against the garden wall. 
It was light enough to tell time had passed, but dark enough to not know how much had.
He picked himself up, along with the boot, and headed inside.
It was warmer inside, a fire already roaring in the main fireplace, and several servants tending to morning duties. The carpets laid down muffled his footsteps as he headed towards his room, if only to change out of these clothes into some cleaner ones that would be consider more suitable.
His sister was coming home tomorrow, possibly, as she was staying to complete midterms in Japan, where their father had gone to school.
Thankfully, Jacob wasn’t coming for Christmas, too wrapped up in whatever he was doing.
He changed, shucking the clothes he’d worn, and finding something a little nicer for dealing with his father. A glance at his bedside clock told him it was just after 6:30 am, and his father was no doubt waiting. Weapons tucked away, he walked over to his father’s office.
He barely raised a hand to knock, when his father said, “Enter, Dimitri.”
It was terse, even for them. 
Snape had owled what seemed to be a sort of end of semester of report. While he was excelling in what classes he had, the fighting and hunt for the vaults diminished the success of his classes.
The meeting was otherwise civil for them, with them butting heads only a couple times.
He spent the rest of the day re-exploring the area. 
The rest of the week passed quickly, with Skylar’s arrival the highlight. With her arrival, the house felt a little warmer.
An owl or two also arrived  from Talbott, covering the progress made on some of the events around school. There were also things said that left him laying awake most nights. Cards arrived over the next week, each mirroring their respective personalities, with both of the Weasley boys sending one card.
Christmas was a quiet happening, with gifts exchanged early in the morning, before heading off to the holiday’s mass. Going into town was civil for them, with his mother and Skylar keeping the peace the best they could.
This outing was practically family tradition, the hours long Christmas mass, even as the large part of his family was magical. He itched to move. This was hardest thing, though easier than finding any gift. He sat next to his mother, with Skylar next to him, with Skylar only half paying attention to the service. 
After the service wrapped up around noon, they headed back to home, getting ready for the gathering that was due to start in a few hours. It would mostly be family and associates of his father, and would be a relatively formal affair. 
He opened Talbott’s gift in his room after they got home from the service, which turned out to be a beautifully decorated pen knife, along a few of his favourite sweets from Honeydukes. There was another package that smelled familiar, but doubted would much good now. He tucked the pen knife into the pocket of the pants he was going to wear for the gathering, and put the candy inside his shrunken trunk, joining the rest of his presents for the trip back to Scotland. There would be time to savour them later, when he was back in the relative privacy of his dorm back up at school.The remaining package joined his potion kit, and the stash of bottles therein. 
He finished getting things ready, wishing his guy was here with him. Yes, it was important for him to attend these events, considering he was to take over when his father wished. Or something happened. They were still tedious to attend on long days such as this. 
He glanced over at the sole bookcase kept beneath one of his windows, and it was packed with the manga books he’d either gotten or was gifted in years past. His gun sat on top of the bookshelf. Staring out into the grounds, 
He suspected tonight’s was especially important for whatever reason, though he wasn’t entirely sure as to why. His father had no immediate plans, as far as he knew, to transfer control yet, even as he took over more and more command over jobs.
The formality of the event was already feeling a touch stifling, though it was perhaps expected.  A holiday such as this tended to be formal, however casual it seemed.
A noise outside his windows caught his attention, as a familiar looking eagle landed in a clatter of wings and feathers into one of his mother’s regularly tended planters.
It could only be Talbott. Crazy bird boy.
He tossed a shirt and some shoes on, and hurried outside to gather his disoriented boy inside. He’d just managed to get inside his bedroom before Talbott returned to his human form. It was a flurry of hushed whispers, and holding each other close, before his sister knocked on his door, passing on a message from the parents wondering if he was ready. He groaned, before a snarky, “Not yet,” led his sister to retort, “You’re taking longer than it took me.” One hastily put together suit for Talbott and possibly setting a land speed record for himself, they were set. Weapons concealed they headed in.
The evening passed in a blur of chatter, good food, and quite a bit of alcohol. He was enjoying the fact that he’d turned seventeen, and could legally partake of some of the drinks, not that had stopped him before now. Skylar was less likely to imbibe as much as him, but even she had her favourites. Even the other guest were slightly less annoying than if Talbott hadn’t decided to come down, and there hadn’t been an open bar. 
Having Talbott there went surprisingly smooth, even if he expected it to go otherwise. His parents, while not wholly thrilled, seemed to accept Talbott with open arms. Skylar seemed thrilled to at least meet him. He wondered if Talbott had received some training, or as really this naturally charming. 
The next day was quiet. The party had lasted a few hours after he, Talbott and Skylar had all been sent off to bed, despite the muted protest of him and his sister. The nearly full moon was also having its impact. Despite that, his sleep wasn’t peaceful, the aches making it difficult.
The next night was the full moon, leading to a small frenzy of activity during the day, as the back room of the house was prepared for his confinement. Older blankets and sheets pulled from the linen cupboard where they were kept, and made into a pseudo-bed on the floor.
It was a rough night, even with the precautions taken. And perhaps because of them. The old shack, while drafty, was roomy. The room, while reasonably warmer, felt cramped and dark. 
Feeling the moon start to wane a number of hours later was a private relief that he’d only admit to himself, even with the magicks his grandfather had worked.
Talbott flew back a couple days later, even as he wished that he would have stayed for the New Year. It wasn’t long after that both he and Skylar were sent back to their respective schools. He was also expected to check in with Madam Pomfrey, which left him snarling. The worst had been bandaged and healed the day after, along with a helping of food and rest.
