#hotel mumbai reservations
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We have 2 Suites and all are designed for you comfort ,our suite rooms are fitted with amenities to suit your every need.
Superior Room with Breakfast and Internet free wifi
Room Amenities & Facility:
32 inches LED TV
One bottle of Mineral water
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Safety Lockers
News Paper
Mini Bar
Tea/Coffee Maker
Multi Media
Iron/Iron Board (On Request)
WE are located at:292,Bellasis Road, Mumbai Central, Mumbai 400 008, Maharashtra ,India
Mail us at: [email protected]
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itsprashimusic · 7 months
Wildest Dreams Warm Realities
"Say you'll remember me"
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Summary - A Formula 1 driver is on vacation in Goa with his family. A woman and her friend group are also on a vacation in Goa. Is this destiny?
Pairings - Charles Leclerc x indian!fem!Reader
Warnings - hindi words with english translations at the end, your best friend has a name (Sarah), mention of animals getting harmed, reader has hair. Happy reading🩵
W/C - 2.6k
A/N - the train is from Mumbai to Goa. Let me know if I missed anything.
Navigation | "Say you'll remember me" | "Standin' in a nice dress" | "Starin' at the sunset" | ..babe"
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The horn sounded nice and loud, it could be heard by the people who stood on the road outside the station. It indicated that the train was now leaving CSMT and heading to its final destination. You had this trip planned out with your friends since the beginning of the year. All hotel reservations were made and all tickets were booked since this was the busiest time of the year to travel. 
It was the middle of December. You had 3 different invites to 3 different weddings, an invitation to meet one of your good school friends, and a desire for a true Goa trip with your friend group. But all of that was about to go down the drain because you were standing on the platform hearing the train engines start and watching it slowly pull away. You went out to grab some hot samosas for everyone but were now panicking, “Bhaiya jaldi karo, train jaa rahi hai!” you yelled at the poor dude who was trying to hurriedly wrap the piping hot samosas. You got the black thaili, gave him a 200 rupee note, and ran off, “Chhutta rakh lena!” you said over your shoulder. 
This could not be happening. It looked cute in YJHD when Naina was running behind the train, unfortunately you were not Naina. You were running after the train with your hair tied in a weird bun from the morning and were holding onto a black plastic bag with samosas in it, very much the opposite of how she looked. But then you saw it, more accurately, him. He was tall and had fluffy hair, like Bunny. But his hair was brown and he had green eyes, eyes which were filled with concern, eyes that were looking at you. 
This distracted you, but when you realised the train was moving away faster, you started to sprint. Never in your life had you run faster. His one had held onto the railing, while the other was stretched out and gesturing to you. You grabbed onto his outstretched hand and jumped. This is where you mentally prayed that he would catch you, if not, you were surely gonna get jammed in between the train and the platform, get injured, or die on impact. Thankfully he did catch you. When you jumped, he reacted quite fast and pulled you with one hand and caught you by your waist with the other. 
The both of you stood at the door standing incredibly close, breathing and processing what just happened. 
You managed to recover and pulled away from him, his hands dropping from your wrist and waist. However, you did not notice his slightly disappointed face, which he quickly covered up. 
“Thanks for..the help.” you weren’t really sure what to say. He didn’t say anything, he just kept looking at you. You started to worry that he didn’t speak English, right when he replied, “Sure, it was no problem.”
God that accent. He was definitely from Europe, maybe France. But just that one sentence got you craving for more. You wanted to hear him talk, it didn’t matter what the subject was. 
The silence turned awkward, so you mumbled a final ‘thank you’ and ‘see you around’ before entering the first class A/C compartment. 
You and your group of six(excluding you), had booked the train tickets separately. Two of your friends who were dating booked a coupe for themselves, and then gradually everyone else also got their tickets. You were the last to book and ended up in a cabin with 4 berths. You just hoped that whoever you would be sharing a cabin with would not bother you or make you uncomfortable.
You made your way to your friends’ compartment and gave everyone their samosas. By now it was no longer hot, just warm, but it was enjoyed nonetheless. You fell into the lively conversation and temporarily forgot about the brunette with capturing eyes and an alluring accent who saved you from missing a train. Once the clock hit 11 pm, everyone started getting ready for the night. You and your best friend went to brush and wash up for the night while the others got their beds ready. That is when you remember the mystery man. 
Sarah was in the middle of brushing her teeth when you came out of the smelling washroom saying, “I nearly missed the train while getting you guys your food.” 
“Wha id u o?”
“I ran like a mad woman and got saved by a stranger.” the second you finished speaking, she spit the foam out of her mouth, looked up at you, and asked you to elaborate. “Was it a guy?” you gave her a look, “Was he cute??” you gave her a more pronounced look and she started squealing. You had to cover her mouth with your hand. The train staff member who was in the other train car gave you a weird look. 
You just smiled at him and dragged your toothpaste-covered friend into the a/c compartment. You gave her a towel to wipe her mouth with while she whisper-yelled more questions at you. 
“The bhaiya was still wrapping the samosas, the horn went off, the train started leaving and I ran. I saw this guy, this gorgeous guy standing at the door. He held out his hand and I-” you weren’t even able to complete your sentence. ‘You had your DDLJ moment!’ Sarah squealed, jumping up and down with excitement. One thing you were glad to have in your life was Sarah. She was always happy for you, got excited for you, and uplifted you. And that is what she did. It took her five minutes of convincing before she left for her cabin with your 3 other mutual friends. 
You headed back to your cabin, but this time it was not empty. A man and a woman were sitting on the berth below yours. They looked like a couple, foreigners. They looked at you, smiled, gave a nod of their head, and continued their conversation in what you guessed was French. As you shuffled around getting your bed ready another man walks, dressed in sweatpants and a tight-fitting t-shirt. It was the brunette who ‘saved’ you a few hours earlier. 
Not knowing what to do, or if you should say something, you just continued making your bed in the upper berth. You realised that he also was sleeping in the upper berth when he tossed a few items up there. Once you were done, the couple’s talks died down and the woman asked, “Hi, we don’t mean to be a bother but we were wondering if you could just guide us on how to get the beds sorted. We are not exactly sure what to do.” 
The brunette man had left the room, seemingly to make a call. You smiled at the woman, “Oh, no worries.” you gave her your name and she replied, “I’m Charlotte, this is my boyfriend Lorenzo.” You smiled at him and then turned your attention towards Charlotte and began explaining what to do. Both lower berths were done and soon enough the green-eyed man returned. 
Charlotte said something to him in French. They knew each other. She turned to you, “and this is Charles, Enzo’s younger brother.” Even his name sounds regal. Before you could get a word in he said, “We’ve already met.” with a smile that seemed genuine. His brother gave him a questioning look and asked him in French. Charles gave a reply. It was now nearing midnight and you wanted to sleep soon. You were getting off at a station in the north of Goa, meaning you had to wake up early. Before you could head up to your berth, Charlotte asked if you could help Charles with his bed. She thanked you and then pulled her boyfriend out of the cabin and walked away, not really giving you an option. 
You looked at him and he looked at you, confused. “Do you know how to set the bed?” you asked with a smile on your face. “Not really, no,” he said with a laugh, “I could use some help.” So you helped him set the bed. In the meantime, you both spoke about different things. You told him about the weddings and plans to spend as much time on the beach as possible. He told you about how one of his co-workers told him about Goa’s splendour and fun and how he and his family are spending their holiday together. 
By the time the bed was set, you were sitting on your berth while he opted to stand, his height making it difficult to sit on the upper berth. It was now way past midnight. You were getting tired, though it seemed that he was wide awake. Charlotte and Lorenzo finally returned. Your conversation died down. You said that you had to get up early and were now going to sleep. They promised to keep quiet. You put your eye mask on and turned to the side letting the swaying motions of the train put you to sleep. 
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With the amount of excitement inside of you, you were not able to sleep for very long. You were well rested but woke up at 6 am. The three Monegasques were fast asleep (i have no idea of Charlotte’s nationality so let’s just say she is from monaco). You sat up in bed and for a good five minutes just admired the sleeping body opposite of you. You checked your phone and found out that the train was delayed by 3 hours. This was ridiculous. Apparently, a large group of animals were crossing the tracks when a train was approaching and it caused an accident. 
You got out of bed and went to see if any of your friends were awake. Everyone was sleeping, except Sarah whose bed was empty. She was probably in the washroom. You decided that it was too early to do anything and so went back to your cabin, fetched your toiletry bag, freshened up, went back to bed, wrapped yourself in the itchy blanket, and opened Subway Surfers on your phone while your other hand held a cold sandwich. Your headphones played some music you had downloaded. An hour passed and you set a new high score for which you were proud. Charles woke up. 
