#hope y'all enjoyed my useless rambling lol this was v fun
that-was-anticlimactic · 2 years
okay, so last time we figured out who would represent each element of harmony, now who would represent each of the seven deadly sins: wrath, envy, greed, sloth, lust, gluttony, & pride?
you can look at it from the perspective of who fits these sins most (derogatory) (as in like bad people like toji lol) or who fits these sins the most (affectionate) (character flaws or how they character may feel about themself). honestly, interpret this question the way that you want MWAH <3
omg babe what an interesting question that i totally wasn't prepared for 🤩
imma answer this in two ways - first who just genuinely fits the sin and then second, who had that sin placed upon them like in the anime <3
wrath, suguru
okay, so, i say suguru because, well, let’s be real here: his wrath is what drove him. it was his wrath upon seeing nanako and mimiko beaten and in cages that drove him to murder. it was suguru’s wrath towards the higher ups and those in charge that did nothing that sent him spiraling. suguru was angry and full of wrath because of the circumstances around him. his anger drives him, and that’s why he’s wrath.
envy, mechamaru
i feel kind of bad putting him here, but i feel like he fits envy best because he acted upon his envy and it ended up hurting people that he loved. he was so envious of those who got to be with his friends and of those that got to exist - i mean, his whole fight with panda involved him being jealous that panda wasn’t human and got to be with everyone. his envy leads him to betraying everyone. thankfully, he turned around at the end, but he still acted dangerously due to his (very valid) envy.
greed, mei mei
do i need to explain this one?
sloth, gakuganji
i hate this mans. okay no i have him for sloth because he knows all this crap is going down and he lets it. he asked his sTUDENTS to kill yuuji because he was too lazy to do it himself. he prolly knows that mai and noritoshi are being abused and just sits and lets it happen and doesn't care about them nor try to help them like satoru and yaga and probably utahime too. where was He during shibuya??? the zen'in clan did more than him to help. they didn't do a lot, but they did more and that says something.
lust, kenny
look. kenny is Literally lust. lusting after bodies, what you wanted to hook up with itadori jin? you wanted suguru's body? lusting after all of them. silly little guy. tbh i feel like he honestly fits gluttony more, but lust is just too funny to not give him.
gluttony, toji
so i chose toji for gluttony because that’s what drives him. he wants money. he wants money so badly that he sold his son. he’s willing to kill a bunch of people for money. that’s all he cares about. he just wants more money. gluttony can be defined as an endless need to be sated. he could fit greed, he really could, but i get massive gluttony vibes from him. whenever he has enough, he does everything to get more. i just. feel this. i just feel the vibes.
pride, mahito
i hate this mans too, and i say pride because he is such a cocky little piece of trash. he uses his pride to torment the people around him, like yuuji and nanami and nobara and junpei. mahito genuinely think he's the best, he was even so consumed with pride that he thought sukuna would just be so chill with him and would love him.
okay now i’m going to assign sins to jjk characters who would label themselves with the sin or were *wrongfully* labeled as the sin due to the higher ups to make them look bad
wrath, yuuta
yuuta would be labeled as wrath due to rika. because he’s “dangerous” and “evil” and his wrath causes him to kill and murder... when, really, it’s just his original inability to understand what’s happening and how rika is here and manifested. and since the higher ups are so scared of how powerful yuuta is, they criminalize him and label him as wrathful
envy, maki
maki is like. set up for envy, you know? the higher ups can so easily turn her into an envious criminal who lashed out and murdered everyone because she was jealous of their cursed energy. it’s not fair to maki, but nothing is ever fair for jujutsu sorcerers.
greed, hakari
i feel like hakari would work here. i think it’s safe to say that hakari does struggle with greed, but not to the point where it is detrimental to him or those around him. greed just seems like something he engages in for funsies, like casual greed. i also feel like he’d be a good scapegoat for the higher ups after the culling games... like, if they needed someone to blame, hakari is powerful enough and had some trouble in school so they could just. call him greedy and then call it a day.
sloth, shoko
i feel like shoko would personally feel like she is sloth because she’s never fighting. she would feel like she’s sloth because she “didn’t do anything to help suguru” before he spiraled, she “didn’t help the kids”, she “didn’t do anything to help during shibuya”, she “didn’t do anything to prevent satoru from being sealed”. i just feel like her guilt manifests into her personal identification as the sin of sloth.
lust, todo
tbh i wasn’t sure who to put here, so i just put todo because idk he’s lusting after takeda (tho he would Never be like creepy to her or anything) or ig you could say he’s lusting after strong sorcerers to test his own strength? like i feel like that works. the higher ups prolly hated todo too because he’s super powerful but they couldn’t manipulate him like they could everyone else because he simply does not care about authority and they need to Earn his respect and they haven’t yet.
gluttony, yuuji
we all know that the higher ups hate yuuji. let’s be real. they’d frame him as a glutton for continuously eating sukuna’s fingers and for eating them in the first place. yuuji would 100% believe this and would prolly hate himself because of it:/ but like. that would happen.
pride, satoru
let’s be real. is he prideful? no. @zukkaoru made a great post about this, actually, but the higher ups and everyone label satoru as prideful and cocky, and often, he pretends to be because it’s the only way to save the kids and to handle everything going on in his life. satoru is not prideful; he has as much pride as he should have. but the higher ups quite literally label him as this cocky, arrogant, idiotic God that needs to be destroyed. therefore, they label him as prideful to make him appear less powerful than he is because they’re scared of him.
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