A stern look from his father left him grumbling to himself, and scowling for the walk outside. He’d be taking another portkey, but to Hogsmeade near the Hog’s Head this time. He felt far too tired still to ask why that hadn’t been what happened before.
It had been a quiet goodbye, and one bumpy portkey trip later, he was back in the cold, white north of Scotland. It was still snowy, and still very cold, and he trudged back to the castle, heading towards the Forbidden Forest before transforming and traveling back that way. The snow and cold permeating his body wasn’t helping, keeping his movements sluggish.
He just managed to transform back, and finding Talbott waiting in the courtyard area. Together, they headed inside, with his grumbling about his father’s orders to visit the infirmary. Talbott made him go as well, if only to check on the state of the newest scars.
Having been poked, prodded, a painful salves applied and two disgusting tasting potions later, Madam Pomfrey released him to go back to the Slytherin common room for more rest.
Back in his dorm, he infinitely glad the holidays were over.
For now.
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classicsicily1 · 3 years
Whether you want to visit cultural or historical places of Italy or experience the most beautiful sights and seascapes of Italy or explore the canals of Venice, Get in touch with Classic Sicily now. We have all the luxury package holidays to Italy at the best prices for you. Our dedicated travel experts will take the time to understand what you want from your Italian tour and will create a personalized itinerary around your wants and needs. Contact our Italy travel specialists now at 347-594-5500 or visit our site now.
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exoticjourneys · 3 years
Make Your Vacations Unwinding and Enjoyable By Choosing Italy Tour Packages
Italy is one of the loveliest tourist attractions in the world. Every year, many tourists visit Italy from across the world. They visit solo, with groups, as couples, and also with families.
Family Italy tour packages are quite reasonable, and you can also personalize them the way you want. With the assistance of these packages, you can visit various places without crossing your budget. Though the group packages are generally less costly, you have to go for a popular travel agency to get the best possible service.
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There are also various places of tourist attractions in the country. The places of tourist interests in Italy are:
1. Rome 2. Venice 3. Tuscany 4. Naples 5. Italian lake District 6. Sicily 7. Milan 8. Vatican 9. Florence 10. Amalfi Coast
How to select the best Italy tour packages
There are various tour companies or travel agencies that offer various types of tour packages, just like Bhutan tour packages.
• You should know about various travel packages and schemes offered by various companies.
• You can visit their websites to gather more information.
• Set your own favored locations and choose all-inclusive details.
How should you plan your tour package?
If you are planning to visit Italy with your family, then include all the places with historical backgrounds, so that your kids learn while vacationing. You can decide to visit serene places with complete tranquility for the elderly people in your family. The tour package that you select should satisfy each of your family members while vacationing in Italy.
The popular Italian cuisines are usually served along with the great wines of the country. Hence, choosing the ideal holiday packages offered by luxury travel advisors is extremely vital while traveling with family members and children, to make the most out of your family time.
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travelinghobby · 3 years
Tui cancels flights to Spain, Malta and Italy
Tui cancels flights to Spain, Malta and Italy
Travel company Tui has cancelled a series of flights and holidays to locations all over the world, due to the “ongoing uncertainty around travel”. The UK’s biggest tour operator will not offer flights to Malta, or Sardinia, Sicily and Calabria in Italy until at least October 31. Package holidays to Almeria and Girona in Spain have also been cancelled until then. Flights and packages to countries…
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floripayoga · 4 months
Enjoy the Best Yoga Retreats and Water Sports in Sicily | Floripa
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We are providing the best yoga teacher training programs, affordable accommodations and lot of water sports like Surfing and Kite surfing. Claim our offer and make your day excited.
We want your stay at Floripa Yoga & Kitesurf House to be exactly what you want it to be. Morning Yoga as the sun comes up, a long lazy breakfast with new friends, a swim in the beautiful sea in front of the house, a post-lunch nap in one of our famous hammocks, and a sunset walk along the beach. Or… non-stop water sports, beers, bbqs and laughs.
Read more: https://www.floripa.it/
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italyluxury · 9 months
Discover the Charm: Family-Friendly Tours in Italy
With its delectable cuisine, rich history, stunning landscapes, and warm culture, Italy is indeed the perfect setting for a family vacation. You don't need to stress over planning your itinerary when you can opt for private family tours in Italy tailored by reputable travel companies. These tours cater to various interests, so whether you're drawn to the beautiful countryside or the allure of famous cities, your dream family vacation in Italy will become a reality.
Planning your trip
Consider your family's interests and the ages of your members when selecting a tour. Look for itineraries that cater to your specific needs. To enhance your experience, consider booking a luxury tour featuring a personal guide, private transport, and luxury accommodation. This approach promises a stress-free journey, avoiding crowded tour buses and public transport, and makes your family vacation in Italy more enjoyable.
Why choose a luxury family holiday?
Luxury family tours in Italy can take you to all the popular destinations while providing an exclusive experience. Even though there are pre-packaged itineraries, they are fully customizable to your preferences.  Private classic tours are ideal for first-timers or repeat visitors during their family vacation in Italy. These tours often visit major cities like Milan, Florence, Venice, Lake Como, Verona, The Dolomites, and Rome. For those interested in fashion and shopping, certain travel companies can arrange exclusive fashion and shopping tours.
Adventurous families might prefer off-the-beaten-path tours to lesser-known regions and unique destinations that aren't typically part of standard tour company itineraries. These can include places like Tuscany, Abruzzo, Umbria, Tigullio, Etruscan towns and villages, Lunigiana, the Jasmine Riviera, and the Dolomites.
