#hope this makes sense i started falling alseep while writing
peaceofthespirit · 1 year
limiting any kind of trans healthcare is always a tragedy, but I get especially riled up when people say they want to limit puberty blockers or physical transitioning for mature teens/young adults "out of concern they'll regret it." maybe stuff like hormones or surgery isn't right for every single young trans person, but that doesn't mean the option should be taken away from them! Every trans person and their situation is unique. Hopefully all young trans people have strong support systems that can help them figure out the best path forward while respecting their agency. We should absolutely encourage the idea that one doesn't have to physically transition (or want to) to identify as trans, but if an informed young person of age really wants to transition, then let them goddammit! It's their body, and physical transitioning is considered the most effective treatment for gender dysphoria for the trans people who really *want* those physical changes. Of course a small amount will regret it, but there's usually complicated (often societal) factors involved and taking the risk usually leads to a better outcome. I think what conservatives and radfems don't get is that they have a hard time empathizing with people who have physically transitioned and *don't* regret it, because they are only thinking of how if they themselves were given hormones or surgery, that they *would* regret it... but that's usually because they aren't trans or aren't the kind that would really want those physical changes!!! They are ignoring that their experiences are not universal. They are so afraid that young people might be "manipulated" into physically transitioning because of gender non-conformance or stereotypes, but that's just like, transmed-esque logic that we need to push back against anyways! There's a whole wider world of trans people/allies who don't give a shit about gender stereotypes or gender conformance and just want others to feel comfortable in their bodies and lives, cis or trans or nonbinary or whatever! Who want detransitioning to be destigmatized. Who are perfectly fine with people who identify as a "binary" gender and nonbinary at the same time, or as agender, or as just cis and gnc, etc... who think gender affirming care can be for trans AND cis people, and that no one should feel pressured into it! Stand with these people and values!!!
the point is, trans healthcare is a very nuanced process, and we shouldn't put limits on potentially life saving options for a vulnerable group of people because of reactionary fear and black & white blanket thinking. that would border on fascism.
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harleysarchive · 4 years
Among You and Me - Corpse Husband x reader oneshot
Fandom: Corpse Husband, youtubers Warning: Swearing, me being in a good mood when I wrote it so a happy, positive reader, alcohol, hangovers, comfidence boost Pairing: Corspe x reader Summary: You got some extra confidence after having a couple of drinks and write a message to Corpse during his live stream, he answeres you messages and everything continues from there.
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A/N: I was in a super good mood when I started to write this and it shows, I’m sorry if it’s annoying and I don’t know if it’s shit but yeaah. Enjoy! :D
You were watching Corpse Husbands stream among us and was just having a good time. You had had a couple of drinks before the stream so you were in such a great mood. You melted every time he laughed because he couldn’t do the card swipe and just thought of how adorable he was. In your intoxicated mindset you got a confidence boost and opened the stream chat and also instagram. In the stream chat you donated 10$ and wrote “you are the most adorable person on this planet and you deserve the world! Thank you for exciting, love y/n” and hit enter, and also doing the same on Instagram on private messages.
He won’t see that, you thought to yourself and turned on some music to match your good mood and after a while forgetting about your stream that was on. Some days life is just great!
You had fallen asleep and woke up with a hangover, all the positive feelings you had yesterday were gone and now you just wanted to stay in bed all there with some aspirins. Looking at your phone seeing that nothing interesting had happened. You were scrolling through your feed on instagram and saw that you had an unanswered message. You opened it and saw that it was from Corpse.
You flew up in your bed and were staring at your phone.
I can’t believe he answered me, you said. Your hands were shaking and you were too nervous to open the message. Maybe he was annoyed with you for messaging him. Nooo he seems like a nice guy so I don’t think he is.
You opened the message and it read:
“Thank you for your kind words! I saw your donation and the message, means a lot 🖤”
You buried your face into the pillow and screamed for all that you were worth. He answered. You also felt ridiculous for reacting like this but there is no hindering the fangirl when she is out.
Your fingers were shaking but you wanted to reply so badly.
“Thank you! I can’t believe that you actually answered or noticed my message, it made my day honestly. Can’t wait for more content from you!” You hit send and left the bed. You had things to do today and if you were home you were only going to look at your phone all day to see if he would answer you. So to not get tempted you left your phone at home.
You came back to your apartment in the afternoon and we’re dying to check your messages. So you unlocked your phone and went straight to messages. Nothing. You felt a pang of disappointment but you tried to not dwell on it. He had probably many girls messaging him how much they love him and so on. You went to the kitchen and started to cook some dinner. But when you were preparing some vegetables you got a ding from your phone. You went over and saw that you had a message on Instagram. From Corpse. Your heart first stopped and then sped up like crazy. He answered you again! Wtf?!
“That's so kind of you to say, thank you! There will be a new stream tomorrow :)”
“Omg I’m gonna die” you said. Well if you died now you would be okay with it because you had been noticed by Corpse not once but twice.