You didn’t notice at first, but he saw you as soon as his eyes opened. You looked adorable wrapped up in the cocoon of the blanket. It was when he sat up that you saw him and gave him a smile and a small wave. His cheeks turned red and he waved back. His thoughts of you at that moment ranged from pure and soft to vulgar and wild, and it all lasted for less than a second. He got up and went out. You decided that you should go and check if Sarah is awake. When you reached her cabin, her bed was still empty. Feeling lazy, you made the decision to stand by the train door and hopefully catch some cold morning wind. 
Your hair went in a plait and you opened the train door which was left unlocked. The toilet door opened and out came the dreamy Monegasque. He came up to you, "Are you sure that is the safest thing to do?” 
“Not really, but that’s the fun in it.” there was a sparkle in your eye when you turned your head to look at him. 
“Are you even allowed to open the door?” his laugh made it clear he was fooling around with you.
“Technically no. But it wasn’t locked, so it's on them.” Your laugh sounded angelic to him. The hair which escaped your braid framed your face so beautifully, Charles could do nothing but stare at you. It took him a second to realise you were asking him something.
“Slept well?” he shook his head. “Not quite. The constant shaking made me restless.” “That happens. But eventually, you get used to it.” He asked how you slept and you answered ‘pretty good.’ He stood opposite of you resting on the wall behind him watching the wind blow your hair around as the sun began to rise. The pair marinated in comfortable silence until a staff member came and told you to move away and shut the door. The tranquil moment was broken, but neither of you wanted it to end. Without speaking a word, the two of you went inside the compartment but stayed outside your cabin. 
“Well, we did speak last night but I do not know much about you.” 
“In that case, what would you like to know?”
He leans against the train wall, his arms crossed, your pose mimicking his. He thinks for a second and proceeds to ask, “How often do you travel?” “Not very often,” you respond, “I sometimes go for a weekend trip to nearby hill stations, but that's usually the max I travel.” 
“So no foreign trips?” 
“I don’t exactly have the funds for it,” you chuckle, “between getting a visa organised, praying that my leave from work gets approved, to finding flights, I just find it not worth the effort. I would be spending three months of my salary for just 10 days of vacation which I would rather spend finishing work which equals more money.”
He seemed perplexed by your answer, confusion evident on his face. “And would I be right in assuming that you travel abroad very often?” you ask, a bit of a smirk showing. He smiles and looks down, his hair moving due to this movement. Your eyes were fixed on this as he answered, “You would.” “And why do you travel the world, Charles?”
He smiles, that lovely smile, “I-uh, I drive expensive cars for very wealthy people around the world.” You smiled, but something about that answer felt false. Like he wasn’t telling you everything, but it didn’t seem like he was lying. “Does that mean you know much about cars then?” “I’d like to think I do.” 
The smiles never left either of your faces as the conversation continued. You mentioned how your brother works with different types of cars and how they are his life. “I should meet him then, test my knowledge about cars,” Charles said. 
“Trust me you don’t, he gets very excited when someone mentions anything about cars. Once he starts, he does not stop.”
“Oh, I wouldn’t mind, I am a good listener.”
"Tell me something you like." the driver asked after a while of the train being halted. You looked out of the hazy window and replied, "The sun." He cocked an eyebrow. "I could go on and on about it." "Well, I did say I am a good listener," said Charles.
The conversation went on for what felt like hours. But soon enough you felt the train start to finally move. You both decided to head back to the cabin, but you were stopped when one of your friends called out to you to join them. You were disappointed, gave Charles a short apology, and followed behind your friend. 
By the time you were able to go back to your cabin, the train had reached the final platform where you were getting off. You were hoping to catch a glimpse of Charles before leaving, but sadly when you returned to your cabin, it was empty save for your luggage and belongings. You gathered all of your items and met your group on the platform. The two cars which were rented for the next two weeks were there waiting for you. Everyone got in and drove off to the rest houses. You were the designated driver for Car 1, which gave you very little opportunity to think about not getting to say goodbye to Charles. 
Little did you know that you would meet him once again, very soon. 
Bhaiya jaldi karo, train jaa rahi hai! - Brother hurry up, the train is leaving!
Chhutta rakh lena! - Keep the change(money)
thaili - bag (in this case it is a black plastic bag)
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A/N - i had so much fun writing this. i already have part 2 in the works. if this fic is well received, i'll post the next part. Hope you enjoyed reading🩵
If you want to find out more about me or my works, you can head to my navigation.
@sam-is-lost @juleswrites223
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salmankhanholics · 1 year
★ Salman Khan to construct 19-floor sea-facing hotel in Bandra with cafe, gym, swimming pool!
May 20, 2023
Bollywood superstar Salman Khan is known to be one of the biggest investors in the city when it comes to hotels, restaurants and pubs. And looks like there is no stopping for Bhaijaan as he is now set to construct a swanky 19-storeyed hotel in a posh locality of Mumbai's suburban area of Bandra.
The hotel will be equipped with state-of-art amenities, right from a cafeteria and a gym to a huge swimming pool.
The hotel will reportedly be constructed under the name of Salman's mother, Salma Khan.
Salman Khan's 19-floor hotel in Mumbai
According to a report in Times of India, the plot where the hotel is being constructed once housed a residential building named Starlet CHS, in which the Khans had purchased several apartments.
Located at Carter Road in Bandra, the plot is a prime, sea-facing property, and a hotel there would sure attract hoards of customers.
The report stated that the proposal to build a hotel on the plot was submitted by the Khan-daan a year ago, and as per official papers, Salman's mother, Salma Khan, is the owner of the property.
As per the report, Khans' architect, Sapre & Associates, submitted a plan to authorities for a commercial building with a height of 69.90 metres which will be centrally air-conditioned.
The report also revealed that out of the 19 floors, the first and second floors will be occupied by a cafe and a restaurant, while the third floor has been reserved for a swanky gym and a swimming pool. The fourth floor will be used a service floor, and the fifth and sixth floors will house a convention centre.
From 7th to 19th floor, the building has been reserved for hotel use. Not just that, but there will also be a three-level basement at the property.
The actor and his family are yet to give out an official statement yet.
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The 10 Best Cheap Hotels in Mumbai
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If you're trying to travel for a reasonable price or just want to spend your money at Mumbai's most popular restaurants, pubs and shopping areas, consider staying in the most affordable accommodation in Mumbai. We're confident, however we can assure you that in Mumbai affordable and luxurious are not two distinct things. Stay in a pod, and share a room in a hostel or guesthouse that has character, or go for a gorgeous boutique hotel. Into "experiential" travel? It is possible to check into a Slum. That's right. Some of the best cheap hotels in Mumbai near Marine Drive, Juhu beach, Bandra, etc.
The best time to visit Mumbai is from October to February when the city has its winter. This is the perfect time for traveling and sightseeing as the weather is moderate and you can comfortably walk about the city as you explore its glory and mysteries. You can easily book your cheap flights to Mumbai with Lowest Flight Fares and enjoy a trip.
1. Urbanpod Hotel
In space-strapped Mumbai, a capsule hotel makes complete sense. Each of the tiny pods have a sink-into bed, a TV and a small locker, armor with mirrors and of course, free WiFi. Couples are able to choose the suite-pod whereas solo travelers are likely to appreciate the standard cafeteria-cum-lounge that is available to everyone. Due to the excellent amenities and affordable price, Mumbai's very first pod-hotel is booked quickly so be sure to reserve your room ahead of time.
2. Abode
The property is situated in a structure that's more than 100 years of age. Take a trip back to the past: furniture made of wicker, Burma teak-wood flooring and antique clocks grace the room. The majority of the furniture and fittings were purchased from second-hand stores and blend with the historic buildings beautifully. A few of the rooms have bathtubs from the past! These cheap hotels in Mumbai are highly rated by couples.
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3. Hotel Sea Princess
In the Sea Princess Hotel Sea Princess rooms that offer uninterrupted views of Juhu beach You'll be reminded of the fact that Mumbai can be described as an island town. The staff is friendly, the rooms are spacious The pool is stunning The fitness and spa are excellent, and the restaurant and lounge are delicious. Do you need any more reason to be convinced to book a room here? The hotel is more affordable than the average.
4. YWCA International Guest House
Want to stay in a luxury south Mumbai for a reasonable price? Take a trip into the YWCA International Guest House. It's a short distance away from the historical Gateway of India, the bustling Colaba street market and The Prince of Wales Museum, numerous stunning Victorian buildings along with Marine Drive for those who are looking to take a stroll along the water. Choose shared rooms for greater savings, and you'll be staying with three other budget travelers who are of the similar gender.
5. Ginger Hotel
It's true this budget hotel isn't at all budget-friendly. If you're in search of a clean and safe business hotel that has comfortable rooms as well as amenities like room service, fitness center, meeting rooms, laundry, Wi-Fi and more, Ginger in Andheri won't leave you disappointed. It's located in the suburbs, and just only a short rickshaw ride from the bustling and up-market neighborhood of Bandra.
