#lionblaze x heathertail
Trans female lionblaze x heathertail hypokits?
Warriors Ship Hypokits- MTF!LionxHeather Edition
In this AU, Lionpaw realizes she's trans pretty early on and comes out to her supportive family. She is offered a name change, but refuses because Lionesspaw is a bit of a mouthful. She and Heatherpaw meet in the tunnels and they never grow out of their feelings for each other as they age and keep meeting each other in secret even after the Tunnel Drama with Gorsetail's half-clan kits happens. Soon after Lionblossom and Jayflight become Warriors and Hollyfawn becomes a Medicine Cat, ThunderClan catches fire and Ashfur attacks them and Squirrelflight. Being trapped in an ocean of fire cornered by her abusive former mentor triggers a fit of fight-or-flight that results in Lionblossom flinging Ashfur to his death in the flames to save herself and her family. Lionblossom is horrified by her own actions and flees. She ends up in WindClan and Heathertail forces her father to take in her girlfriend. When the truth about the Three is revealed, Onestar tries to banish Lionblossom and Crowfeather, but while Crowfeather willingly leaves Heathertail tells her father that if Lionblossom goes she goes and so Onestar reluctantly backs down once again. After the Great Battle, the two officially become mates and have four kits together.
Litter 1:
Squirreljump- ginger molly with amber eyes. Cis molly, bisexual. Named after Squirrelflight. Squirreljump is a strange and eccentric cat. As a young kit, she disappeared for an entire day and was finally found high up in a tree. When her panicking mothers asked her what she thought she was doing, she only innocently smiled and said “I just jumped up”. Despite her strange and bizarre behavior being somewhat frightening to others, she means well and sees this as just having fun. Her behavior can also be an asset at times, catching would be attackers off guard and unsettling them. She is a Scout.
Darkleaf- black molly with bright yellow eyes. Cis molly, lesbian. Named after DarkClan, the imaginary Clan created by her mothers when they first met in the tunnels, and Leafpool. Darkleaf is a noisy and harsh cat who isn't here to make friends, only to prove herself the toughest Warrior WindClan has ever seen. She enjoys trash-talking others and is kind of a bully. She leaves WindClan and joins The Kin when they arrive at the lake, but once she sees the error of her ways and tries to escape, she would be killed. In death, she would try her best to make up for how awful she was in life. She was a Hunter.
Litter 2:
Fawnpelt- light brown molly with slightly darker spots and green eyes. Cis molly, aromantic asexual. Named after Hollyfawn. Fawnpelt isn't the brightest cat but she tries her best to follow orders and be the best Warrior she can possibly be. She prefers an “organized chaos” style of living because she has a hard time keeping things neat. She and her littermate sister Jayantler are constantly bickering with each other due to their rather extreme opposite personalities. Her favorite sister is her big sister Squirreljump, and the two often run around together goofing off and having fun. She is a Scout
Jayantler- pale gray molly with golden eyes. Trans molly, pansexual. Named after Jayflight. Despite being the youngest of the kits, Jayantler tries her best to keep all her sisters in line and stop them from getting in too much trouble. She is very serious (too much so at times) and prefers everything around her to be neat and tidy. As such her sisters’ antics drive her to near insanity as she tries to fix the messes they create. After the death of Darkleaf, she starts learning to accept her sisters as they are, messes and squabbles and all. She is a Tactician. 
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goodomensofthestars · 6 months
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i might make a full comic but im just planning stuff right now 💪 they take up my waking mind and sleeping mind (the whole thing)
ignore how wisteria is missing his leaves sometimes - it was a recent design choice that my older drawings don’t have lol
(and just to make this very clear, i’m getting rid of whatever weird will-they-won’t-they holly had with fallen leaves. he acts only as a mentor for holly in this version. holly gets a girlfriend but that’s not really relevant to the story)
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bonefall · 2 years
I've gotta know, where does Heathertail fall into the rewrite? She's one of my favorite side characters, I find it so funny she was friends with Lionblaze and then went to date his messed up half brother. She feels like an 'I can fix him' kind of girl and I love that for her. Also, obviously, the drama she could have had about Darktail and Onestar, which could have been very interesting family drama. And, speaking of that, Whitetail isn't Onestat's apprentice anymore, right? If she's even still Heathertail's mother.
