meggigoering · 8 months
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📖February 4th, 2024
🦈According to Parens (1996), discussions about genetics research are frequently guided by two theoretical assumptions that are incorrect: "Enthusiasts suggest that genetic tinkering is not a threat to our soul because it only affects our physical appearance; pessimists argue that identifying connections between our behavior and our different bodies could pose a threat to significant democratic concepts, such as moral equality. When we recognize that the body and soul are intertwined and that differences cannot diminish equality, we can begin to take genetic research seriously." Davis (1975) argued, that the genes which are inherited are interacting with the environment, however, the biological and behavioral traits are inherited, that, in terms of the social determinism, represented the issue how to evaluate the results of genetic research. Modern science has less trouble with directly stating that genes are represented as our phenotype, which is the sum of traits we acquired as a summary of the genes in our DNA. Our genetic legacy is not limited to our hair color or nose shape, but rather our genes reflect our behavior and define our intelligence, self-efficacy, beliefs, attitudes, and, of course, our biology, which determines how we act at the molecular level.
Understanding of the visual-spatial language and the capability to use it, is also a part of our genotype, representing the one of the multiple intelligences by Hovard Gardner. Not everyone can "speak" by using the images, metaphorical visualization, and other ways to communicate avoiding the verbal speech. This knowledge can help a lot in the investigation of the serial crime. As a part of ritual murders, organized crime, or terrorism, visual-spatial language became to play the two major roles. The first one was a secured communication with the victims and inside the criminal group to deliver the message attributed to the concrete crime to the recipients. The second one was the integral part of any serial crime due to the specific of the brain reward functioning. The serial crimes are committed by the individuals having the definite brain pathologies: the dopamine addiction when the satisfaction gained as a result of the overdose of the dopamine extracted during the criminal activity, and the serial criminals get pleasure as a result of the crime commitment. However, as soon as the highest doses of dopamine are extracted during the phase before the crime commitment itself: invention, planning, organization, as more complicated the ritual, as longer and brighter the pleasure that the criminal feels. In the organized criminal groups, and especially of the terroristic nature, the ritual's execution serves as a communication to translate the message: why the crime was committed, who did that, and why this victim was chosen. The conclusion is quite obvious. The visual-spatial language is widely distributed in totalitarian organizations with the strong hierarchy and a large share of the activity to be out of sight. The main examples of it are organized crime, military and law enforcement, and religion.
To discover the whole topic, it is necessary to draw the waterline segregating the ritual murder from the ritual human sacrifice, actively exploiting the visual-spatial language. Both had a centuries of history, but are very different in terms of motivation, method, subjects, and applied ritual. The major difference is that in the ritual human sacrifice, the murder is dedicated to the highest substance, whilst the ritual murder has other objectives, without the dedication of the killing to someone. One of the most actively used ritual murders nations was a Roman. On the territory of modern Italy, close to Coliseum and on the territory of Roman forums, there were many pagan cathedrals dedicated to Saturn, Ishida, and other gods. However, as noted by Schultz (2010), the committed rituals of the murder even contained the reference to the sacrifiction, did not attribute this to the certain god. According to Schultz, "the Romans did not often identify the recipient of their sacrifices. Frequently, they didn't keep any records, only recording who sacrificed and what was offered." Thus, the ritual murder was not associated with the gods and instead represented serial murders, which were officially sanctioned.
As I noted before, the process of serial mass murders in the death camps, occurred meticulously reproducing the gold heap leaching process, and followed by the standardized, well planned and organized ritual to deliver the victims without any suspicions, directly to the gas chambers. On the death way, every step, every detail were precisely planned, even the content of the talking to the victims: "Remember your number to collect your belongings after the shower." "Move faster, otherwise coffee will be cold." However, the human heap leaching was not the only method of mass murders actively exploited by the fascists. The Top-5 methods mentioned in the witnesses were noted as:
☠️Exploiting of natural conditions to avoid resting of any traces of violent death (hunger, cold, viruses, dehydration, etc.);
☠️Mass poisoning;
☠️Mass shooting;
☠️Burning alive;
☠️Atrocities resulted to death.