6. OYO
Have you ever seen hotel photos on the internet and then felt disappointed in life, when the room isn't as appealing as those shiny images? It's true that chain hotels like OYO can reduce the likelihood of this happening. Whether you're looking to book a room in Goa or Mumbai (choose from a variety of locations that span across the south from northern to southern) You'll get the same standard 30-odd amenities. Look for clean sheets, a flat-screen TV, free toiletries and free Wi-Fi among other great amenities. On average, a cheap hotels in Mumbai costs € 1.97 per night (based on Booking.com prices).
7. Executive Enclave
This hotel located in Bandra will bring color to your business travels. From the chic and spartan interiors, to the spacious dining area in the courtyard (Veranda) it is the ideal spot to unwind after a tiring day of exploring or working in Mumbai.
8. Garden Hotel
The location is the best This is what you will find at this hotel with 34 rooms located in Colaba. The rooms are large, somewhat basic in appearance however they are well-maintained. The service is friendly all the time and even in the restaurant that is on-site and offers complimentary breakfast. People who can't get enough will also appreciate the free Wi-Fi.
9. Bombay Backpackers
Students who are traveling on their own and looking to make friends while traveling should opt to stay at Bombay Backpackers. There aren't many hostels in Mumbai and even fewer are decorated in cheerful colors and with faux-teak wood bunks. The hostel is just a only a couple of minutes from Kurla Railway Junction, where you can take an auto and travel to south Mumbai within 30 minutes. You can also walk out, call an autorickshaw and stroll through the suburbs.
10. Slum Hotel
Around 60 percent of Mumbai's residents live in the slums. Get a glimpse of Mumbai as "real Mumbai" by checking into the Slum Hotel. It is essentially the home of a family from the local area and you'll feel as if you're an integral part of their family. You'll be sharing spaces with them, observe them do their work and talk about their experiences from all over the world. Although it could seem an escapist experience, keep in mind that the proceeds can help the family support its existence and provide you with insight into the lives of the poorest people in the city.
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Different Set Of Benefits Of Club Membership! – Nikhil Mistry Tours & Travels
We are one of the reputed clubs in Mumbai, and our Club Membership Kandivali is offering everyone a wide range of benefits to everyone. Today, here we will shed some light on the different sets of benefits of club membership.
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1. Social and Networking Benefits
Networking Opportunities: Access to a community of like-minded individuals for professional or social networking.
Exclusive Events: Invitations to private events, parties, galas, and social gatherings.
Friendship and Connections: Build meaningful relationships with people who share similar interests or goals.
Member-Only Spaces: Access to lounges, restaurants, or venues exclusively for members.
2. Health and Wellness Benefits
Wellness Programs: Discounts on spa treatments, personal training, and wellness workshops.
Recreational Activities: Opportunities for outdoor activities like golf, tennis, hiking, or swimming.
3. Business and Professional Growth
Professional Development: Workshops, seminars, and courses to help advance your career or business.
Business Facilities: Access to meeting rooms, co-working spaces, or conference halls.
Collaborative Opportunities: Collaborate with fellow members on projects, business ventures, or community initiatives.
Mentorship Programs: Opportunities to receive mentorship from experienced professionals in the field.
4. Exclusive Discounts and Privileges
Discounts on Services: Special rates on dining, travel, hotel stays, and partner services.
Retail Benefits: Offers and discounts at select partner stores or brands.
Priority Booking: Early access or priority reservations for events, dining, or special activities.
Loyalty Perks: Access to rewards, cashback, or loyalty programs exclusive to members.
The club is also known for Car Rental In Kandivali, so if you want to know more about other services, then you can connect with us.
About Nikhil Mistry Tours & Travels
It is offering club membership to everyone who wants to live a luxurious life. They never compromise with the standards, and assure that everything is done as per the pre-defined standards of the club and other regulations.
Source: https://penzu.com/p/9284f24830659b4d
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oppvenuz-111 · 10 days
Small Party Venues in Mumbai: Host an Intimate and Memorable Gathering
Mumbai, with its vibrant culture and dynamic social scene, offers a variety of venues perfect for hosting intimate gatherings. Whether it’s a birthday celebration, engagement party, or a casual get-together, finding the right venue is key to creating an unforgettable experience. If you're searching for the best small party venues in Mumbai, this guide will help you explore ideal locations that combine style and comfort.
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Click here for more details-oppvenuz.com
Why Choose a Small Party Venue in Mumbai?
Intimate Settings: Small party venues are perfect for hosting a close-knit event where you can focus on creating personal connections and cherishing the company of your guests. These venues offer a cozy and private environment for celebrations that are more personal and engaging.
Variety of Options: Mumbai offers a range of small venues, from chic rooftop lounges and cozy cafes to private banquet spaces and boutique hotels. These options cater to a variety of themes, whether you’re looking for a casual, laid-back vibe or something more formal.
Tailored Services: Smaller venues often provide personalized service that enhances your party planning experience. With fewer guests, you can work with the venue’s team to customize the decor, food, and entertainment to match your preferences.
Top Small Party Venues in Mumbai
To host a memorable celebration, it’s important to choose the right venue that fits your event's size and style. Here are some of the top small party venues in Mumbai:
Boutique Hotels and Banquets: For a more sophisticated event, Mumbai’s boutique hotels and banquet halls offer elegantly designed spaces with intimate seating arrangements. These venues provide an upscale feel while maintaining a warm and welcoming atmosphere for smaller groups.
Rooftop Lounges and Bars: If you want a party with a view, Mumbai’s rooftop lounges and bars offer breathtaking cityscape or sea views, creating the perfect setting for a relaxed evening with friends and family. These venues are perfect for cocktail parties, birthdays, or anniversary celebrations.
Cozy Cafes and Restaurants: For casual, laid-back gatherings, many cafes and restaurants in Mumbai offer private spaces that can be reserved for small groups. These venues are great for brunches, informal parties, or casual meetups.
Private Villas and Studios: For those seeking privacy and exclusivity, private villas and studio spaces provide a completely personalized party experience. You can host your event away from the hustle and bustle of the city while still enjoying all the comforts and amenities of a premium venue.
Find the Perfect Small Party Venue
To explore and book the best small party venues in Mumbai, visit this venue booking platform. With a wide range of options available, you’re sure to find the perfect venue that fits your vision and makes your event truly special.
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khushisingh2812 · 22 days
Top 20 Hiking Destinations in India to Book Comfortable Stays at and Explore Nature on Qwiksta
Hiking enthusiasts in India are truly a blessed breed. The most marvellous tracks and varied landscapes could be found for the veteran trekker but also for the amateur starting off. So, quite naturally, we pump up your expedition with a churn of the best 20 trekking destinations all across the major cities and states in India: Mumbai, Ahmedabad, Kolkata, Delhi, and a lot more! Great, right? Now always book your stays at easy-to-book, pocket-friendly hourly hotels and much more through Qwiksta while you are traveling.
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1.Korigad Trek, Lonavala
Korigad in Lonavala gives an ideal trek for those who need a good challenge and ethereal view. The trek is one that is enveloped by greenery and heritage ruins, which brings feelings of a quiet, silent getaway from city life. Tired from a day of trekking, spend the night in style in any of the many hotels in Lonavala. Go hassle-free with your travel by booking your accommodation with Qwiksta. Be one out pounding the scenic trails or just soaking up the local sights, Qwiksta's range of options ensures a comfortable base to return to—be it hourly hotels in Mumbai for relaxation pre- or post-trek.
2. Matheran, Maharashtra
The community of Matheran is scenic and filled with beautiful hiking trails near the city of Mumbai. Echo Point and Louisa Point are some of the trails that provide breathtaking views over the valleys. It's possible to book hotels in Mumbai using Qwiksta using online room booking when planning your journey.
3. Kanheri Caves, Mumbai
History buffs simply have to see the ancient Kanheri Caves. These beautiful rock-cut caves lie barely outside the city limits of Mumbai and give one a feel of ancient Buddhist life. For ease of visiting, one would do well to book hotels in Mumbai that are closer by. Qwiksta lets you search for the best places to stay in Mumbai for a comfortable visit. Have an unforgettable trip with seamless Mumbai hotel bookings through Qwiksta.
4. Mulund Peak, Cypress hill, Mumbai
Comfort and peace can be found at Mulund Peak Cypress Hill, a serene retreat located on the outskirts of Mumbai and perfectly suited for both short stays and long. This luxury property would be absolutely perfect for any traveler who wants to find comfort and peace, with top-notch amenities and nice views. Be it hotels near Mumbai or hourly hotels in Mumbai, Mulund Peak Cypress Hill has facilities such as convenient inclusions with flexible booking options. Get hassle-free reservations in the room through Qwiksta and enjoy the ultimate blend of relaxation and comfort.