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[ID: Halfbody sketch of Heathertail from Warrior Cats. She has a long face, purple eyes, and one long whisker. She's a pale ginger with sandy ears, muzzle, and legs with brown stripes. She's glaring at something off-screen.]
Heather has a VERY expanded role in this rewrite. I'm VERY normal about kids with complicated relationships to their dads.
She's a bit of a rebel, but not completely disloyal either. She marches to the beat of her own drum, but stays in-tune with the band, y'know?
If she feels like she's got a good reason for doing something you can't stop her.
Heathertail's Clanmew name is Wishswash-- "Bell Heather Tail".
Contrast to Heatherstar's Clanmew name, Ssinbshai-- "Common Heather Tail"
Onestar's new reduxed parentage is Cloudrunner x Larksplash.
He was named Onekit because he is the only survivor of his birth. His siblings were stillborn and his mother died in the process. It's a hard word to translate; "Ul-arra" means One, but also a whole fraction, and loneliness.
I like the idea that Heathertail looks ginger in some lights, especially as she grows older and her pelt brightens. Like Firestar, or Brushblaze is flashing through her, somehow. A haunting for Onestar.
Onestar's apprentice was Runningbrook, who traumatically dies young in TNP.
Whitetail was not Onestar's apprentice nor was she even his mate; Heathertail was the result of an Honor Siring.
Whitetail wanted kittens and decided to ask the leader of the Clan. Onestar requested co-parenting.
There was no Galekit, Heathertail was from a single-kit litter.
(because im saving galekit for someone else's litter)
Heatherpaw in Po3
Since Bonefall Po3 is episodic and worldbuilding-focused, Heatherpaw is able to feature in a bunch of individual conflicts
She is meeting HOLLY in the tunnels this time around, not Lion
They catch feelings for each other, but Heather isn't as ready to ride as Holly is.
Pressure from her father as tensions between Thunder and Wind grow, Holly's growing investment in their relationship, and eventually the kittens getting lost following her, Heather breaks it off and stops seeing Holly.
When Sedge reveals the secret tunnels to Onestar, Heather was EXTREMELY uncomfortable that One immediately started planning to use it to attack ThunderClan
he was one of Breezepaw's friends who joined him on his dog-patrol, and feels bad he got in the most trouble when they were all part of the bad idea
She starts to develop a growing resentment for her father. He's unfair, he wants conflict when there doesn't need to be any, it's upsetting.
She does NOT join the Dark Forest though. She IS approached, but knows right away that this is bad news
Breezepelt's growing radicalization along with her old friends is concerning, but she doesn't know what to do without snitching
Yeah this is bad, but IMAGINE telling dad about this and seeing him do something drastic. She doesn't trust either side.
Onestar's not always the worst but she also doesn't feel like he reliably makes good choices.
Unlike canon, she is not a Breezepelt Stan after OotS. She doesn't trust him, for good reason. However, she is more sympathetic to his conspirators. Especially Sunstrike, who was so badly wounded in the battle that exiling her could have been a death sentence.
Heathertail in AVoS
She is a main character in AVoS this time around.
Her narrative use is to be the inside voice of WindClan. She's there to see how Onestar grows increasingly paranoid, and to point out his cruelty as he refuses to aid ShadowClan, and how this eventually leads to Darktail assuming control of it.
This is important because The Kin starts as a small problem. The point here is that the fall of ShadowClan could have been avoided if pigheaded Clan isolationism hadn't gotten in the way.
This directly leads to the Law of the Lake at the end of this arc-- that all Clans have a responsibility to preserve the others.
But, back to the story
The first members of WindClan who join the Kin are Known Halfclans and Dark Forest trainees. Cats who feel ostracized. Breezepelt is the very first, Sedgewhisker probably joins next.
(Adding a bit of depth to Sedge by saying that Gorsetail fumbled her secret and spilled the beans about Beechfur)
That causes the treatment of the deputy Harespring, the elder Sunstrike, and her mate Furzepelt to get worse, though they keep trying to prove their loyalty at first.
