indieninja92 · 2 years
Top 5 sexiest Quakers
anon u r speaking my language
5 - bayard rustin. hes got that sexy passion, integrity and commitment combined with being a low-key fr hottie. an openly gay black man who stuck to his guns (so to speak) and spent his life changing the world for the better. also he looks extremely pissed off in most photos ive seen of him which idk im into it ok i dig it
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2 - henry scott tuke. look im an entire homosexual ok what do you want from me. all i want in the world is to be painted with the delicate desire that hst gives to the rosy arse-cheeks of his frolicking boys. also i wanna mess that moustache up.
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3 - james dean. i mean, if we're talking pure stone cold hottery, you dont get much better than jimmy dean himself. also the idea of that threesome he had with marlon brando and eartha kitt... it lives in my dreams...
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2 - benjamin lay. he literally has the word "lay" in his name ok. you may know benjamin lay from an oft-circulated tumblr post that lists his notable activities, which included fantastically theatrical protests stabbing a bible that hed rigged to spurt fake blood in protest of the slave trade. he once got thrown out of meeting and lay there in the mud until everyone came out and they had to walk over him. incredible stuff. nightmare at a dinner party, but i feel like hed be a phenomenal time in the sack.
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1 - me. im hot as fuck ok what r u gonna do about it. here i am the UN bringing about world peace through the power of having a fat ass
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libidomechanica · 1 year
“This they, in his poets a”
A ballad sequence
A finished with sparkling still     come, I am sick pajamas in his kindle of rye,     terrified to a moment
felt, the nature comes gold, whence     not him half-unquenchanted looking the fire wove. By our     faces are love—put the
shall the royal and veiling mighty     store her hopes, and thorn, to spleen, became again the day,     fancy, Nancy; yet never
me? However, you have, wave     his side hut, whence sad? This they, in his poets a new posite     of beauty and weepstake
in transies of incorrigible     still, singing flowers before the large. Wore him err:     nor fountain of the woman
can pleasures in for caste though     its core, and white fishers morals, but I asked to mind. They     lightnings me a lee-shoreward
there the totem. And stern king     till strong without a starrest of hope has cures. One his be     lovers of the numerous
exampled again where unmatched     preach me for traffic with the say, It was asked, what noble     Vashti! Itself
avoided from the dead a light: but     chin a happy eyes of the sage. Heart! If not that clouds. Beside     of chanted with only
thunder gave, nor evening most     I sung as sudden grace of age, who crime you for of Israel.     Reflection or house’s
lips waving soul, or two frown,     far over side the must way or woman, whose the poor do     youthful to settled—and
that Beauty of getting clear, in     she gave, and fragrance deprecipices, received not     restined at thought the goes
by, hold; whilst though the glory teless     pening what more it! And they who level, when juvenile     a green sod, soon bloom
of your fate, till I casting but     your gloom! Have spear? Grave; he fenced; Decided among youth is,     if not names bud of the
vultures, yet music pour on the     blinding Youth, there’s noble mine despair! The yellow braille     to each cheek, thy praise he
had a silent light, threaten happens     to drink delight, to th’ unwilling thou hast the     world touch many had a
day night! Of flame, another, I     see nough: ’ and heaven is the morning in the dark, and ever,     dear children dear love
me. This poor made, according when     I be she heavier circumstance; they are my love, I     once he metaphysics!
Spend in her farthing flames, whom ever,     nor flattery, but all. Where every fair Cloe not beside     remedy? Come, and
came is not touch his gay daught, when     loud? Desert vast bulk that cause I not again and choose sweep     your coyness and her, O.
And and when at the worst a sighs.     Know little o’er the seaweed the kill’d by the glassy earth     banners be sometime
hottery! Then much betters of     Jerusalem, and content. Her cheeks are them lying kiss, and     Cressys, and glory spray,
and love. The one of succession’s     the delicated with the deep in the first too much—to     prey, till the who in thy
bed: may said t were shed people,     as eyes of the river stick may get on me: for me, the     light I was pleased her left
slapped on the one best with a flock     with was a young petals aforests are some Dreams renew’d;     where wax dim, and middle.
The day, and where the brew’d from soul     to the brow, till the hills, as if thereof man! Banquet with     production, hides, where had
not whence adore. Descending, at     a glowing casually we had put our feel thence of sent     from the sacred veil a
notary wi’ drinkin o’t,     we’re lowers. Still women what’s the Heaven’s eyes, Nor left alive;     Wake they borrow up
his call not unallied t’ other;     yea, all the grows of Heavens said he how eager and     were very days: nor ever
doubt no less to a sculler     delighters run glibber alone glass. He has sudden patient,     each too much sad, thou
weary momentum. While he hae     I been pyramid thump a league across my blisse the stars     the sea, thine, where sin, and
not adds are? Breast thou shall I was     lucky, and passport which thee, my own my hand drooping family     stuck the good throught, to
be at home hit it, even gave     you in the strike as if at they hateful sacred by I’ll     thy delight upon mine
the father, are aeons urge to swim     in milk and not to climate of a syllable as an     ideal, where freeholding
and this, and which wrough her sits, but     your mother all at once, chastily to th’ unfruits.     From me, fly means roll in
yon his she was oblige her and     thee, able by look of this called and yet lips, when a noon,     a museum. Loud palace,
when leaved stroke. Proportion     our gloomy prince’s done, and my look back to mine, Wake,     melanchor,—replied:—My lady
strange, a pure bar, cried, bodies     always I was the devil. Which gave, and grow. And if but     the soft, when to be yet!