The poisoning in the death camps was represented in many different forms: human heap leaching, using other chemical intoxicants, lethal injections, food poisoning, lip lubricants for children which caused almost immediate death, and so on. However, the death camps were not pioneers neither in mass poisoning, nor in heap leaching. As a method of murder, for centuries, the poisoning was a widely distributed throughout very different parts of the society as a way to kill the victim securely. Even now, with the most advanced diagnostic tools, the death caused by poisoning is still confused with the death caused by natural causes. Misappropriation of property and commitment of the hereditary crimes continue to be the primary causes of poisoning across royal and noble dynasties. For centuries, poisoning was the most common reason of hereditary monarchs' death, far surpassing even violent deaths due to military activity and killing during war. Poisoning has been existing as a secured, convenient, standard way to clean up the road to the throne for impostors, fake or dishonest heirs. Apparently, the prototype of the human heap leaching through the mass poisoning was applied by the very notable person long before the massive utilization of it in the death camps.
Duke Borja (Borjia in Italian manner) was recognized as one of the most famous poisoners in history. Borja was a Spanish by origin, and without any problem everyone can find his real name in open source data. The poisoner, Duke Borja, held the position of the head of the Vatican and the Pope of the Roman Catholic Church. Briefly, a dynasty of serial poisoners from Spain that illegally took the legacy of murdered heirs for centuries, has led the Roman Catholic Church, at the same time pretending to be holy. The Borjia is an Italian version of the Spanish surname Borja, which was attributed to a noble family from Aragon who held the throne of Gandia. The legend of their origin from Sancho Ramirez, King Ferdinand of Navarre's illegitimate son, was unverified. Habitually, if there is no real reason to attribute the crown to impostor, religion immediately appears as a way to put the hereditary fraudster above the monarch. In this simple way, the dynasty of false heirs actually received the throne. The reference example in Russia in the same series of crimes, was the murder of the Rurikids dynasts, and the appointment of the holy fraudsters Patriarch Filaret and the nun Martha, who, despite the vows of celibacy and no marriage, obviously, had to have a sexual relationship. So the key figure of the Roman Catholic Church, the Pope, was its head - the Duke Cesare Borgia, a serial mass murderer, a famous poisoner and human heap leacher, who felt the abnormal love to the gold, and for these reasons had got the nickname "The Apothecist of Satan" during his life.
1. Rycroft, W. S. (1961). ROMAN CATHOLIC CLERICALISM. Journal of Church and State, 3(2), 172–182. http://www.jstor.org/stable/23913119
2. Vallier, I. (1971). The Roman Catholic Church: A Transnational Actor. International Organization, 25(3), 479–502. http://www.jstor.org/stable/2706052
3. Villa-Flores, J. (2020). A remedy and a poison: perjury and trust in Bourbon Mexico. Colonial Latin American Review, 29:3, 495-516, DOI: 10.1080/10609164.2020.1798657
4. Davis, B. D. (1975). Social Determinism and Behavioral Genetics. Science, 189(4208), 1049–1049. http://www.jstor.org/stable/1740264
5. Parens, E. (1996). Taking Behavioral Genetics Seriously. The Hastings Center Report, 26(4), 13–18. https://doi.org/10.2307/3527601
6. Schultz, C. E. (2010). The Romans and Ritual Murder. Journal of the American Academy of Religion, 78(2), 516–541. http://www.jstor.org/stable/40666530
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meggigoering · 9 months
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📖December 19th, 2023.
🦈Yesterday was very productive in terms of my study. Frankly speaking, when I took two courses per one term, I could not even imagine the real workload, which they can create. Thankfully, both courses have the cross-switching activities, thus, the time utilization is segregated between the different types of the cognitive engagement. Today I expect the documents of the Ministry of the Defense shall arrive, which were published between 1938-1945 years about the atrocities committed by the german troops and SS in the death camps. I was ordered them for the reconsideration of the Nuremberg trials.
👩🏻‍💻Read the whole story:
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meggigoering · 1 year
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👩‍💻More pics are available here:
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meggigoering · 1 year
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🦈5 completed assignments later, I am relaxing after the one more MTS case. Exhausted and absobloodylutely happy, I am free at last from these motherfckers phone numbers. One of them they closed in May, two others on August 7th. These dates talk better than words. Follow my #holybitchdiary, #hbpublishers, #studyslanguage, and #irregulaw to get fresh highlights of this story, and learn about the ritual crimes to understand the juicy MTS business practices.
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meggigoering · 1 year
📖September 17, 2023
🦈For today, I’ve got another utterly amazing story about a stinky opossum and Pirogovka hospital in Samara. It is clear, as long as I have to coexist with this bastard at the moment, there are a lot of such stories.
