#hope they're at least somewhat accurate idk
goggleghost · 10 months
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DCA Celtic AU idea
Celtic Woman's "The Sky and the Dawn and the Sun" got me imagining a whole animatic. Currently storyboarding it as we speak.
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samandcolbypost · 7 months
Sam stop being stubborn and listen to Colby for once. DONT GO ALONE. 3 years ago taught you nothing? 😭
I don’t really think it’s accurate but at least the first part meats the first part is what I’m talking about.
“It's not that they are stubborn per se; it's that they won't listen to anyone who tells them what to do. Sagittarians are adventurous and open-minded, so they're willing to consider new ideas and learn from people. It's just these free-spirited individuals cannot be controlled or manipulated.”
Sam really needs to listen. It wasn’t fair for Colby because it was supposed to be both of yours big moment, but I don’t think it’s right to judge Sam especially because it was something he needed to find out too. He could’ve just woke up Colby and at least let him know, especially for safety since no one else was awake during that time and something could’ve happened. Colby was mad and he had every right to be, also because Sam casually mentioned it while they went to the basement. 🤦🏻‍♀️ But they communicated in a healthy way so that’s something at least. (I’m actually glad to see that because now we know what they do when they fight and it’s even more of a reason to love them) yea show us how it’s done! Some thing we all need to learn from.
Colby threw the tick down only to go back in and grab water. 💀
Okay everything I just wrote didn’t even save soo I’m going to have to try again. 🙃
I love this down to earth moment after what they were told about “were okay” moment.
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I hope Colby is okay going into the woods especially since they’ve been warned. We see him running at the end so I’m hoping that means he goes back to the house.. also hoping they have walkie talkies just in case.
We all know Colby is some kind connection because he feels energy sometimes, but can we talk about how twice Sam has done the Estes method he started shaking. I don’t know if it’s a connection per say, but it’s definitely weird. He felt like something was pushing him down, and the last time he felt he couldn’t even move. (I felt like Colby was still mad from the prior conversation because when he said “what were you doing” I was like 👀 I’m glad he realized to take him out of it at least, because I couldn’t even see him shaking on camera) I might be over analyzing why I think Colby said that too but anyways.
I don’t mind Larray and Bella. I don’t think it added anything to the video like some have said, but overall it wasn’t horrible.
I still am sticking to my box theory with Cody and Satori. I don’t think they’re horrible people but I also think they are lying up a storm. I feel somehow sound can be manipulated to sound closer and further away, and a lot of the sounds comes from Cody’s area..
Sam and Colby tried the method and it didn’t work except for what they heard at the very last moment. I kinda wished it worked for them but I figured. 😕
The camera equipment not working was kinda freaky I won’t lie. The fact it does this a lot even with their batteries being full. Also who or what was coming up the stairs?? I feel it could be the 4th tour guide or Zach, but how Colby responded on Twitter says otherwise. I guess the spirit just wanted to make an appearance in the video.
I’m rewatching clips as I do this to remember (which is how this got deleted to begin with 🤦🏻‍♀️). Anyways, someone just posted a clip and you can see something outside the window when Colby is standing by the window, either about to go into the well or when they finished the Estes method idk.
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Props for them staying in the rooms by themselves I could never. Especially when it’s a haunted house and knowing anything could happen.
I could never go to the graveyard like they both did, and Colby going in the next video. Hell no. I don’t do bugs, ghost, the dark, and especially when I am warned.
Dave being a Dave 🤪😡 I’m kinda scared of Dave but I hope it’s just messing with them.
I don’t know how spirits can travel through the water? I thought they can’t leave the house unless they died outside or something. So I’m not sure how the aquifer could let them travel.
Somewhat of an Ep 2 review because I didn’t do it
Believe: Josh getting touched because he wasn’t even moving, the scrapping noise, the door opening.
Not believe: Satori and Cody, the one small door opening on its own. Do the owners/caregivers just stay there or something? I can’t say anything about this house if they are just chilling in a random room while S&C investigate. I think they stay in a different house but I also don’t know for sure.
I’m on the fence about the noises again I wish I could know the truth.
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mikalara-dracula · 10 months
How would diaboys and karlheinz react if they saw one of those biblically accurate angels? They're said to scare away demons. Would they be scared?
Hi there, Anon!
