#holy ghost is just kind of like 'don't worry about it. we needed a third guy to compete the trifecta'
luxlightly · 1 year
The Father the Son and the Third Secret Thing
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memestockpile · 8 months
master and commander (2003) feel free to change as needed.
come on, come on. it's all right.
starboard bow, ahoy!
thought i heard something.
you're officer of the watch.
you must make a decision.
rouse up! rouse up!
you did the right thing, [name].
quit your dawdling!
we stand tall on the quarterdeck, son.
run up the colors.
for god's sake, don't drop anything!
don't worry, lad.
reload and give 'em hell!
we're fish in a barrel.
pipe down.
they'll not find us in here.
well done, lad.
just a broken arm.
you're in very good hands.
i'm doing everything i can.
let me take a look at that brow of yours.
quite fortunate, really.
i have no idea what it is you're talking about.
the simple fact is we were soundly beaten.
am i not correct?
we're not going home.
there's not a moment to lose.
is it true they put the last stitch through your nose? [name] said when you die, they stitch you in your hammock with the last stitch in your nose, just to make sure you're not asleep.
it's all right. it's just the laudanum speaking.
i've never seen a braver patient.
poor darling. never mind, soon we'll have you fixed up.
there's something might interest you here.
there's enough of my blood in the woodwork for the ship to almost be a relation.
your knowledge is beyond question.
show me a beetle and i'll tell you what it's thinking.
you're not a pennyweight of use gawping here!
you should read the book.
what a fascinating modern age we live in.
hello, darling! how much for a kiss?
quick, mate.
i remember it like it was yesterday.
to the lesser of two weevils.
the lord taketh and the lord giveth away.
[singing] farewell and adieu to you, spanish ladies.
this is the second time you've done this to me. there will not be a third.
wouldn't want to lose you.
mind what the captain told you.
we caught a fish.
now, tell me that wasn't fun.
you need more than luck against a phantom.
what are you doing, sitting up all night, catching your death of cold?
that's the last of the coffee.
don't count your eggs before they're in the pudding.
no lounging, boy!
there's enough water in the grog.
as a friend, i would say that i have never once doubted your abilities.
therein lies the problem.
you're not accustomed to defeat.
it's not a question of pride. it is a question of duty.
be as satiric as you like.
viewing the world through a microscope is your prerogative.
i will grind whatever grist the mill requires to fulfil my duty.
they're said to be full of strange and wonderful beasts.
we'll have to stop for food and water.
i promise you, during that time, you can wander at will, collecting all manner of things dear to your little heart's content.
by all that's holy, i think that's unknown to science.
well, i'll be damned.
break your heart, it would.
[name], have you forgotten your promise?
i have known you to spend hours staring into a deserted bird's nest.
we do not have time for your damned hobbies!
i can harness the wind, but i ain't its goddamn creator.
i have never known such a run of bad luck.
it's from the bible, that.
i'm rather understanding of mutinies.
i, for one, am opposed to authority. it is an egg of misery and oppression.
shh. not so loud.
any time tonight, that ghost ship's gonna turn up.
you gave me such a start.
are you feeling better now?
you've always been very kind to me.
the simple truth is, not all of us become the men we once hoped we might be.
i'm so sorry, man.
it's just to get my bearings, that's all.
it'd be a lot easier if i were on dry land.
i'll manage. you'll see.
i just need to stretch my legs.
a spare pair of steady hands wouldn't go amiss.
do you have the constitution for this?
i have been amongst and around wounds all my life.
it would appear that you have the makings of a naturalist.
name a shrub after me. something prickly and hard to eradicate.
damn, you've got good eyes, [nickname].
i know what you want to say. and my answer is no.
they mean to take us as a prize.
though we be on the far side of the world, this ship is our home.
surprise is on our side.
care for a cigar?
oh, here we go again.
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