Apologzing [Hope x Stiles]
Hope had been back home for a couple of days after the whole Jack thing and she was on non-stop watch. Sometimes she could sneak out but for the most part she was stuck in her room. She asked the guard to bring Stiles to her room whenever he got here to visit Nibs or TJ so she could speak to him.  
Stiles had heard about what happened. He might have been mad at her but he never would have wished for what to happened on anyone. Hearing that Hope wanted to talk to him, he went over and knocked on her door. “Hey Hope, it's me.”
She opened her door upon hearing his voice and smiled softly. “Hey Stiles come on in.” She said moving to the side before closing the door behind them. “Thanks for coming, I know I’m probably the last person you wanted to talk to, but thanks anyway.”
Hearing her words, he just stayed silent as he walked in. “You are my sister, I will be here for you when you need me to be. So what did you want to talk to me about?”
“First off I’m sorry about what I did to you and Liam, that wasn’t fair and it was wrong. I was just so mad at you. Nibs is or was someone I was very close to and I was mad that you told him, I never thought you would do that. And you didn’t see how disappointed he was. He expected me to come out and say yeah your daughter is a slut but I couldn’t, I wanted to stay the perfect girl in his eyes and I’m not anymore. I caused my mom so much pain and we both know how in love with her he is...he will never forgive me and I took all that out on you. I’m sorry.”
Hearing her apology, Stiles nods his head. “I have already told you I was sorry for telling dad. I never thought I would have done something like that. If I was sober I wouldn't have said anything. I was mad myself about what Liam was saying and how he was mentioning his concern for you while we were...anyway it doesn't matter. You are growing up Hope, dad will understand that so long as you are honest with him. He will not look at you as if you are a slut, it's a look of disappointment. You are his favorite Hope, sure he might be disappointed but he still cares and wants the best for you so of course he will forgive you. It might take time but if you prove to him that he should trust you again then he will start to give you that trust so long as you are honest.”
“I don’t think I’m his favorite. Maybe TJ, but certainly not me.” She said sitting down on her bed. “And once I tell him about Zach and Ken...that trust will be completely gone.” She sighed letting her hands run through her her black hair in frustration. “I really am sorry. I shouldn’t have did what I did, even if I was mad it’s no excuse for that.”
“Are you kidding? He always bragged about you all the time. If you are honest, he will give you advice like an adult. It's alright, you were angry. People get angry, it's water under the bridge. What's this about Ken and Zach though?”
Hope smiled as she heard that her dad bragged about her before hearing Stiles question and falling onto her back on the bed. “Boys. I never expected this to be a problem. If anything I thought I would have to convince people to want to date me since you know I sleep around so much but no I have two amazing guys that both want me and I have no idea what to do. Ken is sweet and kind and he sees me as this girl with no flaws and then Zach is sexy and rough and he loves me for me and I love him but I also like Ken and...life is hard.”
“I think you just solved your own problem. You love one but only like the other. I think that should tell you who you already chose in your mind. I know Ken likes you, he told me after you both had sex in the shower. He was freaking out. You should be with someone who can accept you for your flaws and not just see you as flawless because the day you show that flaw, you don’t want them to leave because of it. If they already know about it, well, you know they won't leave since they already knew about and saw it. Does that make sense?” Stiles asks.
She nodded as she turned to look at Stiles, “But the person I love, it’s all so complicated. I can’t be with him outside or something bad could happen to one of us and I don’t want to see him hurt. And I can’t hurt Ken, I know he likes me and maybe I shouldn’t have slept with him but it felt right in that moment. I felt like he saw me and he liked who I was or at least could tolerate it.”
“Well if you love someone enough it shouldn't matter what the rest of the world thinks. Dad and Misty would want you happy and if you can prove to them that you are willing to fight for it then I am sure they would stand behind your decision. Liam and I have to overcome the obstacle of the fact that he is a prince but I am not like him but that doesn't stop us.” He responds, hoping the example would make sense. “If you really loved the first person you wouldn't have fallen for the second. If you loved the first person you wouldn't have done anything to hurt them but falling for someone else would probably hurt them. You should find someone in the middle. Treats you like a princess but fucks you like a slut.” He teases.