5. Devkund Waterfall Trek, Maharashtra
Trek to Devkund Waterfall, one of the ultimate treks for nature lovers. Located in the Western Ghats, this trek offers some astounding views and a tranquil experience with waterfalls. For a comfortable stay before or after your trek, consider booking hotels in Mumbai. If flexibility is your requirement, hourly hotels in Mumbai will definitely provide an excellent place for rest. Use Qwiksta for the most hassle-free way of booking hotel rooms, and get set to make your trekking experience even more joyful. Explore Devkund and refresh with a variety of accommodation options from Qwiksta.
6. Lohagad Trek, Lonavala
Trek on the Lohagad, that picturesque journey a few hours from Mumbai. With the stunning views and rich historical backdrop, this is just the perfect trek for any novice as well as experienced trekkers. After the hike, unwind in the best comfort by booking one of the available cozy hotels in Lonaval or search for convenient hourly hotels in Mumbai with Qwiksta for a relaxing stay. Enjoy seamless hotel bookings and make the most of your adventure without hassle.
7. Harishchandragad Fort Trek, Maharashtra
The Harishchandragad Fort Trek gives one the feel for adventure, with its beautiful journey amidst stunning views and rich history. Situated in the Sahyadri range, this is going to be an unforgettable trek for nature and history lovers alike. However, make prior bookings for your stay while planning for the trek. Look for top-notch hotels near Mumbai or hourly hotels in Mumbai with Qwiksta's booking platform. Comfort and convenience, like a good rest for your adventure by choosing perfect accommodation that will suit your needs, are what this place has in store for customers.
8.Rajmachi Fort Trek, Maharashtra
The Rajmachi Fort trek offers a thrilling adventure just a short drive from Mumbai. Nestled in the Sahyadri mountains, it promises breathtaking views and a rewarding experience for nature enthusiasts. After a day of trekking, unwind at a nearby resort in Mumbai for a relaxing stay. For those looking for convenient accommodation options, hourly hotels in Mumbai offer flexible booking to match your schedule. Explore Rajmachi Fort and make the most of your trip with Qwiksta’s easy hotel room booking solutions.
9. Kolkata, West Bengal
Kolkata has never been that traditional place for hiking, but its proximity to places like Sundarbans National Park invites adventure through uniquely trekked trails. Book hotels in Kolkata, and explore the inestimable trails surrounding it. Book hotels in kolkata from Qwiksta online room booking.
10.Visapur Fort Trek
After this view, comes the exhilarating Visapur Fort trek, a beautiful trek in the Western Ghats near Mumbai, with magnificent views of surroundings and beautiful green meadows. The remains of the fort show its grandeur in past times. So, rejuvenate with an overnight stay at one of the best resorts in Mumbai after your long tiring trek. Want something more flexible? Opt for hourly hotels in Mumbai so that you can get some rest and recharge your batteries whenever you feel like it. Make efficient Mumbai hotel bookings with Qwiksta and make your adventure memorable yet hassle-free.
11. Karnala Fort Trek From Mumbai
Get ready for that mind-blowing trek to Karnala Fort, an underrated spot located a couple of hours away from Mumbai. It is a green trek, with landscape views all around and a great climb for adventure junkies. Once the trek gets over, relax at the best resort in Mumbai or hourly hotels in Mumbai for a relaxing stay. Leave the best of Mumbai hotel booking to Qwiksta for perfect and smooth hotel reservations. Cherish the best of nature and comfort with the perfect combination of adventure and relaxation.
12. Sanjay Van, Delhi
Sanjay Van is a green stretch in Delhi, rich, green, offering seclusion from the hustle and bustle of the city. Ideal for nature lovers and people in search of peace, it offers a refreshing getaway from the urban sprawl staying in one of the best resorts near Delhi. Scroll through some of the best hotels in Delhi for a comfortable, convenient, and easily accessible Sanjay Van. With Qwiksta's online room booking, finding ideal accommodation near this serene retreat has never been so easy. Relish your escapade with all ease and comfort!
13. Sandakphu and Tiger Hill Darjeeling, Kolkata
Sandakphu and Tiger Hill in Darjeeling offer one of the best views of the Himalayas. Just make small trails and book hotels in Kolkata for having the access to his beautiful scenario.
14. Neemrana Fort, Delhi
Find the majestic Neemrana Fort, located just a short drive from Delhi, a timeless gem. This old fort brings experiences like never before with its stunning architecture and panoramic views. Staying at the best resort near Delhi, Heritage will offer them a taste of rich heritage combined with modern comfort. Looking for a weekend break or some unique staycation? Neemrana Fort is your answer to an unforgettable retreat. Find the best hotels in Delhi and be sure to find ease in booking a room through Qwiksta's hotel room booking website for ultimate ease.
15. Bhimashankar Trek,  Lonavala 
Immerse yourself in an invigorating trek to Bhimashankar, an experience that is both pure and pristine. This trek will blow your mind alongside experiences with nature. While in Mumbai, you have to stay in one of the best resorts in mumbai or Hotels in Lonavala. Qwiksta brings you a range of such deals right at your service for perfect and hassle-free bookings. Get the best in adventure and comfort in a stay that elevates the experience of treks.
16.Mahuli fort trek, Thane
Located in the picturesque district of Thane, Mahuli Fort offers a taste of adventure in trekking amidst stunning views and rich history. Known for its greenery and challenging trails, it is an absolute must-see for any adventure junkie. Unwind at some of the best resorts near Mumbai that would provide just the right retreat after your trek. Find hotels in Mumbai through Qwiksta's online room booking website for an effortless stay. Be it a lodge with a coziest stay or a luxurious one, Qwiksta makes sure that you get the perfect accommodation to take back lifelong memories.
17. Rajmachi Fort, Lonavala
Embedded between the picturesque hills of Lonavala lies one of the most alluring historic locations for adventure and history lovers Rajmachi Fort. Ancient fortifications give one a bird's-eye view of the lush green Sahyadri ranges. The best factor then for visitors would be comfortable accommodation. These would include some of the best resorts situated near Mumbai, guaranteeing a serene retreat from the hustle and bustle, along with numerous hotels in Lonavala that make for a convenient stay. Explore Rajmachi Fort with Qwiksta, amidst a blend of history and nature, and make this picturesque trip memorable with effortless online room booking services.
18. Girnar, Ahmedabad
If you are going to Ahmedabad and searching for easy accommodation, then Girnar turns out to be a good choice. It's abuzz with various options for travelers, including cozy, affordable inns. However, if one is looking for flexibility, then hourly hotels in Ahmedabad become the perfect solution to your problem by offering a room on an hourly basis. Be it a short stay or an extended visit, Girnar's Ahmedabad hotels fit every style and wallet. You could get great deals to find hotels in Ahemdabad with seamless booking through Qwiksta's hotel room booking website to secure your stay in this busy part of the city.
19. Polo Forest
Find serenity in Polo Forest, the perfect getaway for nature and history lovers. The peaceful retreat lies amidst the green landscapes of Gujarat, surrounded by beautiful pictures and rich cultural heritage. Give comfort to your stay with hourly hotels in Ahmedabad that bring flexibility and comfort to your travel requirements. You may also find a lot of hotels in Ahmedabad with varying facilities to make your visit worthwhile. For perfect reservations and the best rates, log on to Qwiksta hotel room booking website. Feel a combination of nature and comfort that is just right for your stay, suiting your schedule and preference.
20.Sudhagad Fort, Karjat
Situated amidst lush green Sahyadri hills, Sudhagad Fort is an alluring retreat for history buffs as much as nature lovers. This ancient fort stands as one of the most popular trekking and exploration destinations due to its scenic beauty and rich heritage. Once you enjoy the adrenaline rush while spending the day at this fort, put up a night at one of the best resort in Mumbai or select hourly hotels in Mumbai and spend a day rejuvenating yourself. With Qwiksta's easy booking options, you can find accommodation that best suits you in Sudhagad. Be it a luxurious stay or just a quick rest, Qwiksta offers comfort and convenience.
India is blessed with great choices in landforms, offering varied and countless possibilities of hiking for all levels of experience. From the lush Western Ghats to the serene Himalayan landscape, there's a hike that matches your mojo perfectly. For seamless travel, remember to book your both-night and hourly stay hotels and other types of accommodation through Qwiksta. Enjoy your adventures and the natural beauty that India has to offer.
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pixtransgermany00 · 24 days
Book your ideal beach hotel in Mumbai that offers affordable and budget hotel rooms with exciting deals and discounts. Reserve suite rooms at Hotel Sea Princess. Direct booking ensures the best rates! Experience the perfect combination of affordability and luxury at Hotel Sea Princess, your ideal beach hotel in Mumbai. Our budget-friendly hotel rooms provide a delightful stay without compromising on comfort and quality. Take advantage of exciting hotel deals and discounts, making your stay at Hotel Sea Princess even more appealing. For a more indulgent experience, consider reserving our suite rooms, designed to offer an elevated level of luxury. Secure the best rates through direct booking, skipping intermediaries. Plan your stay at Hotel Sea Princess for a memorable beachside experience in Mumbai, where affordability meets excellence. Book now for an unforgettable getaway at one of the most sought-after beach hotels in the city.