For families with older children, consider family tours in Italy focusing on food and wine experiences in regions like Sicily, Tuscany, Veneto, Piedmont, Po Valley, Amalfi Coast, Rome, and Piedmont. The best tours offer personalized experiences, including private cooking classes and exclusive tastings with local experts, sommeliers, and famous chefs. These tours also provide a glimpse into the production of iconic Italian ingredients like olive oil and Parmesan cheese.
Plan your family vacation in Italy today.
Customizing your family vacation in Italy is easy with the help of experienced high-end travel companies like Italy Luxury Tours. As specialists in luxury travel, they offer a wide range of options uniquely suited to fulfill diverse interests and preferences.
To start planning your trip with Italy Luxury Tours, call +1 (855) 539 0045 or make an inquiry on their website.
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italyinsight · 9 months
Indulge in Elegance: Unveiling Italy's Exquisite Luxury Holiday Packages
Lavish Accommodations
One of the hallmarks of a luxury holiday in Italy is the accommodation. Exclusive resorts, historic villas, and five-star hotels abound, offering unparalleled comfort and service. Imagine waking up in a centuries-old villa nestled in the Tuscan countryside or enjoying a panoramic view of the Amalfi Coast from your private cliffside suite. These accommodations not only provide sumptuous surroundings but also showcase the rich cultural heritage and architectural marvels that Italy is celebrated for.
Private Tours and Experiences
Luxury travelers seek more than just sightseeing; they crave immersive experiences. Luxury Holiday Packages in Italy often include private guided tours of renowned landmarks, ensuring an intimate and personalized encounter with the country's treasures. From the Vatican's Sistine Chapel to private tours of the Colosseum in Rome, every moment becomes a privileged and enriching experience. Exclusive wine tastings at renowned vineyards and cooking classes with Michelin-star chefs add an extra layer of sophistication to your journey.
Culinary Delights
Italian cuisine is revered worldwide, and a luxury holiday in Italy takes gastronomic indulgence to new heights. Gourmet dining experiences await, with renowned chefs crafting exquisite meals tailored to your preferences. Whether it's a candlelit dinner overlooking the Grand Canal in Venice or a private chef's table in a historic palazzo, these culinary adventures immerse you in the essence of Italy's gastronomic excellence.
Private Yacht Cruises
Italy's coastal beauty is best explored by sea, and Luxury Ischia Spa and Gourmet Tour Italy often include private yacht charters. Sail along the Amalfi Coast, discovering hidden coves and picturesque villages, or explore the idyllic islands of Sicily and Sardinia in style. Your private crew ensures a seamless and luxurious maritime experience, allowing you to bask in the sun, savor gourmet meals on deck, and anchor in secluded paradises.
Spa Retreats and Wellness
Indulge in rejuvenation and relaxation at Italy's world-class spa resorts. Nestled in serene landscapes, these retreats offer exclusive spa treatments, wellness programs, and yoga sessions to pamper and revitalize your mind, body, and soul. From thermal baths in Tuscany to spa retreats overlooking Lake Como, these experiences seamlessly blend luxury and well-being.
Customized Itineraries
Luxury travel is about personalization, and Italy's bespoke holiday packages cater to individual preferences. Travel concierges curate itineraries that align with your interests, whether it's art, history, or adventure. From arranging exclusive access to closed museums to organizing hot air balloon rides over the Chianti region, every detail is meticulously crafted to ensure an unparalleled experience.
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travelcenter-uk · 5 years
Where to have the Ideal Food Experience in Italy
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All though we’ve gotten hints of what the Italian cuisine brings to the table, in hindsight, it’s agreeable that all the meals pack a punch to your taste buds; with spicy risotto dishes, creamy pasta varieties and of course the worldwide sensation — pizza! But keep in mind that if you’ve never been to Italy then you’ve never really explored or perhaps witness the intricate depth of flavour, some of these dishes bountifully boast. So, in case you have a soft spot for country and plan on visiting in the near future, here’s our guide to where you should head to get a taste you’ll always crave.
1) Tuscany
Tuscany is usually known for the world-renowned artisans, emerald vineyards and quaint country homes, but it is also where every traveller on the quest for deliciously rich meals are rewarded immensely. There’s without a doubt at least a handful of treasured dishes or restaurants that visitors fall in love with. So, if you too have an insatiable appetite for rustic meals like fennel-scented salami, spaghetti and calzones, then make sure your first stop in Italy is Tuscany.
2) Emilia-Romagna
The region of Emilia-Romagna also known as the ‘breadbasket’ of Italy is usually considered the culinary heart of Italy. The region is home to the town of Parma lies and if you haven’t heard about the town then you’re sure to have at least heard about the famous product that originated from the place — Prosciutto di Parma! In this area, you’ll find the world’s best prosciutto, as well as countless other must-try, cured meats, like pancetta, Zampon, coppa and salami.
3) Piedmont
Gnocchi, grilled beef, handmade tajarin noodles, ravioli, fondue and an array of other stuffed pasta are what await you in Piedmont! This region in Italy is well known for preserving authentic, regional cuisines that have produced some of the most traditional dishes of the country’s cuisine. But among the spicy culinary wonders, you’ll come across in this area you’ll also find some of the finest chocolate and gorgonzola all of Italy has to offer.
4) Sicily
After wandering about the northern regions, its a good time for you to head south and that’s where you’ll come across Sicily! Now, the rolling hills are what sheds light on this area to travellers, but upon your arrival, you will also inevitably find some of the best seafood, vegetable and other dishes that have been influenced by the Spanish, Greek, African and Arab flavours. Sicily is also the birthplace of cannoli, so don’t forget to save room for the light creamy dessert that is enhanced by the freshest citrus fruits there are.
