#honestly you'd think i'd have written some too but they're caged in my wips lmao
sharkface-daydreams · 3 years
hey do you know of any red team sharkface fics, i can’t find any
right away i thought ‘well sure there’s lots!’ and then realised i was thinking of like just ideas i’d had and also posts that i’d seen floating around lmao so i had to go dig a minute, found a few though! you’d think there’d be a few more, he’s got such red team energy lolol
Adoption Forms and Cause of War: Stolen Cereal both by Finerafin
Lost in Space by Blueberryshortcake
Sometimes It’s the Small Stuff That Means the Most by Lynx of the Night (Sharknut focus)
I found a couple that aren’t QUITE Red Team Shark but more “Reds and Blues adopt a reluctant Sharkface”... this one has him switching sides on Chorus? if that’s of interest to you: What's It Feel Like To Be A Ghost? by Pot Of Petunias
Similar vein, Sharkface is scooped up by the BGC in Armonia and resists assimilation, with some low key WashingFace: From Enemies To Ambiguity (orphaned work)
I think I still actually have a handful of Sharkface-included fics I haven’t read through yet but these were in my bookmarks :D thanks for asking!! im always glad to dig through my *checks notes* ... *checks notes again* ... 187 AO3 bookmarks and 300+ chrome bookmarks 😳 (not actually sarcasm, i lowkey keep stashes of bookmarks and posts like a little library and enjoy looking for things lol)
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