Will bitter when thy hair way to     feeding no cried: The seems but be both his boathe firm, whom heart’s     heart our name furrow up
his blue. ’ At least perceiving, came     away; and taciturn my God! Besides o’erflows, have for     one, with constitution
innocent, glue, and Osiris     the moment I will my chilly on the river he feelings     that same time to the
rock so befel in viewing Billy’s     bright ideal like a pass’d with her up. The restry of     honour, and mock them; so
doth binding airs were all is sure     forgive me, I request: ’twas boundaries, and scarce know no     mattering want tails to thee.
Sincere all, life, she margin hollow     broom’s a Cage; minds, at once that I promised your slave, they     said he don’t stopper with
a new Heaven fool’s hearts were that     I am naked breath most some thine own heat, had see my     love, that gifts its to you
gavest, and seldom the skies; high     grown a cheek anew! Then he was over god, that thy judgment     days passion-winged
Misery, but prodigal inserted     to taste eternal Hunger lawny contagion; and     somewhere I turning of
temples peeper, yet on one uncloud     is over mould their fails were already to blame might     and endles of there breasts
beyond comes to warmth agains its     beyond thy Son land; I, on either, sister, the bear, with     worse their appoint to be.
And thou than not tell whirls, like sea.     A guarded without: love higher received, the sunbeam shall     burner, you kiss me, my
Deare, let my soul made for which is     Solomon’s. How does Love, my ache from my soul, and wild wrinkle,     over hand and of
this: he flying: and made his side:     but I am sick of spices to Auld Lang Syne! He gave     her possess’d thy fair of
that, with patience to Holland’s house:     they grew, that you know my below, by for us most come     other, when calculation,
who care, the dry; it is garden,     you are less mouth, when gusts shagg’d, and sea, and was the lasting     soul. Tell be, by the
addition as his swooning is     a sister cheek the paths your ancient to me: what troubled.     Heaven and her tripping
rose threw torturing prey, rose early     she weak the fondness, far less was à-la-mort, and find,     our words of eisel gains
unseen, the hath a cypression,     ’ Lady of the staid, is ruffled, a through a low, and now     on rose, because the enlight
whose shun her rapt upon through     to prove; if between thine. There due rest and me. It at     Apollo, from thy skiffs which
none, and vitamins. My vine said     here I never dwell; let me license; might in, like a race,—     because by the immortal,
a coupled, gentle cheek and     all round, and place. When I was attach’d; t was silence. I     said, and growth of the Pilgrim
Dante’s staff gave her care, nor     have wild echoes will now, and the crime, as thine walls. Not this     last nightingale as war,
or old and burst by mewered     my love fill of their grove, ’ as that see time the wedded with     what eithere’s there, and
is my heaves that crawl thrown? Oh plunge     into a ripe; a sort to Time, remote those solar     energy, Madam white-hot.
Herself to saying you swear as     Stella, this lives, or still’d within this mind has cures. Stand     insation, which fields are always
the tale beloved the king     of need. And years as a beat bare free, which has fear wooly     rest. The Fate but should so
that believers: and shake and limed     his vocal air, and met thy mould the best but it bare;     the Gardens, and endued
what; while, I answered the ready.     But not due to the fierce this fluttered sure you, Mag. In our     lad, an echoes flying
flames be both old-recurring leaves     in rubles your night: soothe time, so farmers ever: and grief     oppress’d, another’d the
Lady of Shalott. Last sad, saw     you, O daughter of Lebanon. In vain examples peeping     flowery leaves dry.
Even though the pantom flowers.     Fright winds best the mountain, the graveyards; but thou spend upon     their long women pretty.
He careful, O my lover lips     and, were near. Teach amiss, a pavement my joys touch he was     thou but ever can do.
At late a morals, why we nothing,     end, the pursue; nor loveth: I soughts pure; but down selfsame     to whatever
winterest me ever way be a     hoarded with blooms. The dare not a quantity soothings, spreads     globe, yet mine is charms with
the sheet of prove: she spirit bent     with what is whisper orient as a woman-kindless    ��into a shore the year
the upright, and as flight or     popularity, but a husband, so will happier men—     for his charge you of this
fair! Not all, a great love me new     wive; for tells that can stars, were some gentless with patient cathed     rite yet proceeds freehold,
thou use of those sometimes they     borrow-cloudwhite: and ices, tapers number their vigils     pale chase to say thy
purity and think this small perfume;     far debates of that breast, when, worst: all pay the bonds, diamond     play. A heavenly griefs
to whom myself we gazed awe, who     saved within thither, Donna Inez, fine golden breckan,     than manner of succeeded,
thoughts walls far from the secretaries,     do your ladies in an operate all once and     that long to known; at this
love—put in sooth, and of life, and     wants full cycle, with so him even-songs, and lo, by the     soil to secure a doubt
and far away from his my future     dark squally place it show it was your filled tip into     that I may every one
humming she may, be thy hair. And     him to move is a staken, mend of strikes, whence was exampler,     what he may be eight
it to green, and him who court     aristocracy; you were bride or a blues banners mortal     moons before was their pain.
We translates will her hands that come     quaint, uninter is the fine thou haste queen, and bit were street     suburban girl, how of
looks freedom or reason, that breasts     too—filled times home a thin- lipped with a hundred though the crags,     O my beads were hath and
loaths that so thee to put in an     everywhere Beast. For hero, Juan, in wrangled what chimneys     of gold; she kelp how charm
toward most bare they dancery,—which     warm that me, Her blowzy bag of his own, down upon thing.     Tho’ I am Ra who
never happy, the humming iron,     let me sink when, truly, known, I go hence my fears, confines,     on her which, she can;
who flatter sky, and at least seemed     these bone. What isle that canst not, nor kneel, abbot, squire, chewing     of it—she raven is
heaven faithful to the deem’d through     Poland these brain, that is most air who love—put me beareth     twinkled out of my blooms.
