#hoping to make this into a standee because i think i deserve a little treat. i want to be ambitious and make a couple extra pieces for it
mechanical-artery · 1 year
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its MY birthday and and I get to make everyone look at this old guy
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solastia · 7 years
Beneath The Surface | 4
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Chapters: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
Pairing: Jung Hoseok x Reader
Word Count: 6,316
Genre & Warnings: Angst, Fluff, Smut. Lake sex, unprotected sex, sex in public. 
Notes:  Happy comeback day!
Please don’t actually have sexy time in lakes. Bacteria gets all up in you, and you can get infections. If you must do it (because I admit it’s hot), make sure you take care of your hygiene thoroughly afterward. 
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Everything about you was messy. The eye makeup smudged just below your left eye. The flyaways in your hair pinned so poorly up. The giant hole on the right knee of your sweats that you couldn’t stop picking at, making it even bigger.
Your heart.
You felt like an idiot. Here you were, still pining after Hoseok despite not hearing from him for a month. He gave you the best sex of your life, made you think that he wanted something more, then vanished. Sadly, not literally. His face was everywhere. Interviews, music videos, music shows. Hell, you'd seen his cardboard cutout at work when one of the girls thought it would be fun to put BTS stand-ups in the practice room. 
The first few days after your date was a mess. You'd tried to text and call him, but it always sent you straight to voicemail. You gave up on day three when you saw him with his group during an interview, and he looked as sunny as ever. Smiling and joking, being his usual aegyo king self. You'd seen that he had a sunflower pinned to his outfit and wondered if it was for you. As the weeks flew by without a word, even though you kept seeing a sunflower pinned to whatever outfit he was wearing, you stopped wondering. If only you could stop hurting.
You threw yourself into your work, hoping that ten straight hours of dance practice would leave you exhausted enough to do nothing but sleep the moment you got home. Between the extended practices and you snapping at them anytime they mentioned BTS, the girls were getting frustrated, and you could tell. If you weren’t snapping at them, you were glaring at the cardboard standee of Hoseok they insisted on keeping in there. Even in cardboard form, he looked good. Stupid Hobi and his stupidly handsome face.
You were just sitting here once again putting yourself through hell watching a live video of Hoseok and Yoongi. They were having a meal together and talking about their latest concert. Every sound of enjoyment out of Hoseok's mouth was torturous and brought back memories of other times when he moaned that loud. He was dressed casually but still had a sunflower pinned to the flowy white shirt. You assumed it was now just his thing, like Jin and his hearts. You watched as he leaned over his food to grab something, the flower hanging dangerously close to a bowl of soup.
"Yah, Hobi, your flower is about to fall in your food. If that splashes on me, I'll kill you." Yoongi growled. Hoseok slaps his hand over the flower and leans back into his seat, fixing the flower so it’s pinned tighter. 
“It’s OK, I’d still eat it. Sunflowers are tasty, “ He smirked into the camera.
“You mean sunflower seeds,” Yoongi told him.
Hoseok hummed noncommittally, going back to his meal. 
“What’s with the sunflower thing anyways? Army keeps asking, and I’m kind of curious myself.” Yoongi asked, nodding at the flower. 
"Sunflowers make me happy, and it breaks my heart to not have them with me all the time.” Hoseok rumbled with a serious face, staring right into the camera. 
Surely he wasn’t talking...about you? Was this just your wishful thinking or was he really trying to tell you something? Because that sounded an awful lot like he made a sex joke and then tried to send you a message. He called you Sunflower before. Has this sudden appearance of sunflowers in every damn picture of his really been a sign this whole time? Should you let yourself hope? 
The video ends with Yoongi waving and Hoseok kissing the screen with an enthusiastic “I love you!” You set your phone down and stare at it, thinking. Maybe he had a reason for not contacting you besides your initial assessment of him being a fuckboy idol. Perhaps he wasn’t allowed to, or they took his phone. Maybe they found out about you, and he got in trouble. 
Perhaps...you could trust Hoseok? The mere thought of putting your full trust in anyone again, much less a member of the male species, was enough to make you feel squeamish. But at the same time, with Hoseok, it felt right. 
Either that, or you’d just taken your first step to becoming a crazy stalker chick. 