ONESTAR is not the one who makes his confession. Darktail pushes him and pushes him, trying to goad him into admitting it, finally revealing his pedigree after a point I haven't worked out yet.
And it's at this point he recruits Heathertail directly.
Heathertail joins The Kin, wanting to know more, and to hear out the other side of her father's legacy
Unfortunately, this was a trap. Darktail wants to hurt Onestar and the minute he feels Heathertail 'betrays' him in some way, she's in the same boat
She rekindles her friendship with Breezepelt in the meanwhile
Dark keeps Heather around for a while until some minor infraction pops up, and he uses this to execute her and a bunch of others (probably talking to cats outside of The Kin, maybe even Onestar himself and Darktail says this is spying)
And this becomes the moment where Breezepelt makes his dramatic turn.
"Execution? But, you said... you said you only wanted to show her the truth, not hurt her??"
"This is our truth. Breezepelt, you understand it better than anyone-- you want to bring the same pain to your own father as I'm about to do to my treacherous blood-kin."
Breeze has a moment here, realizing that he DOESN'T want to be Darktail and Heathertail doesn't deserve this
He has more to work through but right now those are the two major things
Heathertail escapes with several others including Breezepelt, back to WindClan.
After this, she's a huge proponent for SkyClan's inclusion at the lake. She is probably a major reason why the Law of the Lake is passed, cutting through general fear and xenophobia to remind everyone that The Kin never would have gotten as big as it did if the Clans had not allowed ShadowClan to falter.
The Clans need some good peppering of characters who make reasonable, diplomatic arbiters who are good at public speaking. That's how I'm seeing Heather.
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starclanstims · 10 months
Could I get a lionblaze and heathertail stimboard with themes of friendship and caves/forests?
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lionblaze and heathertail stimboard with friendship, cave, and forest themes requested by: anon
sure! i wasn't sure what to do for friendship, so i went with cozy hugs and handholding ^^ hope you enjoy!
credit: x | x | x x | x | x x | x | x
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aroaceashfur · 6 months
Lionblaze x Berrynose for the ship bingo...
Also maaaybe Onewhisker x Firestar (pre-Onestar they divorced and Firestar took the kids)
lionberry: ive heard abt it!! i definitely am a sucker for lionblaze ships and i rlly like this one :eyes: future fanfic for me to write maybe
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onefire: I GO CRAZY FOR ONEFIRE. divorced exes. they make me go crazy. @iamfabiloz has an au where heathertail is a onefire child and i go crazy at it
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fancytacopaper · 6 months
Hi. I have made a book on Wattpad where I come up with (adopted/bio ) kits/litters for Warriors ships ( CCxCC, CCxOC,OCxOC and/or LBTQ)
Here's the batch of the ships I'm planning to use next.
If you have an idea of your own , comment below at least the following:
Names of the characters you'd want me to use:
(Please note: If the characters are OCs , tell me their appearances and Clan(s) )
How many kits /litters do you want them to have? : ( Max 12 kits/litter)
Are the kits adopted or biological?:
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rottentricks · 2 years
Lionblaze x Heathertail kits? I'm still coming up ideas for my au of a particular cat in mind 👀 anyway I like to add this interesting part in my au bc the conflict between siblings when lion is seeing a cat from another clan causes some serious drama lol, heather on the hand is very much into lion but breeze is like nah girl you stay with me and few months later she had kits which breeze thinks are his, but secretly they are his brother lionblaze.😬
The children are Smozehaze and Brindlewing, they still keep their canon names but designs are change bc me want more torties.
