#hopefully this one also gets traction tehee
porkbumh · 3 years
so, i lied. heres the part two i said i wouldn’t write <3 for — fear street 1978 | fear street 1994 part 2 no real pairing just yn causing nick goode to pee himself like a piss baby <3 c berman referred to as ziggy / christine interchangeably!
She called you. As soon as Deena told her the truth, Christine Berman picked up her phone and dialed your number. You didn’t answer until the second time — not that that was unusual, really. You had a bad habit of not answering your phone.
“Y/N.” Your heart started to race. Ziggy calling on a day that wasn’t scheduled could only mean one thing. It was happening again — another Shadysider had been turned into a monster. “I— I know what happened. To Tommy.”
You licked your lips nervously at the sound of his name. Thomas Slater was etched into your mind and body and soul. His name replaced every other word and his face was the only one you could ever see. You sighed, closing your eyes as your hands began to shake.
“Everyone knows what happened to him,” you spoke up. Even though you thought of his name on a continuous loop, you couldn’t bring yourself to say it. Not yet, I’m not ready to let go yet. “I was kinda there that night, C.”
“No, I mean,” her breath hitched. She met eyes with Deena, who nodded encouragingly. “I know why he turned bad. Why he started killing.”
You furrowed your eyebrows before rolling your eyes. She’d had the same thing to say since she miraculously survived that night at Camp Nightwing. “There isn’t a curse, Zig. There’s no witch to—“
“There is, but it’s not Sarah Fier.” She took another trembling breath. You could feel her nerves oozing into you. “It’s— it was Nick. The whole Goode family, actually. They’ve been doing this for centuries.”
“Nick?” Your voice broke. Sure, you didn’t really like the guy, but was he capable of second-hand murder? He was friends with Tommy — worked as a counselor with him and he just decided to turn him into a murderer?
And then you thought of how close he and Ziggy were. He didn’t just betray Tommy — he betrayed everyone at camp that night.
You zoned back into Christine’s rambling, catching the end of her sentence. “—two kids here and they saw them, all of them. And now Nick is after them, I guess. I’m going to help — I need to help. For—“
“I’ll be there soon.” That was all Christine Berman heard before a click! signified the end of your call.
“What are you doing here?” His voice was soft as he faced Christine. In Nick Goode’s eyes, the older woman flickered to who she was at camp — loose, red hair and a fresh burn on her arm. That was his Ziggy, that was who he fell in love with.
And, maybe part of Nick Goode would always be in love with Christine ‘Ziggy’ Berman.
Just like part of you would always be plagued with the feelings you have for Tommy.
Before she could respond — set the plan in motion — a new set of footsteps echoing in the mall caused everyone to pause. The sound of something sliding against the floor pierced their ears as they tried to figure out who this uninvited guest was.
Suddenly, Nick Goode was hit in the back with a bat and you were standing over him. You placed the tip of your shoe to his throat, daring him to move. Grinning down at him maliciously, you tilted your head. “Hi, Nick.”
“Y/N,” he choked out your name with wide eyes. After the events of Camp Nightwing, you had all but disappeared. No one heard from you that night other than the officers you ran to. “You’re here?”
“Yeah, I’m here.” You glanced at Christine, sending her a grin. You looked back down at the coward who was trembling beneath you, feeling the urge to just end him yourself. But, you didn’t — someone else could have that privilege. “Anyone ever tell you payback is a bitch, Goode?”
With that, you slammed the end of the bat into his nose. A sickening crack thudded against the mall’s walls and you made a run for it. Ziggy went with their original plan and dumped the paint bucket of Deena’s blood onto Nick.
The Shadyside killers were released and you held your breath. You were hiding with your old friend and three new faces. Christine nudged your shoulder, “thanks for joining us, Y/N.”
The older guy was staring at you in awe. You lifted an eyebrow in question. Mouth agape, he just shook his head. “I’m so glad you’re on our side.”
That made you giggle, the bright sound drowning out Nick’s pleas for help.
Somehow, the man of the hour freed himself. He took off running and Deena went after him. The killers paused, looking at the remaining four. Seeing Tommy once more caused your breath to hitch.
He was still wearing that stupid yellow shirt — except, now, it was so bloodied and stained you couldn’t barely tell what color it was. His head was covered with a burlap bag, hiding his face from your view.
But, maybe that was a good thing.
Deena’s fight didn’t seem to last long as the killers began to disappear. No — they were victims. The citizens of Shadyside were victims to the Goode’s and their selfish desires.
“You okay?” Ziggy asked as you stared. Tommy had faltered long ago, simply standing still as Ruby Lane began to fade away. “Seeing him again must be hard.”
“He’s free now,” you stated. You watched as Tommy’s figure began to fade away. His body was facing towards you and you told yourself he was staring at you. Of course, you couldn’t actually see his face, but you could pretend. “Tommy’s finally free.”
You can let go now.
— im sad again big sigh. anyways! yn did what we all wanted to do n i love them for it 
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