softball29 · 14 days
Photo Blogging Challenge (August 2024): Explore
The world is a vast place. I love to explore. It cane be near. It can be far. It can be in a car! But exploring is a part of life that allows you to grow as a person. I think anyway. Alas, I have realized as I get older, I am not into certain things anymore. While I like to travel and see things, it’s also harder. It’s also more expensive. So I try and do things close when possible, or at least…
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softball29 · 2 months
Photo Blogging Challenge (July 2024): Things I love
As much as I love this blog challenge — I have to find a way to make sure I post on time. I think part of the reason is my lack of overall blogging. And funny enough, I have a whole bunch of posts almost written. I just need to find that push to post more often, even if it’s just 2-3 times a week. That being said, this month’s theme seems fitting. My Timehop (if it’s an app you don’t use — check…
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softball29 · 3 months
Photo Blogging Challenge (June 2024): I get around
And as much as I’d love to sing, no this isn’t the Beach Boys song! Life and getting around changes over time. While I don’t mind traveling and the like, the reality is I do a lot of things with Harper in mind. And more if she can go with me and enjoy it! So yes, this post is much like others in the past. Where do I get around? A lot is walking, some exploring, and anything where I might be…
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softball29 · 4 months
Photo Blogging Challenge (May 2024): A look into my life
My life is pretty much the same, it seems. And if you look into my life, you know there’s one constant — Harper. This month (and June) is extremely hectic with work, so I don’t do a lot of extra things. So my life is basically work, Harper, and if I can squeeze in a few other things. To quote the great Homer J. Simpson … borrrrrrrring. Alas, it turns out I actually did have some photos I liked…
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softball29 · 5 months
Photo Blogging Challenge (April 2024): Point of View
Point of view can be looked at a bunch of different ways. I had several ideas in what I wanted to do this month. From getting low to the ground, to different looks like that. But I decided to kind of put it into a Harper perspective. Shocker, I know. So what I tried to do was bring you into Harper’s world. Sure, it might not be a traditional point of view, but when I took some photos, I tried…
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softball29 · 6 months
Photo Blogging Challenge (March 2023): Eleven
OK, folks. April Fools! So here we are. April 1 came and went, but hey — it’s almost normal anymore! One of these days, I’ll get it right again! I promise. This month though. You would think after doing this challenge for so many years that I would be ready for the March theme. Add one number and here we are. But ELEVEN? What the ever living hell? Honestly, this may have been the hardest…
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softball29 · 7 months
Photo Blogging Challenge (February 2023): Exploration
Shall we explore? I’m going to be honest — exploring is much more fun with Harper. And you guessed it — she’s the star of this post! I’m interested to see how everybody sees exploring. For me, a lot of it is through geocaching. It’s taken me so many places I likely never would have seen or been without this great game. But through the eyes of a dog makes it so much better. Exploring now is…
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softball29 · 8 months
Photo Blogging Challenge (January 2023): The Best
Is it just me, or does it seem like each year when the calendar flips … the first month flies by and we are like hey-o… what the hell? We’re already one month down in the new year? I’m not alone in this? Good. Alas, there’s not much we can do about it, outside of just going with the flow. January has been quite the month on my end. After a pretty easy winter through the first part, we got a…
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softball29 · 10 months
Photo Blogging Challenge (November 2023): Enjoy life
Life. We’re only here for basically a speck in the time of this world. So while here, we probably should enjoy it, eh? I’m still slowly working on all the posts for my 50th birthday series (and heck, I have until next September, so …), and I’ve realized how many times that “enjoy life” wasn’t part of my mantra. For whatever time I have left on this Earth, I certainly do want to try and do it a…
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softball29 · 11 months
Photo Blogging Challenge (October 2023): Experiences
Life is full of experiences. I feel, at times, we as people tend to hustle and bustle past some of life’s experiences. Not everything has to have a large price tag on it to have a wonderful experience. In fact, I dare say, many of our experiences are free — if we stop and look around us. For October I tried to do this a little more. And I hope to keep doing it. I always felt I was one who…
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softball29 · 1 year
Photo Blogging Challenge (September 2023): Simple
First, I realized midway through the month that I had put the wrong theme up! Oooops! Alas, it’s no biggie as the beauty is still in interpretation! Personally, I’ve tried to simplify things in life. Enjoy the things that matter and go about life the best way I can. The thing is with “simple” — it will differ to people. Simple can be used in many ways and still, in a way, be complex. That’s…
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softball29 · 1 year
Photo Blogging Challenge (August 2023): Happy place
OK, I am sure you all know my main happy place. But let me explain it a little bit more. When I first got Harper a couple of years ago, I knew it would change my perspective on life, and also it would change how I lived my life. But several friends have dogs and it didn’t mess with their lifestyles at all. They don’t have Harper! Harper has really helped me get a grasp on life, especially as…
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softball29 · 1 year
Photo Blogging Challenge (July 2023): Selfie
Do you remember that song from a few years ago by the Chain Smokers? With the … “But first, let me take a selfie.” God did I once loathe selfies. I can’t say I’m still this super crazed fan of them, but I have succumbed. I take them now. I figure it’s a way to capture memories over time. I don’t even mind being in photos overall anymore, so selfies aren’t that big of a deal. Plus.. Harper.…
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softball29 · 1 year
Photo Blogging Challenge (June 2023): Where will you go?
So, where did you go? This theme had a lot of interesting ways it could go. I actually, throughout the month, had taken photos based on a different worded theme — though kind of the same. So I think I can save it! Was it a big trip? Was it around the block? Maybe it was just going no place in particular? This world is a crazy place now. So the interpretation of “Where will you go” can go in…
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softball29 · 1 year
Photo Blogging Challenge (May 2023): Tell a story!
It’s story time! I’m sure most of you know where I am going with my post. It’s kind of hard not to tell a story with somebody as part of it. Especially with how she has become such a huge part of my life. As I write this post, she is spread out on the floor in front of me, sleeping after a full and fun day. This month is part of the sandwich that includes her birth month (April) and gotcha…
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softball29 · 1 year
Photo Blogging Challenge (April 2023): You do you
I went back and forth with how I wanted to do this theme. In the end, with the timing of it and the post, it seemed like a pretty obvious choice. But, I’m going to try and go a little deeper with said subject. Harper turned two on April 29. I can’t believe where the time has gone with her. It seems like yesterday I was driving an hour and a half to pick her up. I brought her home in a laundry…
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