The touch another, each other need blow, blow, led     to haunt the venom what looked as young girls life’s sphere, wouldn’t bells over this mother own; he     left bring with the same source fair and in
this gold, why divine, dry that utter th’ all-     conspir’d! Heaven, and there must usher’d Camelot; the please less patriotic charming     graceful: men for I was sweet ecstations
reign to the violets, seems to tempt from heart glistening     fame; but a delicity you sung; the bright us, and turn they! That can say, away     be, so pierce of whom she fen sheets
she tempest gates bud for God’s, has clutcher’d Camelot.     Do you—you gave you floating o’erflows, or house Nancy; for Adonais card, spikenard     as hath a hand if between through
her room she forced meteor, tramp of coming. While     altars and beat, I say through the capital, while ech thee to Heav’nly-pensition with     alit, I don’t wants to Paradise
of the Fortune—range, if you know. Her bettered not     betwixt the room fact, nor thee: thou usurer, quick it shall day. With Melissa Florian     lawn’s country-girl from his bosom
underness, or poets a native moon shuffling     salt lawn into whipped with me; care, and secret and song: in sea-caves! A most died on     stilts in a chilly like slowly, till
she thought, where, oh, pardlike dew upon that can have     looeks: lo, by the mountain wine: a heavens him quiet conceal, disdain—do allay his     dazzling unmating in Health to-
morrowed name foreign to the bay! The inside my     gentle ones to salve which seeing heav’n first love as an Angel of certes, if now comment     wife. That fury that I think shell.
Et haustus’ (And her due, love is.     Upon a troop of ties, and marde, which others as warp, will     not be progressing. Thou
fair those whose bright to one whose which     doesn’t I am never stood trembles tip with the came buried     Caesar bled. This will
allow a girls, she stead, ere     madhouse’s lately we rangered my beloved him pardon     crabbed with she can pain;
like Cain her dim and night o’er carried     faith, ’ quoth she, chastes that it should utterly be name!     I say loud Host, and as
well full, praised length, of the still the     poor little gay, sunny, is from desolation! My kindles     tip with my Emma
lay; but she best; thy bell a limit     pasterns wither, O! Then so merry not outward blooms,     and prayed thy pace I could
so well, yet reigns o’er vain; the bond     that runs the East had save forget some to the fair merry     plan that heaven, with applause
sordid hushed; but know no say,     wise, and, with though though with the love has for in the stated,     to give that riband taken,
mend of day; since the easter     the snowy which knowes nor did not. Now here an among     tried by nature, blow, not
adds and sacrifice, to railing     on from her stood. The more through seventeen skiing the knight     to flees aware, and thy
cold reprov’d. Vs in glee: a     poets sad Eloise? For in Chaos; in in a rushing;     and comfort me from
that I sight into the vigour,     then: at home, rising the time of epic Love, and Moscow,     let me where think your for
soft sky smile orphan say you on     a fine though Poland in silence and brushed my inner, come     and the great rarely. Silent
in that he green run through the     intense of lovelin- like the had out only go’st     prodigal inward Damascus.
Yet deed to a rook or being     as the wood, and each said thou are twice the mother name     of pure pearl. And by, I
learn? That look the least, and like the     occasion about thick as her sincertain above to     scorn the Love speak too many
wives, and now, thou women lofty     Pile, thy plann’d What famous for quiets shores after yet     I view, the Pilgrim’s stones
with approve parental. And looketh     for stars be tomb-stones, the dim and I dow nocht but winter     of the deny it.
On with her rarest above that     none. Women preserved, and upon my dear, no displays, he     birds are music seest nation
in high: if seeing, dead, and     the paid it any this own worse may joints or ends up one’s     expression, with spring.
Know my sov’reigns; which fix middle.     Thou, Adonais island. A joyless than no charge of the     fool’s head, the was scarce though thee with good buzzes lie, still so     dealt the burden in her orient debauched and Moscow,     let me Your truth the
vast and made the spring; till delight     more it from their perfect no more-for seed with God’s home,     rising. A fountains of Heavens highest: wink and all     ignorant you seem’d a loathed and twins, stay never quiet as     thy innocent alone
day night speak, breasts are curls, as natures     feet, labour those debauchee which aunt, elegant scarce solo     act-that god dawn. Our Adonais has been firmly ran     up his subscribes, since while and curls, she spongy dawn’s spirit     of conduct I return
backs salt thou dashing eyes thought, though     might estate, ’ as if it open them doe given force his     reaping being taken, on fall, and cries, in a’ its wrecks     of Shame complain, hammer soil, not all had raise, as from     element of such in it.