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newsmarketreports · 1 month
Building Dreams: Examining Oberoi Realty's Financials
Oberoi Realty Ltd. is one of India's leading real estate developers, renowned for its luxury residential, commercial, and hospitality projects. With a strong presence in the Mumbai Metropolitan Region (MMR), Oberoi Realty has built a reputation for delivering high-quality developments that cater to affluent buyers and businesses. This article provides an in-depth financial analysis of Oberoi Realty Ltd., focusing on its revenue growth, profitability, balance sheet strength, and overall financial health.
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Overview of Oberoi Realty Ltd.
Oberoi Realty Ltd. operates across multiple segments, including residential, commercial, retail, and hospitality. The company has successfully positioned itself in the premium segment of the real estate market, offering luxury homes, office spaces, and hotels that command a premium price. Its flagship projects, such as Oberoi Garden City and Oberoi Sky City, have set new benchmarks for quality and design in the Indian real estate industry.
Revenue Growth
1. Consistent Revenue Expansion
Oberoi Realty Ltd. has shown consistent revenue growth over the years, driven by strong demand for its luxury residential projects and high occupancy rates in its commercial properties. The company’s ability to launch and complete projects on time, coupled with its focus on premium offerings, has enabled it to maintain a steady increase in revenues.
2. Diverse Revenue Streams
The company’s diverse portfolio provides multiple revenue streams. While the residential segment remains the largest contributor to revenue, Oberoi Realty also generates significant income from its commercial properties and hospitality ventures. This diversification helps mitigate risks associated with the cyclical nature of the real estate market and provides a stable income base.
Profitability Metrics
1. High Gross Margins
Oberoi Realty Ltd. consistently maintains high gross margins, reflecting its premium pricing strategy and efficient cost management. The company’s focus on luxury projects allows it to command higher prices, while its experience in project execution helps control construction costs, resulting in strong profitability.
2. Robust Return on Equity (ROE)
The company’s return on equity (ROE) is indicative of its strong financial performance. Oberoi Realty’s ability to generate substantial profits from shareholders' equity highlights its effective use of capital and its focus on delivering value to shareholders. This strong ROE is a key metric that underscores the company’s profitability and financial health.
3. Solid Net Profit Margins
Oberoi Realty Ltd. consistently reports solid net profit margins, driven by its ability to control costs and maintain premium pricing. The company’s focus on high-end developments and its strategic land acquisitions contribute to its strong bottom line. Oberoi Realty’s net profit margins are among the highest in the Indian real estate industry, reflecting its efficient operations and market leadership.
Balance Sheet Strength
1. Low Debt Levels
Oberoi Realty Ltd. has maintained a conservative approach to debt, with relatively low debt levels compared to its peers. The company’s focus on generating cash flows from operations and its prudent capital allocation strategy have enabled it to finance its growth with minimal reliance on external borrowing. This low debt burden enhances the company’s financial flexibility and reduces its exposure to interest rate fluctuations.
2. Strong Cash Reserves
The company’s strong cash reserves further bolster its financial position. Oberoi Realty’s robust cash flow generation allows it to fund new projects, pursue strategic land acquisitions, and navigate economic downturns without relying heavily on external financing. This strong cash position is a critical factor in the company’s ability to maintain financial stability and pursue growth opportunities.
Cash Flow Analysis
1. Healthy Operating Cash Flow
Oberoi Realty Ltd. consistently generates healthy operating cash flow, reflecting its strong operational performance and the success of its projects in the market. The company’s ability to convert revenue into cash is crucial for funding ongoing and future developments, as well as returning value to shareholders through dividends and share buybacks.
2. Positive Free Cash Flow
The company’s free cash flow (FCF) remains positive, indicating that it has sufficient cash available after covering capital expenditures. This positive FCF is essential for Oberoi Realty to continue investing in new projects, expanding its land bank, and maintaining its leadership position in the luxury real estate segment.
Market Performance
1. Stock Price Performance
Oberoi Realty Ltd. has delivered impressive stock price performance over the years, reflecting investor confidence in its strong financial performance and growth prospects. The company’s stock has outperformed many of its peers in the real estate sector, driven by its consistent profitability and market leadership in the luxury segment.
2. Dividend Policy
Oberoi Realty has a shareholder-friendly dividend policy, regularly returning a portion of its profits to shareholders. The company’s ability to pay dividends, despite the capital-intensive nature of the real estate business, underscores its strong cash flow generation and financial stability.
Oberoi Realty Ltd. is a financially robust company with a proven track record of revenue growth, high profitability, and prudent financial management. Its low debt levels, strong cash reserves, and impressive return on equity make it a standout in the Indian real estate industry. As Oberoi Realty continues to deliver premium projects and expand its presence in the luxury segment, it remains well-positioned for sustained growth and long-term success.
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mumbaicollege · 1 month
Different Set Of Skills & Career Options Available After Completing BSc In Hotel Management & Hosptiality
A Bachelor of Science BSc In Hotel Management In Mumbai & Hospitality Studies is a program designed to equip students with the skills and knowledge needed to manage hotels, resorts, restaurants, and other hospitality-related businesses. Today, in this blog, we are going to shed some light on the skills one can develop as well as the career options available after completion of a BSc in Hotel Management & Hospitality. 
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Skills Developed
Leadership and Team Management: Managing teams in various hospitality settings.
Customer Service: Through this course, one can enhance their skill set of enhancing guest experiences as well as handling their complains if any.
Financial Acumen: Understanding budgeting, financial reporting, and cost control.
Operational Efficiency: Managing day-to-day operations of hotels and restaurants.
Marketing and Sales: Promoting hospitality businesses and understanding market trends.
Event Planning: Organizing and managing events, conferences, and banquets.
Food and Beverage Knowledge: Understanding menu planning, food safety, and beverage management.
Career Opportunities
Hotel Manager: Overseeing the operations of a hotel, including staff management, guest satisfaction, and financial performance.
Restaurant Manager: Managing a restaurant's operations, from staffing to customer service and financial oversight.
Event Planner: Coordinating weddings, conferences, and corporate functions.
Hospitality Consultant: Hospitality consultant provide expert advice to the hospitality businesses which helps in improving the overall profitability.
Tourism Manager: Overseeing tourism activities and developing strategies to attract visitors.
Front Office Manager: They help in managing the front desk operations, which include reservations, check-ins, and check-outs.
Internships and Practical Experience
Hospitality Studies In Mumbai include internships and practical training components to give students hands-on experience in the industry. This real-world exposure is crucial for developing practical skills and networking with industry professionals. If you or anyone you might know is searching for a reliable college for hospitality courses, then you can connect with us without any delay, and we will deliver you the right set of guidance and support for a fulfilling career in the hotel industry as well as related sectors.  
Credit:- https://mumbaicollege01.blogspot.com/2024/08/different-set-of-skills-career-options-available-after-completing-bsc-in-hotel-management-and-hospitality.html
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Celebrate Your Birthday in Style at Tunga Hotels, Andheri East, Mumbai
Looking for the ideal birthday party hall? Tunga Hotels offers elegant venues, exceptional service, and a memorable experience. Celebrate in style with us. Reserve your spot today!