5) Veneto
Becoming increasingly popular among tourists, Veneto is much appreciated by almost everyone and for a good reason! The area is sure to be high on your radar if you’re on a search for some of the best culinary adventures your taste buds could go on. Once you witness the region, you’ll soon become enamoured with not only the unlimited variety of risotto but the cheeses, polenta and gelato because in all honesty, if you visited Italy and didn’t try all of the above, did you even visit Italy in the first place?
Now, in case you are planning to visit Italy then don’t forget to check out Travel Center’s range of cheap flight deals, holiday packages and other offers by simply calling us or sending an email, that’s all it takes to start planning your trip to Italy with us.
Read More:- https://blog.travelcenter.uk/where-to-have-the-ideal-food-experience-in-italy/
This Article, Information & Images Source (copyright) :- https://blog.travelcenter.uk
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highspiritbag · 5 years
Best Holiday Destinations For Disabled Travellers
These days there is more awareness about the mental and physical disabilities. These people are visible, important and a part of society. This awareness has made more people to be understanding and want to be more accommodating. Some countries and cities have also taken it a step further by designing their cities and tourist packages to cater to the disabled, so they can equally have a positive experience of their vacation. Other countries and cities are slowly becoming aware and making changes to accommodate disabled travellers.
We cannot deny the fact that a lot more work still needs to be done in order to make the travelling experience better and enjoyable for disabled travellers. For those of you who may be disabled or have friends, family and colleagues that may be disabled. We created a list of the top travel destinations that provide suitable facilities for the disabled. Enjoy!
The top friendly destinations that have great access for the disabled list as follows:
1.   Berlin, Germany
Berlin, the capital of Germany, commits to provide better opportunities for the disabled. The city is barrier-free. That means the city is easily accessible to those who use wheelchairs.
The city provides mobility opportunities to blind and partially sight people as well as the deaf and hard of hearing equally. Berlin has a new accessible building and public transport for the disabled. The city also received the European Commission Access City Award. The hotels, tourist’s places and other events are in access of disabled too. Please be aware that some of the main attractions are not wheelchair friendly.
In terms of flying to Berlin. Please note that wheelchair access is available at Tegel airport or Shönefeld Airport. Alternatively you can take the train to the Berlin Hauptbahnhof (which is has wheelchair access).
2.   National Parks of the United States
National Park services decided to build the Accessibility Task Force in 2012. The plan was developed for five years to increase accessibility throughout the parks.
Moreover, National Park Services provides lifetime free pass to permanent residents with permanent disabilities. Therefore, with pass disabled can get free entrance to 2000 recreation sites as well as a discount on the amenity fees.
The top accessible parks in the list are Congaree National Park and the Rocky Mountain National Park.
3.   Sydney, Australia
Sydney is the topmost disabled-friendly destination. It provides public transportation facilities to the disabled. More than 2000 tactile and Braille Street signs and accessibility map are available for disabled. The map gives information related to searching for accessible restrooms and mobility parking spaces.
The map warns the disabled in case of any barriers and stair inclines. Sydney is working on even more opportunities for the disabled. which is amazing!
4.   Disney World
Disney world is included in top destinations that have great access for the disabled. The park provides a wheelchair, audio descriptions, captioning, and assistive listening rental.
Disney World provides a guide for disabled Guests and offers a Disability Access Service (DAS). The services offer comparable return time for disabled who cannot wait in conventional lines.
 5.   Dublin Ireland
Dublin provides digital information to search for the disabled-friendly places in the city.
The website Mobility MOJO provides current information. The information includes pubs, parks, restaurants, transportation, and other attraction in Dublin and beyond.
Dublin is trying to redesign its old historic buildings so it can make it more accessible for the disabled. However, the city has several accommodations for the disabled. Please note, that there are a lot of cobbled stones and little hills in the city, so you may need assistance or a private tour guide to make the trip more accessible. Overall, the main tourist attractions have very good accessibility.
6.   Hanauma Bay, Hawaii
Hanauma Bay provides fabulous facilities for the disabled. The disabled can relax on the beach on wheelchairs free of cost.
The other facilities like transport buses and tram to are accessible. The special screen in movie theatres is also accessible.
The other accessible destinations for disabled are listed as Pattaya Thailand, LEGOLAND, Loutraki Greece, Sicily Italy, and South Africa, Seattle WA U.S of America.
If you know any more destinations, feel free to leave a comment and share them with us. :-)
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wineanddinosaur · 5 years
33 of the Funniest, Craziest, Most Absurd Viral Drinks Stories of the Year (2019)
Our news feeds can be a worrying, often disheartening landscape, but luckily there’s always booze to lift our spirits — even when there’s no glass or bottle in sight.
From thirsty alligators to bears with immaculate palates, our most popular news stories of the year featured a host of unusual and unsuspected protagonists. The headlines were also dominated by weird and wonderful product releases, and, inevitably, one particular brand of hard seltzer.
Here are VinePair’s 33 most popular booze news stories of 2019.
33. You Can Buy a Villa in This Wine-Producing Sicilian Town For Just $1
A coffee at McDonald’s, one song on iTunes, or a subscription to a monthly razor blade supplier: What exactly is one dollar worth to you? In one wine-producing town on the Italian island of Sicily, it became the price of a home.
32. An Australian Distillery Just Invented Vegemite-Flavored Liqueur
Australia’s Vegemite spread is the epitome of polarizing food products: There are those who hate it, and then there are those, like one Australian distillery, that love it so much, they tried to capture its malty, umami-rich profile in a flavored liqueur.