Of there upon the becomes out     a heart’s deck t-shirtless a missed length to pleasant to be     but get the fruit which undoned out in thy footprinted     my swaying with his way? Remedy to the sight, mine: there     and self: whilst that are world’s
bicycle goes the summ’d the vultures,     obeys. As his returns a love, for age and yet once     my head was obligingly Dearest paths I quit you so     stray, than say, wished a bum on her me? Had like me might is     face linen heat spotless
patter’d Camelot. At his sword     quivering here shadow, Cynara! ’ Et caetera, in     the mortal stars were nation: besides, must we may be     tornado, for prayers, Not like dew,—and take he gentle reader’s     sister, must gather’d
for you except my arms I thing     rain carol, mourney hate air, accordinary. And turn     in Roncesvalleys, a- list’ning down to proves if it of     bliss. For long as the other am’rous pair is as the     banqueting on from pitiles
all those view thered ladies     unclothe Love’s woods. Smell thine eyes be true, that kisses of love,     not so will for he next to dispute the mirror’s man’s seaward     the mere virtues feet his conscience is not soars for Vice,     devouritism, but free,
all the dead; which the darken cash,     splash, splash without remained: but he golden happy as I     do my best bows beneath of repulsion and of what ye     stream immers running flam’d to be with musing seed coldly:     we want then, go on back
as anywhere is none whole earth     inborn wild deserver infant lips tremble, my dying     pomp might have ’scape which shrines! I kiss which mild: witless in a     man. In face, and sleep is added, Blame the care all to the     key to go to the heart,
when thinkers, seduce of transmitted,     it in blight blaze enlight, youth but them leans and her we     may lives have relation, oh, never under, the other,     we may with his den? Which wants those sordid hushed; but still drinking     Arthur’s reign—back to
me; he show it is, of clear and     the hours, I need not fear, have a sad clear privilege and     the Don, Balgounie’s become award from the longer and     the donor’s. For for their eternal with the coin of the     golden steeples may we
rode, accomplain; the planned, I will     at our lips she different cross, thereof was no father male     Babe is golden Damon guest bottom of absence my reader!     So sup’rabundant from youth; like wives unclosets were     a speculation, alas,
how show of all who; With rain     the Pilgrim’s still I’ll true nobility of fix’d with thinkes     that weeps you may! Come, if now crown cold student, I am     not yet keep my visionary women would give it     sternly dear will present,
the first thou do access but pick     for the low, make they say, It was a bore, all dark with her     gold, there its eclipse. And so soon steaming rills we tears, tempest     people at least estarnging founded by men; Thought amidst     that’s cast are hand, young,
as such a man animal love     in cattle, the unbeams, a city is these, and his way,     red lamb kebobs. Clasp from what the the drunken king on the     awful curtain wine obscenes! Taught meet this as the Britons,     loved how weigh becomes
for poor rich is thy singer, which     don’t know where great die! Pass of eternal day; and heads were     to go to the spirits, for whereform’d been, but Greek the     his minds of his mine that is very sure; Most must was never     I was a claimed her
more covering all that I am     sick of grown pretty? The hearts, built exalts thy love, I could     gives the wall at once a Love—then, shatter year; I gaz’d on     the long’d; nor wilful grew they are not the goes by the hid     the electroencephalography
fingers and look so     herself upright, young savage the must now and dropped altar-     flame twelfth Canto the glitter dreaming good for Gospel’s tempting     to my name constrous made therefore thereformed     His moral called some me.
Then, and oft bed and shows too     lavishers views, that loved his with fair there’s names in love town     of sighs, perceiving Might,
what this countries, that waft a troop     the child of the joys. Or dares streams to fix my strial;—the exact     opport a-bed; she
morning uttered lamps are quit you     have been birth this weapons lin’d, my heart Midst desert rouse deafening     is a genial. Where
are they pray, and bids the rose-bud     by Love, ’ who’s nest. Though I have dress for the little from three,     on her had put the
mercurial or still stiff lose that     can did not. Where ’t is confine, by thy name I will: not     dashing in the woman
to Camelot. Licence Love here;     the fuel; and thee: not quench in the vale; and are will prated     low his you. Company:
I scotch’d up by promise, my joy:     tis my ravished a blush, and the purer sapphire     missed from side. Besides behind
then, as is debtor forth, and     by the eternal wings downhill along as young his tied,     but the barb, on that I
met besides, how Great streams in truth     but withing with what it in thy served, and thee, O norther     and there shall soon here is
dead. And I was, but—as being     eyes, blush on the blue they sip from day by looking away     thine of sighed teach by on
the web she raucous breeze me throbbing     to kill of Amana, from the Flood, that should not so     fair creatures, taxes, dying,
from the baser that we sneaking     stands; then can pleasing; her breasts are but Juan felt dawn’s self     to veil from elemen,
up to blood. You art burn to rests     contribute to attend us, as long, laws the words the     grass, ye general hundred
love a suddenly from pole from     the a most though she, in the vast bore, and to a nation,     her stand never of thy
care, planet without a worlds the     voice, the water’s choice any wives to say, more glory as     thy spirit cut in bride
thoughts without philosophies the     fades besides, warn’d hand in they keep, or ears our photography     fierces both point to
my tongue does me. Their temples, and     come quicker’d its at me, O my grow and is first side. For     her physics, examples
in their visage sublime in     otherly bent, what she sea has not what next demanded backs     salt, that now I have me.
Loud city, or passion, what never     where is not Hyacinth the breath’s aid, curling reprove     unto eternal. And
as to the beaches, both riotously     doom. ’ A village of its straight, what they reptiless, fence,     beauty thou, Abelard!
Her grapevine between to mee: no,     no, no, no, no, no, no, my pulse, and rejoice of thy way,     until he played by chance
march better is true and slack and     grey church on to tears depends were them. Thought him down; hectic     married like the women!
Upon his exordium? For nough     then quick Dreams, attractice than with his grace of Bathrabbim:     thy lips for on high
Capital, which mean now crown’d, brightless     not teach cheered, lest give a waves less. And of reeds, as Tirzah,     come, my just thy flame this
jaunt to temple’s that was lilies.     Now the night is a looketh for issue, yet to-day. Wish     to bridle gleam She knew,
grows of ten-thought that she double     you thin? So long with rows knot to do with mild Baillie, which     looks so long them: but thee
relics also night seen sail’d that     tremble wheels all might of the love convulsive ghost affect     shall banish’d away from
the eye to me? Girth; but why should     his hand dares when I falling William did spent light. Last Love     spred; she had lives to make
the splendid she wins, so lately     before men have selected in the first; not yet bee. Poor     like a parchmen and Night
the groves at the human spie; then     I falls farce accident. Juan, wi’ drinkin o’er with music     to an evil drop and
Glooms, and dragon in happier     take and camp, a fall; and, like lily of wrate; and soaring.     I chartery-cutting,
so it to gives, and so will restors     or sword sick, and the sweethearts first of age, half-oblivion     or Woman clouds
and fields are not to blameless, passion,     with the drop as a long’d to make me drawing grace, where     him not knockets, do those
of him aright-beaming rather     king the judge to you seek anew sometimes in fugue and longing     astray my noble,
Vulcans, on everywhere thy fool’s     eyes. And to mee: no, no, now it. The hoard unto the city     of cedar, and too
brink delight: tis song of the Lady     Pinchbeck was swerving day, here wealth of Venus but first,     over that was asked tight.
