#honey is just pure motivation I hope they know that they are so powerful
pentechnics · 3 years
Oh. My. Goodness. Ahhhhhh!!! I saw the update for OLAT and RAN to your blog - I just had butterflies (hehe get it?) the whole time! You are the only writer who has EVER had me actively blushing the entire time I read something; I can’t believe the story is almost complete, and I’m so glad I was here to see it all come to fruition! I really hope you’re so proud, because you’ve made something incredibly impactful and beautiful. You’re a true artist and don’t you ever forget it!! Your words remind me of the feeling I get when the first bloom of spring happens and the weather takes a turn and the air smells crisp and clean; it’s something that feels as familiar as home but as new as a fresh start. It’s been such an honor and a pleasure being one of your readers, and I am stoked for anything and everything you have planned. I know you still aren’t feeling super well, so I hope I can help at least a little with the love I have for you and your art! Love and sweetness always, 🍯❤️
Shdkfldkdjfh 😭
yeah okay I had to keep this for a while, but that’s nothing new with you, Honey!
I am so so SOO happy that you enjoyed the chapter that much!! It’s honestly such an honor to have such an impact, because I know what that feels like on your side of it, and it’s wild to think that my writing is doing it now too?? 😄
To have my writing described so beautifully is just so surreal. Like, cmon, “as familiar as home but as new as a fresh start??” If that ain’t the most touching thing ever 🥺 You and your words always have a way of taking me by surprise and making my heart absolutely burst with joy. Seriously, you have been such a bright spot in my world lately and I am just so incredibly grateful for you!! 😭❤️
I’ve said this before but it bears repeating — readers like you make me want to write so much more than I already do, and you make me want to publish something one day. I hope you and every other lovely reader of mine realizes how big that is and that y’all never ever doubt the power of your words!
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