#honestly its been a boon with the need to stop touching my eyes constantly because covid
evadingreallife · 2 years
You know what helps with the problem of having to spend time at 1am to remove our make-up ? Deciding not to wear make-up anymore ! I can sleep earlier at night if I want to, I can sleep more in the morning, I learned to accept and appreciate my face for what it is, contrary to how a woman can feel “naked” and ugly “tired looking” if she goes out without make-up (which is 100% a problem as it fucks with our self esteem), I don’t have to spend so much money on make-up nor making the (mostly) old white men who own these brands more rich on my back, I don’t think so much about how my make-up looks, if it looks nice, if I did it well that day, I don’t have to be self conscious about that and, the best of it, I can feel the wind or water on my bare face, i can decide to splash some fresh water on my face if it’s too hot outside and if I cry I don’t have to worry so much either about ruining my make up. My dyke advice lmao
To the anon that decided to grace my inbox with her wonderful advice on how freeing it is not to buy make up at all: I'm happy you care but you do know that people may perhaps have different experiences and concerns than what you're used to, right?
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