realkereel · 3 years
Howdy folks! Excited to finally share «FEELS» with you  It’s a music video I directed together with Russia-based Honk Fu visual label for the legendary latvian band BrainStorm. I had a pleasure to gather and lead an insanely talented team of some of the best artists and animators from all over Russia and beyond. Hyper grateful to Stas Bashkatov (CEO of HonkFu) and of course BrainStorm for this opportunity and trust with the project. I’d love to thank our entire crew for all their hard work and mental strength during the production in these crazy times.
Lot’s of making-of will be highlighted over the coming weeks on both mine and HonkFu's instagram pages, so stay tuned and keep track of hashtag #honkfufeels to see works from our awesome team. Have a nice day and enjoy the show!
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