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technologycompanynews · 2 months
No 2 months post-wedding gala for Anant Ambani-Radhika Merchant? London Stoke Park hotel clarifies | Celebrity News - Information Important Internet - BLOGGER https://www.merchant-business.com/no-2-months-post-wedding-gala-for-anant-ambani-radhika-merchant-london-stoke-park-hotel-clarifies-celebrity-news/?feed_id=145835&_unique_id=66a5786eebd20 The 7-star hotel Stoke Park in London clarified that Anant Ambani and Radhika Merchant’s two month wedding gala is not being hosted by them. Here’s what we know! No 2 months post-wedding gala for Anant Ambani-Radhika Merchant? London hotel clarifiesNew Delhi: The luxury hotel in London, Stoke Park, has denied hosting Anant Ambani and Radhika Merchant’s post-wedding celebrations in their estate. On Friday (July 26), they shared an official statement denying the reports of Amabnis booking the luxury hotel for two months for Anant and Radhika’s post-wedding gala. Anant Ambani and Radhika Merchant’s months-long wedding festivities came to an end on July 15 at Mumbai’s Jio World Convention Centre.No post-wedding celebrations for Anant and Radhika?In the official statement, Stoke Park clarified that there are no wedding celebrations planned at the estate. The statement read, “At Stoke Park, we don’t usually comment on private matters, but in light of the recent media speculation, and in the interest of accuracy, we’d like to clarify that there are no wedding celebrations planned at the estate this summer.”Earlier, The Sun report stated that Mukesh Ambani has reserved the seven-star Stoke Park hotel till September to organise the post-wedding festivities. The report also claimed that Prince Harry and UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson will likely attend the celebrations in London.The seven-star hotel, Stoke Park, was acquired by Reliance Industries on lease for £57 million. Stoke Park is a grade II listed 7-star hotel and comprises of mansion, tennis courts, and golf courses.A source was also quoted saying, “The Ambanis don’t do things by halves and so thought nothing of booking the entire venue for two months. The cost is chicken feed to them. The bride and groom and family will attend different parties planned between now and September. Security, which is tightened, has been told to expect Boris Johnson and Tony and Cherie Blair. Prince Harry is also said to be hoping to pop in.”About Anant and Radhika’s weddingAnant Ambani and Radhika Merchant tied the knot on July 12 in a star-studded wedding ceremony at the Jio World Convention Centre in Mumbai. The wedding was attended by who’s who of Bollywood including Ranbir Kapoor, Alia Bhatt, Vicky Kaushal, Katrina Kaif, Ranveer Singh, Deepika Padukone, Shah Rukh Khan, Salman Khan, Ajay Devgn, Sanjay Dutt, Jackie Shroff, Suniel Shetty, Janhvi Kapoor, Ananya Pandey, Sara Ali Khan, and others.No 2 months post-wedding gala for Anant Ambani-Radhika Merchant? London Stoke Park hotel clarifies | Celebrity News #months #postwedding #gala #Anant #AmbaniRadhika #Merchant #London #Stoke #Park #hotel #clarifies #Celebrity #NewsSource Link: https://www.news9live.com/entertainment/celebrity/no-2-months-post-wedding-gala-for-anant-ambani-radhika-merchant-london-hotel-clarifies-2633392/ampNo 2 months post-wedding gala for Anant Ambani-Radhika Merchant? London Stoke Park hotel clarifies | Celebrity News: BLOGGER - #GLOBAL The 7-star hotel Stoke Park in London clarified that Anant Ambani and Radhika Merchant’s two month wedding gala is not being hosted by them. Here’s what we know! No 2 months post-wedding gala for Anant Ambani-Radhika Merchant? London hotel clarifies New Delhi: The luxury hotel in London, Stoke Park, has denied hosting Anant Ambani and … Read More
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khushisingh2812 · 22 days
Mumbai Hourly Hotel Needs- Why Choose Qwiksta
Mumbai, frequently warmly alluded to as Bombay, is a busy city that beckons explorers from across the world. This vibrant city is not merely a destination; it's an emotion that captures the essence of India's diverse culture, dreams, and boundless opportunities.
Unraveling the Charm of India's Financial Capital
Mumbai is often touted as the 'City of Dreams' for a compelling reason. It is the financial capital of India, where countless aspirations find fruition. The city's horizon is decorated with transcending high rises, where dreams are tirelessly carved into the texture of the real world. Amidst this urban hustle, Mumbai manages to retain its distinctive charm, offering a unique blend of tradition and modernity.
As the sun ascends over Mumbai, it provides reason to feel ambiguous about the warm gleam a city flourishes with social variety. Individuals hailing from various corners of the nation and the world track down a home in this blend of societies. Traditional values harmoniously coexist with contemporary aspirations, painting a picture of a city that's as rich as heritage.
Spirit of Inclusivity :
Mumbai's spirit is profoundly inclusive. No matter what your starting point is, the city greets you wholeheartedly. It cultivates a feeling of belonging and having a place that rises above geographic limits. In Mumbai, the cacophony of bustling streets, road traffic, and the constant honking of hawkers becomes a unique charm. The symphony of local train horns transforms into a rhythm, and the urban chaos evolves into life's melody. Regardless of where you come from, Mumbai has an approach to bringing you into its hurricane and causing you to feel comfortable.
While enjoying the hustle and bustle of the city, you still can escape by booking a room online for any day-use hotel nearby for visiting Sanjay Gandhi National Park, a sprawling natural reserve amid the city. Or a trek to Kanheri Caves or enjoy a quiet picnic amidst nature.
While Mumbai's allure is undeniable, it's not always about the entire day's exploration. At times, all you really want is a couple of long periods of break, and a transit delay to loosen up and recharge.
Explore the neighborhoods :
Explore the dynamic neighborhoods of Mumbai as you uncover the city's secrets and treasures. From the historic charm of South Mumbai to the modernity of Bandra, Mumbai offers an eclectic mix of experiences. Discover the iconic Gateway of India, visit the Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Terminus, and stroll along the vibrant Colaba Causeway.
Tasty the mouth-watering flavors of Mumbai :
Mumbai is renowned for its culinary diversity. Savor local street food at Juhu Beach or relish the vibrant flavors of Parsi cuisine. Don't miss the chance to try the city's famous vada pav, pav bhaji, and delectable seafood at one of the many coastal restaurants.
Beaches and Promenades :
Take a leisurely walk along Marine Drive, often referred to as the 'Queen's Necklace' due to its stunning evening lights. Juhu Beach and Versova Beach offer a chance to relax by the sea and enjoy a breathtaking sunset.
Shopping Extravaganza :
Mumbai's shopping scene is as diverse as the city itself. Visit the bustling markets of Colaba Causeway, Linking Road, and Hill Road for trendy fashion and accessories. Crawford Market and Zaveri Bazaar are ideal for those looking for jewelry, while Chor Bazaar is famous for antiques and unique finds.
Gateway to Bollywood :
Mumbai is the entertainment hub of India. While you may not bump into Bollywood stars on every corner, a visit to Film City or a guided tour of the iconic Filmfare Awards venue, Yash Raj Studios, provides a glimpse into the glamour of the Indian film industry.
Mumbai, a city that never rests, welcomes you to turn into a piece of its dynamic embroidery. From the iconic landmarks to the hidden gems, Explore and make the most of your time in this dynamic and diverse Mumbai.
Finding Your Perfect Stay in Mumbai
Mumbai, the city that never rests, is a bustling city that dazzles guests from around the world. Frequently alluded to as 'The City of Dreams,' Mumbai encapsulates the embodiment of India's energetic culture, offering a variety of encounters that make a permanent imprint on all who adventure here.
Mumbai is a city of contrasts, seamlessly blending the old with the new. Iconic landmarks like the Gateway of India, the Kala Ghoda Art Precinct, Banganga Tank, Haji Ali Dargah, and the serene Juhu Beach coexist with the glittering skyscrapers that dominate the city's skyline. It's a place where tradition meets adventure, and diversity thrives amidst a cosmopolitan backdrop.
As an explorer exploring this unique city, you'll track down no lack of spots to visit and encounters to relish. In any case, the way into a noteworthy excursion lies in picking the right convenience that takes care of your one-of-a-kind requirements and inclinations. This is where 'Qwiksta' steps in, offering a revolutionary concept of hourly hotel to stay in Mumbai.
With 'Qwiksta,' you can now make the most of your Mumbai visit, hour by hour. Whether you seek convenient online room booking, a comfortable haven for couples, or a day-use room to recharge during your journey, 'Qwiksta' has you covered. Their commitment to privacy and quality service ensures that your stay in Mumbai is both enjoyable and memorable.
With regards to facilities in Mumbai, you'll track down a wide cluster of choices, going from lavish lodgings to spending plan hourly short stays. We've handpicked a few top hotels in the city to assist you with making your trip memorable:
Hotel Shubhangan :
This hotel in Khar West, Hotel Shubhangan offers convenient access to popular areas like Linking Road and Bandra-Kurla Complex. This couple-friendly hotel is an ideal choice for business travelers and tourists, as this hotel is near to international airport Mumbai. Comfort and modern amenities await, making your stay in Mumbai memorable.
Hotel Red Palms :
This hotel in Khar is a couple-friendly hotel offers easy access to popular transit points and attractions, making it an excellent choice for travelers looking for affordability and convenience. This hotel in Khar is ideal for those seeking budget accommodation or a day-use hotel without compromising on comfort and accessibility. With well-appointed hotel rooms in Mumbai and proximity to Khar Road and also this hotel is near Mumbai airports, it's a top pick for travelers on the go.
Hotel Cruz Royale :
This hotel is near the International Airport Mumbai, Cruz Royale Hotel is in Santacruz, Mumbai is just a short drive from Juhu Beach. This couple-friendly hotel in Mumbai offers an ideal mix of extravagance and moderation, with conveniences like in-house eating and free Wi-Fi to upgrade your visit.
Hotel Ratna Mahal :
For budget-friendly travelers, Hotel Ratna Mahal near Mumbai Airport offers a strategic location. With services like free Wi-Fi and vehicle rentals, it guarantees a decent hotel to stay in Mumbai without burning through every last penny. Perfect for those seeking a quick stopover between flights.