“Oh wouldn’t that be amazing...and what sucks is they are both so good at it. Zach fucks me more like a slut than Ken does and when I’m with Zach he makes me forget my own name and it’s so good.” She said thinking about the pirate before rolling her eyes. “But Ken is good too...he can dirty talk like no one else and that’s odd because I always thought he couldn’t do it but man can he and I love dirty talk and he is so good at. Fuck my life. I am turning into a nun I’ve decided.”
“My brother talks dirty? What the fuck?” Stiles can’t help but to gag slightly at the thought. “Well, then that seems like something you need to figure out. If you like Ken simply because he can talk dirty that is something most people are universal with so if Zach was able to do that I am sure that you wouldn’t be so interested in Ken anymore but that is just my opinion. What do you like about each of them other than sex?”
“Ken makes me feel like a princess. He makes me laugh and he makes me want to change. Like I can be princess he thinks I am. Zach reminds me I am fine as the person I am, like I don’t have to change because someone gets me for who I am right now in this moment. I like how he’s willing to risk everything for me and I want to do the same.”
“Well you seem to be mentioning more things about Zach then you are about Ken. The only thing stopping you is you worrying about what dad and your mom might say.” Stiles responds while thinking about what Hope said.
Hope nodded as she had noticed that too. “I feel like I’m supposed to like Ken, like he is supposed to change me. Like everyone keeps talking about how you change because of love, so I feel like that is what I am supposed to do.”
“Yeah I mean he seems like the ideal boy to bring home your parents. Well, just let whomever it is change you do it naturally, don't force it. Don't do what you think would make everyone else happy. Do what makes you happy.”
“They both make me happy. This isn’t helping.” She groaned grabbing a pillow and putting on her face. “I don’t know what to do fucking do.” She groaned in the pillow.
“Well polygamy is an option.” Stiles jokes. “Don’t think, just speak. If you had to choose one person to live and they were both in the room tied up and the other would die. Who would you pick to live?”
“What kind of fucking question is that?” She asked throwing her pillow at Stiles. “That’s seriously fucked up, I wouldn’t want either of them to die I couldn’t choose.”
“If you had to choose or they both died. Who would you choose?” He asks while looking at her for her honest answer after dodging the pillow that was thrown at him.
“Zach.” She said without thinking.
“Well then. There is your answer. See not that hard.” Stiles responds with a shrug of his shoulders.
“I feel bad...Ken is a great guy. He doesn’t deserve this. He deserves to be happy...but Zach came into my life and I fell for him so hard. And I could pick Zach and for a while we could be happy together but what if it’s just like dad? He fell in love and then fell out of it. Sam said I shouldn’t rush anything. That the answer will come eventually and that if they loved me back they would understand and give me time to pick...I don’t deserve to be in this situation. They both deserve better than me.”
“That's different, dad met your mom and she was his imprint. That's not something that can be controlled. Dad changed for your mom remember? It's possible but you won't know until you choose. Do what makes you happy now and if things change then they change.”
Hope nodded as she sat up. “Okay...I can do that. I need to talk them. Both of them.” She said thinking more about it. “I also need you to take me to the doctor in the castle, but don’t tell dad or my mom...I just need a check up.”
“A check up? But you don't want dad or your mom to know...don't tell me Ken knocked you up…” Stiles groaned at the thought. “Oh wow. That means even if you make your decision...You still have a kid...mhm..sounds like what dad did.” Stiles mumbles to himself.
“It’s not Ken’s.” She said running a hand through her hair. “It’s Zach’s. I thought we were being careful. Usually I always am but you know shit happens.” She said. The full weight of the situation hadn’t really hit Hope at all yet, as of right now she thought she could be but wasn’t positive. “Babies don’t save marriages, they don’t make people fall in love, if I am knocked up I will tell whoever I pick after I chose them. I don’t want them staying with me because they feel bad for me and want to help me.”