This is an interesting question. The concept of "God" in the DL world is a big mystery. In the game routes, it's been mentioned that "God" does not exist in the DL world, and that has been repeated to Yui by several of the Diaboys. So, one can imagine that if "God" doesn't exist, I highly doubt that something associated with Him such as "angels" would exist as well.
However, what's weird about this is that in one of Reiji's routes, Reiji has holy water poured on him and it ends up burning him (somewhat at that anyways), so it gives some indication that "God" is real, or at least a divine power of some sort, otherwise, why would the holy water burn Reiji to begin with? Idk if Rejet got its ideas mixed up about "God" being real or not in the DL world, or if the Diaboys have repeatedly lied to Yui in hopes that she abandons her faith and sides with them instead.
Although, it's interesting that immortals are referred to as "demons" in the game routes as well. So, if "God" exists in the DL world based on the holy water burning Reiji, maybe the Diaboys and Karlheinz would be scared of Angels considering that Biblical theology implies that anything "evil" or "demonic" is less powerful than "God" and will be "defeated." And since immortals are referred to as "demons" according to what's been stated in the game routes, they fall into the category of supposedly being "defeated" by a divine power. Hope this answer is what you're looking for.
Thank you for taking the time to send in this question! Feel free to send in another anytime. :)
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funnywormz · 21 days
the toshiro hate discourse is crazy on twitter and tiktok lately. not only they're hating on him for being a jerk to Laios but also having a crush on Falin. they're saying he was hypocritical for liking Falin's personality when she's very much the same to Laios, the guy he find annoying. and also for being in the way of Marcille x Falin ship.
now I love the Farcille ship but dear lord do you have to go this far just to hate on toshiro.
one last thing, this one I don't see alot but is so awful and is that some fans think toshiro is a slave owner (??) cus his family bought izutsumi and tade to work as fighters wtfff
YEAH i find the people who hate on toshiro because of farcille odd because he doesn't even get in the way of it? like he just has a crush on falin but she doesn't feel the same way about him anyways. it's also strange when people act like falin and laios are exactly the same and call toshiro a hypocrite for liking falin. falin is very gentle and kind whereas laios is definitely a bit more loud and abrasive at times. i think toshiro struggled to be around laios because laios was overstimulating and exhausting for him, whereas falin wasn't any of those things. they're two very different people so i don't think it's weird that he likes one and dislikes the other
i think maybe the "slave owner" criticism has a little more merit? because his parents do literally own them, and izutsumi at least had a curse put on her by maizuru which was meant to prevent her from escaping. so like....... they are literally slaves and are under the control of his family/maizuru. although toshiro doesn't own anyone himself and was just a kid when his parents "bought" tade, izutsumi etc., he's still complicit in the aspect that he still uses the labour of these people. he does know it isn't right, and has considered talking to tade about it, and lets izutsumi go when she escapes. but he doesn't make any effort to free them himself, doesn't ask maizuru to remove the curse on izutsumi, and overall just seems to view the fact that his family are slave owners and human traffickers as something mildly uncomfortable rather than the evil awful thing that it is.
i don't think toshiro is a bad person, and he does know what his family is doing is bad, but he's also a very passive person. he's so reserved and anxious about social interaction that it interferes with him telling the truth to laios, but also gets in the way of him properly criticising or standing up to his father in a way that would make a difference, or making a big step like actually talking to tade about how her situation isn't fair at all. so yeah while it wouldn't be accurate to call him a slave owner, i think he is somewhat complicit in the practice of it and deserves criticism for that
idk i don't think toshiro is a horrible person as some in the fandom paint him out to be, and there are a lot of ways people insult him that are just straight up mischaracterisation/projection/etc. but at the same time he isn't perfect and i think there are valid reasons for people to dislike him. but i definitely do agree with the first part of this ask in that most of the reasons people have for hating him are just rlly silly lol
(i hope i approached this topic properly btw, i know slavery is a very dark and sensitive topic for many people and the last thing i would want to do is undermine the severity of it)
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sabakos · 11 months
Out of curiosity, why do you like Hegel so much, yet dislike philosophers inspired by him, like Marx? I get the impression you don't see a lot of Marx's writing as...idk rigorous? Intelligentual serious? But most of the people I see making that complaint oppose continental philosophy in general and want significantly more mathematical rigor in philosophy, which you don't seem to agree with. So I'm not really sure what your objection is and what you feel makes Hegel different
The first thing here is that Marx was not directly inspired by Hegel and, according to Hegel biographer Terry Pinkard, seems to have read very little of him. Marx studied under Bruno Bauer (one of the many attendees of Hegel's lectures who also probably over-exaggerated his connection to Hegel) and Marx also read summaries of German idealism that were written by Heinrich Moritz Chalybäus, who is responsible for the infamous misconception that Hegelian dialectic had anything to with the essentially meaningless triad of "thesis-antithesis-synthesis." Following Walter Kaufmann, most Hegel scholars these days will now outright assert that "thesis-antithesis-synthesis" to be a misrepresentation of Hegelian dialectic, rather than trying to compromise with the Marxists. So a decent part of the reason I dislike Marx (and more accurately, his followers) is that without Marx, there would be far fewer misconceptions about Hegel. As for Marx taken by himself, I have some rather strong objections to social conflict theory, but that could be its own long post.