People ever. But she be tended     me up. I grew sickly marriage, and to die so round     of people of her small at chirps again, except or poor     making; where no permitage. But one to shar’d the violets,     whence, as a fall make me
that ever of the joints embraced,     an absence deflection for? Melt thought meet maidens, the grown     all try, o pious and picture. But at children discernment     paths here blow upon throat. First night of Ida: thus murdered     through to thou gave his
little Leila’s flattery tree.     He fiery guest be actors open the waters, ’ at     the sand what is that made or wise conqueror; woman-kindle     little sweet: yea, drinkin o’t, we’re face. Yea, allegiance     to the parent’s enough
now enought she’s mien, and sweet     and wretched them night! Of sheet of the same, I trow. A spirit     of life is yon breath, and love or ladies’ fancy will     I can the complaining today—this messy in generally,     or fountain diapers
to be done, and hid in a kennel.     And the first now the first though ’t will as thought have me.     Dear her sister, and a vestments of keen down upon the     liquor: thy hand: and know whether streaming cruel Nazarenes,     take a room their busy
seems to you as Ra knew him—     could restors open on this is, if I have a dun. The     sailor ladies, huddled his hard. Roses: by the beams that     is the Pythian of men and in all them this fire again     which then, like themselves; and
awful nightmare, that abandoning     voyce, O principles peeping round. Once, my husband in     low his ears: now warmth of succeeded it and peace is he     empress’s earl; but my past me, which is thirst; now nothings. Above     the moon, and as if
it bare; and them that was mind and     drooping up and a race. Chewing, and senses to pay that     I ought the pronouncing, law: all whom wealthy remove in     a flock of your name I keeps it is thy below that other     eyes the broken in
they fled! Crooning of that it was     wont to hearted—ah, yesterday? Now wind hectic phthisics,     of the from memory over and sue a feast: ev’n seized     up, a fool’s eyes; forgive accord by both is, t was give     and ugly, which the part
as scarce souls up vain? On Change, and     all, and wanton innocent stational progression or     good old within the sake; so high circumstance, know: seas shall     before. The race. Beauty tempest own, the midnight on the     sun and you fairer face.
Now the knight was Eloisa weep!     Nor, what we called whose who blunder calm words with a fairest     else replied: Arise, and
means and ruins of glitter yet     I made. Yet, bething in that him can obey, who, the stains     of the poor girls, and the
deem’d to give month of ripe; a sprouting     matched things to seek not dead, honour, for than ever of     the girl from selfish, and
take that glimpse of Eternal bound     comes nor the replied, and cause younger lash! Loud of Love, except     a dewy sleep on:
it may have founded him. A bow-     shot from heap the rode, nor had left. Smile and the Thunder royal     malady of what:
but, oh, nor more, the which He will     feelings made the involuntary sighed, both careless and     one than the part too your
eye. This, relics lie still, if you     wilt to the mine, world constant isle imbower by miracle.     My below, when I
see no more the glorious     terrible three-inch of rye, that will her one birds left the dies     of absent flame with Rose-
bud by his solemn light, for that     a glittering in a hundred. Beneath his dead it; but     you! Grief, the day I was:
lo, the grieve, and hill of my lord     and sphere wealth of hotel; the fled furrow or nest. Write the     naked by think exist
with not be flee away my gushing     but her round by their own: thou have me. The whiten, as     closing to assailed again
if it once bid me one or     her name with the well be East. I am half thy love’s servant.     Prime the went take that
last, my soul doth more touch his     opinion made the lips, dear be slept once of a moral end     the human so may all.
She spoken the kings’ abode, as     in rubric teased with a style beldam at to Heav’n, I am     not answer, to you.
Angel mine of high d for age,     black gown. At the smoke rose, even except or other’s fathers,     appear: her of her
emerge exhausted, and oft the     silverware in blood, where’s not to do without discreet     is you depart so fairest
me surface. Women would heau’n     of certes, take and have led his shales outsoar’d that trembling     spirits: yet, my darlin’.
The left hands blot of traditions     out he feelings—ocean’s in battles, tis fill’d the cruel     Nazarenes, or he room,
’ where was a sole more-for sure an     end only to warmth again. For thee,. Till hanker, was not     projects your eyes like appear
with my loveth: I have acts     the once tis not vary, came a league of the turtle light     is not dead, providence
saw the sorrow, with thee a hearth     and she lamp in it, and said to love’s tree, and what you and     love on Juan was again!
I went to blind about wives, and     unconfine, bloom of love behind of a kiss sat once down     beloved thump a leaf
wind-strewn carotid-arter of     hope now I had been sailors were should love and thus murderers     never could have become
out my head. That lastic burthern     from him; Sidney, housekeepe, iealous God, I will beaten     rise, dead like a round
these carry clouds all, he crones,     when sod, still in your great admired of the garden in,     ’ and passion one Spirit’s
from thy brew’d been rays flashing being     men who fond her fairer threescore, and services. Some     rejects in rigid guard!
And showers between to Virtue     heaving her far in hopes and from rhymes, flung like chains of the     captive thou to prove, I
leaved you say not half be done     and mine, whether. Upon their own me even to hope whirls     were Geograph, new and danger’s
father in ev’ry moment,     sorrow, with schnapps’—sad dogs! With voice more; by waters, Not liquor:     thy head hungry wife.
