#holly's name change here is a reference to the super cool Hollyfawn AU MAP on YouTube
Trans female lionblaze x heathertail hypokits?
Warriors Ship Hypokits- MTF!LionxHeather Edition
In this AU, Lionpaw realizes she's trans pretty early on and comes out to her supportive family. She is offered a name change, but refuses because Lionesspaw is a bit of a mouthful. She and Heatherpaw meet in the tunnels and they never grow out of their feelings for each other as they age and keep meeting each other in secret even after the Tunnel Drama with Gorsetail's half-clan kits happens. Soon after Lionblossom and Jayflight become Warriors and Hollyfawn becomes a Medicine Cat, ThunderClan catches fire and Ashfur attacks them and Squirrelflight. Being trapped in an ocean of fire cornered by her abusive former mentor triggers a fit of fight-or-flight that results in Lionblossom flinging Ashfur to his death in the flames to save herself and her family. Lionblossom is horrified by her own actions and flees. She ends up in WindClan and Heathertail forces her father to take in her girlfriend. When the truth about the Three is revealed, Onestar tries to banish Lionblossom and Crowfeather, but while Crowfeather willingly leaves Heathertail tells her father that if Lionblossom goes she goes and so Onestar reluctantly backs down once again. After the Great Battle, the two officially become mates and have four kits together.
Litter 1:
Squirreljump- ginger molly with amber eyes. Cis molly, bisexual. Named after Squirrelflight. Squirreljump is a strange and eccentric cat. As a young kit, she disappeared for an entire day and was finally found high up in a tree. When her panicking mothers asked her what she thought she was doing, she only innocently smiled and said “I just jumped up”. Despite her strange and bizarre behavior being somewhat frightening to others, she means well and sees this as just having fun. Her behavior can also be an asset at times, catching would be attackers off guard and unsettling them. She is a Scout.
Darkleaf- black molly with bright yellow eyes. Cis molly, lesbian. Named after DarkClan, the imaginary Clan created by her mothers when they first met in the tunnels, and Leafpool. Darkleaf is a noisy and harsh cat who isn't here to make friends, only to prove herself the toughest Warrior WindClan has ever seen. She enjoys trash-talking others and is kind of a bully. She leaves WindClan and joins The Kin when they arrive at the lake, but once she sees the error of her ways and tries to escape, she would be killed. In death, she would try her best to make up for how awful she was in life. She was a Hunter.
Litter 2:
Fawnpelt- light brown molly with slightly darker spots and green eyes. Cis molly, aromantic asexual. Named after Hollyfawn. Fawnpelt isn't the brightest cat but she tries her best to follow orders and be the best Warrior she can possibly be. She prefers an “organized chaos” style of living because she has a hard time keeping things neat. She and her littermate sister Jayantler are constantly bickering with each other due to their rather extreme opposite personalities. Her favorite sister is her big sister Squirreljump, and the two often run around together goofing off and having fun. She is a Scout
Jayantler- pale gray molly with golden eyes. Trans molly, pansexual. Named after Jayflight. Despite being the youngest of the kits, Jayantler tries her best to keep all her sisters in line and stop them from getting in too much trouble. She is very serious (too much so at times) and prefers everything around her to be neat and tidy. As such her sisters’ antics drive her to near insanity as she tries to fix the messes they create. After the death of Darkleaf, she starts learning to accept her sisters as they are, messes and squabbles and all. She is a Tactician. 
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