#hoops in ALL his ear piercings. maybe just one. a tiny gay hoop
greyeyedmonster-18 · 2 years
(sirius black wore hoop earrings, thank you.)
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the-ghost-king · 4 years
Will Solace Headcanon's because I think too much:
Nobody asked for these, but you can have them anyhow, because Will is soft and I want to talk about him
This boy was absolutely obsessed with the Barbie movies as a kid, like obsessed. His favorite was probably Princess and the Pauper, or one of the mermaid ones.
He also definitely had a Monster High phase, I don't take criticism (his favorite was probably Vipierina or Sirena- I probably spelt those wrong)
(Maybe an Ever After High phase too... But that was probably towards the end of his doll phase)
He was totally into Victorious, Big Time Rush, and all the other "classics"
He had a pair of bright pink cowboy boots that he wore all the time (Texas, am I right?)
Something like this (I don't take criticism it's canon now):
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The second pair of shoes might look funny because I edited a picture of my boots, but that's something similar to what I mean by "rainbow boots".... Maybe a little bolder though, leather colors instead of just stitching.
He wore those shoes everywhere until he was like 7/8 and he basically refused to wear any other shoes- Naomi bought some duplicate pairs in bigger sizes
When he finally did outgrow them/start wearing other shoes, Naomi bought him a pair of rainbow ones as a replacement (because rainbow boots are cool damn it)
He didn't (and still doesn't) hardly eat any sugar, he likes sweet things but he always feels really tired after so he just doesn't eat them all that often (Strawberry Ice cream will always get him though)
He got his ears pierced for his kindergarten graduation, just little pink studs (because I hc him as being born in October)
His mom tried to talk him out of getting both his ears pierced, but Will wanted it done that way so she relented- it looks really nice though so she didn't regret giving in
Will doesn't like dangling earrings because he doesn't like how they feel when he moves his head, so he mostly just wears studs/posts, and small hoops
You will get him to wear dangling earrings if they're something odd
Will has a whole collection of really nice earrings and another collection of crazy ones, like hamburgers and fries or tiny ranch bottles
Will has some weird affiliations with shoes
To start off he absolutely hates shoes (like Dante Quintana level of hatred for most shoes)
But when Will does find a pair of shoes he likes and will actually wear they're usually obnoxious in some manner
For example, his bright cowboy boots
He also enjoys shoes like Crocs, slides, Birkenstocks, Vans (because he's bi/pan/omni), and the bulky white Fila shoes
Will is basically a VSCO girl, full stop 🐢
(He buys those Shelly Cove shirts, Ella Elephant, and the Whale ones too- idk the names)
He has friendship bracelets on his wrists all the time, he doesn't really wear expensive jewelry (except for his earrings and later his wedding ring) but he values the braided thread bracelets just as much
He takes them off when he's in the infirmary because they're a hygiene/safety concern and he doesn't want them ruined
He'd wear oversized shirts but he's a little tall so he struggles to find anything that fits him big
(I personally hc him to be like 6"2-8 but to each their own; if you don't understand my Americaness then 182-207cm)
He wears those sweater crop tops that all the tik tok gays have? They wear them with sweatpants and bulky white tennis shoes...
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(I struggled to find an "appropriate" picture, but similar to this)
He overheats a lot (he's basically a human furnace) and he likes them because they keep him cool~
(He's definitely cut off old T-shirts from camp/bands/vacations into crop tops too once they start getting a bit older- he probably cuts off old hoodies too)
Flower Crowns ✨
He is really good at making them, he did it a lot as a kid (him and all his friends would make necklaces/bracelets with wildflowers/weeds on the playground) so he does it at camp too
Will is "best friends" with everyone, even the Nymphs who don't usually like most of the campers welcome him excitedly
Will doesn't understand why people at camp like him so much, but who wouldn't want an extremely nice southern medic to take care of them?