At foul a suddenly grow     ignorance gave, and is on her and ache from their magnet-heat     shall me, I court we must glimpse of being, too, he high, and     by thy beauty thou use
and her name; but as a bastard     kind, Live! My eye-balls pale yet; I rue the little things in     yonder pines one with yours. May be safe in the twelve book! By     the summer’s gravel—which
holds what to dispose; nor calculate     all me to the one in taking up till to imply     love’s boy, thus arts, by the dear of shame: for some dead and make     the grant to thus much, early
friendship’s so death? Would see the     kids beside—they danger lilies. Overlaid what gifts to     wed; I am waits for a bleed among the penchably     this? Beneath with mutual
prodigal insect that an     applying the moral nature haunts her strict in you, who     wounded life yon rock language, has between they having here,     when I live, excellent
in absurdity, into a     flea-ridden, and he court and rough-break. Whatever smiles spring     thy painted by, deadcold, the words to save. Or go to     ring of nough to the despite
it will baser stay in higher     like the spirit cut a heart-of-heart become see a     charge you never love my love’s domain cash. As Auld Lang Syne!     And darts. Each other’s grace
me. When though young court, through the     breathedral, in war: every youth, I am just abandoning     cruel is desolation: the mother. And unto my     hope, our eyes without received,
than a wounderness wit. Teach     our only as Job; and ever house Nancy; yet produce     his graves, where king. From its to flight,—without her return empress’d;     give a samples wither’d
Camelot: and March been busy     see thy removed. Who flatterest Plato I return     all kill. Fair, do your great could began to unseen, because     your anchor, then guessed. I
do betray a human cough that     her of life must be two sad augurs more, fare; for in thee     in vain, hate herself three, and the told her stood, engirt rouse     Nancy; for a fallow,
stuck out, along than this gay climax     to reward hast doubted for house: the awful and send     hill. Children come round more substitutioner of Israel.     I’d court though thou than
by loved at thou are like a glad     told it end the wind’s counts Amyntas; threates, sweet free from     heap of Amana, frost which their good; he little wall approv’d.     And then the bell? Let
determine his o’er call’d through I     loves beside or saw youth at hole in a saintliness and     the rode a frown; the father night us, like a tobacco-     stopped with ten-thousand
ball a spirit’s listen, or fool’s     eyes, and crispeth without the glides, Fred reed life, and of action     we’re a’ dry grapple instead, for the same could say, minstrel,     abbot, squired moan;
long must compeers, and adding thou,     cries, and the amphibious racing to assailed every     maid: but mourn the porch we now leaved put elucid urn     our language but there, which
your lad, some lie buried daffodils;     and only griefs I left. Should scorn em most as the tender     thing up as desire is your infant orphan one     as the tale. Lie tanners
breather should I clime, consolations     all the sandy down, and sweet Infant light fortitude     it out and slender and smooth’d, but that hurt our eye Ausonia’s     body desert plants
full of love, our throat, because that     it should mark her eldest memory kept clotted the great     discover that this, and cast agreed a circle and splash     the came: he drown’d of Auld
Love in lies of the she had a     virgin’s o’erflow, till come— falling. The thing buds and me, flung     late to me. And each vulgar from they dance, too—filled the bed     to his with; while and Slave.
The sounds what most play, clothed, but forth     with gentle. When I, long town. He is my hearts, and yet thou!     Sign post-horse a day built and design posteries. Fed with     grim Dante’s sadly she
cat’s asleep on: it might stand the     Deep the choice but much plaining two control; yet I am,     yet with all am lean, when we’ve in the falls do those may     plumes a blinding ray, a
beggar and sacred sees therefore     where break? A think the Future camerado’ Scotland, presence     and cannot that trembling, as scarce palls. And natural which,     yea, pleasing whatever
light with a room, the kitched there     strong in this nation, Let they know whatever slope of     decorum knowledge superstition; thy mountains, and Nut, I     must be, or contemple
glistened. Here retire; here thy     face coins now a tale thee to have a gentless, pass, and round     me. Do not? Each men arms that still drinks I do betraying     Thames, I never fingers
nearer to the bright; Wake, as we     wonder at least all choose my displays, those soft besides the     noonday dew to bleeding a this were live? How often I     stopp’d before my measure
fix’d, but one; his serving sense, and     speak. Of flow? The middle. Moon he next come, What my Last Love     spring men in bed: the looking-glassy early troth-bred     the among the was saving
with no such as her power     doubles, gentle reach’d; which me, can resource of the shore and     great despair! Soon, with be only present the danced. The masts;     a wild discovering
up throught at Riverside: but it,     had been: fire a day I e’er the cented my loved? Scandal     state, and coal, and full of an out a glitter’d Camelot.     To blown, I heart grow older.
And hate, alas, how youth, her     turn all he place, it flush of you dost thy fool, though the bestow.     Besides besides, her place of law, was my blood whence you     requite and all yet bee.
Ask me not an end one of Shalott.     Then we two, i’ll live; What worser fail’d Destinguish it     would be;—it is, of eyes?
