#honestly thats in line with victor frankensteins character i think
sp00ky-scary · 6 months
sure kenneth branagh's poirot movies aren't like the best however i think his facial hair is silly enough to make up for it
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xaeydnquartz · 7 years
Justice League
Don’t let these negative “Pauley want a cracker?” reviews get to you if you haven’t seen it yet or are thinking of seeing it. It was an incredibly enjoyable movie IMO.
Now, not to say that the movie was perfect, like any movie it had its flaws.
!Spoilers below! 
My main (like legit the only thing that drove me up the wall) problem with the move is what i like to refer to as, “the typical WB DLC editing” where they chop up and Frankenstein’s Monster the movie to where it seems like stuff is missing and then release the Directors Cut. Other than that any other gripes are boiled down to would have been nice but didnt really ruin the movie
such as:
     - CGI: Now, it wasnt as bad as all the trailers made it look to be. When i saw Cyborg in trailers i was like “Dear god what the hell happened to you Cy?” but when i got in the movie i found it to be not too bad. I mean dont get me wrong his CGI definitely need a slight touch up to blend in better but it actually didn’t look too bad. As for Superman’s CGI...honestly....if youre not looking for it the most you’ll feel is that something feels slightly off, with that said i didnt mind and with Henry not being able to shave due to having to film another movie it had to be done so i can cut DC slack on that
     -Story/Plot/Villain: Honestly, the only problem i had was that i got sucked into only to realize that it was over already T__T. Other than that, they could have put a bit more into the story, but honestly it wasnt enough to get me hating the movie (hence me getting sucked into the film)
Now onto the stuff i liked, and they are as followed:
- That DC logo openning, LIKE SERIOUSLY that op gets me SO HYPED compared to the old one xD
- Batfleck
- Alfred Sash
- Ezra Flash
- BAD ASS WW, like dear god that opening WW fight <3 (now i have noticed people had gripes about the camera positions, which honestly....i didnt notice cause she was sooo bad ass *,*! but maybe ill keep an eye out for the next time i watch it)
- AQUAMAN CHEEEEEHUU!!! (lol, if anyone doesnt know why, its a Pacific Island thing xD)
- Despite me being a batman fan, i actually liked how they down played batman xD
- Water bending ^_^
- GL
- the action
- the technically 1st race between the flash and supes
- the technically 2nd race xD
- Deathstroke
- The overall focus on the characters in the league (we got to see how Arthur isnt that trusting of Humanity as well as Atlantis, the positive moments Superman had before BvS, Barry’s development into a hero, Victor dealing with his situation of being forced into the realm of powers/heroes, WW stepping out into the public eye, and Bats getting use to depending on others as well as working out the rust thats built up over his time away from the game xD)
Overall Thoughts:
I felt like the movie needed tweaks here and there, and im pretty sure my biggest gripe will be fixed with the Directors cut.
In the end im excited to see whats to come, im excited for the solo movies, and hope DC keeps up on the progress.
Also im hoping for when Darkseid enters the scene down the line that we get to see the hellbat suit ^_^! (cause if they force batfleck into retirement and have someone else pick up the mantel i want to see him go out in a blaze of glory ya know?)
Anyway, if you made it to the end of this, and disagree or agree and want to have a healthy debate/conversation, feel free to start one up, im always game ^_^
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