#honeslty what's the point of being worried and scared every single goddamn day whos that for tbh
luxwing · 1 year
Idk sometimes my mom spends a lot of time dooms rolling through the news and she starts reading off all this terrible shit to me and I'm like "so what am I supposed to do about it?" And saying that just stun-locks her because like what the fuck ARE we supposed to do about all this shit? We don't have any power or control over whatever the fuck is going on so why the hell do we drown ourselves in despair over it?
Then she just does it again the next day and I honestly wouldn't care if she just didn't feel like she had to tell me about it like yeah you know what I absolutely needed to know about everyone threatening to drop nukes and how queer people are still being murdered you're right that all is news to me and I haven't been living most of my life already knowing that shit but thanks
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