What is worth just one episode, when a stinky motivated to finish me off quickly, filled my sofa and all my things and documents with such a dose of mustard gas that it's not that my dogs almost rotted and my kidneys almost fell out in my underpants, it was just children’s party. I’ve got inflated 6 batteries in 5 phones and an iPad, of which 3 phones were baby born of 4 months old and one was a kid one year old. In order to simultaneously inflate and break batteries in 6 phones and devices aged from 4 months to 13 years - for this there must be some onetime external technical reason. Since there were no other external influences in relation to the devices, and only one thing united them - lying in my belongings and on the couch, and all the batteries were swollen like an over-eaten Uzbek pedophile while I was nobly studying the protocols of the Nuremberg process in the library. So the conclusion is simple - the chemistry of the mustard gas that eats everything, including the chemical protection suit, reacted with the contents of lithium batteries, and friendship won - mustard killed the filling of the batteries as a result of which they swelled, but fortunately for me, the reaction did not lead to an explosion. 6 devices that exploded simultaneously in my absence (or presence), one of which was an iPad, and lying on the sofa soaked with mustard gas next to my dogs, in our kitchen where, as it turned out next (I’ve said I have a new story about stinky every day), there was also a gas heater with a hole, and the gas was flowing just into the kitchen, would have led to an "an accident" so beloved by criminals - an explosion of household gas, a fire, and a live barbecue not only from me and my dogs, but also from all our neighbors at the entrance of house 1 of house 16 on Maslennikov Avenue in Samara. I hope that the police officers from the police department of the Oktyabrsky district of the city of Samara will be put a dick in the ass of such a size that it gets to the back of the head. Perhaps this will stimulate the brain a little and it will have a long-forgotten ability to think.
However, there is too much stinky in my daily life, so today I don't want to write about it, and I'll save this absofckybloodyvibrant story for tomorrow. Today I wanna tell you a little bit about his employers.
There was a period in my life when I was a hired employee. Last years in this role, I have worked at AFK Sistema. This amazing institution in every sense has not added to me any advantages in my career, experience or knowledge, but it has been drinking blood for me for many years, including in the literal sense of the word. AFK System is a kontora Nikonora (bogus office) that conducts 100% criminal business, while managing to:
• be listed on LSE (here I always remember the harsh visa requirements and the special pathos of the entrance on the border control of the "United Kingdom")
• have audited reports on US GAAP certified by Deloitte (here I want to laugh from the heart remembering the project to clear the loan portfolio of MTS-Bank and the pilot on Smartlinks in MTS itself)
• lead in all kinds of ratings including transparency, corporate governance, corporate social responsibility (here I want to cry with emotion, remembering my house flooded with shit and mustard gas, switched off electricity and disconnected from all communications during the last 6 years, whilst they continue to issue electricity bills and win in the court the “litigations” in a simplified procedure)
• lead the Employers’ rating (here I just laugh in my voice remembering how Elena Leonidovna Vitchak, Mikhail Valeryevich Shamolin, Ali Mussaevich Uzdenov, under the threat of illegal criminal prosecution against me, forced me to sign a dismissal agreement, withdrawing my earlier application for resignation at my own request).
• lead the Forbes rating (child of general Vlasov was blessed by God and has got as a gift from the sky several billion dollars - brothers Grimm suck).
In short, this garbage with its sparkling practices of conducting criminal activities under the guise of legal business (actually for this AFK Systema was needed in such insane quantities hundreds of useless formal procedures and regulations, including even procedures for compliance with the UK Antibribery Act) taught me one single thing: "to close porucheniya." In AFK Sistema, so that no one can see its essence and the main business itself - a completely criminal office used as an
assets’ consolidator in Russia according to the Ost plan, and through which they took out the cash for the maintenance of the "system" itself - its own replica of the Russia’s public administration model consisting of thousands of acroomed biased officials in the civil service and receiving a bonus from the Systema for loyalty and performance of the tasks necessary to the Systema (actually this is the system that was administered by AFK Systema - it is the reason for this idiotic name, one double of VVP in the form of Yevtushenkov Sr., the head of the Systema), so Systema created a system of "charges” - to pay off the salary to the corruptioners under the coverage, at the same time to create the image of a serious office and formal compliance with the law. Nobody asked, how the dick can play role of head. Probably either out of stupidity or out of politeness.