31. Huge Gin Spill Shuts U.K. Highway for 11 Hours
In September, a huge gin spill caused the closure of a U.K. highway for 11 hours, following a collision between two semi trucks. Emergency services worked through the night to prevent the flammable liquid from igniting, covering it with protective foam.
30. PBR’s 99-Pack is Back and Finally Available in the U.S.
Pabst Blue Ribbon’s (PBR) seven-foot-long 99-pack originally appeared during the 2017 holiday season, but was only available for purchase in Canada. This November, American PBR fans had cause for celebration when the pack became available for a limited time in 15 states.
29. These Pricey Champagne Guns Will Make Your Summer a Blast
Ever found yourself with a spare $100 and an abundance of sparkling wine you’d rather spray on your friends than drink? Nope, neither have we. But apparently this market exists and in February, the “Bubbly Blaster” launched to meet the demand.
28. Pabst Blue Ribbon Whiskey Set to Debut This Summer
In what could someday become the best Boilermaker of all time, Pabst Brewing, makers of the beloved Pabst Blue Ribbon beer (better known to many as PBR), unveiled its own whiskey in March.
27. Bourbon Warehouse Collapses, 4,000 Barrels Lost
During an early-morning thunderstorm in June, the O.Z. Tyler Distillery in Owensboro, Ky., suffered a partial collapse of its rickhouse. Luckily, no one was hurt, but Master Distiller Jacob Call reported that 4,000 barrels of bourbon were affected by the collapse.
26. Texas Gose Mad for Sour Pickle Beer
While some New Yorkers prescribe bourbon and pickle juice as a hangover cure, Texans appear to prefer their brine served with beer. In August, Fort Worth’s Martin House Brewing Co. and Best Maid Pickles collaborated to release a sour beer made with pickle juice.
25. French Laundry Failed Saber Attempt Shows How Not to Open a $2K Nebuchadnezzar
Sabering Champagne is an impressive spectacle, perfect for special occasions like weddings and New Year’s Eve. Unfortunately, as the staff of Napa Valley’s three-Michelin-starred French Laundry restaurant found out, things can go awry when trying to pry the cork off a highly pressurized bottle using an ornamental sword.
24. Pabst Debuts Hard Coffee and Everyone Says It Tastes Like Yoo-hoo
Pabst Brewing debuted (yet another) new product in July: Pabst Hard Coffee. The canned beverage launched with a coffee-and-cream-colored label reading: “the original Pabst Blue Ribbon Hard Iced Coffee with a dash of milk.”
23. Drink Wine and Hike With Llamas at Divine Llama Vineyards
At North Carolina’s Divine Llama Vineyards, which also doubles as a llama farm, visitors were invited to hike the winery’s property in the company of its furry residents before sipping on award-winning wine.
22. This Wine-Loving Couple Turned Their Empty Bottles Into a Backyard Bungalow
Western New York couple Kitty Ulrick and Kevin Worosz came up with an ingenious, artistic use for more than 3,000 empty wine, beer, and liquor bottles: They turned them into a colorful backyard shed.
21. This Luxury Swiss Train Ride Pairs Champagne Dining With Spectacular Views
In March, Switzerland’s Glacier Express introduced luxury “Excellence Class” tickets on its St. Moritz-to-Zermatt route. During the eight-hour train ride, passengers could enjoy a five-course menu complete with paired wines, Champagne, and uninterrupted views of the Alps.
20. This Hotel Will Deliver Puppies and Prosecco to Your Room
The Kimpton Hotel Monaco in Denver, Colo., introduced a sparkling addition to its room service in July: The Puppies + Prosecco Package. The limited-time promotion for National Dog Day enabled guests to order puppies and Prosecco to their rooms.
19. Sleep in a Giant Wine Barrel at This Vineyard in Portugal
This year, the Quinta da Pacheca Estate in Douro, Portugal became one of a number of wineries and distilleries to follow a growing trend for up-cycling large, used oak barrels into bespoke accommodations.
18. Caught on Camera: Bear Steals Pinot Noir Grapes From California Winery
A California bear with impeccable taste was caught on camera stealing Pinot Noir grapes from a Mendocino County vineyard. Located in the Anderson Valley, Navarro Vineyards & Winery filmed the hungry bear using CCTV cameras installed in one of its vineyards.
17. This Man’s Whisky Collection Just Won a Guinness World Record
One man’s impressive 20-year, booze-filled scavenger hunt landed him in the Guinness Book of World Records in November. Viet Nguyen Dinh Tuan, a resident of Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, owns a collection of 535 old and rare Scotch whiskies, valued at £10,770,635 (approximately $13.9 million). It is officially the world’s most valuable whisky collection.
16. Megan Rapinoe Toasts World Cup Win With Champagne Fit for a Grande Dame
During the July ticker-tape parade in New York City, Megan Rapinoe, the star forward for the U.S. women’s soccer team, held the World Cup in one hand and a bottle of La Grande Dame Veuve Clicquot in the other. Broadcast on fellow soccer player Ashlyn Harris’s Instagram story, Rapinoe gloriously held the bottle of Champagne aloft while resting the trophy on her leg, shouting: “I deserve this.”
15. Applebee’s Is Saying ‘Adios’ to Summer With Boozy New $1 Cocktail
To help with the transition from summer to fall, Applebee’s introduced a boozy one-dollar cocktail for the month of September. Featuring five different types of alcohol, the bright-blue blend was a colorful twist on the Long Island Iced Tea and an instant hit among fans of the fast-casual dining chain.
