#hopefully we can put an end to those awful fancams
gritsandbrits · 2 years
The amber turd stans are just salty because they lost!🤣
It strikes me odd bc I am one of the most tame about Amber. Wasn't obsessed over it, or sending hate to those on her side. I just stayed in my lane.
Then again, they do make a point in how assholes infiltrated the Pro-Depp side are taking this case as "now EVERY woman is lying," which is NOT the case! Nor what it was truly about. Those assholes, as well as assholes on Amber's side, coopt important movements to further their own gains and covered their ass. I see this kind of behavior on BOTH sides; this case is proof we need to weed them out. Now we know men can be abused; but also to help female victims of ACTUAL DV & kick out the assholes who try to use one side or the other as an excuse to be jackasses.
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