“That's true. They destroy them especially if they are with someone who you don't choose to be with. I mean it's your life so you should at least tell dad before someone else does given how he reacted last time to you lying." Stiles points out.
Hope shook her head. “He’ll tell my mom and she will lose her shit. You didn’t see her, when she thought I was gone and then saw me with Jack...it broke her. She can’t handle this right now. I need to wait. And they are trying to pregnant again and TJ needs his parents...no I can’t do it now. I just can’t.”
“You can only wait so long before it becomes obvious. Shifters have shorter pregnancies too so you don't have much time.” He responds before shrugging his shoulders. “I suppose, but better to tell them now before they find out you kept that from them.”
“I will think about it. They’ve never even met Zach...and I’m sure Zach isn’t exactly waiting to meet them so it’s just a little complicated.” She said. “I don’t even know if I’m pregnant. So we shouldn’t jump to conclusions.”
“Well if you are you should figure all that out. Just make sure he meets dad before he meets your mom. I think dad might be more lenient but I don't know.” He responds before gathering himself together. “Well come on, I will take you to the doctor.”
“Yeah that’s probably a good idea.” She said before standing up and taking his hand. “I’m scared Stiles...I don’t know what to do if I am. I’m just a kid...I don’t know what I’m doing.”
“Well my mom was a kid when my dad knocked him up. You just make sure you surround yourself with people that will understand and be there for you. And as you know, I will be there for you too even if dad and your mom aren't." Stiles explains.
Hope nodded and smiled softly, “Thank you.” She said before hugging him tightly. “Okay let’s go find out if you are going to be an uncle.” She tried to joke to make herself feel better.
“Alright, I mean I wouldn't be opposed to it honestly.” Stiles responds while leading her out of the room.
“Well of course you wouldn’t you aren’t the one carrying a baby around. I’m going to get fat and disowned. I oppose it.” She joked somewhat as they walked to the doctor in the castle.
“Mhm either way you are still my sister so I would want to make sure nothing would happened to you or the baby.” Stiles explains as they arrive at the room. “Well, after you.”
“Of course.” She said smiling at his words before her smile fell. “Um could you just wait out here...make sure no one comes in. Like my parents.” She said scared to go into the room.
“Yeah of course. I'll be out here.” He responds with a smile before taking her hand and giving it a reassuring squeeze. “Hey, everything will be fine okay. No matter what happens.”
“Right...you’re right. Thanks.” She smiled before opening the door and going inside to get checked up by the doctor.
Stiles waited patiently outside the door making sure no one went inside. It had been a while and he was worried that something might have gone wrong. Before he could check she opened the door, “So how did it go?”
Hope just nodded as she really couldn’t say anything. She was pregnant and it finally hit her. Everything; having to choose between Ken and Zach, the fact that her parents weren’t speaking to her, how she was in love with someone who was repulsed by her presence. Her eyes flashed bright blue as all she wanted was her parents hugging her right now and telling her things were going to be alright.
Stiles could tell that she was upset and he pulled her into a hug. “It will be okay Hope. You have me. You have Zach and you have Ken. You also have dad once you tell him. And knowing dad he will be able to convince your mother not to kill your baby daddy.” He responds while looking down at her with a reassuring smile.
She hugged her brother back as she started crying in his shirt. “I love him Stiles. I love him so much but I’m scared of what it means to be with him. I can’t handle all this.”
“Dad is understanding Hope. He wouldn't just leave you to do this alone. He might be upset it happened but as long as you are happy that is all he cares about.” He responds while letting his hand run through her hair as he tries to calm her down.
“Okay.” Was all the shifter could say as she continued to cry. She just need to get it out. She needed it gone and needed to accept that this was happening.