Smozehaze - (Slightly dark brown tabby tortie she-cat, short fur and amber eyes)
Brindlewing - (Dark grey tortie she-cat, medium fur and has blue eyes)
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What would be the Three’s romantic options be if their parents were Leafpool and Mothwing?
honestly, still the same as in canon i think
maybe willowshine would be an even more prominent possibility (i just like hollyleaf x willowshine tbh)
maybe lionblaze would've dated like... minnowtail instead of heathertail
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maealderxb · 9 months
Heathertail x Lionblaze hypokits
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big kids
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notwarriorswiki · 1 year
Sorty if you've already answered, but what were the pairings of all the 12 ? From what I've gathered, we have LionHoney, CinderHolly, JayKestrel, but what about the rest ? :)
I’m happy to answer, no worries!! There’s a lot of stuff so I’ll do repeat questions without an issue, I promise ^_^
Jayfeather x Kestrelflight
“Together” as in they love each other but live in their respective clans and don’t actually pursue their relationship to the fullest. They’ll be together in StarClan. They also never have kits.
Lionblaze x Honeyfern
Become mates and have kits post Great Battle. First litter were “legacy kits” Leafkit and Bramblekit after Brambleclaw and Leafpool who died in the battle. They become Leafstripe (Sorrelstripe) and Bramblesong (Fernsong). Their second litter is Spotfur, Flywhisker, and Snaptooth.
Hollystar x Cinderheart
Become mates before Great Battle, but Hollyleaf’s distraction with the prophecy and her brothers causes issues with their communication early on. They’re a healthy relationship who never have kits of their own, though Hollystar raises Flamekit after Sparkfire’s betrayal. So their adoptive son is Nightheart. He’s a pain in the ass.
Dawnstar x Crowfrost
He’s 5 moons her senior and her father’s apprentice, so she just doesn’t like him initially cause she sees him as a stick in the mud - which he kinda is. Opposites attract trope. They become mates towards the tail end of the Po12 arc, but Dawnpelt gets pregnant with their kits before The Great Battle much to her dismay. Due to the stressful period, she doesn’t nurse her kits, then becomes promoted to deputy post Great Battle during a very stressful time so even less time for family. He loves her dearly though and dies protecting her from their daughter Sleekwhisker. Their kits are like canon - Juniperclaw, Strikestone, and Sleekwhisker.
Flametail x Owlpaw
Technically not endgame but the only cat Flametail loved and thinks of. Owlpaw is killed accidentally by Lionpaw, something that Flamepaw tries to forgive but can never forget. He’s softer towards Owlpaw’s kin, like his niece Gullswoop.
Heathertail x Breezepelt
Childhood best friends to lovers trope. They get together formally before The Great Battle and have two litters later on. First litter is Brindlewing and Smokehaze. Second litter is Appleshine and Woodsong.
Minnowtail x Mousewhisker
The illegal cross clan relationship. They train in the Dark Forest together and are technically mates for the majority of Po12 itself. Mousewhisker leaves ThunderClan to live with her in RiverClan post Great Battle. They have a single daughter - Havenpelt.
Dovewing x Briarlight
Best friends turned lovers again. Bumblestripe has a big crush on Dovewing and tries to get Briarlight to set them up, but Briarlight secretly has feelings for her best friend. They get together post Great Battle and want to have kita, but are struggling to choose a donor as Bumblestripe makes Dovewing incredibly uncomfortable. After learning Tigerheart too wants a kit but without taking a mate, he acts as their donor in secret and they have two kits - Lightkit and Shadowkit. Dovewing and Briarlight raise Lightleap in ThunderClan while Tigerheart is a single father to Shadowsight in ShadowClan.
Sedgewhisker x Emberfoot
Another post Great Battle pairing. Power couple dynamic with Sedgewhisker being the mediator and Emberfoot being an ambitious and diligent warrior. They’re admittedly my weakest pairing that I need to do more with besides their surface relationship and why they happen. They are the parents of Fernstripe, Featherpelt, and Larkwing. Sedgewhisker named Featherpelt and Larkwing after her best friend in RiverClan, Larkfeather.
