#hopefully i can sleep tonight cause i have almost zero sleep in my system
moeblob · 4 months
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Garet is literally so friend shaped. I can't believe how friend shaped this boy is. (top pic is actual dialogue)
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20 Healthy Ways to Stop Headaches
Headaches. We all get them, and when we do, all we want to do is get rid of them, as quickly as possible. While there’s no shortage of prescription and over-the-counter meds on the market designed to kill the pain, as most people with a headache will tell you, few if any really work – nor do they get to the root causes. Worse, the more you try to ‘treat’ them with drugs, the more likely you’ll get sucker-punched with rebound headaches, a common side-effect. What else do headache meds do? They make you sick in other places, wreaking havoc on your liver and kidneys as well as your belly, triggering leaky gut, gastrointestinal problems and system-wide inflammation.
So what’s a headache sufferer to do? Here’s what’s going on in your head, plus a few healthy strategies to help you fight off headaches – and win:
Oh, my aching head!
Although it may be labeled as a migraine, tension, sinus or cluster headache, whatever the type, headaches are complicated. Generally, there are multiple causal factors at work and, in my experience, there’s usually a tension component involved, so that should be a factor in treatment. It’s also helpful to be conscious of how lifestyle habits and behaviors can trigger headaches to help you figure out the best strategy to fight back. Among the more common culprits:
1.    Unrelieved stress and tension which also leads to poor quality sleep. 2.    The modern office: where so many are slumped over in poorly designed desk spaces and office chairs for hours each day, with eyes being strained by computer screen glare and florescent lighting. 3.    Not moving enough, or overdoing it at the weight room or spin class, which can cause blood vessels to swell and exertion headaches to follow. 4.    Processed foods and foods containing gluten and sugar lead the headache parade, with chocolate, caffeine, cheese, and alcohol not far behind. Another headache-maker? Not eating enough good fats as well as several other nutritional shortfalls. 5.    Prescription drugs such as antibiotics, allergy meds, blood pressure meds, anti-anxiety meds, diabetes meds, migraine meds, pain killers, sleep aids, you name it – just about any prescription drug can trigger headaches.
Do a little detective work.
If you’re feeling less than well for a prolonged period of time, and are experiencing frequent digestive distress as well as headaches, it’s probably time to try a Cleanse or an elimination diet for a few weeks. I recommend them because some food sensitivities trigger headaches and a Cleanse or an elimination diet removes the common foods that can trigger them, enabling you to figure out the food sources of your troubles (and rebalance your gut).
Bring on the healing hands.
No matter what type of headache you’ve got, to address the almost universal tension component, put your own hands, or someone else’s, to work for you, to massage the head and neck and release the tension. If you’re not sure how to perform a headache self-care massage, try a YouTube tutorial, or book a professional deep-tissue massage session – and don’t forget to release tension in the jaw which is essential. The placing heat packs on neck and shoulders, and CDB oil, can offer additional relief. To relieve pain, try placing an ice pack or cubes at the temples.
Think outside the pill box.
Acupuncture is another safe and highly effective way to relieve the frequency and severity of headaches and migraines. When pressed for time, drop into salons that offer seated chair massage and ask for a 15-30 minute neck and shoulder treatment. If you like a more hands-off approach, book a session or two at a spa with a ‘salt cave’ or infrared sauna to help relieve and prevent headaches. Another option to consider is biofeedback, which can lower blood pressure and help with pain relief.
Please, make it stop…now!
When you feel a headache coming on, instead of heading to the drug store, head to the natural health store to pick up a healthy quick fixer: essential oils like peppermint, eucalyptus and lavender.  All offer headache-pain-taming effects and can reduce headache-related nausea. You can either inhale the scent, or massage the oils onto the temples and forehead as directed. Many of my on-the-go patients like the roll-ons for their go-anywhere convenience, though bottled oils work equally well.
Push Pain Off Your Plate
Since pain and inflammation tend to go hand in hand, you can side-step a lot of headache pain by laying off inflammatory foods. Topping the list of pain ‘flamers: sugar, gluten, refined flours, processed foods, and sugary beverages. When it comes to alcohol, the occasional glass of (preferably organic) wine at dinner shouldn’t cause instant agony, but the less alcohol you drink, the better – the last thing a headache sufferer needs is a hangover.
Eat a pain-tamer.
For many headache sufferers, a diet lacking in magnesium and/or omega-3 fatty acids may be part of the problem. When you fall short on omega-3s, you short-change your body’s ability to curb inflammation, which can also contribute to headache pain. So add omega-3-rich oily fish like mackerel, sardines or salmon to your diet to cut headaches down to size – and possibly even avoid them altogether. Ditto magnesium-rich leafy greens and sulfur-rich veggies like garlic, onions, scallions and chives, as well as cruciferous veggies like broccoli and cauliflower.
Take edible and drinkable pain relief with you.