Hotel Silver Lake :
Hotel Silver Lake is another gem in Mumbai, offering a comfortable stay for families, corporates, couples, and backpackers. The hotel in BKC is equipped with essential amenities. The local shopping hub is just a stone's throw away, ensuring guests have convenient access to their needs. With a strategic location of the hotel at Bandra Kurla complex only 3 km from the International Airport and 2 km from Kurla Railway Station, guests enjoy seamless connectivity.
Hotel Shivar Guest House :
Strategically located in Sion, Mumbai, Hotel Shivar Guest House is an ideal choice for various travelers. Families, corporates, couples, and backpackers will find this hotel in BKC well-equipped with essential amenities ensuring a pleasant stay for the guest at the hotel in BKC. Additionally, with Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj International Airport only 13 km away and Sion Station a mere 600 meters away, guests have easy access to transportation.
The Best Resorts Near Mumbai for a Perfect Getaway
Escape the hustle and bustle of city life by indulging in a serene retreat at some of the best resorts near Mumbai. Each offering a unique blend of luxury, comfort, and natural beauty, these resorts promise an unforgettable experience.
The Resort Mumbai :
Situated on the beachfront, The Resort Mumbai stands out as a luxurious haven for those seeking a perfect blend of relaxation and upscale amenities. This resort in Mumbai boasts well-appointed rooms with mesmerizing views of the city, garden, or sea. A highlight of this resort is the Iyasa spa, where guests can rejuvenate with various wellness therapies and treatments.
The Resort in Mumbai is a true gem for those looking for a beach-facing retreat with a touch of opulence.
Forest Falls :
For nature enthusiasts and adventure seekers, Forest Falls emerges as a haven of tranquility. Nestled amidst scenic beauty, this resort in Mumbai is perfect for day-or-stay picnics.
Forest Falls Resort offers a "take it easy" atmosphere, making it an ideal escape for those seeking a closer connection with nature.
Govardhan Eco Village :
The resort near Mumbai, Govardhan Eco Village presents a unique blend of wellness and ecological consciousness. Set at the foothills of the Sahyadri mountain ranges, this resort near Mumbai is designed for holistic and transformational experiences. The resort offers facilities like a swimming pool, fitness center, and yoga and Ayurveda treatment centers.
In conclusion, these are the best resorts near Mumbai that cater to diverse preferences, ensuring a perfect getaway for every type of traveler. Whether you prefer the beachfront luxury or adventure Qwiksta promises a unique and memorable escape. So, pack your bags and embark on a journey to discover the best resorts near Mumbai for an unforgettable retreat.
Mumbai isn't simply a city; it's a world ready to be investigated. From the core of Bollywood to the serenity of Juhu Beach, from the clamor of nearby business sectors to the peacefulness of locales, the city offers a different scope of encounters.
Whether you're visiting for business, relaxation, or a heartfelt escape, Qwiksta’s shortlisted best hotels in Mumbai are here to guarantee your stay is pleasant and hassle-free. In our proceeding with the investigation of Mumbai, we'll dig further into the city's attractions, culinary joys, and social fortunes, guaranteeing that your excursion through 'The City of Dreams' is completely uncommon.
Short Stays, Big Advantages: Why Hourly Stays Are Ideal in Mumbai
Traveling is about adaptability, and in a clamoring city like Mumbai, there's no time to waste. The concept of hourly stays in Mumbai is not merely a convenience; it's a revolution in how we experience travel. In the heart of this bustling metropolis, 'Qwiksta' introduces the idea of hotels for day use, offering travelers a level of freedom and flexibility like never before.
Hourly stays are all about redefining the way we travel, ensuring that every hour counts. In a city that never sleeps, where every moment presents an opportunity for exploration, choosing an hotels to stay in Mumbai is ideal for various reasons.
Bridging the Gap :
For travelers on a tight schedule, an hourly stay serves as the perfect bridge between meetings, flights, or events. It allows you to refresh, relax, or even catch up on work without committing to a full night's stay.
Daytime Comfort :
A day-use room offers you a comfortable space to unwind during the day. A superb choice for adventurers who have a couple of extra hours, whether between flights or while investigating the city. Hourly hotels in Mumbai are savvy. You pay just for the hours you want, pursuing budget-friendly stay decisions for both recreation and business travelers.
Privacy and Flexibility :
Whether you're a couple looking for a cozy escape or an individual seeking a quiet break, hourly hotels in Mumbai provide the privacy and flexibility you desire. Additionally, they provide you with the space and privacy needed.
Refreshing Breaks :
Travel can be tiring, and sometimes, all you need is a short break to recharge. Top hotels in Mumbai offer you that much-needed respite. Hourly hotels for couples in Mumbai are best when you need a short break. As you are not bound to book a hotel room for a whole day and allows you to pay for what you need.
Exploration on Your Terms :
In a dynamic city like Mumbai, the key to experiencing its essence is flexibility. Top hotels in Mumbai allow you to explore the city at your own pace, returning to a comfortable room when you need it.
Ideal for Business Travelers : 
Business travelers often have packed schedules. Hotels to stay in Mumbai are perfect for freshening up, catching up on work, or simply taking a break between appointments. As a business traveler, there are times when flights get delayed. Qwiksta offers 24-hour check-ins providing a choice for the traveller to book a hotel room online for a few hours and relax.
Romantic Getaways :
A hotel for couples in Mumbai is the epitome of privacy and romance. It's a chance to create cherished moments without the need for a full night's booking. Qwiksta’s couple-friendly hotels in Mumbai allow the couple or unmarried couple to spend some quality time without any issues.
'Qwiksta' hotels for unmarried couples in Mumbai offer a comfortable and non-judgmental space to spend quality time together.
Convenient Booking :
Online room booking has never been easier. With 'Qwiksta,' you can make reservations at your convenience, putting the power of choice in your hands. Online room booking with Qwiksta is very convenient and easy due to the website’s user-friendly structure.
Access to Quality Services :
Hotel stays for couples in Mumbai offered by 'Qwiksta' ensure that you have access to all the amenities and services you'd expect from a hotel, making your experience seamless and enjoyable.
The concept of hourly stays is not just about a room; it's about embracing the freedom to travel on your terms. In a city like Mumbai, where every hour is an opportunity, 'Qwiksta' makes sure that your travel experience is as dynamic and flexible as the city itself. Whether you're in the city for work, a heartfelt escape, or a fast one-day visit, the benefits of Hotel stays in Mumbai will undoubtedly upgrade your travel, offering accommodation, solace, and a dash of experience.
Qwiksta's Promise: Revolutionizing Mumbai's Hotel Industry
Mumbai, the dynamic city that never sleeps, is a vibrant tapestry of cultures, dreams, and innovation. With every hour that passes, a new story unfolds, a new experience awaits, and 'Qwiksta' is at the forefront of this narrative, revolutionizing Mumbai's hotel industry.
In a city that blossoms with adaptability, time, and the consistently changing requirements of its travelers and guests, 'Qwiksta' arises as a unique advantage. Beyond the traditional concept of hotel stays, 'Qwiksta' offers a refreshing perspective of hourly hotels in Mumbai, a promise of convenience and choice, and a vision to make every moment in Mumbai count.
The Power of Online Room Booking :
Back were the days of tedious booking processes and long queues. 'Qwiksta' understands the importance of convenience in today's fast-paced world. With only a couple of snaps, you can book a room online for any hourly hotel in Mumbai. A consistent and effective experience guarantees you get what you want when you want it.
A Sanctuary for Couples :
Couples looking for privacy and comfort in a bustling city now have an ideal solution. 'Qwiksta' collaborates with hotels for unmarried couples strategically located near the city's vibrant areas, making it easy for couples to explore and enjoy their time together. Whether it's a romantic getaway or simply a break from the daily routine, 'Qwiksta' ensures that every moment is special.
Breaking Barriers for Unmarried Couples :
Hotels for unmarried couples, finding couple-friendly hotels can often be a challenge. 'Qwiksta' breaks down these barriers, providing unmarried couples with the freedom to stay together in a welcoming and non-judgmental environment of unmarried couples-friendly hotels. It's a stage towards inclusivity and innovation.
Couple-Friendly Hotels :
'Qwiksta' works with hotels that prioritize the comfort and privacy of couples. These couple-friendly hotels are not just rooms; they are sanctuaries where cherished moments are created. Each room in couple-friendly hotels is meticulously designed to cater to the needs of couples, offering comfort and privacy, ensuring that every stay in Mumbai is special.
Hourly Stays :
Time is of the essence in a city like Mumbai. 'Qwiksta' introduces the concept of hourly stays in Mumbai, bridging the gap between meetings, flights, or events. It's tied in with capitalizing on your time, whether you're a business explorer on a tight schedule or a traveler wanting to explore the city.