14. Century-Old Wine and Champagne Discovered in Shipwreck Off British Coast
In April, luxury tourism company Cookson Adventures partnered with a team of marine scientists to salvage hundreds of intact bottles of vintage alcohol from a shipwreck off the coast of Britain. Paying members of the public were invited to join them to help recover the haul of century-old Champagne, wine, and brandy.
13. American Cheese Wins Top World Cheese Award for First Time Ever
Described by some as the “Oscars of the cheese world,” the 32nd annual World Cheese Awards took place in Bergamo, Italy in October. For the first time ever, an American cheese claimed top prize in the competition.
12. A Belgian Beer a Day Keeps the Doctor Away? Study Says, Yes
During a December probiotics conference, Eric Claassen, a professor who specializes in microbiology at Amsterdam University, claimed that Belgian beer can be very good for gut health when consumed in moderation.
11. Fully Stocked Beer Fridge ‘From The Heavens’ Found in Flooded Nebraska Field
In March, snow melt and heavy rainfall in Nebraska led to historic flooding. When water levels finally receded, residents started the arduous cleanup operation. Following a full day’s efforts, two Butler County residents spotted something completely out of place in the field they were walking through: a washed-up beer fridge, fully stocked with ice-cold Bud Light and Busch Light.
10. Unicorn-Themed Beer Brewed With Fruity Pebbles and Glitter Sounds Magical
What do you get when you mix sour beer, glitter, unicorns, and Fruity Pebbles? An absurdly named, limited-release sour ale from Baltimore’s DuClaw Brewing.
9. 113-Year-Old Beers Found in Brewery Construction Site
In February, workers on a construction site in Viborg, Denmark uncovered an unexpected treasure: a crate of beer hidden beneath the floorboards more than 100 years ago.
8. Drinking Champagne Is Key to Living a Long Life, Says 108-Year-Old Woman
Dorothy Flowers, a resident at the Southlands Care Home, in Harrogate, England celebrated her 108th birthday this October. The secret to her exceptionally long life? Drinking Champagne, apparently.
7. Namaste, Jerks: New ‘Rage Yoga’ Combines Beer and Cursing
In February, a viral new form of yoga made national headlines. Much like traditional yoga, Rage Yoga combined breathing, stretching, and holding different postures. But the angry spin-off cranked up the attitude, encouraging participants to “scream it all out,” and let go of their inner rage in between ice-cold beer breaks.
6. U.S. to Impose New 25 Percent Tariffs on European Cheese, Wine, and Spirits
In October, the Trump Administration announced the U.S. was going to impose new tariffs on European goods in an attempt to recoup losses sustained by American-based plane manufacturer Boeing.
In addition to the 10 percent tariff on European aircraft, a list provided by the Office of the United States Trade Representative showed that a variety of European foods and drinks would soon be hit with a 25 percent tax as well.
5. World’s Best Movie Theater Lets You Bring Your Dog and Has Bottomless Wine
Located in Pano, Texas, K9 Cinemas went viral this May after news emerged that the theater was allowing dog lovers to watch movies on the big screen in the company of their four-legged friends. As if that wasn’t enough, K9’s standard admission price of $15 also included bottomless wine or four glasses of whiskey.
4. Florida Alligator Raids Woman’s Wine Cabinet
In May, an alligator smashed through the first-floor window of a Florida home and went right for the wine cabinet. Mary Wischhusen, the homeowner, heard a loud crash coming from downstairs around 3:30 a.m. She rushed to the scene and, to her dismay, found the giant reptile surrounded by bottles.
3. Kentucky Now Has More Barrels of Bourbon Than People
On Oct. 30, the Kentucky Distillers’ Association (KDA) announced that the number of barrels aging bourbon in the state had officially overtaken its number of residents.
2. This Brewery’s Cans Double as Shelter Dog Adoption Flyers
A North Dakota brewery helped local pups find their forever homes in November by featuring their faces on the front of its beer cans. Partnering with the rescue organization 4 Luv of Dog Rescue, Fargo Brewing Company included the dogs’ mugs on cans to help those harder-to-adopt pups get noticed.
1. Texas Fraternity Purchases $7,500 Worth of White Claw
White Claw may have confirmed a national shortage in September, but that didn’t stop one fraternity from reportedly buying $7,500 worth of the hard seltzer. At the H-E-B supermarket in Austin, Texas, employee Aaliyah Trevino posted a photo on Twitter of the frat’s three-palate haul — quite possibly the largest private White Claw purchase of the year.
The article 33 of the Funniest, Craziest, Most Absurd Viral Drinks Stories of the Year (2019) appeared first on VinePair.
source https://vinepair.com/articles/33-times-you-wont-believe-what-happened-next-2019/
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johnboothus · 5 years
33 of the Funniest Craziest Most Absurd Viral Drinks Stories of the Year (2019)
Our news feeds can be a worrying, often disheartening landscape, but luckily there’s always booze to lift our spirits — even when there’s no glass or bottle in sight.
From thirsty alligators to bears with immaculate palates, our most popular news stories of the year featured a host of unusual and unsuspected protagonists. The headlines were also dominated by weird and wonderful product releases, and, inevitably, one particular brand of hard seltzer.
Here are VinePair’s 33 most popular booze news stories of 2019.
33. You Can Buy a Villa in This Wine-Producing Sicilian Town For Just $1
A coffee at McDonald’s, one song on iTunes, or a subscription to a monthly razor blade supplier: What exactly is one dollar worth to you? In one wine-producing town on the Italian island of Sicily, it became the price of a home.
