#homeless plural trans queer artist in need of dire mutual aid
noraqrosa · 2 months
0/1090 for rent + DistroKid...didn't realize today was when my subscription with my music distributor renews and now i have basically no munny left at all.
https://ko-fi.com/NoraQRosa (goes to PayPal)
CashApp & Venmo: NoraQRosa
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i need munny to be able to get around. i need munny for rent. now i don't even have the former.
i got great news yesterday but that great news isn't gonna help for a little bit (at least 2 weeks) so please whatever you can do to help i would greatly appreciate. very desperate for munny rn.
roommate's cat for luck:
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noraqrosa · 3 months
hey, so my job just moved to bi-weekly pay and i needed to use the majority of what i had left of my last paycheck on our phone bill. so i need some money to last the next two weeks, especially since at the end of this upcoming week i need a new Metrocard to get to-and-from work, in addition to how much help we're gonna need for the hotel room in a few days. please, please help me if you can spare a little. if nothing else, please share/signal boost this so people who can give can see this😭
To support directly:
https://odiohi.me/pages/product-categories (if you wanna help me by buying my music & other silly merch things)
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noraqrosa · 3 months
things have changed, significantly. i need to find either shelter of some sort or enough money for more hotel days by Thursday (TOMORROW) otherwise i will have nowhere to go.
i am terrified.
i am a homeless plural queer trans girl in New York City and i desperately need help of any sort.
https://cash.app/NoraQRosa (preferred)
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noraqrosa · 4 months
TL;DR: in this post, i wax on about the abandoned concept album/multimedia project Lifehouse by Pete Townshend/The Who in the context of algorithms and artworks
people on Twitter aren't understanding that this is an ad for a scifi novel. it sounds interesting, to a degree.
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the first sentence reminds me of [The Who's] Pete Townshend's Lifehouse, still one of the most fascinating musical experiments i've ever read about.
i wish i knew about all that back when the Lifehouse Method website was a thing. for those unaware, it was a site created by Pete in conjunction with composer Lawrence Ball and software developer Dave Snowdon in which someone could input their personal data and generate "authentic musical 'portraits,'" pieces of music customized via algorithms that work based on whatever data you input. if you know anything about The Who, you'll probably recognize this as a facet of what would eventually become the album Who's Next, Lifehouse, a huge multimedia project involving a rock opera album, live performances with audience participation and complex tech on stage, a movie, who knows what else.
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i've always wished i could do one of these "musical portraits." i remember when I first heard about algorithmic (i refuse to call it AI because it isn't true AI) music generators, this was the first thing i thought of. back when they were in a rudimentary state, i played around with one for my own amusement (not for my own music, all that comes from my own head unfortunately for you), and while it was fascinating, it didn't go far enough in the direction i hoped. thinking of OpenAI's MuseNet, it takes a few notes worth of MIDI data & a style suggestion and then kinda randomly guesses what would be a good fit after those notes.
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<image sourced from https://gigazine.net/gsc_news/en/20190426-muse-net>
and y'know, it makes for some fun meme videos:
<shoutout to the papaya>
but you can also see it only goes so far, and still requires musical input. it isn't quite on the level of being usable for much. and it really isn't quite the same. it's using inputted data, but not, say, biometric or biographical data. it's musical parameters that are being input as the data.
i really want to one day see a true realization of Lifehouse. one of my wildest goals is to be the one to do that. admittedly, i feel like in the current artistic climate the art world might no longer be ready for it; people would see it, instantly think "AI ART EW," and back away. but in this case, i don't feel like that's a fair assessment of what the concept is. the idea was to find each person's unique signature melody via these musical portraits. it isn't meant for anything really beyond personal identification, when it comes down to it. it fascinates me from a musical standpoint, and as a person who holds a psychology degree. imagine what someone can learn about oneself via this process! would your musical portrait be different at different points in your life? what could you tell about your personality from a single melody, or about your life history, or your beliefs and values? how would all of that reflect in your music? what genre is your soul? could a musical portrait truly capture any of that? with sufficiently advanced tech, sure, but idk if we're there yet.
heck imagine the therapeutic implications! imagine this tech being used in an art/music therapy setting, in which you work with a therapist to input your data, get a melody, and then use that melody with whatever form of musical expression you prefer (e.g. if you prefer to play the piano, guitar, a DAW, etc). what would you and your therapist be able to learn about you?
i truly do believe that, when it comes down to it, everyone has their own musical identification, "a song in their heart" if you will. i wish to expose people's hearts to get that music out, so that people may hopefully understand themselves better.
we might actually be at the level of tech necessary to truly realize a project like Lifehouse, but the tech isn't being used in this way. our current tech relies on predictive algorithms that kinda mostly draw on established musical forms, tradition, and there are only so many notes in the musical alphabet and only so many combinations and permutations thereof. a true realization of this tech would work, say, maybe in a similar way to how Pokémon speedrunners essentially break the game and essentially reprogram it to do what they want via a series of unexpected inputs. arbitrary code execution is what that's called, and i bet a similar function might help greatly in creating a uniquely generated musical portrait. because, when it comes down to it, are we not all Glitch Pokémon who cannot be contained by the boundaries of our programming?
anyway that was a long ramble. feel free to gimme feedback like you're a guitar held up to an amp or feedback like an echo chamber, whichever you prefer. this post idk if it'll make both pro & anti AI people mad or not, but that's what happens when your position on a thing is more complicated than a simple binary.
currently homeless still, so please help me if you can:
My partner's donate links are here: https://linktr.ee/IzukuLeeYoung. that's the best place you can send us money to keep us in our current hotel room and off the street.
https://odiohi.me/pages/product-categories - if you wanna help me by buying my wares (including my music)
To support me directly:
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