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quiverpaw · 1 year
list of ships that need to be popular:
sol x leafpool
swiftpaw x cloudtail (hellOOOO, enemies to lovers!)
hollyleaf x heathertail
stormfur x squirrelflight (firegrey? FIREGREY!)
icecloud x jayfeather or hollyleaf. no lionblaze
poppyfrost x jayfeather
shadowsight x spireclaw. nothing important to say
hawkwing x darktail
sasha x feathertail.., but kind of angsty because asir!feather is a dick
leafstar x squirrelflight
leafstar x leafpool
leafpool x firefern
briarlight x hollyleaf
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blorboclaw · 2 years
I dare you to make an AU of Darkkit/paw/tail joining the Clans and a) instantly getting carried away by a hawk or b) falling off a cliff instead of Smokepaw
(warning: I didn't read Onestar's Confession but I've read his confession in... Shattered Sky? Maybe?)
Smoke brings Darkkit to him. Onewhisker admits that he's got a kit with a kittypet and Tallstar is like "fuck it, Firestar was born a kittypet so why not" and lets him in.
Darkkit is carried during the great journey, by Onewhisker mainly because no one else wants to touch him with a ten tail-lengths pole. He is taken by an eagle, dies of cold or falls of a cliff.
Now one might wonder what we're doing an AU with if he dies almost immediately. But the fact he was in the picture for a while puts a few things in motion.
First, no one trusts Onewhisker since he just admitted to breaking the code. Maybe Tallstar himself doesn't trust him anymore. That means Mudclaw stays the deputy of WIndclan, and becomes leader as Mudstar.
Second, Whitetail doesn't become his mate. She just discovered that the tom she idealized was a codebreaker and she doesn't want to get with him when he's grieving his lost girlfriend and dead son.
Whitetail x Onewhisker not being an item mean no Heathertail.
No Heathertail (or no Heathertail born around the same time as Lionblaze and apprenticed at the same time as him) mean no TunnelClan or whatever they called it, and so:
- No half Wind half River kits getting lost in it. No rescue, no Fallen Leaves and all.
- No Hollyleaf going into them. (she probably leaves through the outter edge of the territories and becomes a loner)
- Probably no going back in time for Jayfeather (in order to keep the butterfly effect manageable we’ll pretend the ancient cats did leave the lake to go to the mountains anyway)
- No Windclan attack in the Forgotten Warriors.
Blossomfall and Ivypool do fall in the tunnels at some point. But they die there.
I guess that means Thornclaw and Birchfall fight for the Dark Forest. They are killed in the battle. Dovewing leaves for Shadowclan as soon as the battle is over, because she lost her dad and her sister and her only kin is now her mother, and she doesn’t mind losing her kin by leaving the clan and has less kin to lose than in canon.
Skyclan is not chased off their home. Hawkwing and Pebbleshine raise their daughters together and have a second litter. Violetshine is not named after her mother who’s alive so probably more like Violetdapple or Violetpelt. Twigbranch and Finleap get together without changing clans, Violet and Tree never meet. Violet’s kits with someone else are not named after Root and Needletail since she doesn’t know them. If needed for the plot, Alderheart could still have his vision, but since Skyclan is not in danger...
ShadowLightPounce are born by the time Darktail should have arrived but doesn’t. Shadowclan implodes and Dove, Tiger, Tawny, Rowan, and kits go to Thunderclan. Through the same kind of complicated diplomacy and population displacements as in canon, Shadowclan becomes whole again after some members left to become rogues (but, without the Kin, they don’t really amount to anything, and without Skyclan, there’s less territory disputes).
Shadowsight is a full medicine cat by the time Leafpool would have died if the clans had had a reason to meet the Sisters, and the Moonpool freezes. He’s experienced and doesn’t let the Impostor lead him on. Bramblestar’s mysterious sickness kills him, probably, idk, but the impostor (who i refuse to name even if I think 100% of the fandom know who he is but as long as I’m not through the arc I wont name him!) cannot enter his body. Also afaik from lurking the wiki and the fandom he had something to do with the impossibility to contact Starclan so well the impostor’s efforts are for naught.
As far as the not-meeting-the-sisters go, Sparkpelt and her kits, Berrynose, and all the other cats with the same “sickness” as Larksong all die of that illness. Eventually, Tree crosses their path and tells them about the plant.
don’t know more of canon so gonna stop there.
TL;DR: if Darkkit had been taken in Windclan and then died during the great journey, Mudclaw would have become Windclan’s leader, Birchfall would have been killed during the great battle and the Sisters would never have met the clans.