“Yay can’t wait! I will be glued to the screen!” You answered and immediately felt embarrassed by your response.
Two days later you were waiting for the stream to begin. You had bought some of your favorite ice-cream in honor for tonight. The stream started and you heard Corpse say multiple times that he was super nervous and a shitty impostor. You felt your heart melt for him, he is so sweet and precious. You donated money to him and wrote “you don’t have to be nervous, you are doing great! It’s super entertaining! Love y/n” and hit send. You saw your donation in the chat.
“”you don’t have to be nervous, you are doing great! It’s super entertaining! Love (y/n)” thank you (y/n), that means a lot to hear right now. And I remember your picture from Instagram. Nice to see that you are watching the stream.”
The ice-cream you were about to eat dropped to the floor and you just sat there with an open mouth. He remembered your picture. HE FUCKING REMEMBERED YOUR PICTURE!
The rest of the stream was a fog in your memory because you were still stuck on the moment that he remembered you from your profile picture. Nothing could top that. Nothing. When the stream ended you turned of your computer and were of to bed. But there was no way in hell that you were going to fall alseep after something like that. Your phone lit up again and you saw that you had a new message from instagram. You opened up the app and it was from Corpse!
“I hope you liked the stream today :)” he wrote and again your heart raced like crazy. 
“I did it was super entertaining to watch! I think you are an incredible impostor.” you hit send. Not long after you got a reply.
“Thanks, I am very nervous during the streams and I hope that is not annoying or it bothering those who are watching it.”
“Not at all, well at least for me. I think it makes you more genuine when you confess that you can get nervous even though you are a big youtuber 😊”
 “Well I’m not a big youtuber... but it’s nice to read all your kind words in the chat. It makes me happy.”
“I’m glad that we can help you feel better, and I mean every word I’m sending you.”
You saw that he started to reply, but you had to go to sleep so you turn off the phone and closed your eyes. Surprisingly enough you fell asleep quite quickly, and woke up by the sun hitting your face. Fall has jsut begun and the leaves were turning every beautiful colour of red, yellow and orange. When you brain had woken up more you remembered that Corpse had started to reply to your message. You quickly grabbed your phone and went on instagram. A new message, 8 hours ago. 
Shit, you thought and opened it. It was just a smiley face and nothing else. A little disappointed but then you saw the conversation that the two of you had had. You actually talked to him and he had replied instantly. Your brain must’ve given you some weird confidence and stable fingers at that moment. You didn’t really know what to reply so you just let it be and you didn’t want to annoy him with spamming his dm’s either - but you really, really wanted to.
Corpse POV.
Another day and another sleepless night. That is just my life right now. But the streams helped them make it a little less agonizing. Especially the nice comments I get from everyone and the conversation I had with one of the fans. What was her name again? (Y/N). Right. I wonder if she has answered my message.
I opened up instagram and opened our conversation. Read but no answer. To be fair I only sent a smiley to her. But... Why am I feeling so anxious that she left me on read?
“Yooo, care to hang out today?” Dave sent a message. I answered with a sure and locked my phone and waited for Dave to arrive to my house. But my mind kept on going back to why she didn’t answer me back. Well I know why, but I didn’t like that the conversation were over so quick. 
Dave entered my house and we hung out for a while but he could sense that something was bothering me.
“Hey man, you okay?”
I snapped out of my thought and looked at him. 
“Yeah, I’m fine. Except from the usual shit.”
“You sure? You seem a little... lost in thoughts perhaps? Is something bothering you?”
I took a deep breath and shook my head.
“Not even the kind girl from your streams?” he asked with a knowing smirk on his face. I lost all the colour on my face. HOW DID HE KNOW?
“I don’t know what you’re talking about?”
“Not even that you recognized her picture from instagram? Like that you haven’t talked to her there?”
“Who is she?”
“A fan that contacted me and were very kind with her words. And I replied to her and after that we have been messaging each other here and there... but she left me on read last night so I guess that’s over...”
“What did you say to her?”
“I sent a smiley because I was too nervous to say anything else.”
Dave made the biggest and loudest face palm. It must’ve hurt his head. 
“You idiot... You can’t expect a reply if you only send her a smiley...”
“I know, but I got nervous.”
“Are you following her?”
“No... Not yet at least.” I said and took up my phone again and went on her profile. It was private. Of course. I hoovered over the follow button but I didn’t dare to press it. Dave gave me a thumbs up and I pressed the follow button. 
Your POV.
You were watching a Among Us highlight video on youtube when your instagram told you that you had a notification. You opened it and saw that Corpse had requested an invite to follow your profile. CORPSE WANTED TO FOLLOW YOU. Holyshitholyshitholyshit. What is even happening?! Of course you accepted it and you started to type a message to him. 
“Welcome to my little boring world. Hope you like what you see 😅”
You could see him typing something.
“I very much do ;)”
A/N: I really enjoyed writing this and I couldn’t stop. It was difficult to get started but after that it was fun :D 
@fanworrior @wibblytimey
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