“Sunflowers are tasty. Quit talking about my privates in a live video, you perv.” You chuckle and shake your head as you walk to your room to change into something that doesn’t look like you stole it from the trash. It was time to stop moping. Maybe he hadn’t forgotten you after all. 
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 “That isn’t water in that water bottle, Hoseok. I can smell it from here. Are you fucking serious right now?” Namjoon glared down at Hoseok as he relaxed on a couch in the practice room. Hoseok scoffed, taking another drink. 
“Look, I know you’re upset right now, but drinking before a live show is ridiculous. What if you mess up? You’ll get us all in more shit than we are already. I thought you hated alcohol, and yet here you are, fucking plastered going on a month straight.” 
“I don’t like alcohol, the taste is vile. The being buzzed part is nice though. Anway, even drunk I still dance better than you, so fuck right off, thanks.” 
“You need to get over this and fast. I am starting to lose my fucking patience. It’s not like you’re the only one suffering. Because of you, they took all of our phones and put us all on lockdown.”
Hoseok sighed and hung his head down, remorse and sadness practically flowing from his pores. “I know, man. I’m...I’m sorry. I just...miss her,” He whispered, his voice trembling as he held back tears. Another reason he avoided alcohol is it tended to make him weepy. 
Namjoon sighed and plopped into the chair next to him. “I understand. I just hate watching you do this to yourself. I’ve never seen you hung up on a chick before. You really like her, huh?”
Hoseok nodded, sniffing a little and stuffed the bottle under his seat. 
“Yes. She’s incredible. She’s so beautiful, smart, funny, and treated me like I’m just me. Just Jung Hoseok. I can’t get her out of my head. I’m just so scared, bro. I’ve just up and disappeared for a month without being able to say anything to her. How is she going to take that? What if she’s moved on already?”
Oh God, what if she had? What if there was some other asshole pounding into her right now? He wanted to pummel the faceless bastard already. And even worse, what if she hadn’t? What if she had sat around waiting for him, crying her eyes out when he never showed? Did she hate his guts now? Did she watch his shows, his lives? Did she see how he kept a sunflower pinned to his heart for her? Did she catch the little messages he tried to send her? 
“She knew who you were and that you’re an idol, right?” Namjoon asked as he rubbed Hoseok’s back. 
“Yeah, we talked a little bit about it.” 
“Then if she’s as smart as you say, she’ll probably understand that not everything is in our control. She’s probably seen how busy we are lately, with all the shows and interviews. Have a little hope, huh?” Namjoon chuckles and squeezes Hoseok’s shoulders as he stands up, earning a snicker from Hoseok. 
“Bro, again...I’m sorry. You guys don’t deserve to put up with my shit.” Hoseok sighed as he stood up and followed Namjoon to the backstage area of their next show.  
“We’re in this together, man. I know it’s fucking hard, but you have all of us here to support you. Now, let’s head out there. I’m sure she’s watching, so put on a good show for her, yeah?” Namjoon slapped Hoseok’s back, and they joined the rest of the group as the curtain raised for their next performance. 
“This one’s for you, Sunflower,” Hoseok whispered to himself, patting the sunflower on his jacket before pasting a bright smile on his face for the camera. 
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“Jisoo, wider movements, please. You’re too stiff.” You tell the girl for what has to be the sixth time today. She was probably due for another break soon.
You’d had the girls practicing for about four hours so far today, but you’d been giving them more breaks than they’d had in a while. You’d realized how unfair you’d been to have taken out your frustrations on the girls. It wasn’t their fault, and it was unprofessional of you to let your private drama impact your professional life. As a sort of apology, you’d cut practice times entirely in half, and you were going to let them out in an hour, especially since it was Sunday. 
Or sooner, judging by the frantic waving of Lee PD on the other side of the practice room door. 
“Alright everyone, good practice. We’ll cut it short for today. Remember to keep up your stretches, stay hydrated, take a nice warm bath. I’ll see you all back here tomorrow.” The girls whooped in glee, quickly gathering their belongings and leaving. 
You wiped your sweat with a towel as you strolled over to the little woman that looked more like a kindergarten teacher than a producer at a music label. You chuckled inwardly at how adorable she looked excitedly hopping, bursting to tell you whatever news she had. 