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bonefall · 2 years
Oh god, I haven't read books since Omen of the Stars. (I love fanclans/fanfics way more then the books anymore. lol) How have they messed up each clan since the first two arcs?! I know ThunderClan has too many cats and ShadowClan went leaderless or had leadership problems for some reason?? Also SkyClan is there now. Maybe. Again, haven't read the books in forever. (Is the current arc any good? Or better then Omen of the Stars at least?)
The current arc is good, I can promise you that Warriors has never been as slow or as boring as it got mid Po3 - early OotS. I have a lot of issues with AVoS but I would say that all of the modern arcs have been worth reading.
BEFORE WE START: Check out this Helpful Info on my process as I redux the family tree, it contains my Three Strict Rules, the Onestar's Exception, the definition of an Orphan Warrior, etc. Very, very important.
Each Clan has a unique family tree problem;
The Frostfour (Brackenfur, Thornclaw, Brightheart, Cinderpelt) had THREE cats who were extremely prolific. The entire new generation traces back to them, completely and utterly eradicating genetic diversity.
The fresh bloodlines, from Daisy and Ferncloud, were nerfed so hard with pointless killings that there's no ability to fix modern ThunderClan. The ONLY cats who could save it (Finleap x Twigbranch, Stormcloud) have also been prevented from having kits by the narrative, which is incredibly frustrating.
And it doesn't stop there, because the writers for some reason were obsessed with tracking Firestar's lineage through Bramblesquirrel instead of Lionblaze. They wrenched out Squirrelflight's infertility issues so they could shove two kits into her, while also having Lionblaze produce 3 kittens who have kittens of their own.
It's an exponential problem which made Nightheart's ENTIRE ARC in ASC less serious, because half of the Clan is descended from Firestar while he somehow has 'especially high' expectations.
And the bloat. They keep killing off mildly interesting background characters while not building on the ones they have, so now the Clan is just full of nobodies who have done nothing.
ThunderClan is really bad, in canon.
Link to Diagnosis
The entire family tree from the earlier arcs is dead. Rowanclaw's one of the few carry-overs. Snowbird specifically is the progenitor of half of the entire Clan, to the point where Sunbeam actually can't be shipped with a cat she isn't directly related to (unless you put her with Blazefire, her mentor, or her mentor's brother.)
SnowbirdClan is so profoundly fucked that I can't save it. I can reasonably fix the others, but ShadowClan is so irrevocably destroyed that I can't save it.
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In spite of being full of "Orphan Warriors" (cats without a single parent and usually without children) they still managed to inbreed Heathertail and Breezepelt.
Onestar canonically thinking about how cool inbreeding is in his Super Edition made me so uncomfortable that I made the Onestar's Exception rule on the spot-- an exception that makes Rule 1 (no first cousin pairings) even stricter by banning First-Cousin-Once-Removed as well when there are cats alive who are old enough to remember the great-grandparent.
But that aside, most of WindClan is Orphan Warriors.... MALE orphan warriors. They ran out of women, and then Shellfur stole the ONE clean girl out of WindClan for himself.
Which I must admit is VERY funny. But anyway, fixing this tree means blasting the Woman Beam at most of them.
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THREE first cousin pairings :/ And they only had like 3 generations, come on, it should NOT have been this hard to not bungle this.
Most of the problem is Clovertail and her prolific litters... but also, SkyClan is almost as bad as ThunderClan in terms of bloat. Which is weird because it's not even bloated with all the interesting ex-kittypets from the SEs and SkyClan side content, it's just nobodies because SkyClan queens keep pumping out 3 and 4 kit litters for NO reason.
It was an easy fix though. So I guess I can't complain.
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Missing Generation Fog that settled over RiverClan just after TNP LMAO. That's it that's the whole problem.
Really it's a problem for opening up TOO MANY possibilities, like which cats are Reedwhisker's children. Everyone litter works as Reedwhisker's kids. Reedwhisker is everyone's father. Reedwhisker is YOUR father.
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starclanstims · 10 months
Can I get a lionheather (lionblaze x heathertail) stimboard with themes of love, thunder/windclan and cats?