For those on-the-go, add portable green drink powders to your daily routine. Add water and these green drinks, made from leafy greens and spinach, are great sources of headache-fighting magnesium. At the office, keep a few feverfew tea bags in your desk drawer so you can brew up cups of headache-relieving tea as needed.
Drink your way out of the headache hole.
A lot of us walk this earth dehydrated, and we don’t have a clue. Too much coffee, overheated homes and offices, sweaty workouts, frequent airplane trips, certain meds, alcohol use  –  any and all can leave you significantly under-watered, which reduces the amount of oxygen available to the brain and impacts pain receptors in ways that can make your head hurt. So, as if you needed one more reason, drink up!
Give yourself an edge.
In addition to covering your nutritional and behavioral bases with whole foods, relaxation techniques, quality sleep and gentle movement, I also recommend the following supplements to cover any pain-promoting nutritional shortfalls: magnesium glycinate, fish oil (especially if fish is not your dish), vitamin D and B-Complex.
Keep it moving.
Move more, hurt less. And stretch your upper body as often as possible to keep tension from collecting in your head and neck, ground zero for tension headaches. Doing a few yoga stretches in the morning, and whenever possible throughout  the day, will also keep muscles from bunching up. An end-of-day relaxing yoga class or a few restorative yoga poses just before bed will help keep headaches at bay.
Get your office act together.
To reduce daily eyestrain and some of the common work-day headache triggers, switch to a desk lamp and kill the overhead lights whenever possible. Reduce the brightness on your computer screen and be sure that your screen is always at eye-level (even if you have to work on a laptop). Make sure to take frequent screen breaks, and get up from your chair at least once an hour (and hopefully more!). Be sure that your desk set-up is ergonomically correct — get the boss to spring for a sit-to-stand riser for your monitor and an under-the-desk keyboard tray. All of these desk tweaks will help cut eye, neck and shoulder strain while reducing your weekly headache tally.
Last but not least.
You might change “Not tonight, honey, I have a headache” to “Yes tonight, honey, I have a headache.” The hormone oxytocin is secreted in your body through sexual arousal and orgasm which in turn causes the release of endorphins that act as a powerful analgesic. So, get busy – and feel better!
The post 20 Healthy Ways to Stop Headaches appeared first on Dr Frank Lipman.
Credits: Original Content Source
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brigidleeson-blog · 6 years
May 25th, 2017 (Part 3)
*Standing at the ticket counter, the attendant is using her sophistic voice to calm Tenny. It isn't working. I am holding back snickers as Tenny palms the countertop loudly accenting every other sentence trying to force miracles.
“Miss, as I said all flights are grounded indefinitely," she repeats through a Cheshire grin. "There is an extreme solar storm occurring as we speak, miss."
"I understand there is a solar storm" PALM SLAP "Planes flew before the modern radios that it effects." PALM SLAP "Don't you have a contingency plan or another way to communicate?" Tenny lets out a frustrated sigh.
"Miss, it isn't safe for our wonderful pilots to fly without modern radios." She continues with the same grin. "We would love the opportunity to fly you home Miss, once the flare dies down and the radios-"
Tenny cuts her off. "Quit calling me Miss!" PALM SLAP "I am at least twelve years your senior and a Marine. Do not condescend to call me Miss!" PALM SLAP She turns and storms off toward the exit.
Following right behind her I cannot contain my laughter. I am in a full belly raucous before we make it outside, barely able to speak.
"Are you about done? We are stuck here." Tenny crosses her arms and pouts.
"You do realize you are wearing a bikini and are barefoot in an airport? You might be 5 foot tall. Hell, my fifteen-year-old son towers over you. How else did you expect her to address you?" I ask, trying to give her perspective.
"For fuck's sake, why did you let me go in there like this?" She breaks a smile realizing how ridiculous she must have looked.
"We have a rental car, we can drive. Let's call Russ and the kids to let them know what is going on."  I tell her still smiling.
She puts it on speaker phone as the line barely connects and begins its scratchy ringing.  
"Hello, Mama? I miss you!" - I could hear Tennyson's youngest daughter excitedly yelling into the phone.
"Yes, baby, it's me! I miss you too! Where are your brothers?” she asked her relief evident. There is silence on the other end. “Ruthi? Are you there? Where are Jack and Dean?”
“I already told you, Mama. They're outside with Uncle Russy. They have to tie down the yard, there's a rainstorm coming tomorrow. How's the beach? Did you find me a starfish?!” the animated shouting increased.
“We'll talk about the beach when I get home. Let me talk to Uncle Russ please.”  Tennyson replied in her mom tone.
"OK Mama, hang on." Her disappointment quieting her excitement.
We could hear the phone bouncing around muffled by her hand.
"Hi, Tenny, are you taking good care of my girl? If you're calling to have me talk her out of whatever mischief she's gotten you two into, you are out of luck!" His voice seems really jovial for someone tying down a yard.
