#hope you like em either way dfkjgdfknjg
pepperonitowerask · 2 years
WOOHOO! Nice job, Pepperman! You must be really strong to be able to fling that guy like that!
Is everyone else alright? Gustavo and Vigi?
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Pepperman: "Ah I- yes, yes! I should ensure that you two are quite alright as well- Gustavo, I see that you've been freed posthaste?"
Gustavo: "Yep! Thank god you came in time, I'm sure Vigi would have had a lot more to worry about than just some rough knot! I'll be fine, I'll just uh- go check on that Outlaw guy!"
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Pepperman: "I... look, I know that most everything is fine now that that pest is out of the way, but I do still wish to apologize for taking so long. I mean, there were many shots being fired, and I didn't want to be a distraction! You, ah- surely you understand my reasoning?"
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Vigilante: "... Yeah, I do. Don't worry about a thing."
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