“Besides you have me still. I am not leaving you to go through this alone either.” He responds while looking at the other and kissing her forehead. “Everything will be okay.”
Hope wiped her eyes as she nodded. “I have to tell Zach.” She said not knowing exactly how to do it. “I have to tell him I choose him.”
“Okay then did you want me to come with you? I might as well see who you choose since I will see him anyway.” He responds.
“Um...you don’t have to. To be honest when I see him the first thing I’ll probably want to do is jump his bones so….you won’t want to be there for that.” She said looking at him.
“Oh, yeah I could live without seeing that thanks.” He responds while looking at the other with a smile. “I will be around here though so if you need me then you know where to find me.”
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The Night Before [Jay x Hope]
Jay was at the party and noticed Hope disappear for a while before coming back out to grab a bottle of wine. Walking over she took it from Hope’s hand, “What do you think you are doing? We said no obsessive drinking tonight. Remember?”
“Yeah fuck that. Give me the bottle Jay.” She said taking the bottle and opening it before chugging it down before Jay could say anything. “You know you should go back to the party. I’m going to bed with this. See you tomorrow.”
Even though Hope started to chug it, Jay took the bottle from her hand and smashed it to the ground. “No more drinking. You are coming with me.” She picks up Hope before Hope could protest as she carried her out of the room and took her to the bedroom. “Okay, so what was that all about?”
“What is wrong with you? Why would you do that?” She asked as she was put in her room. “What was what about? Me having fun and getting so drunk I forget that I am about to marry someone who makes me want to pull out all my hair? Or makes me so frustrated that I want to scream?”
“Because nothing of what you just said was even remotely okay. You two seemed pretty cozy dancing around tonight and now you are half dressed-ish and trying to drink away your problems. So that means something happened so are you going to tell me?”
“Isn’t that great? We started off so happy, you know what Jay do yourself a favor and just don’t get married. Do not give all of yourself to one person so they can make you so insane you end up killing a dungeon of criminal because they flirted with a girl. Just continue to be the beautiful girl you are and just go about your life.”
“I wasn’t planning on getting married any time soon. I have given myself to multiple people including someone who was apparently with someone else. I don’t believe in marriage or any of that because of how my parents were so I don’t really know what to tell you about that part. From what I heard, there are ups and downs in a relationship and getting each other jealous once in a while is healthy because it shows you still care for each other.”
“Do you know how badly I wish I could go back to who I was before any of this? There are so many parties I wanted to go to but you know I was carrying a baby so nope couldn’t go. Or the fact that Zach didn’t even think Emmett was his at first. And do you know how much I wish I was just Hope? It is so incredibly selfish for me to think that way but fuck in moments like this when I am letting one person. One person I love more than I love to breathe make me angry.”
“Well you know protection is a thing. Yeah that does seem a little selfish but life isn’t always candy and gumdrops, it’s not always going to go as you want it to all the time. People will make you mad over and over but the only thing that really matters is how you are going to address that anger and let it out. Wishing you were who you used to be isn’t going to help your situation right now it will just make you more frustrated.” She responds.
[Hope] Hope shook her head. “That’s the thing Jay. I am not me. He changed me and that’s why I am not with Ken. Because trust me he brought up the protection thing to. But did he have an issue slamming his dick in me with no condom? No he didn’t. When Stiles helped me pick between Ken and Zach he asked me why do I love Zach and said because he loves who I am. But who the fuck even is that? Jay I miss the girl who went to the party and slipped the drink on some girl just so Zach would sleep with me instead. I miss her so fucking much and I am so scared that the moment I say yes to him I am killing her. Because she is me and whoever the fuck I am right now is going to cause me to have a break down.”
“You probably changed him too. Then go back to the way you used to be and if he doesn’t like it then you can always divorce him. If he truly loves you for you then it shouldn’t matter if you went back to how you used to be. Just because you say yes to something doesn’t mean you are killing who you used to be. Sometimes people change for the better you know? Setting an example for people around you such as your son should be one of the things motivating you to be true to yourself. Do what makes you happy because at the end of the day you are the only one that really knows how you feel and you are the only one in charge of how you want to feel and who you want to be.”