Also Will is like, genuinely soft
He's a Patroclus type character- just genuinely good at heart in all ways
That's a quality hard to find in a lot of demigods, especially those that are battle tested, but Will is just so unapologetically kind
(The fact that he's attractive definitely adds to his likeability )
He's not model level attractive but he's still a 10, he's "girl next door" kind of pretty (like a male version of Penny from Big Bang Theory or similar)
He probably gets a 7w6 on the enneagram test (he definitely has 8 wing access though, he just leans 6)
(Nico is totally a 6w7, fight me)
Will usually ends up the leader in a lot of different situations, he's mature, intelligent and respected so people usually just naturally follow his lead
He doesn't usually trust other people to be in control of a situation because he doesn't think they're considerate enough to the situation, and because of this he finds them unfair
If Nico or Clarisse is around he usually steps down and let's them handle the situation 100% because he trusts them full heartedly
If Will gives leadership to you in any way that's how you know he trusts you- most people he gives trust to situationally, like the 7 and Reyna
(Part 1/?) I definitely have more to say/add to this but I'll stop here for now because it's lengthy!
(All the pictures do have a alt text added)
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kinkymagnus · 5 years
Do you have any headcanons about Magnus crossdressing? (Although I hate this term because clothes don't have a gender)
and a dress. and lacy lingerie. and pretty “traditionally feminine” things. 
he already does have a more traditionally feminine style sometimes–particularly season one, with the open and silky flowy colorful shirts. and his makeup. and it suits him. 
but seeing him properly in like fishnets or a dress… ldfkgjkgfdhj
(also, i totally get you on clothes not having a gender. i mean, i’m a trans dude but i do like skirts/dresses sometimes? which can have some. self-esteem issues. but like. my point being a guy can like skirts/dresses and all that and not be less manly. and skirts/dresses/makeup don’t have to be “a girl thing”.)
but REALLY magnus in traditionally feminine clothing would be so good. i would pay to see magnus in a skirt, okay?
(not to mention the part of me that hardcore likes trans or nonbinary magnus is screaming at the idea of nonbinary!magnus in a skirt, ok.) 
but ok okok ok ok oko kok oko kok spECIFICALLY. you asked for headcanons. so let’s do that. ok
magnus “crossdressing” headcanons under the cut: 
magnus generally likes a more androgynous fashion: not super “masculine” (like, idk, dirty overalls or jeans or whatever is considered “manly”, or like even plain but nice/sharp suits and stuff) but definitely not super “feminine” either (like dresses). he tends to go for the happy middle ground. HOWEVER
that doesn’t mean magnus doesn’t like either/or. and honestly, tho he might not admit it easily, he prefers some more feminine clothing. 
dresses are super flowy and nice, and he’s got great legs so
also because i project myself onto characters i like and relate to: for magnus, how the fabric feels is one of the most important parts of an item of clothing.
it doesn’t matter how nice the dress is, if it doesn’t feel good against his skin or at the very least feels comfortable, he won’t wear it.
and that kind of applies vice versa–while he has standards as to what he’ll wear in public, he 100 percent has some dresses/skirts/shirts/robes/whatever that are kind of frumpy or just look okay but are made of the SOFTEST fabric, with just the right amount of like, heft to it, and feel so nice against his skin.
anYWAY. magnus likes all sorts of dresses (i know i keep going back to dresses and that’s not all crossdressing is but look i love dresses despite being a dude so i’m gonna project ok?) but like. there’s different Moods. there’s “this is a nice dress and i feel Powerful in it” and “this is a fancy as fuck dress, look at it, it’s a ballgown, it’s heavy and swooshy, i can spin” there’s “this is light and breezy on the bits, feels nice, comfy” and “this is like a cosplay dress, i look bomb as fuck even tho i can’t wear it forever because it’s heavy and complicated” and “this is nice, i just feel a little more feminine today and it it looks good on me but it’s not uncomfortable” 
magnus looks good in red and gold as well as blue and purple ok
magnus in a skirt. magnuS IN A SKIRT. androgynous fashion is great. magnus in a more masculine but kinda open shirt, maybe even a button up, and a simple black skirt (not tiny but not long either), maybe fishnets because fishnets look so good and make you feel good wearing them ok and he looks SO GOOD. long legs mostly showing off, draped over the arm of a chair as he’s just like lounging sideways in it and alec is like HOLY SHIT YOU LOOK GOOD 
magnus. in a crop top. not inherently feminine by any means but still. this could mean a more masculine one or a blatantly feminine one. either way he looks good. 
piercings!!! earrings. sometimes simple and subtle ones like little black beads, other times more elaborate/obvious. hoop earrings, or dangly pretty ones. whatever goes with his outfit and his mood.
magnus in lacy underwear and lingerie will always be my jam okay
he looks so good with silky/lacy underwear ok
magnus casually defying gender roles is my life
i would think that over his centuries of living he’s like. gotten more and more bold as the years went by?
this next part works better if you fly with this ‘magnus is lowkey nonbinary’ headcanon but it works for not that too
actually fuck it this is trans nonbinary man magnus now.