I'm also much less bullish on the idea of "Continental" philosophy, less so even the more I read of it. Continental philosophy is a somewhat loose term, which often includes not just Hegel, but also the rest of the German idealists, and technically even Kant and his contemporaries in some formulations. But usually in my experience when people object to continental philosophy they're objecting to the 20th century German and French thinkers from Husserl and Heidegger through Foucault, Derrida, and Deleuze, all of whom are imagined to have taken their lineage from Hegel, Marx and Freud, while the "Analytic" philosophers took their common departure with Kant and followed Frege, Carnap, Russell etc. And at some point in the 1920's everyone realized they couldn't talk to each other anymore.
Like all nice and clean histories of philosophy, though, none of this is really true if you look any closer. Both American pragmatism and early British analytic philosophy were heavily influenced by or in reaction to the Hegelian British idealism, and in the past 50 years many analytic philosophers have re-evaluated Hegel in light of philosophers such as Quine and applied Hegel's work more directly to their own metaphysics, Robert Brandom being the most notable example of that. So I don't really believe that the common notion that Hegel is the first exclusively continental philosopher is useful or accurate now, or that it ever really was in the past.
Meanwhile, most of the 20th century and especially post-WW2 era continentals apparently took their notions of Hegel from Marx, and so they aren't necessarily representing much if anything of him accurately. For example, I spent a decent amount of time a while back trying to figure out if Sartre had actually ever read Hegel before citing him, and most of the evidence pointed to "probably not" which seems to be a broader trend in how citation works within that subfield. Even charitably, I think it's hard to avoid the conclusion that at least a large chunk of the last 80 years or so of Continental philosophy has been primarily about fraudulent scholarship and obscurantism in the name of vague gesturing at some rather distasteful social and political ideologies. I think it's a rather shameful era of the history of philosophy, and I hope most of it is consigned to the dustbin of the past.
As for why I like Hegel: I tend to see Hegel as a synthesizer (in the general sense of the term) of everyone he read who came before him, especially the Greeks. He certainly didn't invent dialectic (according to Plato, that was Zeno of Elea), but he formalized and modernized it, and then used that formulation to define the interaction of a large number of broad concepts such as culture, religion, art, philosophy, etc. I see his dialectic as a useful shortcut when analyzing logical statements that use words as concepts: since it doesn't require an exact definition or understanding of a concept before attempting to reason with it, but instead clarifies that concept itself in the process of reasoning, it avoids the preliminary hurdles of trying to establish a rigid exact definition that might not prove to be useful.
In addition to finding the dialectic method of conceptual analysis itself to be useful in its own right, I also think that many of these concepts still have contemporary relevance, especially the conflict between aesthetic and moral concerns that leads to the much-misunderstood "Death of Art," or the conflict between freedom and authority that leads to "positive" freedom found within the State, both of which have influenced my own thinking. While these are also obviously not ideas that you must take from Hegel, as they can certainly be found elsewhere, within his system they have a common unity that makes understanding them together require less effort. But also, admittedly, you do need to invest the effort to understand his system first, so it's hard to say if it's worth it. At this point I mostly don't recommend Hegel to others, but I won't discourage anyone either.
