japanathletes · 5 years
Crystal Vut in Japan
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japanathletes · 5 years
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【Runner’s blog】 Izu Oshima Geopark Marathon 2019
Nothing flamboyant or showy but cozy and unpretentious.  That is how I would describe the Izu Oshima marathon (伊豆大島マラソン).  The island is by no means remote.  I took the jet foil from Tokyo’s Takeshiba (竹芝) and in under 2 hours, the hustle and bustle of Tokyo was magically transformed to the tranquility of Oshima.
Oshima is the home of the active volcano Mt. Mihara (三元火山) so the island is shaped by many volcanic landscapes.  The marathorn basically runs around the island starting from the main port of Motomachi (元町) and ending at the same place. Approximately 700 people took part this year, largely Japanese but I did spot a handful of Westerners and Taiwanese.  Not sure if I was the only one from Hong Kong though .
The view along the way was spectacular.  From the ocean view, I could catch a glimpse of some of the other outlying Izu islands.  Weather permitting, one could even see Mt. Fuji but no luck this time around.   Further down the course came the massive natural wonder of volcanic sedimentary rocks. Often than not, I also ran past piles and piles of black volcanic sand. The scenery did provide some comfort to compensate for the difficulty of the course.  After the first 2~3 km, it was mostly covered by seemingly never-ending series of uphills and downhills. Not alarmingly steep ones but could easily drain your stamina if not prepared for it.
Upon completion of the race, I had the chance to taste the local fish soup Isojiru (磯汁) that was specially prepared by the organizers. What a treat .  As a whole, discounting the soreness of my legs, I have truly enjoyed this event.  Many thanks to Japan Athletes for his recommendation.
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