“And what if what I want right now is to get in a car and just go? Not come back and just go. That would make me a terrible person so I stay and I do what is expected of me. And you are right Jay I have changed him, but maybe who he is now and who I am don’t work. I have pushed this wedding off so many times. We got engaged months ago and I didn’t even start planning until now. What does that say? And instead of him staying here like he was supposed to he’s off doing god knows what and I am supposed to just...what? Be the bride to be who can’t wait to get married?”
“It just says you are busy unless there is some underlying reason as to why you pushed it off for so long. Isn’t he supposed to stay on the ship because of the whole ‘not seeing the bride before the wedding’ thing? It sounds like you don’t trust him Hope. Do you trust him?”
“No. Shit no I don’t. I don’t trust him with my heart, I don’t trust him not to get arrested and I certainly do not trust myself with him. I just don’t.” Hope said feeling a huge weight off her shoulders. “I know he would never hurt Emmett and I will never doubt him on that. But me...I am not so sure Jay.”
“Well have you told him any of this or have you two talked about this? Has he given you any reason to think he would hurt you? Has he intentionally cheated on you or done anything to make you think he would want anyone else like not jokingly but like meaningfully want someone other than you? Flirting with some random girl doesn’t count because from what I heard she tried to fuck him and he declined her and went to find you but then again I could be wrong I don’t know.”
“It’s just a gut feeling. Of course I have never told him and he has done nothing. In fact sometimes I don’t even know if he is the guy that broke me out of the castle. He is so by the book now and he follows rules and even as much as you try to make me you know that’s not me. And my spirit would be crushed being made to be that way. But he has me so twisted around his finger I would give up who I am for him and that would be hurting me. He doesn’t even look at other girls. He only sees me but I can’t stop how I feel.”
She sighed, “Jay I did not want to do this or have this conversation. Forget everything I said and just let me get wasted so I can forget too and in the morning I will be way happier and I won’t even remember this.”
As she listened to Hope’s words she shook her head, “You aren’t having any more to drink because if you keep pushing all these emotions down you will snap and that won’t be good for you or anyone around you. You mentioned earlier you were scared he would do something to be put in jail but isn’t that what would happen if he did anything that wasn’t by the books? You want him to be with you and not leave you but yet you don’t want him to do anything that might jeopardize that, that sounds rather conflicting doesn’t it? You want him to be two different things that are completely opposite of each other.” “You get really possessive and upset when he so much as looks at another girl so why would he give you a reason to be insecure and feed into that fear of him leaving? You shouldn’t have to give up who you are for him Hope. It’s not healthy to feel how you feel towards him. That sounds toxic to me...are you sure you want to get married tomorrow?”
“No, the only reason he would get thrown in jail is because he let someone trigger him. Not because he’s doing anything bad. The last time he did I was grounded and since then he has literally been on his best behavior so why would he be locked up? And my dad would probably just let him go if I honestly think about it. Me on the other I could name you a list of all the fucked up shif I’ve done since we got together. He isn’t two different things, I am. I am one way with him and one with everyone else. You knew who I was when we became friends and I wasn’t going to change. You either liked me or not and now here we are, but my loyalty to you, how I interact with you that hasn’t changed.”
“I love him Jay I do, but I wanted this because I knew how badly he wanted it and I wanted to want it just as badly. But if you are asking me if I ignored that would I want it? Then no. I wouldn’t. I’m not ready for this. And who knows if I will be.”
“No one is ever really truly ready for marriage. And if you really think about it, it’s just a piece of paper you sign that says you promise to love someone and show that you are willing to give it a shot. Some marriages work while others don’t but you never know unless you try. Things will always seem scary and you never know if you are ready for it but until you take that leap of faith you won’t ever truly know. Besides, you might feel like you aren’t ready now but then when you look at Zach and you both give your vows that might be the moment you realize that you are ready to spend the rest of your life with him.”