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lionheather stimboard with love, thunderclan, windclan, and cat themes requested by: anon
here you go! hope it all looks alright, i tried my best to include everything you asked for in some way or another ^^
credit: x | x | x x | x | x x | x | x
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gatorsnot · 1 year
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"Ferretclaw? Is that you? What are...wait a minute, aren't you Mossyfoot?"
i could just be having a brain fart, but i can't help but notice we haven't seen any shadowclan x riverclan forbidden romances...we've seen thunderclan x windclan couples, windclan x riverclan couples, even a shadowclan x skyclan couple in recent books, but we've yet to see any waterkitties fall for the edgy frog-munchers
waaaaay back in like 2010 i took a liking to ferretclaw (ferretpaw then) and mossyfoot (mossypaw) despite them being minor characters, and my imagination kept wandering to them being friends as apprentices who would sneak out to hang out a la heathertail and lionblaze, and then they fell in love once they both became warriors
we really don't know much about them outside them both being kinda snarky, so they were a very fiery, sarcastic couple who would use insults as terms of endearment
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clouded-mushrooms · 2 years
TW: incest
Lionpaw sat at the gathering. He looked around and went over to a group of windclan and riverclan apprentices. He introduced himself and him and another apprentice, Breezepaw really hit it off. They two chatted the whole night, and even getting scolded by older warriors for being loud. The two toms said bye to one another. As days grew into weeks, lionpaw found himself longing for breezepaw. The golden tabby liked being around him and found the dark gray tom a bit handsome. One day he was laying down in his nest, the night sky glittled out side the den. He found himself to be restless and couldn't settle down. Hollypaw hissed at him to nock it off, as she was trying to sleep. The golden tom apologized and left the den. He left camp through the dirt place tunnel, only to be greeted with amber eyes. Breezepaw smiled at him and whispered, "Come with me, I want to show you something." The dark tom turned to leave. Lionpaw opened his mouth to object, but was cut off. Breezepaw looked over his shoulder, "No buts, now come on!" He ushered. Lionpaw grunted and followed his friend. The two tom came to an opening in the ground. Lionpaw looked at breezepaw confused, "What? Is this what you wanted to show me?" he grunted. "Wow, it's great, Breezepaw!" He said his tone full of sarcasm. Breezepaw swiped a paw, his claws sheathed, as he hit the golden Tom's ear. "No, now come on you big lump of fur." The dark tom rushed into the opening. Lionpaw rushed after him, he soon found himself in a beautiful open space were many tunnels broke off from. "Wow" was all the golden tom could breath. A dark shape appeared besides him, "it's beautiful huh?" Breezepaw asked. Lionpaw nodded. The two Tom's played until day break. Which they left in a hurry.
As moons passed the two keep meeting in the tunnels, but there meeting were few. One day lionblaze came to breezepelt and said he couldn't meet with him anymore. He explained that he had so much responsibility in the clans. The golden tom pressed himself against his friends. His heart ached, as Breezepelt eyes watered, "What? Why?" Amber eyes met amber eyes. "I can't keep messing up, I have been slacking on my duties. I like meeting up with you. But this isn't good for me. I'll see you at gatherings" he voice echoed with sadness. Breezepelt steeped away from him, and sadness clear in his eyes. "B-But" he tried to say something but nothing came out. The dark tom watched with a breaking heart as his friend and crush padded way. As the last of the golden tail tip left his sight, Breezepelt broke down into a sob. He would sob and sob until sunset. Then the dark tom would pad back to camp, his tail dragging. Only Heathertail knew of his relationship with Lionblaze. So he went straight to her. They two talked in low whispers. The light brown tabby looked at her friends, she left her heart aches for him. "So? Did you tell him?" She asked, worry clouding her voice. The dark tom shook his head. "He said we couldn't meet anymore, that he would see me at gatherings" he voice quivered. Heathertail stared sympathetically at the dark tom and whispered. "Oh breezepelt I'm sorry!" He looked at her then laid his head on his paws, as tears flowed from his golden eyes.