“Lee PD, to what do I owe the honor of you gracing my smelly studio with your presence?” You smile sweetly down at her. 
“OH, you are not going to believe this. So, you know how we’ve been in talks with that sports gear company? They wanted Hypnotic to model their outdoor wear collection this year. It turns out, however, that we are not the only ones. They are going to have our girls team up with another group and do a huge camping shoot with a dance. So you’d have to team up with the other group's choreographer and work together to make something original.” She was excitedly clapping her hands, obviously pleased at how big the project was turning out to be. 
“Who is the other group?” 
“OH, this is the best part! Teaming up with them, our girls are going to look great! Not to mention that you’d have so much fun doing their choreo since they are known for being good dancers. It’s BTS.” Lee PD squealed, her glasses slipping down her nose as she hopped around. 
BTS...as in Hobi’s BTS. 
You stare at the excited little woman in shock. You’d have to work with Hoseok, the man you’d hadn’t seen in over a month but couldn’t stop thinking of. Would he be happy to see you? Or would he be horrified and think he was getting stalked by someone that he’d tried to hit and quit? 
You shook yourself from your thoughts and managed to fake an enthusiastic smile. You were happy for your girls at least. This was a huge deal. 
“This is exciting! The girls are going to go nuts when they hear! When does this start?” You ask, thinking your voice sounded too squeaky to sound genuinely excited. Lee PD didn’t seem to notice as her smile widened even more. 
“TOMORROW! We head over to meet them bright and early. You have to meet their choreographer and go over the plans from the company so you can start work on your end. Then, at the end of the week, we are going to be spending the weekend up in the mountains. They are going to be doing the commercial and photo shoots there. They told us to plan on being there the entire weekend.” 
“Yikes, one week to come up with choreography for twelve people? This should be fun.” You huff and Lee PD pats your arm in comfort. 
“I know, but we believe in you. Plus, I hear that those boys and their choreographers are used to working like dogs, so this should be nothing new for them. Just meet up with me and the girls at 7:00 am sharp tomorrow, and we’ll head over from here.” 
“Will do, boss. See you tomorrow.” 
You saunter out of the room and walk to your car in a daze. Tomorrow. You’d see Hoseok tomorrow. Although you were still a little anxious, you couldn’t help the small spark of excitement at the thought of seeing him again. At least now you had a chance of learning what happened. If he ended up being happy to see you and wanted to get together again, great. If not, you’d finally be able to close that chapter of your life and move on. You can’t help the shiver that courses through your body at the thought of seeing him again, no matter what. 
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You stared at the door in front of you, your entire body shaking. You couldn’t remember ever being this damn nervous in your life. You could hear the music they were blasting through the door, the occasional voice of someone. They were all in there. The girls were chatting away, obviously excited. Lee PD was talking to Bang PD at the front of the group. You observe Bang PD’s hand on the doorknob, watching as it turned in almost slow motion. The door cracked open and the sounds amplified by a thousand. You were tuned into every squeak of a sneaker, every chuckle, every hum. 
You maneuvered yourself so that you were at the very back of the group. Able to see but not be seen. You heard him first. The PD’s were introducing Hypnotic to everyone, and you heard Hoseok’s polite greeting of “Nice to meet you.” Such simple, innocent words and yet the impact his gravely voice had on your body was no joke. You tried to repress the shiver that went straight to your core, forcing an impassive expression on your face. 
“And this is Hypnotic’s main choreographer. She’s truly incredible, and you’ll find her a joy to work with.” Lee PD gushed as she forced you to the front of the group. 
You heard the quiet gasp before you saw him, your eyes raising to meet his. He looked amazing. He was drenched in sweat, the black supreme shirt clinging to his chest. He ran a hand through his equally sweat-drenched hair (were you developing a sweat kink or something?), and you watched as his expression changed from shock to pure, unadulterated joy. 
He smiled blindingly down at you as you blushed and snuck a small smile his way before glancing at everyone else. You decided it was probably safer for him if you didn’t let the rest of the people in the room catch on to the fact that you already knew each other. He seemed happy to see you, though. You weren’t sure how to process this yet, but you felt a little flame of hope come to life. 
