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Ready, set, paint! Week 5 of HOLA’s public art residency is a burst of sound and color. Alyse Emdur kicks off the final days by singing some tenants rights songs for the group and soon the whole room fills with students’ voices.
“We, we, we shall not be moved
We, we, we shall not be moved
Just like a tree, standing by the water
We shall not be moved
No, no, no nos moverán.
No, no, no nos moverán.
Como un árbol, firme junto al río,
No nos moverán.”
In smaller groups we discuss chants, rhymes, and verses. Which ones speak to the vision of the project? How will we present the work to the public? The students receive some instruction from Michael and Alyse about color before dedicating themselves to painting our ambitious pieces. Some cultivate paper mache lemons and invent their own currency to adorn the lemon tree. Others plant shades of brown, green, and pink onto the trunk. A group by the door becomes a giant pop of yellow as the biggest rubber duck I’ve seen brightens the room. At the suitcases, students engage in a debate about the hierarchy of wealth and decide to show this by painting designer handbags.  
Throughout the process chants break out sporadically. As the final minutes tick by, paint continues to fly onto the sculptures. A student sits on the floor, his white socks now splattered with color, intently lettering “Home Sweet Street” on the side of the duck. We are ready. Are you?
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homesweetstreet · 10 years
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It’s week 3 of HOLA’s Public Art Residency and everything we hold dear is covered in glue. But don’t worry, that means the magic is working! This week Michael Parker and Alyse Emdur enlist the help of four emerging artists to embark on a paper mache project of gargantuan proportion with our students. The sculptures we began last week are steadily growing as we prepare for our grand finale on Friday July 27th at 12pm. RSVP here.   
Dulce Soledad Ibarra, Karen Ruiz, Christine Hudson, and Josh Vasquez are all visual artists from California State University, Long Beach sharing their work and experiences with our cohort of HOLA students. Through individual presentations, they demonstrated the diverse paths art can take at the collegiate and professional level. Together, they shared conversation, laughter, advice, and music recommendations with HOLA kids as trays of glue and piles of newspaper circulated.
As paper mache armor wrapped its way around the giant duck, tree, suitcases, and everything else in its path, the students and artists thought about how to bring the project to the public. Step one was voting on a name to share with our families, friends, and neighbors! We wanted something that expressed the students’ artistic vision while communicating the difficult issues of displacement and gentrification. The votes were cast and tallied, and what emerged was truly amazing...
Welcome to Home Sweet Street.
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What’s in a name? The 2018 Public Art Residency is about displacement and gentrification in our neighborhoods. But what is it called? This week HOLA students and artists brainstormed the final form of the project and decided on a name by popular vote. Welcome to Home Sweet Street!  
Mark your calendars, because you won’t want to miss what we have planned. Join HOLA families, artists, and community partners for the activation of Home Sweet Street on Friday July 27th at 12:00pm. Enjoy a free day of food, music, and public art. We will begin with a parade of giant sculptures starting at 2619 Wilshire Blvd and ending at the Levitt Pavilion in MacArthur Park for tamales, games, conversation, and more. See you there!  
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homesweetstreet · 10 years
[VotD] : En masse // Cette video est en termes de créativité et de skate une sorte de pot pourri des meilleurs riders et effets vidéo. A mon humble avis. En tout cas je viole le bouton replay. Enjoy sous la pluie~*
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homesweetstreet · 10 years
[VotD] : Poudreuse et shred // Un peu d'originalité dans le paysage du longboard au Chili, ca doit surement être un bon kiff de descendre par un temps pareil. Enjoy~*
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homesweetstreet · 10 years
[VotD] : Extreme Sports en masse! // Bon week end? On reprend de plus belle cette semaine avec beaucoup, beaucoup d'adrénaline!!! Sans doute que la meilleure sensation pour un rider est de partager sa passion avec quelqu'un dont l'approche de la glisse et totalement autre, et que la curiosité et le partage permet de voir au delà des disciplines. Bon début de semaine avec ces 30 minutes de sports de gravité! Enjoy~*
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homesweetstreet · 10 years
[VotD] : Hi Score! // La petite vidéo qui vous amusera aujourd'hui c'est du skate street! (bouh, oui je sais, mais regardez ca vous changera) J'aime particulierement le ollie to powerslide, figure "simple" mais surtout finement éxécutée.. Enjoy~*
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