#hope sass is ready aaaaaa
quiet-kunoichi · 2 years
[ Hazardous | @suck-my-tomato | tw; drugs, alcohol, sexual content ]
After an afternoon of wallowing in self-constructed misery, sifting through a shoebox of their old memories and scrolling through text messages, pictures and videos of a happier version of her past.. Kimiko wiped her tears and said ‘Fuck it.’ If Sasuke was insistent on fucking around with other girls and celebrating his single life mingling with horny strangers at stupid house parties.. Maybe she ought to let loose a little, too. So she had wiped her tears, touched up her makeup with a fierce black wing on her eye, and dressed down into something far more revealing than she was usually comfortable with. 
This time, she’d be sure to find a party that he wouldn’t be attending. It took a little longer to get there, and a little sleuthing over social media accounts of the seniors from last year, but Kimiko found herself at a true college party. Somewhere that no one would recognize her; she could be whoever the hell she wanted to be. And tonight, she wanted to be fun, reckless, and dedicated to seeking out some true pleasure. 
It was only an hour in, and Kimiko was having an absolute fucking blast. Each song that pumped through the speakers was better than the last, the drinks started mixing together not long ago and she was starting to forget about him. In fact, she was actually dancing - which is typically unheard of, but her blood is buzzing and her skin feels hot and tingly. She’s bubbly, giggly and feeling a tad flirtatious. She’s entertained the attentions of a select few different men, though admittedly their faces were beginning to blend together. Whatever. She doesn’t have much to lose, and to start feeling concerned now would only mean missing out on all of the fun they’d been promising. They brought her the drinks, offered her hits of home-rolled spliffs, and didn’t seem to mind sharing her with one another. What did she have to worry about? Little did she know that a couple of these men were stragglers of the Akatsuki crew. Ones she’d never met, and probably for good reason. Hidan in particular had recognized her the moment she walked through the door. Without the Uchiha holding her down, Kimiko seemed a lot more fun to play with - and he’d been scheming to take matters into his own hands, considering she clearly didn’t realize who he was or how he knew her. As it was, she was dancing with him right now. Large hands slid over the curve of her figure, slender fingers dipping into the front of her hips and pulling her backside against the stiff front of his pants. He felt incredibly different than Sasuke by his very nature: there was something about him that felt acutely dangerous. Unfortunately for Kimiko, that only served to pique her interest even more. Lips tickle the shell of her ear and she flinches with a giggle before listening to the hum of his words. “Want some water?” As soon as he mentioned it, she realized that her mouth was in fact very dry, her tongue a swab of cotton and stuck to the roof of her mouth. She nods, and he slips his grasp around her wrist to lead her out of the crowd and towards the kitchen. Ears ringing now with the absence of music as it faded to the background, Kimiko pulls her fingers through her hair and catches her breath. Hidan has his back to her, pouring a glass of water for his Little Red. Kimiko thinks to rummage in her shirt for her phone, but he turns back around fast enough that she forgets about it. Unbeknownst to her, the phone opened up Taka’s contact from her previous trip down heart-break lane, and began to dial up her old flame. “Here babe, drink up.” Hidan offers the glass and as she takes her first gulp, he presses up against her front, pushing her back against the countertop. She hardly has time to set down the glass before his fingers start to tease up the front of her mesh shirt, lips ghosting over her throat. “That tickles,” Kimiko giggles, writhing under his looming stature. “Does it now? What else will tickle you?” He purrs, and Kimiko slurs a playful warning, “Don’t even try it. I feel funny.” He chuckles, “Aw, and I thought you were fun.” Lips start to kiss at her neck, and Kimiko shudders. “I am fun.” She huffs, petulant and dizzy as she tries to blink away the swimming kitchen light.  “Are you ready to really get this party started, then?” He hums, the sounds of his kisses trailing toward her collarbone. She only replies with a little sigh, and he pulls back with a wry grin, pulling a little baggie from his back pocket. Inside were small little pills, and Kimiko had to squint to make them out. “What’s that?” She asks, but he cups her face and runs a thumb over her lower lip, tilting her chin toward the ceiling. “It’s a little pill that’s gonna make you feel like you’re on cloud nine, babe. Be a good girl, open your mouth. Unless you wanted to call the party off so soon, ne?”
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