You bowed and shook hands with all of the boys and the choreographer. You had to fight to hold the moan that wanted to escape when Hoseok sneakily laced his fingers with yours as you pulled your hand away from shaking his. You had it bad if just touching his damn fingers was enough to get you excited. 
The PD’s left to go do paperwork that had to be turned into the sportswear company, leaving you and the girls to get acquainted with everyone. They all needed to come up with a game plan and get to know everyone’s dance styles to come up with something quick. The first order of business was picking a song, so everyone sat down wherever they were comfortable in the studio and started writing out lists of suggestions to be voted on. You picked a spot in the back corner, next to a window, hoping the slight breeze would help cool you down. You had written down about three suggestions when you felt the heat on your back, followed by warm puffs of air against your neck. You could smell hints of vanilla and citrus mingled with sweat, smells that remind you of Hoseok in your bed. 
“Are you cold?” a quiet voice rasped in your ear. You shook your head no and heard his soft chuckle. 
“Then why are you shaking, Sunflower?” He asked, as he stealthily ran a finger up and down your spine. 
You hadn’t even realized that you had been shaking, but as soon as he pointed it out, you could feel the trembles. You were so on edge with him being this close to you and not being able to do anything about it. You felt his breath on your ear and couldn’t hold back the tiny whimper.
“I think you missed me as much as I missed you,” he whispered in your ear. You didn’t trust yourself to keep your voice down, so you just nodded. You didn’t miss the barely audible Thank God from Hoseok. 
You clear your throat and turn around so you’re facing him. You let your mask drop for a second and trying to convey everything you feel in one broad smile, before going back into business mode. 
“Did you have any song suggestions, Mr, Jung?” You ask briskly. He raises an eyebrow at you, then props his chin in his hands. 
“Usher’s Nice and Slow.” 
“Mr. Jung, I don’t think that’s the feeling that they’re looking for.” You drone sarcastically. 
“You’re right. How about...Silk’s Freak Me.”
“Trey Songz Neighbors know my name?”
“HOBI!” You whisper furiously and look around worried that someone might have heard you.
“There’s my girl. Hi, baby.” He looks at you with the sweetest smile you’ve ever seen in your life, and you just melt. 
“Aw, you’re so cute when you blush like that.” He cooed, scooting closer. 
“Hobi, I’m trying not to make things obvious, and you’re not helping.” you groan, trying not to make any noises despite the fact that his sneaky fingers were making their way under your crossed legs to stroke under your thighs. 
“I know. I just missed you so fucking much. You know it wasn’t my choice not to see you again, right? They took our phones and put us on lockdown.” 
So it was as you’d suspected. You’d hoped this was the case, but to have it confirmed made you feel so much better. Honestly, you were a little upset for him. To be a grown ass man and get treated like a misbehaving teenager was a little ridiculous. 
“I kinda thought that might be the case. Don’t worry, I’m not mad at you.”
Hoseok exhaled loudly. “Good. So...does that mean that you’ve uh...that you’re still...” Hoseok’s face was turning an adorable shade of light red, and you smiled. 
“Yes, Hobi, I’m still single.  No, I haven’t fucked anyone else. I’ve been working.”
“Cool.” He nodded, looking around the room like he was unconcerned. He was so adorable. 
“Did you uh...like my sunflower?” He asked you, blush spreading to his neck. 
“I did. I was hoping that was for me, but I wasn’t sure. It was...probably the sweetest thing I’ve ever seen.” You whisper, trying to stop your own blush. God, Hoseok made you feel like this was some first love high school thing.
Hoseok smiled brightly at you and tried to discreetly lace your fingers together with his free hand.
“It was for you. I wanted you to know that I didn’t forget you. And that I still wanted you. Fuck, I always want you.” He growled quietly, making you shiver and you could feel yourself becoming wet just from his voice alone.  
“Hey, you guys come up with any good songs?” Seongdeuk, the BTS choreographer, asks from behind you. You nudge Hoseok’s fingers away and smile up at the man, handing him your paper.