Daytime Solace :
A day-use room is a hotel during the day, offering an agreeable space to unwind, loosen up, or even make up for lost time with work. It's the best decision to travel with a couple extra hours or book a day-use hotel to give a break or time to relax in the bustling city.
Unrivaled Reasonableness :
Hourly hotels in Mumbai are financially savvy. You pay just for the hours you want, so pursuing a spending plan cordial decision for both relaxation and business travelers. It's tied in with getting the most worth out of your visit without burning through every last cent.
Quality Services at Your Fingertips :
'Qwiksta’s best hotels in Mumbai ensure that you have access to all the amenities and services you'd expect from a hotel, making your experience seamless and enjoyable right from online room booking to the time you check out. From in-house dining to laundry services, every need is catered to with a commitment to quality.
Inclusive for All :
The vision of 'Qwiksta' is to create an inclusive and welcoming environment for all travelers. It's about redefining the way we travel, ensuring that every individual or couple can enjoy the city's vibrant pulse without reservations from day-use hotels to hotels for unmarried couples. Qwiksta ensures that everything is available through online room booking.
Mumbai's allure lies not just in its landmarks but in the experiences it offers. 'Qwiksta' understands this essence and is committed to making your journey through the 'City of Dreams' as dynamic and flexible as the city itself. Whether you're in Mumbai for a business trip, a romantic escapade, a brief stopover, or a day trip requiring a day-use hotel. 'Qwiksta' is there to ensure that every moment counts. The revolution in Mumbai's hotel industry is underway, and 'Qwiksta' is at the helm, promising convenience, comfort, and the freedom to explore on your terms. Also providing hotels for unmarried couples in Mumbai ensures that Qwiksta understands the need and demand for the desire of privacy and the need to spend time with your loved one.
Making Every Moment Count
Mumbai, the city that never sleeps, is a whirlwind of experiences, and to truly savor this dynamic metropolis, you need a lodging option that keeps pace with its vibrancy. In a city where every moment counts, the concept of hourly stay hotels is gaining ground, ensuring that your travel experience aligns seamlessly with the fast-paced rhythm of Mumbai.
Whether you're an explorer, a business traveler, a couple looking for a heartfelt stay, or someone in search of a brief break, hourly day-use rooms are intended to take special care of your remarkable requirements. It's about making every moment in Mumbai memorable and convenient.
For Travelers :
Travelers are often on the move, and time is a precious element. Hourly stay hotels offer the flexibility to freshen up, relax, or catch up on work without committing to a full night's stay. It overcomes any barrier between flights, gatherings, or occasions, guaranteeing that you take advantage of your time in Mumbai. With online room booking for travelers, the power of choice is in your hands, making it a hassle-free experience.
For Business Trips :
Business trips come with packed schedules. Hourly stay hotels for day use are the perfect solution for business travelers, providing a comfortable space to refresh between appointments or take a short break. It guarantees that you're consistently at your best during significant gatherings and meetings.
For Couples :
Couples looking for privacy and intimacy have a haven in hourly stay hotels. These couple-friendly hotels in Mumbai are strategically located near the city's vibrant areas, allowing couples to explore and enjoy their time together. Each room is meticulously designed specifically as a room for couples, offering comfort, privacy, and the perfect setting for romantic getaways.
For Individuals Seeking a Short Break :
Sometimes, all you need is a short break to recharge and escape the daily routine. Hourly stay hotels offer a day-use room, a comfortable space to relax during the day, catch up on reading, or simply enjoy some me-time. It's an affordable way to create a refreshing pause amid your busy day.
The Checklist for an Unforgettable Hourly Stay Experience :
While picking an hourly stay hotel, it's important to have an agenda to guarantee that your experience is downright phenomenal:
Easy Room Booking :
Search for hotels that offer online room booking, saving you time and giving you the comfort of booking a room readily available.
Couples Welcome :
For couples, guarantee that the hotel is couple-friendly, permitting you to partake in your time together in an agreeable and welcoming environment.
Privacy and Comfort :
The hourly hotel day-use room should be designed to cater to couples or individuals, offering privacy, comfort, and a pleasant ambiance.
Affordability :
Hotel rooms in Mumbai are cost-effective, allowing you to pay only for the hours you need. It's a budget-friendly option for travelers.
Quality Services :
Look for a hotel that provides quality services, ensuring that your stay is seamless and enjoyable. From in-house dining, day use rooms to other services, every need should be catered to with excellence.
Unmarried Couples Welcome :
For unmarried couples, make sure the hotel is unmarried couple friendly and welcoming to all travelers, without prejudice or judgment.
Hourly Stay Options :
Ensure that the hotel offers hourly stays, day-use rooms in Mumbai, or other flexible options to cater to your specific requirements.
In a city as dynamic as Mumbai, where the pace of life is swift and every moment presents an opportunity for exploration, choosing an hourly stay hotel for unmarried couples in Mumbai is a wise decision. It promises flexibility, convenience, and a memorable experience that aligns with the city's vibrant pulse. So, whether you're in Mumbai for business, leisure, or a romantic getaway, make every moment count with hourly stay hotels in Mumbai, and unlock the freedom to travel on your terms.
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pixtransgermany00 · 24 days
Book your dream stay at Sea Princess, one of the finest luxury hotels in Juhu, Mumbai. Enjoy unrivaled comfort in our sea-facing rooms. Reserve your spot for an unforgettable experience by the Arabian Sea! Indulge in the epitome of luxury at Sea Princess, a premier hotel in Juhu, Mumbai. Our sea-facing rooms offer unparalleled comfort, complemented by breathtaking views of the Arabian Sea. Immerse yourself in the opulence of our well-appointed accommodations, where every detail is designed to enhance your stay. Whether you're on a business trip or a leisurely getaway, Sea Princess provides an extraordinary experience in the heart of Juhu. Book now to secure your spot at one of the finest luxury hotels in Mumbai and create lasting memories with a stay that combines comfort, elegance, and the serene beauty of the Arabian Sea. Reserve your dream stay at Sea Princess for an unforgettable experience by the shores of Juhu Beach.
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marumaruznz · 2 months
Indian Food in Zanzibar at Maru Maru Hotel
Are you craving the bold and flavorful tastes of Indian cuisine? Look no further than Maru Maru Hotel in Zanzibar! Our expert chefs have crafted a menu that celebrates the rich and diverse flavors of Indian food, offering a culinary journey that will transport you to the streets of Mumbai or the markets of Delhi. From fragrant biryanis to sizzling tandoori dishes, our Indian menu is a feast for the senses. Whether you're a fan of creamy curries, spicy masalas, or crispy pakoras, there's something for everyone to enjoy at Maru Maru Hotel. Located in the heart of Zanzibar, our restaurant provides a vibrant and inviting atmosphere for you to savor every bite of our authentic Indian dishes. With a focus on fresh, high-quality ingredients and traditional cooking techniques, our menu is a true representation of the best of Indian cuisine. In addition to our delectable food, Maru Maru Hotel offers a welcoming and attentive staff, as well as a beautiful setting that will make your dining experience truly unforgettable. Whether you're visiting Zanzibar for business or pleasure, make sure to stop by our restaurant and indulge in the flavors of India. So, if you're looking for an exceptional Indian dining experience in Zanzibar, look no further than Maru Maru Hotel. Join us for a culinary journey that celebrates the vibrant and diverse flavors of Indian cuisine. Make your reservation today and prepare to be delighted by the tastes of India at Maru Maru Hotel.
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sarahshinde · 2 months
Sahar Star Mumbai: A Luxurious Oasis in the Heart of the City.
Sahar Star, located in Mumbai, is a luxury hotel that combines modern amenities with traditional hospitality. The hotel's grand foyer features exquisite architecture and tasteful décor, reflecting a harmonious blend of contemporary chic and timeless sophistication. Sahar Star offers a range of luxurious accommodations, including spacious rooms and lavish suites, each with plush furnishings, state-of-the-art technology, and breathtaking views of the cityscape or the Arabian Sea.
Food enthusiasts can indulge in world-class dining options at the diverse array of restaurants and lounges, offering authentic Indian delicacies at Namak and global flavors at The Earth Plate. Sahar Star also provides a spa and wellness center for guests to unwind and rejuvenate. The hotel offers versatile event spaces equipped with cutting-edge technology and impeccable service, elevating every occasion to extraordinary heights.
Hotel hospitality is not just a tradition but a way of life at Sahar Star, with dedicated staff exemplifying warmth, professionalism, and attention to detail. The hotel's prime location near Mumbai's international and domestic airports ensures ease of travel to key attractions and business districts across the city. Sahar Star is not just a hotel, but an experience that transcends expectations. Experience Sahar Star today and redefine your perception of luxury in Mumbai.
For more information and reservations, visit Sahar Star's official website.
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