#honestly either or both of the twins interacting with faramir especially is incredible to me
anghraine · 6 months
Addendum to the "what if one of Arwen's brothers chose mortality and the other immortality" headcanon:
I kind of love the idea of Elladan (if it's Elladan who stays in Middle-earth) just drifting into Gondor to visit Arwen when he's not rangering with the Northern Dúnedain/slaughtering orcs. But for Elladan and Arwen, even once mortal, a "visit" is a lengthy affair by normal people's standards and he becomes a familiar sight in Minas Anor for years at a time before he goes off again.
(Also, because I can make everything about my faves, I choose to believe his drifting also takes him to Ithilien, both because of the Elvish colony there and to aid in the defense of Gondor's border. It involves protecting his sister and killing orcs, so ... you know. And I love the idea of him interacting with Éowyn and Faramir, of course.)
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