#holla to romy for that spice Dang
leoswritingcorner · 2 years
SW October Prompts Day 6: Senator
ft cool sexy funky fresh senators lucky, patience and betty
R3TT’s mechanical growls alert Lucky to the presence at her door before there's a reluctant knock. R3TT lets out a short bark, quieting at Lucky’s hush. The GV/3 droid makes a whirl that sounds something akin to a huff, as it circles and lays down. 
Shaking her head, Lucky looks back to datapad, her eyes picking up where she has left off with her newly drafted bill. It only needed just a few more final touches before today’s meeting in the evening. R3TT growls again when another knock comes, this time, more persistent. “Yes?” Lucky calls, typing the necessary changes to the bill. 
“Senator Day,” Comes the voice of one of the senate guards. “The meeting…”
Lucky takes a quick glance at her clock, worrying for a moment she had let the time slip away from her. Relief fills her when she sees she still has two solid hours to go. “Isn’t for a while,” Lucky says, setting the datapad down, and rolling her shoulders. How long has she been working on this exactly? She looks at the several empty cups of caf and tea that are littered across her desk, and then at the blanket splayed over the couch in her office. 
That’s right, since yesterday, with three hours of sleep to balance it all.
“No, Senator,” The guard says impatiently. “It’s been moved up,”
Lucky’s fingers freeze mid-typing. Her green eyes shoot to the door. “I…the- the meeting…” she gets out, fumbling over her words. A stark contrast to her verbal fluidity in the Senate Rotunda. “It’s what?” She finally gets out, standing to her feet quickly.
“The meeting has been moved up, it’s in 15 minutes. Anyone who is tardy will have to present their bills next week”
Lucky is sure her blue skin has gone red. “What?” She gets out again, this time anger lining her voice rather than shock. “This is clearly harassment,” She snaps to herself, snatching up her items. None of her advisors were here yet. All believed the meeting would be later. If she didn’t present her bill, she wouldn’t get the chance till next week. She couldn’t afford that. Someone was pulling strings in the Senate. Again.
“Should I escort you?” The guard calls. Lucky doesn’t answer and makes a desperate search for her headpiece. She’s thankful she took a trip to the refresher and showered just hours before and got dressed. Yes, it always helped to be prepared. Especially with snakes in the Senate.
The charms of her headpiece chime as she dashes for the door, her dress swirling behind her. The guard looks at her as the door slides open, and the Pantoran senator all but storms out.
“I’ll be fine.” Lucky finally responds, shuffling her items around in her arms, making a mental inventory of everything. “Where are the Coruscant Guards?” She asks, heading down the corridor, glancing around, noticing the absence of the red armored troopers.
The senate guard snorts, following her at a distance. “Patrolling,” He says “don’t worry Senator Day, your Corrie clone will be happy to escort you back later,” 
Lucky ignores him, the mocking tone in his voice agitating her nerves more than they were already. She pushes her feet to walk faster toward the designated entrance to her repulsorpod. Her eyes drift back to the datapad in her hands, and for a brief moment, the confidence she had in her work abate. Lucky quickly pushes the doubt away with a shake of her head. Well…maybe she could make a slight change to article 3, section 5…
A startled gasp leaves Lucky as rounds the corner and nearly meets head-on with Senator Patience. Lucky fumbles in catching the paper notes she had tucked in her arm. Patience catches the falling items, and Lucky sighs. “Oh, Senator Patience, thank you.” She says, taking the papers back. “I’m guessing you got the news of our early meeting late as well?” She asks, smoothing out her dress.
Patience makes an unimpressed sound. “Corruption in the senate rears its ugly head once more,” She states with a roll of her eyes. “Obviously a last-ditch attempt on the Trade Federation’s part to keep this war waging for as long as it can,” She points out, pulling her own datapad into her hands.
 Despite her displeasure with how the day was turning, Lucky couldn’t help but smile at Patience’s words. She had always admired the Europa senator. Her speeches were always so moving and inspiring, always taking into consideration not just the Republic, but its people.
The young women turn to see Patience's advisor Betty making a brisk beeline for them, pointing to a chronometer on her wrist. “We only have five more minutes,” She warns quickly. “Senator Day,” She greets politely, before taking Patience by the arm and whisking her off down the hall. Her blonde head whips back as she calls back. “Love the dress. Knock them out, Lucky!”
Lucky takes a deep breath, entering through the doors to her repulsorpod. Oh, she intended to.
If at all possible, Lucky’s mood has gone from bad to worse. Her legs ached from the countless hours of standing and pacing, and her throat was raw from her speech, and though she was met with booming agreement from her fellow senators, her bill was ultimately placed on the back burner. 
The chancellor had made the suggestion to strengthen it and present it in the next senate meeting. She knew she could have made that change to article 3, section 5…
A ping from her datapad catches her attention. A chat from Patience waits for her on the screen
Patience: I thought you were wonderful. Your bill should have passed. They don’t see this war for what it is, only as a means to make money.
A rueful smile comes to Lucky as she types a hasty reply. 
Lucky: Thank you. But if the chancellor wants a stronger bill. A stronger bill he’ll get. Wait till he and the senate see my new one. Something in regard to sentience and rights for some men who are a big part of this war.
Patience: Lucky Day, I must warn you, that will certainly upset some folks here. It may cause quite a scandal, too. Mind if I draft that up with you?
Lucky bites her lip and holds back a laugh, not even paying mind to the Chancellor’s closing speech.
Betty beams at them both, clapping her hands in applause. “You both were absolutely wonderful out there today.” She compliments Patience and Lucky as they wander back out to the hallways. “We should go out to dinner and celebrate,” She offers, walking between them. 
“Celebrate our bills being practically rejected?” Patience asks, her brows rising in humor. Betty scoffs, waving a hand.
“Obviously, they scared someone enough they had to pull this stunt and see to it the voting was swayed.” Betty concurs with verity. Lucky and Patience share a look and smile. That was certainly one way of looking at it.
“I’ll have to pass, I have some more work to wrap up.” Patience declines with a shake of her head, stopping before her office. “Betty, why don’t you head home for Europa? I know it’s been a week that you’ve been here to help me to prepare.” 
Lucky wishes she could go home to Pantora, for a moment she visualizes her family’s ranch and the wide marshlands. She sighs and nods. “I have work to do as well,” She says. Betty’s shoulders drop slightly but she nods.
“Next time, then we’ll actually celebrate because the bills will pass,” Betty says with a smile. The three give their farewells and hugs before parting ways.
The Senate can be so serene after dark, where the calamity of the day has ended and the countless have gone home. But sometimes, the shadows could play tricks. Lucky barely makes it down the hallway before leaning against the wall and tugging off her heels. A wisp in the shadows makes her squeak and freeze. Her wide eyes follow the moving silhouette as he heads toward Patience’s office. Leaning back, she spies the tall and strong form of a young man, his features become more apparent as the door to the office swishes open. It’s hard to mistake his clothing and robes for a Jedi’s. There are a few hushed words before he slips into Patience’s office. Lucky stands there wide-eyed, her hand flying to her mouth. Well, then. This was something entirely different for another day. Should Patience ever wish to speak about it.
When Lucky finally makes it to her office, R3TT is there to greet her with a happy mechanical bark. Lucky looks around the room, the flashing lights of Courscant's night life reflecting in. She wanders over to her desk, linking up her datapad to the computer. 
“Well, R3TT…” She sighs. R3TT lifts its head to her questioningly.  “It’s back to work,” She says, lacing her fingers, and cracking her knuckles. 
Another long night.
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