#honorable mention: luca steps up like a knight for his king literally ready to lay down his life for his brother's baby
hotmessmaxpress · 6 months
If Marc were to ever get pregnant in the omegaverse, how would that impact his abandonment issues regarding Vale? Since a whole child is the most certain way of actually never ever separating (forever bound by the antichrist child of motorcycles racing).
Also how do the pack dynamics change?
(your writing is absolutely delightful and as addictive as crack cocaine, got me hooked and following you)
okay so this is hard to answer because there are sooo many good rosquez baby au's. (@its-always-silly-season has a rosquez baby au that lives rent-free in my head, @shooters4yuki has Baby Boots and Riding Suits where Vale is the mother-- an absolute must-read) Also as a child of divorce I must say a child does not prevent two insane people from separating lmaoooo
I think that in this specific au marc being pregnant would give him some amount of anxiety. It's the totally irrational feeling of 'now that vale will have a baby what if he doesn't need me anymore? what happens when I'm not the center of attention?' which is actually a super normal fear with new parents on both sides!!
On the other hand the pack and vale are so so insanely supportive. vale has never been more in love with marc and he has more than enough love for marc and their baby. Vale will not shut up about marc being pregnant and how he's going to be a dad and how he got marc pregnant (*pervy old man eyebrow wiggle*) and how hot marc looks pregnant. Vale is one of those guys. If it wasn't so adorable and exciting for everyone then it would be sort of gross.
The pack are out of their minds supportive. Bezz is the one who maybe has the most emotional crisis about it because he's the other omega and suddenly he's learning about how much marc and vale are happy about his pregnancy and marc is glowing and bezz is like "well fuck who is gonna knock me up now??? I want one". (obviously Bezz is still racing and isn't mated yet so getting pregnant is still pretty far off for him but that doesn't mean he doesn't start fantasizing just a little).
The pack are fully preparing to spoil this baby. They love her before she's even born (I love girl dad vale so I have decided they have a girl). She's going to have so many uncles ready to spoil the fuck out of her and take her on rides and generally endanger her life in cute and lovable ways.
Even with marc's anxiety it's sort of hard for him to ignore the support of his pack and his mate and his family throughout the pregnancy. By the time he has the baby he's sort of chilled out about his feeling of being replaced and he's soooo happy to have their itty bitty little baby that he doesn't even know what to do with himself. He loves getting to see vale be a dad and see the rest of the pack step up and help out.
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