#honestly I wish ashman got to live a long happy life but he at least left something wonderful for us
tornrose24 · 3 years
@tomboy13theadventurequeen.... you picked my favorite Disney Princess. And some time before my birthday at that! I want to give you so many hugs right now!
-My favorite thing about Belle is that she doesn't conform to what people expect her to be and that she takes time to get to know people.
-I was about to say I think she should have realized there was a reason the 'West Wing was forbidden,' but she should have left that rose alone because MAYBE there was a reason the Beast kept it in a jar? (the sequels don't exist in my mind because they made her look bad... yeah let's not get into what those did to her).
-OMG ITS MY FAVORITE DISNEY MOVIE! Ask me what my favorite movie is from any animated studio (some more obvious than others if you know me well enough) and I'll always say this one is my favorite from Disney! I love the music, I love the story, and I love the designs, backgrounds, and oh my god the countryside shots are GORGEOUS! I'd go on and on about this if I could!
-I missed this on my last few responses to this answer. While I'm fond of Belle's pink dress, I adore her golden dress which probably wasn't easy to animate with all those details back then. I love how its designed and how it moves when animated. While the live action movie version of the gold dress is ok, I've seen designs for it beforehand that were a lot better and more period accurate. (Not to mention I kind of hated how most of Belle's dresses in that film looked exactly the same when it came to certain details... and how the HELL did the gold dress fall off her in the climax?!)
-A lot of the songs are very good, but I'll go with the title song as its so beautiful and the animation for it is breath taking. (The way the song and scene was done in the live action version was actually really good, but I loved how it was remixed into this grand piece when we got an actual trailer (and not that damn teaser trailer) for the film, like how Bear Necessities had an epic orchestral remix for the live action Jungle Book trailer). For musical score, it's the transformation sequence–it always stayed with me as a child and it has stayed with me since, and its just so full of wonder, mystery, magic, and epic ness.
Its a shame lyricist Howard Ashman died the year the movie came out. He had a huge hand in this film as well as the Disney Renaissance and future Disney films. I wouldn't be surprised if Little Mermaid and Beauty and the Beast were personal for him, given what he went through, especially when you consider how the songs could be a reflection of the times he lived in. I appreciate his work and I hope he has been an inspiration for many.
-It's a toss between Philipe the horse and Chip. I wish more had been done with Philipe (and I'd love to know what happened to him after he got Belle to the castle), but I liked that he stuck with her and does care for her happiness. (And it was cute to see him bond with the Beast in the live action film). Chip is just a sweet kid, and he might not have the full grasp of the situation that everyone had during the film, but this kid single handedly ensured that Belle and the Beast got their happily ever after by being in the right place at the right time and he deserves a LOT of appreciation for that. (Which is a shame that they didn't go that route in the musical and live action version).
-We both love reading and being a bit nerdy about it, as well as desiring adventure outside of home. Well, I might not be reading as much actual books as I used to, but they do provide adventures that you can't easily have. Also, I like that Belle doesn't take things for granted at face value and I'm like that at times because we both don't fall for guys in just solely because they are attractive (Sadly, I've seen a lot of Gaston types. Not just in the world of dating and real life, but we have too many politicians like Gaston).
-I'd rank the Beast/Adam pretty high. Yes, he has a temper, but I like that he's a flawed character who HAS to work on turning himself around. And when he's the best version of himself, he's very sweet, adorkable, and can be one hell of a badass. Hell, if you've played Kingdom Hearts, the guy was determination incarnate in trying to save Belle (and proved to be a great ally to Sora when he needed help the most). And I do have to give him points for being willing to sacrifice his own happiness/humanity and let Belle go to her dad (though I admit it gets messed up when you realize that meant damning his own servants). Also 1-Screw the Stokholm Syndrome angle and 2-His human form ISN'T THAT BAD! He didn't WANT to be a beast.
-Belle is number one. She's overall the best and there's nothing about her that is Mary Sue-ish. She has a good heart and is capable of making mistakes, but she can tell a good person from a bad one.
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