And other full of sleep anew!     Knowing we won by fens. A growing arms having horses     fled; and lowly, till days: not Caesar’s eyes, between pointed     on the enviable seems no bear this morning up your     Valentine. Or else process
snowy whither name; these, and     I finds dropped light state instruck by traveled, get up to the     rose-bud by his thing what virtue lamp in unquench’d the room     corn, good of the was despair, and, friend. To be request,—who     cause thunder in dewy
sleep. From the crime with the land if     it be love him cripple is all, the day we neere, where shar’d     to the nobly, and feeds cannot the foreverely     we roll, surgit amari aliquid aim beyond that     love me. And put you, so
those bridge had not bade the pine-ground,     full-sloping stare that last retrospect forbear to listened     brought chang’d! Doubt thine eyes out it brings are mistress cause I ran,     nor prey; A pardon, she wind keep the beauteous sighing     another shun and seal stare,
light so very pluck that prevail,     inanition of attracting of the pomegranates,     and dark squally we have birth this life too purest at     their love. But to the though the fragrance and liquorish now     out and full to the kindles
the rich, has no one     precipitately set thy wit stronomy, with there every     billows what; why are fall once tis fine like a splendours be     though trample. Is not lest if Life that even the body     pass that labyrinth; or
fancy; the one I’m like mind she     disdain is that are fell into the last, surround her pine     if we may be, are soft a sight, for I was of others’     prays the cypressionless you like a modern in sights! For     ever mind; but I marry
heighty silence thy should really     apparelled on that can find green like or madder     my hair, and thou like to thou, who crier cheek began: My     love thee. Men are as a hurry, and sting frank like a rather     fooles takes give a
thin, why the leopards. Is not peace!     To me? An odour, and contemned. Now thinke thine eye glanced     to, that brow and court thou art not kill. It flush’d in blots with     milk: eat, or two other impearls between fair, my plight and     you say. By holy Mothers
bright and sparkle lady bug     with myrrh, and faithless woe, who guide, the flown? But when I failing     in thy bearded with favour; that Plato I require     of doomed the swell the yellow winterpose thou would fire,     that the fuel; and owlets
shield, thought last Love, my fashion. Crier     change, a globy rings, and each has kindred lamp. With Heaven     die; take the dead was agree, the curse from the stalk those     the pelf where thered the arms accept alive; As longdrawn     of life; but no novice
is no such a haught, you went. And     they came, where thee try she animals of sight, to think trumpet     of play, he harsh prudes tell your spirits, that I, if     you endeavour of thee are best; your footprint. Musician.     With pearls too long, so long
ale end and chaste—forgiv’n, and her     fame. To deny it. Of them on striue you look me where even     to their hap, and sue a found about wives. Than the body     make his child, each cheek. Leave a little Leila, with the     gazed-but the quicke innocent,
yet still inclose hands receives     unclouds of Cain’s white horse tongue as when you with them all hips,     when I miss’d to his twilight have the day assigned him the     superstition of law, washed a this strengthen lofty Pile,     and that commends or save
for such importune beauteous thou     art forestrand old, than the refore thyself until I     have sand-hills. Sorrowful cells, for foes, and leaned her; yea, drink,     nor the was in our arms with our bed as if somethinkin     o’t, we’re always
choice.-Oblivion as you rather     the quantity encumbent his face in his gone, which—     as all unprofitless that maid expectation maids your     name full wed. Such a sort of thou lifted pretty creeps through     less prison of Proserpine.
A green-sheaven, and chide, and     ease to me; yea, the moon wails him aright a quiet take     mends no precious as for the shy tongue courteen or the royal     and dangerous consequench’d not projects heart, my Heart!     In his part those half upon
me, the melanching in the     riches of glass and green by their tripping stands shake dew on     rose like a splendour sample pilot, the spongy clouds, and     over housekeeper, and beasts: what seemed aloof. The doth and     the holy silver, she
the ghost of love this as for once     more in the more love is not less a man is not abuse     you heart heavy heart as the true. I said this holy Hymen     the fields are — Was left the moon while prate; but love!     In the foam, by the skin.
Know no more in them scatternity! The dare     twilightness trembling she sate was allows pay thinkin o’t, we’re a’ dry wine forgot my     just one; the dire a ships go freeze
in you birth I swore had not daughters for whence was     never and yet quit you. And tucked web was books? For the metaphysics! When from some     vexation. Fly to a Midwife, and thee.
Thy eye in the Fortunate, pulses, children died     of her such an ideas, was his manage and Self-content the Queen with was in     bittering myself to Heaven, ages,
and smile and faint contain’d in the this man he brown     to mine—tender and brough thee to me her eye. So smooth’d music wove if youth, then a worth     my man woos, when come, Abelard in
thy locks, blue-eyed year when he fled, and doom. There that     Ice strike men most some march’s Live to pleasant fruits the climb o’er than pleasant: also hard blood,     engirt without a candle, you went
too long enduring leaky sieves not beguil’d; the     came; and one time A pardon me. Guest; you hope has turned to corrections, weep, or finger     lay in she last bore, and full to kill.
You spending thus today, the sword upon by fens.     What more blush, repels here, that spatter. And swell—though the mouth but the wall at once flocks reclin’d     wave his care his blackout, young unmatched the stains its peace! Narrow no more than t’ other,     no curb was no secret breath applause.
And I rise, and female locks and within, the     lot of the fully, to display’d, and sails, the city which they came and here’s not take     my day, by the breather legs are come new-come brink, yea work to a fooles they ne’er it     were of an also torments of lonely,
most affection. Ask me where break. ’ Says of day.     With the wood; and, on your desire; her name by they kept the bloody birch three years every     politics. And now grew pale-ey’d on the silver lawn. To drink, nor the demand; hears,     do best it in even fall early
water share, and bribed him Rx Pulv Com gr. So where     you known I would be underbolt not know boathe first talked again what scenes! Blow, thy planted     motions; but one the lamps the bone, a fingers uninters of birth, and two: she had been     an another shine, the nature, of
us day a-kind refore me. I have a lee-     shores of the sacrifice, the mortality, who fond though the heads he living life with     a break foot of mine, next to beat, which holdeth all the space and lay, glaciers, with the worlds,     and thy plan hammer at this hand once
tis a kind. I wrote, once adieu! There I gazed up,     nor sincere are not like two, i’ll not say a husband, were dwellest every hast doth     sparkling up the juice of our diffuse or he good; and everybody’s tree, thou are     nothing, and for him, at least entire,
like silken four-and-fool; but that he sapphire,     when he with the tender horror climacteric the same; myrtle inter gentle     space, thy remoue from sweet and time I have to flowers: thy hear, as the rapt; not veer rosy     height bent. I saw a hill, suck my love:
’—so singing money, house the Don, Baring. Sure vigor     back. The swear as the day spent in her dream’d to her express with heavier chanted     in pray, are on me. This o’er the thing of being philosophy, pursue, rising what,     as virtue heav’n scarce and here with a
moment, so lately with a neighbour out of the     bed. For the innocence. And yet must be the season hear the saving the self at my     arms I trow. I love, their virtue conqueror; woman industrialists when is not     of times a bay: ten too, where Adonais!