She just nodded before looking at Jay, “Please just let me have a bottle. Just one. People also numb their feelings differently. Some people cry, others yell, I get drunk and pass out and wake up a whole lot happier than I am right now. Besides it’s not like he’s here to see me right? He’s not gonna know.”
“You already had some earlier tonight before I took it from you. You don’t need anymore Hope. You shouldn’t be numbing your feelings and alcohol is only a temporary fix and won’t help you at all in the long run. Even if he doesn’t know I will still know and you never know. Better safe than sorry you know?” She responds before going over and gesturing towards Hope’s clothes. “How about you change and get ready for bed instead. Then maybe I will allow you to have some alcohol. Not a whole bottle but maybe a glass or two.”
Hope looked at the clothes and just shook her head, “No it’s fine. I’m going to take a shower. You can leave now I’m fine. I am so pumped for tomorrow.” She said throwing the clothes Zach picked on a nearby chair and grabbing new ones. “Really. Sorry about all that. TJ says I tend to think the worst when I’m excited. So that was probably it.”
Jay couldn’t really tell if Hope was being sarcastic or not but she shook her head. “I am staying here tonight to make sure that I keep that promise of making sure you are still sober in the morning. So you can go and take your shower, I will still be here once you finish.” She responds before watching Hope go to take the shower. Jay then goes out into the hall and guards the door for the rest of the night.
“Well make yourself comfortable. If you need to change the clothes on the chair are free.” She said before heading into the bathroom. She sighed as she turned the shower on. She took out her phone and stared at Zach’s number for a while before clicking it and calling him. She prayed he wouldn’t pick up even though that’s the voice she needed to hear right now. When she heard him answer she stayed silent for a second before saying, “I don’t want to get married.” She hung up and put her phone down on the counter hoping he wouldn’t call again.
0 notes
dylanmurphystyles · 6 years
Looking for Hope [Dylan x Hope]
Dylan had taken time away from the house for once. It was getting rather stuffy and he prefered not to be there when Stiles was. He already mess with Nibs and Misty so now it was time for the next in line. He had caught wind that Hope was pregnant and wouldn’t it have been a shame if she lost the child. He knew that her significant other was just human so he wouldn’t be touched by him. The rest of her family was in shambles around her.
Seeing her out and about, Dylan walked over to her. “Fancy seeing you out, I thought you had a castle to run.” He smirked while walking over to where she was.
Hope turned to Dylan and then looked back to where she was going. “That’s cute. The last person running a castle should be me.” She replied.
“Oh you haven’t heard from your father have you? Your brother isn’t next in line anymore darling. You are next to run the kingdom after your brother attacked Stiles over Irene. Rather funny right? You never thought you were going to be a queen yet...seems like you will be whether you like it or not.” He smirked, “Also, looks like your having a kid...do you know who the father is?”
“Not that I believe you but even if that is true no one would actually crown me. The mermaids and sirens would riot and my brother has spent his whole life getting ready for that one job. Highly doubt my father would just take that away from him.” Hearing his words she rolled her eyes, “Funny. You gonna make a joke about how it could be yours? Cause the joke would end pretty bad on your part.”
“Then just you wait because that is what he is going to tell you. I have my sources Hope, you of all people know this. Besides, you can never be too sure, with all those people you slept with, my son included. Did you know how heartbroken he has been ever since he found out you didn't’t want him? That you were having a kid with someone else? He hasn’t left his room at all and he refuses to talk to anyone about what happened so do you mind enlightening me as to why he is acting like this?”
