#hope I got Lee's bandanna tails right I wasn't sure on their shape
sibillascribbles08 · 2 months
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Finally a crossover with @nardos-primetime, I have a lot more ideas tbh but I don't want it to end up OOC so I wait alsdkjf but I figured this one would make sense.
Holly Blue hanging out in his clone turtle AU for the record
ID under the cut
[ID: A three panel comic featuring an anthropomorphic wasp, Holly Blue, sitting at a table on the left side and smoking from a cigarette holder. On her right is a clone version of Leonardo from Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, named Lee.
In the first panel Lee asks, "So I heard you were a famous employee here once?" Holly Blue answers, "I was."
In the second panel Holly Blue takes a drag of her cigarette while Lee says, "Any advice for an upcoming employee like me?"
In the last panel Holly Blue blows out some smoke while simply saying, "Quit." Lee is visibly shocked and shouts, "HUH?"]
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