#hope chuuya brings verlaine a baguette back from france since they're in meursault still
lotus-pear · 6 months
i'd like to think chuuya knows bits of french to some extent bc rimbaud would often randomly exclaim smth or mumble to himself in his native tongue and chuuya would overhear and pick up the little phrases and store it in the back of his mind unconsciously bc of his intrinsically observant nature, only for those phrases to resurface again when he's fighting verlaine and verlaine goes "sacre bleu!" or some shit and chuuya's like "Oh. OH. IVE HEARD THAT BEFORE...WASNT THAT WHAT SUB EXEC RANDOU ALWAYS USED TO SAY...." and verlaine completely halts with a nebulous expression on his face before going "who?????"
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