#hospitals in bnaglore
digimarksposts · 2 years
Strive For A World Free Of Cancer On This World Cancer Day
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World Cancer Day is commemorated on 4th February every year to spread awareness about cancer and to support patients in their tumultuous battle against it. It is led by the Union for International Cancer Control (UICC) to raise worldwide attention and inspire action for a cancer-free world. Being the leading cause of death globally, it is crucial to inform people about the dangers, common symptoms and most commonly found cancers. Read on to get a full understanding of the same.
Cancer is a disease that is the leading cause of death among men and women. The biggest plight is individuals failing to rise from the result of ignoring it and further being unaware of its signs and symptoms, treatment, etc. This World Cancer Day, you can visit Trust-in Hospital, a multispecialty hospital in Bangalore with a dedicated cancer care wing and get a cancer screening done.
Cancer develops due to faulty mutation in the DNA within cells. These DNA send instructions to the cells for the tasks and functionalities it needs to take up. When there is an error in sending-out instructions, cells multiply without control and become malignant or cancerous. Unfortunately, this mutation can happen anywhere in the body but the most common types of cancer among men and women are breast, cervical, oral cavity, lung, and colorectal.
Even though there is a long list of the types of cancer and their symptoms, oncologist in Bangalore and elsewhere advice looking for some of the common symptoms of cancer such as:
●      Skin changes, such as:
○       A new mole or a change in an existing mole.
○       A sore that does not heal.
●      Breast changes, such as
○       Change in size or shape of the breast or nipple.
○       Change in the texture of breast skin.
○       A thickening or lump on or under the skin.
●      Hoarseness or a cough that does not go away.
●      Changes in bowel habits.
●      Difficult or painful urination.
●      Gastrointestinal issues such as:
○       Discomfort after eating, a hard time swallowing, changes in appetite
○       Weight gain or loss with no known reason.
○       Abdominal pain.
●      Unexplained night sweats.
●      Unusual bleeding or discharge, including:
○       Blood in the urine, vaginal bleeding, blood in the stool
●      Feeling weak or very tired
Do observe for any of the above symptoms that do not appear to reduce with medication. In such a situation, do visit an oncologist in Bangalore at Trust-in Hospital, a multispeciality hospital in Bangalore immediately!
A step towards victory:
Understanding what cancer is and its symptoms are just the beginning. One should take their first step to prevent genetic mutation by leading a healthy lifestyle. Might sound like a generic suggestion, but it is a life-saving one indeed. A healthy lifestyle can help fight off diseases varying from simple flu to major life-threatening diseases as well. Some healthy options as suggested by the best hospital in Bangalore[1]  and elsewhere one can adopt are as follows:
Quit smoking - If you are a chain smoker     or even a social one, nub the cigarette to save  your lungs and immune systems from cancer in the throat, larynx,     mouth, and lungs.
No alcohol - Avoid drinking alcohol or     keep it to a minimum as excessive alcohol intake can cause cancer in the liver, breast,     kidney, colon and lungs in both men and women.
Shed excessive weight - Obesity plays a     crucial role in spreading cancer. This a problem that can easily be dealt     with by a simple run and diet restrictions, and should be taken care of by     everyone.
Vaccinate yourselves: Get yourself     shielded from cancer with available vaccines for Hepatitis B and HPV     virus. For more information on these vaccines, call 08050706071 and speak     to a specialist in Trust-in Hospital, a multispeciality neighbourhood hospital in Bangalore in the     Horamavu area.
Screenings and tests: Schedule regular     appointments with the oncologist in     Bangalore for your screenings to eliminate any possibility of     cancer-causing cells.
Having understood what cancer is, the common types of cancer, signs and symptoms, along with a few tips to prevent it, one must adhere to the same in order to fight cancer. This guide is not just for your personal assistance, rather share it with your loved ones and help spread awareness about cancer, this World Cancer Day! Don’t forget to get your regular check-ups with the best oncologist in Bangalore at Trust-in Hospital. It is accoladed as one of the best hospitals in Bangalore for its patient-centric approach and specialised team of doctors. Call them at 08050706071 to book an appointment today!
Author Profile: 
Trust-in Hospital is a major multi-speciality medical hospital in Bangalore. Its mission is to provide high-quality, personalised healthcare to patients. The best and most skilled specialists work at this cutting-edge hospital. It integrates advanced medical technologies and modern infrastructure to provide comprehensive and cost-effective care to both outpatients and inpatients using a multidisciplinary approach.
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richcarehomeopathy · 11 months
Types of infertility | Causes for Female infertility | Homeopathy Treatment in Bangalore |
Types of infertility
Female infertility
Male infertility
Causes for Female infertility
Studies indicate that slightly over half of all cases of infertility are a result of female conditions, while the rest are caused by either sperm disorders or unidentified factors. About 20% of cases of infertility are due to a problem in the man. About 40% to 50% of cases of infertility are due to a problem in the woman. About 30% to 40% of cases of infertility are due to problems in both the man and the woman.
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Other causes include
Damage to your fallopian tubes.
Hormonal problems.
Cervical issues.
Uterine troubles like fibroid,endometriosis etc.
Unexplained” infertility the exact causes are never pinpointed.
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Homeopathic treatment
Our RICH CARE HOMEOPATHY works on male and female infertility in following way: It regulates and balances the body’s hormones, menstrual cycle and enhances the ovulation process in females. In males, it helps to increase the sperm count, their mobility and also their morphology by naturally stimulating the body.
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medsolhospital-blog · 6 years
General Hospital in Bangalore #Get_Cured_At_Medsol_Hospital SonasSubramanyam recently got treated for vital fever by Dr.Ameernath.Sonas Subramanyam, daughter is sharing amazing experience about the doctors, Nurses, and all the staff how they got treated in hospital. Please check out this video for more information.
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richcarehomeopathy · 1 year
Cause For Varicose Veins | Homeopathy Treatment in Bangalore |
Varicose veins are enlarged, swollen, and twisting veins, often appearing blue or dark purple. They happen when faulty valves in the veins allow blood to flow in the wrong direction. Any superficial vein may become varicosed, but the veins most commonly affected are those in your legs.
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Cause For Varicose Veins
Varicose veins are a common condition caused by weak or damaged vein walls and valves. Varicose veins may form whenever blood pressure increases inside your veins. This can happen because of pregnancy, constipation, a tumor, or overweight and obesity.
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20+ years of existance having branches in 3 cities Bangalore, Mysore & Hubli. We have gain the trust of treating 20K + patients across Karnataka.
Book An Appointment For Consultation | +91–7411955955 | +91–7411055955 | +91–9036619944 | 080–41241822|
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