The work of the System consisted of the following:
• Implementation of hundreds of useless stupid regulations and orders
• Mouse fuss about how best to furnish the "deal" - transferring different assets from pocket to pocket between the System, Alpha, VTB, and Sber, which form one corporate group
• Tough raiding on the selection of someone else's property. The 90s compared to Magnitsky, Chichvarkin's mother, Bobylev, and actually with me it's just a children's matinee: the lethality of real and nominal business owners liked by the Systema was cooler than that of the Roman emperors (62%), and smoothly approached the Russian and Lithuanian princes (100%) from Rurikids and Gediminid.
Administration of the "Systema" is a double of the public administration model of fed civil service employees, on the balance sheet of the Systema. I haven't seen it myself, but knowledgeable people say that out of three people in any room at the police office, one will be "on the balance" of the Systema. Personally, I have seen the signatures with which these systema’s people sign documents: in any police department, a person with any name and title will be signed in the same way, stylized with the letter "Alpha." I have a nice set in my archive: OMVD Istra, Krasnoselskoye, Shchukino, Danilovsky, different policemen, a run of dates of 7 years, and one alfa-signature.
To prevent this shit from being noticeable (the real essence of operations), hundreds of committees, commissions, subcommittees, and other fictitious bodies of collegial irresponsibility functioned in the Systema. 90% of the issues considered by them were concerned the implementation of regulations, and compliance with formal procedures. Behind a cloud of small shit in the form of several thousand tasks such as "issue an order," "approve the regulations" it is difficult to see what is wrong with the office in which orders are issued to issue an order to issue an order to issue an order. In short, after my employment, several hundred “poruchenia" (Rus.: management direction) fell on me from a series of implementation of regulations on regulations and approval of orders on orders, and "confidential instructions" of Petrovich.
The orders were absolutely mind blowing, affecting the healthy brain like their mustard gas damaged the batteries of my devices:
- Talk to me (proshu peregovrit(
- Prepare an answer (otvet)
- What is it? (Chto eto?)
- What is it about? (O chyom eto?)
And so on.
And it was actually about the following. Stupid rabbits sincerely considering the system as a legal transparent honest business, like a good wizard who has nowhere to put money except to give another asshole-startuper, dragged all their shit into the system: poems about pony-caramelka, proposals for the production of rabbit milk, laying a water supply system with drinking water from Baikal to Beijing directly to the WooHaHa plants, and also original design ideas for the production of pickles under the Petrovich brand with the MTS logo on the lid. Since the systema was supposed to imitate politeness and legality, it was impossible to say fck off all the schizophrenists who carried this shit, it was necessary to answer politely. To answer politely means to prepare a reasoned refusal, or to request additional material if there are flashes of reason from the author of the proposals. I, a person with three diplomas at that time, including the University of Oxford (where I was accepted, by the way, exempting me from the entrance exams), and with three American certifications, was engaged in the preparation of answers to this shit. And at the same time, "transfer of poruchenia": there was no uncontrolled shit in the Systema. In any gangster office, all incoming calls are tracked very carefully so as not to miss the Trojan at the entrance. For each letter about milking rabbits into the water supply to Baikonur, an order was issued (such as "pr. peregovorit" or "otvet"), and not to fulfill it meant to get a drag at the general meeting, to personally get a cunt from Petrovich, and also to get a cash fine. But there was one way to avoid shame - to postpone the impossible order to the date when it dissolves itself. Or "take it out of control" justifying why it should not be carried out at all. So in addition to studying the rabbit milk market, the specifics of processing shit into butter, calculating ROE when investing in a pony-caramelka suit for Detsky Mir stores, and finding out why Chuykin, who flew to America at the expense of an office with his seemingly not quite an adult mistress, it was necessary to write letters answering instructions: close and transfer poruchenia.
Of all the orders issued, 99% of them in principle could not be executed, or executed within the specified period and in the manner specified in the text of the order. Obviously, the level of frustration, when it is necessary to deal with what by definition cannot be fulfilled with the creation of any value, is very high. And I found a way to disconnect - to rent myself to brainwashers for a working day, and spend the rest of my time on what I need. Since the internal activities of the Systema were initially unprecedentedly destructive, I spent time outside the office restoring my intellectual and physical resource. From here appeared the study of 5 foreign languages in parallel, a certificate of an instructor in alpine skiing, a driver's license for category A, karate kyokushinkai, Russian billiards, and much more.
What is the actual morality of this fable?
And it is that the phrase "you want to make God laugh, tell us about your plans" works only in relation to AFK Systema. Moreover, this kontora Nikonora manages to send everything around in the literal sense, including its chronic non-performance. You just need to open the window a little to let someone from the Systema inside, who demonstrates friendliness and sincerely waving his tail behind the closed window, and also pushes on childhood memories - and you're fucked. Everyone is bought for childhood memories, as in Bykov's story “Mozharovo.”