Time went on as normal, well as normal as it can be. A horrible fire took thunderclan by surprise, the cats had fled to the abandoned twoleg house on their territory. Lionblaze and his siblings were trapped in the fire. Ashfur had tried to get them killed to hurt Squirrelflight. But the dark ginger she-cat had revealed that they aren't her's. Lionblaze and his siblings were filled with feeling of betrail and hurt. Lionblaze had no one to turn to, he had his siblings, but he wanted someone else. He wanted Breezepelt. He tried to avoid Squirrelflight, as long as he could so he could figure himself out. If Squirrelflight and Brambleclaw aren't his parents, then who are his parents. The three siblings would have meetings to see if anyone had found a clue about their real parents. One day Hollyleaf came to them. The dark she-cat eyes were dark. "What is it?" Jayfeather asked, he could feel Hollyleafs disstress. "I know who our parents are" she said her voice low and dark. "Well, who are they?" Lionblaze urged his sister to tell. The dark she-cat spoke and her voice shook. "Our mother is Leafpool and out father is Crowfeather." This left the two toms speechless. Lionblaze looked at his paws, he had a crush on his half brother. The golden tabby left without a word. 'I had a crush on my half brother ' the words raced through his mind. He ran and ran, he didn't realize where he was running until his paws touched water. He ran right the windclan border. He looked around hoping he wasn't going to get caught by a windclan patrol. He let out a cry, he didn't have words, to out how he was feeling. He stayed at the border until the sun fell and the moon rose. He padded back to camp only to be greeted by his worried siblings. With a sigh, the large Tom followed his siblings to the warriors den and slept. But sleep didn't come easy for Lionblaze. His through were still clouded with breeze pelt. Things went on as normal, well as normal a things can get when you find out your a half clan-medicine cat born. He was doing everything to keep his mind off of Breezepelt. Tonight was tha gather and he was going. He hoped and he hated that he hoped for this, he wanted Breezepelt there. He sighed, he would eat and rest until time to leave. And that he didn't. As his clan mate gathered to go to the gathering. He stayed at the back of the group. His paws felt heavy as he followed them to the gathering place. He looked around not expecting to see breezepelt. But he did, a small smile crept on his face at the sight of the small dark gray tom. He almost rushed over to him, but he stopped after one step. They were not friends or mates, They were brothers, he hold him. He sighed and sat down near his clanmates. His eyes never left breezepelt. The dark warrior locked eyes with Lionblaze. His once bright and cheerful eyes, were now dull with sadness. He turned his head not wanting to see his crush sad. Firestar called the cats attention. As the leaders got ready to speak, a yowl sounded. Lionblaze looked around confused, trying to found who had yowled. His heart stopped as he realized it was his sister. The black she-cat had yowled for everyones attention, What is she doing? He asked himself. She began to speak, "You may think you know-" she was cut off by firestar. "What do you think you are doing! You can't speak without talk to me first!" He snarled at her. She dipped her head. Onestar glared at the firey colored tom. "What is thunderclan trying to hide?" He asked Firestar, supision clear in his voice. "Thunderclan has nothing to hide!" He spat at the brown tabby. He turned to Hollyleaf, "you may speak but never, and I mean never do this again!" He said. She dipped her head and continued.
"You may think you know my and my siblings." She started. "You think that out parents are Brambleclaw and Squirrelflight" she glared at the dark ginger she-cat. "But they aren't our Parents are Leafpool, the thunderclan medicine cat, and Crowfeather, a wind warrior. " Cats gasped and Crowfeather and Nightcloud started fighting. Brambleclaw confronted Squirrelflight and Leafpool. Breezepelt took off running, tears streaming down his face. Lionblaze rushed after him. The back tom ran to the windclan border. He stopped and sobbed out. Lionblaze walked over to him and pulled him into a hug. The dark warrior sobbed into his chest fur. Lionblaze was filled with love and compassion for the windclan warrior. He licked the top of his head, and whispered. "I don't care that we are kin, I love you so much and I hope you feel the same" he said softly. Breezepelt looked up his face full of shock. He purred slightly. "I love you to! I don't care either." The two curled around one another and spent the night here.
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