(nonbinary man = someone who identifies more as masculine and a man, likes he/him pronouns and they/them pronouns, etc. but is also not quite a man and like, kinda in between gender wise? nonbinary but leaning masculine? possibly me, i’m still figuring it out. but anyway.)
(also i have a lot of feelings about magnus and they/them pronouns but for the purposes of this post i’ll stick with he/him)
he started off like. when he realized who he was and was like, transitioning and stuff. he dressed super masculine, trying to like, compensate, you know?
he felt guilty that he still likes some “girly” things because it’s like how do you know you’re really a man if you like girly things? are you faking it? (spoiler alert he’s not there’s nothing wrong with a trans man liking “feminine” things, nor a nonbinary person) 
anyway eventually he got more comfortable with exploring a little–some “guyliner”, maybe plain or darker colored nail polish, kohl. subtle stuff at first
he got bolder with encouragement from his friends, with like, meeting other queer people and stuff–more colorful makeup, clothing, nicer stuff
he may or may not have went through a brief phase of going way over the top
actually come to think of it the standards for masculinity have changed a lot over the years there were times when masculine was huge frills and poofy sleeves, right?
idk how to fit that in there but it does, ok
anyway the point is magnus gets more and more comfortable with himself
and right now during canon era he’s more on “boldly expressing himself but still has tons of issues so maybe not completely or as openly as he’d like”
aka he wears makeup and jewelry and more feminine clothes but he tends to wear more “risky” things in private/with close friends only. (as well as not being super open about being nonbinary and/or trans. some other queer downworlders know, particularly baby ones who are like also trans/nb and magnus is more than happy to help with like, glamours and potions or a person to talk to and shit) 
the first time catarina sees him in a dress lounging in his apartment looking fabulous she doesn’t bat an eye she’s just like “damn that’s good where’d you get it” and he lights up (she doesn’t fail to notice his shoulders relax a little) and starts talking about this fabulous little shop in france run by a friend of his 
ragnor is probably the only person he’d ever openly and directly talked to about this, one night earlier on when he was rather drunk and he saw a skirt he really liked but he was afraid to get 
ragnor bought it for him later
quick detour on they/them pronouns. magnus usually uses he/him because he likes those pronouns just as much and it’s just easier in so many ways but cat, ragnor, and some of his other close adopted family members often use they/them because they know magnus doesn’t hear it enough and he likes those pronouns too
alec finds out about him being nonbinary/enjoying they/them pronouns and magnus is a little worried because he knows alec is Gay but alec is like. so accepting and understanding. and even days where magnus feels more nebulous and less masculine alec is like “babe i love men yes but i love you MOST, on days were you’re a man and days when you’re not” because a) sexual attraction =/= love and b) alec loves magnus not his dick (although i have feelings about being trans + magical transitioning and believe it is fully possible magnus could potentially be pretty much biologically male with enough powerful magic ok)
anyway alec uses both he/him and they/them with magnus depending on what he’s comfortable with that day and magnus is so happy ok
BACK TO CROSSDRESSING (you’re right, that is a stupid term–especially since i’ve detoured into nonbinary man magnus because im dumb and now the “cross” part even MORE doesn’t work) 
ok but once canon era is over and malec are happily married and immortal
magnus now has several friends (i mean he already had that but now one of them is gone–although we can easily say ragnor faked his death i mean–and he has a few new ones. like. simon is immortal so. just saying.) AND a loving husband who loves and supports him so much
who are there to support and encourage him
so magnus might get more and more open and possibly wear skirts and stuff even in public
and yeah he gets some assholes who are dicks about it but he also gets the occasional shy teenager complimenting him on his skirt or a grown woman being like “oh my god THE COLOR where did you GET THAT” 
generally the downworld is pretty supportive 
and if anyone’s a dick about it i mean
while magnus can defend himself
catarina, raphael, alec, or one of his many other supporters is probably gonna get there first
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