In a duel with the system, you need to have the first 2 skills that are existentially critical: autonomy of thinking and critical thinking. Otherwise, on childhood memories, passing through Mozharovo, you can open a window in the car that goes on the train to a bright future. Shana tova, bitches.
👩‍💻More stories are on my website:
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meggigoering · 10 months
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🦈In Samara, during the morning after the 14000 signed and sealed pages, it was a hectic work day, with an alginate mask, a cup of green tea, and a sense of serenity when the stinky sleeps.
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meggigoering · 11 months
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🦈I had an extremely busy evening: I finished the Transformative Deep Learning course at the University of Queensland tonight, and it's necessary for two educational projects I'm involved with: the Raevskaya Business School and Turnaround Guide Online. It's very rare for me to give up part of my night's sleep to pursue academic progress.
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meggigoering · 11 months
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meggigoering · 11 months
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🦈Thankfully, after the exam pass, I have a time lag before the upcoming semester. Aiming to leave the routine behind the new term, where I am setting the goal to concentrate on the business and study, I strive to put the complete criminal case on the wheels, being ready for the explosive exit of the litigation into the public environment. During this transition, I had a chance to catch a very productive day in the library in between.
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meggigoering · 11 months
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#meggigoering #meggigöring #raevskayarepnina #ceoboost #ceohasheight #gediminid #rurikids #houseofskjold #meggifromhouseofskjold #meggifromskjold #carlovingians #daughterofskjold #intheblack #boost #boostcmg #hasheight #roadup #2R #turnaroundguide #ultraantifraud #rbs #rbsmoscow #raevskayabusinessschool #bleksheep #bleksheepdigitalfarm #boostbta #pimpmybusiness #businesstuningatelier #businessplayhouse #blacksarcasmblog #holybitchdiary #moscow #russia #impactinvesting #impactinvestments
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meggigoering · 11 months
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🦈When I studied in Oxford, in the study books we've got a one written by Balthasar Gracian. It was a supplement for the course of strategy taught by Prof. Marc Ventresca. I found this book to be one of the triggers that led me to amend my own blueprint and relaunch my business school.
"Knowledge and courage are the elements of Greatness. They give immortality, because they are immortal. Each is as much as he knows, and the wise can do anything. A man without knowledge, a world without light. Wisdom and strength, eyes and hands. Knowledge without courage is sterile." Balthasar Gracian, The Art of Wordly Wisdom.
Hence, wit and grit are not enough to achieve the success. Goals setting, strategy, action plan, productivity management, multiple intelligence, attitude, ethics, intrinsic motivation, stress management, and the power of spirit are the minimal set of essential things making dreams come true.
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meggigoering · 11 months
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🦈📖My daily dose of reading is based on my courses taken from the MIT, where I am studying to create the HASHEIGHT's products. In 1995, after the graduation from the Technical Lyceum, I was admitted to study at the Samarsky Politech, Faculty of Engineering, but my grandparents decided that I have to get the first profession in economics. Due to their fcking care, they obliged me to take my documents from Polytech, and submitted them to the Samara State Economic University. After that, my very inconsistent grandparents transferred me between faculties, "choosing the best one," thus, I lost all my friends and network, and remember my study as a nightmare of a loner. Their doubtful and destructive input in my life has no value to me, but I am grateful for studying at MIT now.
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meggigoering · 11 months
🦈If you make your hobby your job, you won't work anymore, even a day. BOOST BTA is an integral part of the back end operations, which are underlying the functionality of business artifacts: portable special purpose computers. I love these projects a lot, and even if I make and put on retail shelf just 4 artifacts integrated with the BOOST BTA, RBS, and EVA businesses, I would say that my life was not useless.
👩‍💻Read more here.
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meggigoering · 1 year
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🦈Well, my back to the future journey is approaching the end. A couple of years ago, I've written the Parable About Talents post, and mentioned that I did not have an opportunity to live in Samara at the age of maturity. For me, this 6-months period became one of the most productive periods in my life ever, and even stinky and his company was unable to destroy it. Yesterday mad stinky with Tanyushka again tried to challenge the fate, so the criminal litigation now arriving at the destination point. I am looking forward to the start of court hearings, praying that this will open for me happy time, so much expected and necessary to completely dive only into business, sport, and education.
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