However, while I don't think Hegel was a "mystic" or any such nonsense like that, I do fault him specifically for popularizing the idea that dense, esoteric prose is some marker of profundity, which if anything is the true influence the dreaded later "continentals" took from him. The difference between him and them is that if you read secondary literature on Hegel from critical scholars who study him (rather than those original thinkers like Kojeve or Zizek who take their influence from him), you'll discover that there is much more substance beneath that dense surface, which will make you wish he didn't write in that tortured, horrible style to begin with! But if you do this with Derrida or Deleuze you will quickly discover that almost no such secondary literature exists, and that what does exist either makes it evident that their dense prose lacks any such substance beyond some trivialities, or is itself written in the same tortured style for the same obscurant purpose. Caveat lector, I'd like to be proven wrong about that last part, but if there is something hidden in there it's value-negative for me at this point to look for it.
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bisexuallilapitts · 9 months
So I’m writing a fanfic rn where post s2 the sibs go on a road trip. There’s no kugelblitz or anything like that. It’s basically the s1 timeline. However, I want to put Lila in it. The only problem is that the s3 events are what lead to her character growth (doesn’t kill Five because they have to work together to stop the kugelblitz, comes back to the academy because the briefcase won’t work and to drop off Stan, doesn’t hold a grudge against Diego because of the kugelblitz, tells the whole pregnancy thing to Diego because of the kugelblitz). I also don’t really want Stan to be in this fic. 
Ok, so I guess my question is, how would I insert Lila into this fic without having her kill five, hold a huge grudge against Diego, or bring Stan into it?
Thank you so much! I'm posing this question to as many tua moots as possible and I understand if you don’t want to answer because this is a loaded question. 
This is a toughie - has this Lila seen the footage of the Handler killing her like S3 Lila had? I feel like that could help her at least somewhat with Five and Diego.
Lila is more testing Diego than holding a grudge (there is a lot for them to unpack there but she's more scared of how he'll act as a parent and herself than being actually properly mad at him which also helps - but I think a good discussion between the two (similar to the one they had in 3x07) could help bridge that gap
As with Five, that's always going to be a complicated and messy dynamic - they hate each other, they need each other, they're worst enemies and that's what makes them good friends - I feel the best you can really get without some of the S2 and S3 stuff is frenemies with the potential of getting closer to their late S3 dynamic (something closer to their early S3 one where they just sort of fight for hell of it whenever they see each other but don't actively hate each other)
Idk what kind of discussion they could really have to get them to anything closer than that - they bonded because they needed each others help in canon - but maybe them being left alone and reluctantly talking could bring about the same types of discussion
I'm sorry if this isn't the answer you wanted (or if it's not accurate I haven't rewatched the show in a while and I'm running on pure memory of S2 and S3) but I hope it helps at least somewhat with your fic!
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mattonious · 7 years
Hey dudefriend I'm seriously considering playing Yakuza 0 or Kiwami but they're both pretty expensive and I actually know very little about the series so I don't want to dish that much out without a bit of research ya know? Know any good Let's Plays that are accurate representations of what I could expect? (I know 2BFs did one that you like but I feel like they'd go extra comedy on it. IDK) Or would you say that it's just better to take the plunge and go head first into these games?
OK SO heres my rather lengthy answer:u absolutely do not need to know a damn thing about the yakuza series to play yakuza 0 - its actually the absolute perfect game to start with in the series, speaking as someone who just got into the series himself.as for kiwami, that is definitely the game you want to buy AFTER you beat 0. that way, u can decide for yourself how invested you'd like to be with these characters that you've grown to know in 0 and see how they expand in future games. plus, playing kiwami right after 0 gives it an extra "oomph" you wouldnt get if u hadnt played 0 first.whether u should buy the games or watch someone else play...thats a trickier part for me to answeri was watching the 2bfp yakuza 0 lp, and then decided "ok fuck i have to play this and experience it and beat it for myself" because i could tell it was a very special game that i wanted to experience on my own as opposed to experiencing it vicariously thru someone elsetruthfully? i hold this game series up to such high regards, it'd be a disservice for me to tell u to watch someone else play it.you should absolutely at the very least purchase yakuza 0 first and play it for yourself. please believe me when i say that it is absolutely worth dropping money on.i hope that helps somewhat!! best of luck to u!!ヾ(・ω・o)
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