#hoping i tagged this right so i dont clog up the ladybug or batman tags
thecephalopodagency · 6 months
okay so im currently in a ladybug/batman/justice league phase and every time marinette is kidnapped by the riddler shes like 'your suit is so awful' but i was thinking, as someone who does love the outfit, what if she did too?
so imagine marinette gets kidnapped by the riddler who plans on doing the usual riddler thing leading batman on a multi riddle scavenger hunt to find her and the moment she wakes up and she sees his suit she loves it?
hes standing there trying to explain to her the situation she's in but she's gushing about the embroidery of the question marks and the quality of the suit and somehow, her hands are free and her sketchbook is out (how did she do that? he was watching her the entire time one second hands tied, the next shes scribbling away)
she starts designing a new suit and hes so confused and just shocked by her reaction that he just starts answering her questions about his style and color choice on autopilot while he tries to figure out what is going on
shes somehow got the tape measure out and taken his measurments (she was literally chained to the chair, maybe her hands werent secured tightly enough, but the chains?? what is happening?)
just as hes starting to pull himself together shes showing off a whole page of alterations to his suit and a whole entire new one that, not gonna lie, he instantly wants on his body immediately
one thing leads to another, a few days later marinette is walking out of his base of her own free will and the riddler is admiering his new suit and the MDC buisness card she handed him before she left
(during this batman is losing his mind trying to figure out riddlers game since he was too busy getting a new outfit to actually send the rest of his riddles so the information batman got from the first riddle never led anywhere)
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