“Outside, by Calvin Harris and Ellie Goulding? That’s actually a decent commercial type song. We’ll see what the other’s think and then pass it onto the boss to take care of licensing stuff. Good pick! You two work well together.” He mumbles as walks away. 
“You hear that, baby? We work well together.” Hoseok snickers, putting his fingers back under your leg. You nudge him away again, laughing when he pouts. 
“You are going to get us caught, stop.” 
“Bro, are you hogging the choreographer already?” A soft voice asked from behind you. You swallowed your squeak of alarm and quickly moved your leg out of Hoseok’s reach, smiling up at Jimin. 
He plops down next to Hoseok and softly smiles back, somehow seemingly oblivious to Hoseok’s glare. 
“Hello again. I’m Jimin, in case you forgot. You’ll be working with Hoseok and me the most. Me, because I practice a lot, and Hoseok because he’s our dance God.” You chuckled along with Jimin at that, narrowing your eyes in silent warning at the still pouting Hoseok to play along. 
“That’s good to hear. Since we only have a week to get this down, I’m predicting 10 hour long practices at the very least. Something that my girls are used to.”
“That won’t be a problem for us either. We do what we have to do.” Jimin responded sweetly. You nod and smile at them both. 
“I’m going to head back up to the front. Get ready to work your asses off, guys.” 
You stand up and glance over at Hoseok, not able to say anything you want to with Jimin right there. You settle for a wink and stroll away. 
“Damn, she has a great ass.” The words whispered behind you sounded somehow more perverse when they were being said by such a soft, innocent sounding voice.
“Don’t even fucking think about it,” Hoseok warned. 
You sighed and stood next to Seongdeuk. This was going to be a long week.
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It was finally Friday. Today, all of you were being jammed into vans and driven into the mountains for the commercial shoot. It had been an incredibly long week and you were exhausted. Everyone had practiced for a minimum of 11-12 hours a day, some of them electing to practice more on their own. 
You were proud that your girls had been able to keep up with BTS’s notoriously high-energy dancing. Despite the fact that a few of them had developed crushes, this week had gone relatively smoothly. BTS were amazingly hard workers. You’d been incredibly impressed by all of them. 
As for Hoseok, being in the same proximity to each other without being able to do more than sneak a touch here or there was taking a toll on both of you. The number of times you’d had to tear your eyes off of his reflection while he was dancing was ridiculous. He would drip with sweat, thrusting his hips vigorously, his stare burning whenever you locked eyes. He’d find reasons to grab your hips, or come behind you and help you stretch, whispering things in your ear the entire time. Unfortunately, the staff followed them everywhere, not giving them a single moment to themselves. The tension driving you crazy, and judging by Hoseok’s increasingly dark glances, he wasn’t fairing much better. 
You peered out of the van window, lost in your thoughts. You hadn’t really had time to think about what would happen after this weekend was over. You supposed things would just go back to the way they were. You’d go back to working your regular hours, go home, and obsessively watch videos of a man that you may or may not see again. 
The mere thought alone was enough to break your heart. 
As the campsite crawled into view, you vowed to not think about the future right now. Just get through this first. Enjoy the tiny tidbits of contact you get with Hoseok and store it away for when you’re going to need it. 
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“Alright everyone, that’s a wrap for the day! See you bright and early!” The director bellowed, the groups not even bothering to hide their moans of relief. Dancing in a studio was one thing. Dancing in bulky outdoor wear when it was still hot as hell outside was another. The staff gave everyone leave to go and do what they wanted with the remaining bit of daylight. They probably assumed everyone was too tired to get up to too much trouble. And it seemed they were right as most elected to shower and go to their tents. 
You had been eyeballing the lake all day, so you decided to get into your swimsuit and go for a little evening swim. You figured that with most already getting to bed, you’d have a bit of alone time. 
You leisurely floated on your back in the water near the dock. You hummed a little nameless melody and stared at the stars. It was so peaceful. 
You were utterly unprepared when you felt hands wrap themselves around you and drag you closer to the dock. 
“What the fuck?!” You complained, getting ready to hit whoever the fuck was grabbing at you. 
“Shhh, baby, it’s me.” 
“Hobi, what are you doing?” You hiss at him. He’s smiling at you fondly, barely swimming as he’d pulled you under the dock and his feet could touch the bottom. 