Hope stopped walking and faced him as she crossed her arms over her chest. “I don’t know because he’s a child? He had every chance to fight for me and he didn’t and I don’t feel bad for moving on. I’m not going to stay with someone because it will get him out the house. Tell him to ask himself did he do everything he could? If he says yes then tell him to get the fuck up and get over a girl that sleeps with half the island. If he says no then tell him to get up and stop feeling sorry for himself. I’m not sorry for anything that happened. I put a lot on the line for Ken and he is the one stuck in his room. If it wasn’t so pathetic I think it was cute. Now what do you want?”
“How could he begin to fight when your heart already chose someone else. I know you imprinted on Zach, the funny thing is...you never bothered to tell Ken yet you claim that you two were such good friends. You gave him hope to be with you and then you just left him for someone else….did you put a lot on the line for him? I want you to talk to him and get him out of his room. Tell him the truth about everything and no more giving him some false hope. Give him a reason to leave his room because I am tired of dealing with a grumpy teenager, this was not what I signed up for.”
“What are you talking about? Seems like your son is a liar which isn’t surprising seeing the family he comes from. I told him everything. I told him I loved Zach, I told him I pregnant with Zach’s child, I told him I bonded with Zach. He doesn’t know I imprinted because that happened after Ken disappeared. I told him I couldn’t be friends with him. I was always honest when he wanted it. So him acting like a five year old girl doesn’t affect me. And shouldn’t affect you because he’s lying. He disappeared and never spoke to me again so what was I supposed to do? Wait around. Sorry I wasn’t doing that.”
“You were supposed to be there for him. You promised to be his friend and all you did was hurt him and leave him. But you know what, I will let you in on a little secret. I know what happened to your parents. I know why they forgot about each other.”
“I am not his mother. Ken doesn’t need me. And you telling me he’s sitting in a room actually turns me off so much I don’t think I could ever feel anything for him again. My man needs a little backbone, I don’t need a teddy bear.” She said before laughing. “Okay you know what you were a good fuck but you need help. You don’t know anything. Goodbye Dylan.”
Dylan lets out a laugh, “I know they forgot about each other mysteriously, they forgot about each other and even who their children were…” He smirked.
“So you are a stalker. Good to know. I’m leaving now.” She says shaking her head as she continues walking away.
“Not a stalker. Who do you think was behind it because I know who did it. Too bad, you really don’t know how to save them do you? It was just the start too...you know...your whole family is going to fall apart. First your parents...then your brother TJ, then you will break under all the pressure...you will see.” He smirked.
Hope stopped to turn and face him. “I don’t break easily. And making threats doesn’t scare me, but I’m sure my father would love to know it was you who did it. I know things too Dylan and I know you might think you are big and tough but my father can easily end you. So thanks for telling it was you.”
“Oh your father could take me down but I would take your mother down first. Then he can’t harm me if she is in the way now could he? You should really keep an eye on your mother when Nibs isn’t around. She has been drinking a lot and we had a bunch of fun last time she drank. I could make her scared of your father you know...I could kill them both in the blink of an eye and I would feel nothing.” His eyes turned void as a sinister smirk crossed his face.
“Please so many people have said that. I know more than my parents even think I do, you and the whole world could try to destroy them but you won’t succeed and I will enjoy seeing Nibs kill you. Maybe then my mom will be able to kill that husband of yours. You know the one always cheating on you? Yeah Dylan see you don’t scare me. But you should be. Threaten my family again. I promise on everything I love it will not end well for you.”
“You think that but I was able to make them forget each other which proves I am capable of doing what I am talking about. Everything you love? You don’t love a lot of things but if you want your love to die with it then I would be happy to do that too. Your human can’t protect himself from shifters you know that? You think that I care about what they do? What? You wouldn’t kill my son now would you? You don’t have it in you to do such a thing, you still love him, you won’t hurt him just to get to me.”
“Oh but I would. For my family I would do anything. Ken isn’t shit to me when compared to my family. It would be Stiles that it affects and that would be the only thing that could maybe stop me but if I knew it would destroy if you fuck with my family. I will rip your son’s heart out. He means nothing to me. And Zach doesn’t need to protect himself when he has a whole line of hybrids to protect him. And even if he were to find himself in a situation against let’s say Sam, trust me I’m not worried about how that would end. So again I don’t scare easily. Now if you are done giving me pointless threats, I have to go find my father.”