32. An Australian Distillery Just Invented Vegemite-Flavored Liqueur
Australia’s Vegemite spread is the epitome of polarizing food products: There are those who hate it, and then there are those, like one Australian distillery, that love it so much, they tried to capture its malty, umami-rich profile in a flavored liqueur.
31. Huge Gin Spill Shuts U.K. Highway for 11 Hours
In September, a huge gin spill caused the closure of a U.K. highway for 11 hours, following a collision between two semi trucks. Emergency services worked through the night to prevent the flammable liquid from igniting, covering it with protective foam.
30. PBR’s 99-Pack is Back and Finally Available in the U.S.
Pabst Blue Ribbon’s (PBR) seven-foot-long 99-pack originally appeared during the 2017 holiday season, but was only available for purchase in Canada. This November, American PBR fans had cause for celebration when the pack became available for a limited time in 15 states.
29. These Pricey Champagne Guns Will Make Your Summer a Blast
Ever found yourself with a spare $100 and an abundance of sparkling wine you’d rather spray on your friends than drink? Nope, neither have we. But apparently this market exists and in February, the “Bubbly Blaster” launched to meet the demand.
28. Pabst Blue Ribbon Whiskey Set to Debut This Summer
In what could someday become the best Boilermaker of all time, Pabst Brewing, makers of the beloved Pabst Blue Ribbon beer (better known to many as PBR), unveiled its own whiskey in March.
27. Bourbon Warehouse Collapses, 4,000 Barrels Lost
During an early-morning thunderstorm in June, the O.Z. Tyler Distillery in Owensboro, Ky., suffered a partial collapse of its rickhouse. Luckily, no one was hurt, but Master Distiller Jacob Call reported that 4,000 barrels of bourbon were affected by the collapse.
26. Texas Gose Mad for Sour Pickle Beer
While some New Yorkers prescribe bourbon and pickle juice as a hangover cure, Texans appear to prefer their brine served with beer. In August, Fort Worth’s Martin House Brewing Co. and Best Maid Pickles collaborated to release a sour beer made with pickle juice.
25. French Laundry Failed Saber Attempt Shows How Not to Open a $2K Nebuchadnezzar
Sabering Champagne is an impressive spectacle, perfect for special occasions like weddings and New Year’s Eve. Unfortunately, as the staff of Napa Valley’s three-Michelin-starred French Laundry restaurant found out, things can go awry when trying to pry the cork off a highly pressurized bottle using an ornamental sword.
24. Pabst Debuts Hard Coffee and Everyone Says It Tastes Like Yoo-hoo
Pabst Brewing debuted (yet another) new product in July: Pabst Hard Coffee. The canned beverage launched with a coffee-and-cream-colored label reading: “the original Pabst Blue Ribbon Hard Iced Coffee with a dash of milk.”
23. Drink Wine and Hike With Llamas at Divine Llama Vineyards
At North Carolina’s Divine Llama Vineyards, which also doubles as a llama farm, visitors were invited to hike the winery’s property in the company of its furry residents before sipping on award-winning wine.
22. This Wine-Loving Couple Turned Their Empty Bottles Into a Backyard Bungalow
Western New York couple Kitty Ulrick and Kevin Worosz came up with an ingenious, artistic use for more than 3,000 empty wine, beer, and liquor bottles: They turned them into a colorful backyard shed.
21. This Luxury Swiss Train Ride Pairs Champagne Dining With Spectacular Views
In March, Switzerland’s Glacier Express introduced luxury “Excellence Class” tickets on its St. Moritz-to-Zermatt route. During the eight-hour train ride, passengers could enjoy a five-course menu complete with paired wines, Champagne, and uninterrupted views of the Alps.
20. This Hotel Will Deliver Puppies and Prosecco to Your Room
The Kimpton Hotel Monaco in Denver, Colo., introduced a sparkling addition to its room service in July: The Puppies + Prosecco Package. The limited-time promotion for National Dog Day enabled guests to order puppies and Prosecco to their rooms.
19. Sleep in a Giant Wine Barrel at This Vineyard in Portugal
This year, the Quinta da Pacheca Estate in Douro, Portugal became one of a number of wineries and distilleries to follow a growing trend for up-cycling large, used oak barrels into bespoke accommodations.
18. Caught on Camera: Bear Steals Pinot Noir Grapes From California Winery
A California bear with impeccable taste was caught on camera stealing Pinot Noir grapes from a Mendocino County vineyard. Located in the Anderson Valley, Navarro Vineyards & Winery filmed the hungry bear using CCTV cameras installed in one of its vineyards.
17. This Man’s Whisky Collection Just Won a Guinness World Record
One man’s impressive 20-year, booze-filled scavenger hunt landed him in the Guinness Book of World Records in November. Viet Nguyen Dinh Tuan, a resident of Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, owns a collection of 535 old and rare Scotch whiskies, valued at £10,770,635 (approximately $13.9 million). It is officially the world’s most valuable whisky collection.
16. Megan Rapinoe Toasts World Cup Win With Champagne Fit for a Grande Dame
During the July ticker-tape parade in New York City, Megan Rapinoe, the star forward for the U.S. women’s soccer team, held the World Cup in one hand and a bottle of La Grande Dame Veuve Clicquot in the other. Broadcast on fellow soccer player Ashlyn Harris’s Instagram story, Rapinoe gloriously held the bottle of Champagne aloft while resting the trophy on her leg, shouting: “I deserve this.”
15. Applebee’s Is Saying ‘Adios’ to Summer With Boozy New $1 Cocktail
To help with the transition from summer to fall, Applebee’s introduced a boozy one-dollar cocktail for the month of September. Featuring five different types of alcohol, the bright-blue blend was a colorful twist on the Long Island Iced Tea and an instant hit among fans of the fast-casual dining chain.