“You looked so pretty and lonely out there, so I thought I’d join you.” He murmurs as he pulls you closer to him, picking up your legs and wrapping them around his waist. 
“I’ll just bet you did. Hobi, if you get caught, you’d be in deep shit. You’re already on lockdown.” You whisper, trying not to moan as you feel his bulge hit your core.
“At this point, I don’t even fucking care. If I don’t touch you soon, I’m going to go insane.” He growled, bucking against you. You whimper and bury your head in his shoulder. 
“This is such a bad idea, Hoseok.” 
"I’m just going to pull your swimsuit to the side, no one would see a thing.“ He whispers in your ear, fingers already stroking the outside of your suit. You nod silently.
“God, yes. Finally.” Hoseok’s fingers slip inside your swimsuit bottom, lightly stroking through your folds. He buries his face in your neck, biting softly and kissing his way up to your face.
Your lips meet, and the kiss is so soft and sweet. Just a gentle exploration of each other as your bodies get reacquainted. His tongue lightly tracing your lips and caressing your own. You remember something that’d he’d liked last time, so you sucked on his bottom lip gently, releasing it with a little pop. He groans and bucks his hips into you, and you smile to yourself. You forgot how much you love teasing his sounds out of him. It was really too bad you had to be so quiet. 
Hoseok touched his forehead to yours, moaning into your mouth as he slid his cock into you. You started rocking against him, your mouths fused together to help prevent any loud noises escaping. You were both so focused on each other, you almost missed the creak of the dock as someone made their way across it. 
“It’s beautiful out here. We really should do more shoots here, don’t you think?”
“Oh, I agree! I think the shots we took today are going to be great.” 
You and Hoseok looked each other in horror, completely halting your movements. How the hell were you going to get out of this? Hopefully, they wouldn’t stay long, and you could escape without anyone catching the two of you together. 
God, you’d been so close. Your pussy clenched at the mere thought of how amazing you’d been feeling. You hear a hiss from Hoseok and a plan forms as you see how fucked out he still looks. You clench down on him again, watching his face. He drags his bottom lip between his teeth, looking at you in silent warning. You merely grin and clench again. He leans in and bites your ear, whispering softly. 
“If you keep that shit up, I’m going to cum.” 
You clench again as hard as you can. With a strangled groan against your neck, Hoseok shallowly pumps his hips into you, filling you with his cum. 
You sigh and let your legs drop from his waist, though he keeps you close to him, burying his face in your hair. You both wait for the people to leave, listening to their boring conversation as Hoseok occasionally plants soft kisses on the side of your face. 
After what seemed to be forever, they finally left, and the both of you let out a sigh of relief. You shoot him an irritated I told you so look that he just responds to with a satisfied grin. You look around to see if anyone else is within eye range before getting out of the water, Hoseok not far behind. When you reached the campsite, you noticed that everyone was already in their tents. You go to yours, prepared to wave goodbye to Hoseok and go to bed, only to feel him come up right behind you. He follows you inside and zips the door before crawling on top of you, gently lowering you onto your blankets. 
“Now where were we?” He growls playfully, pulling your suit down and latching onto your nipple. 
“Hobi, don’t tease me right now. Just fuck me!” You whisper harshly, tugging his head up towards you. He leans down and kisses you roughly, biting your bottom lip as he slides back into you. You’re still filled with his cum and your own wetness, the lewd squelching sounds as he pounds into you filling the tent. 
“God, I love this. I missed you so much. Fuck. You feel so good.” he moans above you, leaning down to lick and bite at your neck. There was no way you weren’t going to have marks to cover up in the morning. 
“I can feel you tightening up on me, baby. Do you want to come?” Hosek reaches his hands up, planting them on both sides of your head. He leans his face in closer, kissing you softly for a moment. His hips kept up their rhythm, pounding into you with a hard and steady pace. You nod, and he smiles at you. 
“Come. I want to watch you fall apart.” He growls into your mouth. Like your body knows it belongs to him, you feel your orgasm take over. You arch your back and throw your head back in a silent scream as Hoseok fucks you harder and faster trying to reach his own peak. 