“I wouldn’t be worrying about your father so much as your drunken state of a mother, who knows who might take advantage of her in that state. You think those shifters are going to support your human of a boyfriend? Really? Shifters don’t risk their lives for puny humans, that is something you need to learn Hope. When it comes down to it, they will save themselves instead of some human. That is what your father did when I fought for Sam. He killed me because I was human but he was stupid enough to do it in a place where I would turn into something just like him. I am not worried about how this will play out because it will work and if you care about your child, you won’t stop me.”
“Zach will understand and if he doesn’t he obviously isn’t the right person for me. I’m not going to sit by and watch you try and destroy everyone I love. I’m going to my father and I don’t care what you do to me.” She said standing her ground.
“So Zach will understand that I will kill him? He can’t do much about it and neither will your shifters, you have no idea who you are dealing with. I could find your mother and kiss her, you are no importance to me don’t worry. Have fun talking with your daddy.” He teases before leaving.
Nothing in Hope alerted her to being threatened by Dylan. She found it funny he was trying so hard but this was the last thing she needed to deal with so she set out to find Nibs.
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nibsthebravelostboy · 6 years
Advice [Nibs x Hope]
Hope followed her dad’s scent to find him as she ran as fast she could needing his help with something. He knew no one else could explain it to her besides him and she desperately needed to know what happened. “Daddy? I need your help. I think I bonded with Zach. And it was so different from the last time because I got really quiet and I saw him in like this place I didn’t recognize but it felt like home and he was running after our child and he was smiling and had this wedding ring on and I know it was a vision but I was just so confused.”
The alpha had been wandering the castle. He knew that Misty went out to drink again and she knew it always bugged him when she did so. Hearing Hope’s voice, he turned to face her. “Sounds like someone imprinted on their not boyfriend. Usually that happens when they are on the brink of death but maybe that was just me.” He teases. “You were already bonded to him remember? Or was that broken? It’s so hard to keep up with these things now a days. By the way, you didn’t see your mother running around here recently have you?”
She could feel her cheeks heating up as he teased her. “I was but then I broke it.” She shook her head. “No the last time I saw her she was with you. Can’t you do that heart thing or no? I don’t know how that works.” She said before thinking more about Zach. “So this imprinting thing...I know it’s different from bonding, but what do I tell him. We aren’t dating and what if I tell him and I freak him out? Technically I promised Irene I wouldn’t date him, so what do I do?”
“Something is blocking me from using the heart thing. It’s almost as if she turned it off somehow.” He responds while looking at the other. “You promised Irene something but we both know that after that conversation we had earlier your brother snuck off to see her. If she wants to break the promise so can you. If anything take it slow. Sit him down and ask if he has any questions.”
“Okay yeah I can do that.” She nodded moving to leave before going over to hug Nibs. “Thank you.” She said starting to leave. “Uh maybe you should check the garden? She taught me how to turn off my emotions a while ago and I was in garden for hours with no one knowing. I would help look for her but I have to tell Zach. Ask TJ.”  
“I have checked everywhere and I don’t know where she i- she did what? She taught you how to turn them off….did she teach you how to turn them back on?” He asks while looking at the other. “TJ ran off to see Irene remember?”
Hope nodded. “She wanted to make sure I wasn’t doing something I wouldn’t know how to control later. So I could explain it to Zach. I didn’t even know sirens could do it. And yeah it doesn’t take a lot for me to turn it back on.” She rolled her eyes. “Of course that’s where he is. Whatever, maybe she went with him.”
“Don’t worry I will find her.” He responds with a smile, “You go and talk to Zach while I continue to search for your mother.”
She smiled back and nodded. “Okay. I will see you later.” She said before leaving and heading back to her room.
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