"Hey! I'm not the one who gets us into trouble!" I interject, laughing at my husband
"You know Aislin so well!" Sticking her tongue out at me before asking; "Have you seen the news?"  
"Are you talking about the rain? The boys and I are already taking care of that business. We aren't complaining, though, this drought sucks."  Russ replied  
"No, um. Don't freak out but... there was a typhoon that came ashore by our cottage early this morning. We are both alright but, all flights are canceled. We are going to drive back." Tennyson told him in almost one breath.
"The reception sucks! Did you say typhoon? Wow. So you are driving 16-hours?! You shouldn't be driving that straight through, it's dangerous." Russ sounded worried.
"18 actually, but we'll take turns sleeping. When is the rain supposed to hit?" Tenny asked dismissing his concerns.
"Landfall is late tonight, so it'll hit us before dawn but, I am not sure how large the band is but hopefully it'll pass through before you cross into Pennsylvania,"  Russ replied.
"Alright, stay safe.  If you hear anything on the flights let us know, we'll check in on our way. Thanks, Russ! Tell our babies we love them." She hit the end call button. Hearing the kids were alright seemed to refresh her spirit.
Pulling into the gas station to the left, the parking lot crisscrossed with families and twenty-somethings getting cases of cheap beer for the upcoming holiday weekend. Tenny jumped out bounding toward the store, her long black hair flying behind her.  Handmade home decor was for sale outside of the red and yellow building; it screamed 'Florida', I giggled, imagining how my New York HOA would be abashed to see the life-size gator holding a 'welcome' sign outside my door.
Tenny emerged stopping to strike a pose; her hands held high with two full bags of stuff, two coffees and sporting two coordinating sunglasses with matching plastic Memorial Day beads. Putting on my best smile; I feigned my approval of the impending juvenile humiliation and the veritable buffet of junk food with zero nutritional value. She springs into the passenger side and opens the GPS app on her phone to get us on our way.  Pulling herself into a sitting position in the open window, her upper half hanging out; the red sparkle heart-shaped glasses glint in the sun, her brows arch to form a question.
"Hey A, is your GPS app working? Mine says 'no satellite available'...can that happen?"
"Shouldn't have bought the iPhone" I snark at her while sliding my phone across the roof of the car. She grabs my phone, entering the password and opening maps in one quick motion.
"Baha!  Your GPS isn't working either." She gloated. "Looks like we will be traveling old school."
Tenny gets out of the car, all too happy to pick up paper maps from the gas station.  She comes out a few minutes later waving around a folded map like a winning lottery ticket.  Climbing back in her seat, she straddles the buffet stowed on the floorboards.  With the nozzle back in its cradle, I can see Tenny singing along to the radio. She smiles with her whole face,  lighting it up while blaring music and becoming even more enthusiastic.
'Gentlemen (move). Somebody ring the alarm. A fire on the roof. Ring the alarm (and I'm throwin' elbows). Ring the alarm (and I'm throwin' elbows)' Christina Aguilera's 'Dirty'  knocks me in the face as I open the driver's side door.  
Getting settled in the driver's seat, I turn down the music and can feel the exhaustion begin to pool behind my eyes.  Savoring my coffee, I take a minute to lean back, regroup, and appreciate the Florida sky.  The colors stretch out abnormally in vertical wisps, pinks, greens, yellows, and blues, not unlike long feathers extending out from the horizon.  'We need to get home, now' is my only thought as I sit up and put the car into drive.
Tenny exclaims "A, do you see that?"
'Yea, I think it is Aurora Borealis." I replied, not believing my eyes.
"It's noon and we are in Florida!! What the fuck?"  she put a voice to the fear I was trying to stifle.
"Will you turn off the iPod and check the radio; see if anyone has reported on the flight cancellations?"  I  asked trying to distract us from the aberrant sky.
The broadcast we found was static filled and broken. The radio personalities were discussing the flights being canceled but not when they expected the ban to be lifted.  Traffic in town was laden with people going to BBQs, they were headed out on boats and not concerned with planes for the weekend.  The station started broadcasting in Korean and then went silent. We listened to nothing but our own thoughts for a few miles; unsure of what that sky meant.
Startled, the cry of a juggernaut siren comes screaming from the radio, I swerve subconsciously trying to avoid the sound.
"Please stay tuned for an emergency broadcast, this is not a test. I repeat this is not a test." and another siren of the juggernaut.
"ATTENTION, ATTENTION this is the emergency broadcast system; be aware of an ongoing solar event. The increase in solar interference has caused cell tower, radio, and satellite transmissions to be unreliable. All flights have been grounded for the duration of the event. Do not be alarmed, this intense solar flare has allowed Aurora Borealis to be visible throughout most of the united states. Stay tuned for further instruction." It then repeated.
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