“Look at me.” He orders breathlessly, and you force yourself to concentrate enough to keep your eyes open. You can’t look away as you watch Hoseok come undone above you. He keeps his eyes trained on you, staring at you with a mixture of awe and lust as he fills you up again. 
He groans as he pulls out and flops down next to you, grabbing your arm to pull you in and wrap you around his chest. You both catch your breath as he hums and strokes your arm. You sneak a peek and notice his cock has still not gone down. You’d nearly forgotten about his rabbit-like stamina. Hoseok chuckles when he notices where your eyes went, wiggling his eyebrows at you. You were in for a long night. 
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The rest of the weekend went much the same. Working from dawn until dusk on the commercial and various photo shoots. The nights were spent finding places to be alone as you made up for lost time. He’d usually spend the night in your tent until around 5 am, waking you up with a kiss as he got up to head to his own tent. The two of you were so caught up in each other, you didn’t notice the girl with the increasingly suspicious gaze. 
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You observe the team putting all of their gear away in the vans, the view somehow symbolic of your relationship with Hoseok. It was time to put it away and go back to the real world. The world where he didn’t belong to you. As if your thoughts conjured him, Hoseok appeared in front of you, silently gesturing with his head to follow him. You look around to make sure no one was watching, then caught up to him. He led you behind the wooden building holding the restrooms, backing you up until you hit the wall. He buried his hands in your hair and kissed you. You could practically taste the despair as he roughly nipped at your lips. 
“How much more time do you have on your lockdown?” You moan, embarrassed to sound so needy, but God, you couldn’t help it.  
 “Just for another month, just another thirty days. It’ll pass by quicker this time since we know that we’re waiting for each other.” He answers between pecks. 
He stops and looks down at you, a severe look suddenly crossing his face. He swallows hard a few times, worrying you. What did he have to say that was so bad?
“I love you.” He blurts out. 
Your eyes widen in shock. You? Jung Hoseok loves you?
“What do you mean you love me?” You ask, wincing as soon as you say it. What a dumb thing to say.
“I mean that I love you.” His eyes search your face. You can feel the blush that takes over your face, and you turn your head to the side to avoid his gaze. 
“I...I love you too.” You mumble. You were probably dumb to let him know the feelings that you hadn’t even admitted to yourself yet, but now it was out there.
Hoseok grinned cockily, grabbing your chin to make you look at him.
“What was that, Sunflower? I didn’t quite catch it.” 
You sigh and kiss the palm that was near your mouth. 
“I love you too, Jung Hoseok. I’ll see you in a month.” 
You push away from the wall and go back to your van. As you slide into your seat and strap yourself in, you sneak a peek over at the BTS van. They were still loading their things in, apparently too busy to have even noticed Hoseok’s absence. He finally strolls up to the van, grabbing his bag and heads to the open doors. Before he gets in, he looks over towards you, the broad smile on his face silently conveying how much your confession meant to him. He snuck a little wave, and one of his ridiculous kissy faces before hopping into the van and slamming the door. You watch as they leave first, feeling as though he’d taken a piece of you with him.
God help you. You were in love with Jung Hoseok.
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The ride back home sapped you of any remaining energy. You were bone tired as you trudged up the stairs to your apartment. You silently praised yourself for your forethought of booking Momo at the pet hotel for an extra day, because all you wanted to do now was take a real shower and go into a nice coma. 
After a thoroughly long and hot shower, you got in your most comfortable pajamas and slid into bed. You scrolled through your phone, just wanting to check that there was nothing important you’d missed while you were away. You were just about to put the phone down when a random headline reading “BTS DATING SCANDAL” caught your eye. Dating scandal? How can that happen when they weren’t even in the city? 
You load the story and just scan it. You honestly didn’t think it would be anything since the boys were always complaining about their lack of freedom. It wasn’t until your eyes caught the name Jung Hoseok that you felt a flicker of fear. 
You followed the link his name led to, your hand trembling. After reading the words, you throw your phone at the wall with a satisfying crack, before burying your face in the pillow. How stupid were you? You were a fucking idiot.   
“Jung Hoseok of BTS dating scandal. Bighit confirms a relationship with Hypnotic’s leader, Lee Jisoo.”
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