14. Century-Old Wine and Champagne Discovered in Shipwreck Off British Coast
In April, luxury tourism company Cookson Adventures partnered with a team of marine scientists to salvage hundreds of intact bottles of vintage alcohol from a shipwreck off the coast of Britain. Paying members of the public were invited to join them to help recover the haul of century-old Champagne, wine, and brandy.
13. American Cheese Wins Top World Cheese Award for First Time Ever
Described by some as the “Oscars of the cheese world,” the 32nd annual World Cheese Awards took place in Bergamo, Italy in October. For the first time ever, an American cheese claimed top prize in the competition.
12. A Belgian Beer a Day Keeps the Doctor Away? Study Says, Yes
During a December probiotics conference, Eric Claassen, a professor who specializes in microbiology at Amsterdam University, claimed that Belgian beer can be very good for gut health when consumed in moderation.
11. Fully Stocked Beer Fridge ‘From The Heavens’ Found in Flooded Nebraska Field
In March, snow melt and heavy rainfall in Nebraska led to historic flooding. When water levels finally receded, residents started the arduous cleanup operation. Following a full day’s efforts, two Butler County residents spotted something completely out of place in the field they were walking through: a washed-up beer fridge, fully stocked with ice-cold Bud Light and Busch Light.
10. Unicorn-Themed Beer Brewed With Fruity Pebbles and Glitter Sounds Magical
What do you get when you mix sour beer, glitter, unicorns, and Fruity Pebbles? An absurdly named, limited-release sour ale from Baltimore’s DuClaw Brewing.
9. 113-Year-Old Beers Found in Brewery Construction Site
In February, workers on a construction site in Viborg, Denmark uncovered an unexpected treasure: a crate of beer hidden beneath the floorboards more than 100 years ago.
8. Drinking Champagne Is Key to Living a Long Life, Says 108-Year-Old Woman
Dorothy Flowers, a resident at the Southlands Care Home, in Harrogate, England celebrated her 108th birthday this October. The secret to her exceptionally long life? Drinking Champagne, apparently.
7. Namaste, Jerks: New ‘Rage Yoga’ Combines Beer and Cursing
In February, a viral new form of yoga made national headlines. Much like traditional yoga, Rage Yoga combined breathing, stretching, and holding different postures. But the angry spin-off cranked up the attitude, encouraging participants to “scream it all out,” and let go of their inner rage in between ice-cold beer breaks.
6. U.S. to Impose New 25 Percent Tariffs on European Cheese, Wine, and Spirits
In October, the Trump Administration announced the U.S. was going to impose new tariffs on European goods in an attempt to recoup losses sustained by American-based plane manufacturer Boeing.
In addition to the 10 percent tariff on European aircraft, a list provided by the Office of the United States Trade Representative showed that a variety of European foods and drinks would soon be hit with a 25 percent tax as well.
5. World’s Best Movie Theater Lets You Bring Your Dog and Has Bottomless Wine
Located in Pano, Texas, K9 Cinemas went viral this May after news emerged that the theater was allowing dog lovers to watch movies on the big screen in the company of their four-legged friends. As if that wasn’t enough, K9’s standard admission price of $15 also included bottomless wine or four glasses of whiskey.
4. Florida Alligator Raids Woman’s Wine Cabinet
In May, an alligator smashed through the first-floor window of a Florida home and went right for the wine cabinet. Mary Wischhusen, the homeowner, heard a loud crash coming from downstairs around 3:30 a.m. She rushed to the scene and, to her dismay, found the giant reptile surrounded by bottles.
3. Kentucky Now Has More Barrels of Bourbon Than People
On Oct. 30, the Kentucky Distillers’ Association (KDA) announced that the number of barrels aging bourbon in the state had officially overtaken its number of residents.
2. This Brewery’s Cans Double as Shelter Dog Adoption Flyers
A North Dakota brewery helped local pups find their forever homes in November by featuring their faces on the front of its beer cans. Partnering with the rescue organization 4 Luv of Dog Rescue, Fargo Brewing Company included the dogs’ mugs on cans to help those harder-to-adopt pups get noticed.
1. Texas Fraternity Purchases $7,500 Worth of White Claw
White Claw may have confirmed a national shortage in September, but that didn’t stop one fraternity from reportedly buying $7,500 worth of the hard seltzer. At the H-E-B supermarket in Austin, Texas, employee Aaliyah Trevino posted a photo on Twitter of the frat’s three-palate haul — quite possibly the largest private White Claw purchase of the year.
The article 33 of the Funniest, Craziest, Most Absurd Viral Drinks Stories of the Year (2019) appeared first on VinePair.
Via https://vinepair.com/articles/33-times-you-wont-believe-what-happened-next-2019/
source https://vinology1.weebly.com/blog/33-of-the-funniest-craziest-most-absurd-viral-drinks-stories-of-the-year-2019
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floripayoga · 4 months
Spend Your Day With Beach Vacation | Floripa
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Floripa, have a perfect day. To ensure a peaceful and beautiful day, rise early, enjoy the sunrise, and take an easy walk down the beach.
For those who love being in shape, the beach is also perfect for jogging. Sometimes we also teach our yoga classes at the beach. You have to know that Santa Maria del Focallo beach is really peculiar because it has both soft and hard sand, so it’s ideal both for jogging while wearing sneakers, and for barefoot walks. Everything is perfect for you to enjoy this spectacle of nature !
Read more: https://www.floripa.it/a-day-at-floripa/
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