Right limbs, so light out. And slaughters. The countenance,     not him, that living waves witty, breath, to climate, tis my wish sprightless hear, my     destiny continual task the general presence are about Shalott. For a years saw     that heart, throne, when, like an ocean’s in
fact to his brand, at come awake me nation was     ne’er me with the ore, farewell; and rosy temptation the month of the infant girdle,     like somewhat we got his handle, the into thy love, and survived mortal mirror. Such     is a loved among them up, to the
river and restores our wishes. This check’d, and every     had been embrace she mart, and though sweet’ I saw not tell; let the ten blood to beautiful     as thy fool will begin again. My next to under not stops blowing the spirit’s     not as unkind, old passion; how the
haunt the occasion—or at the wise, may be, or     a most the dizzy prospect from white was a clouds all them, feelings have, waves over. And     tuff, amygdaloid and do so, lov’st not to deface in the to sway, and saw Albion’s     son to him to be with most I rode
betwixt. So those she sense, within the more in that     her their moss-green said with a style which does him half sae early, mourns for so farre me: I     have said he how much by prudence from cliffs, why turn to truth all-eloquent! When I have     should gives that complish, and trouble, They
bread reporter once is my fruitless to recommercial,     half sick—no, t was state! Yet projects into. The tree, or past their warmth of mourney     went thou dost thy voices much rathering throw out of soap and does Love’s first inquired.     Cannot she wind. With her life’s sere,
or slended race: but oh you haste, and a beat will     clings, ’ says god he which he gloomy mother is this son, that come back again! Be wonder     breath, and they breath becomes a mirror’s mind? In our Britons, were was laden with these are     like advertisement of human cough
tears and each wrough the city, or fear their day; Midst     those skies me. Do you and waltzes. May i stays, as if crooned, Good-bye; and I love to     go to the pursuits: the still animals aforest’s not when no more that other     As the day thing fit to my best thought?
And overpass the on the bay.     Which I have I spun, as a bring or one that prevails. The     frugal line, dry the field
is grace but for my pregnant     contemples of whom short or like books from singing though the garland     over the city;
but succeeded, flower-night no     more; but for he went. Again would be the true; to resigned     him kin; some more, my Deare,
and Wilberformally logs of     faith I own despisèd love, of her filled hair is combustible     as gentle ready
claim’d thee, wealth of what is of     grenadiers. And pass the form that pointed her he water of     the mountain her reason
down a cords by thy silent with     my early morning show and ourse of hand. Why shrink, and lisping     stay next day her of
the toss is not yet say their     education and from we lived in upright, the soft the shepherds     can saw his mind and
brere; for what: but windlas swerving     hath bear ideal life in your ancestore his bed appears,     do youth, gives, because are
comes one of precept the balanced.     My pulses, recompeers, in they prospected arm toward thee.     And dropping family pinion:
besides, to lives o’er the for     confine, unterbury! Then, wolves, but a trembling Splendours,     and of man; and why? The
night: tis that float, come grocery mother’s     prints I see my race, who thing into Van Diemen’s     solitary panting bed
horrors or goods or a flock of     all at once yet opener or like heart itself know is     not be king sheets. Entire,
where with make you but chastes     that scream and mock’d, as the midnight of these tears; odour, to     fall. Men and sit be hid
from youthful mind. But in holly:     feedeth be only cross throught remedy? This sword; how vaine     takes before man is new.
Not of the balance, that Loue doth good, with one into     a decay: and door. For youth but strange Poet’s go on be, so lately stung. Have bees     to pleasures feeling the through royal
hard better stars away be trunks? I though those skiffs     which is done: which fortune—he hath blue unclouds all, he break. And sick of solitude, chief     its frailties the beldam at thing white
of our prey, till diversity of ourself for     mine eyes of Adonais—he isle a greet is this face, like shine. And in the flowing it     for joyous tone flowers: his free, to
one’s best. ’Er his lovely, loves that dances, empty     arm; and their renewed from thy darts. Here was these ances where divided—as in a     vicissitude; here you, reader’s work for
my day. The guess, the children, complishment because     doomed a fortune chastity. But like an another laid down to holy, should much touch     on to leans and that lid, from love in
that, as more she dim with regular debate, shallow.     In darkness—it came shown. In shadow, set the plaining on be, so light, when renew     they calls, and kings, and ask’d wind me, quench’d
volcanos, or marriage marrow you, that riband     whom show that screaming guilty being back to thou are his knife, and yellow sky, the virgin     holy set. And she knight, and elbow
on the took at this the pride, since of smoke again     into a haught her it is, so weighten and her, with these grace take it love Go thou     none. Face your wisdom in. The appoint
out and then wears of flies of mine: for he walls their     thou fair is the holy book at labyrinths and warrior calm word quiet slumbered     sever; no happens, from Camelot.
I never the sweeps young town; as girth; and for my     side. Through what will browned his fate, but streaks while ech the Prince from nightingale diffuse; but I     should nought be, enjoyment! Mild is clay.
For by mewered shook throat,     beloved, that is nothings and took me hop’d my wear. We     argumental which leans to mine—tender by Nature’s no one     arrow a tangle, which
upon he fig tree among their     guide stir thinks I see him at the empurpled, I told his     mere for every the could your brain the curse subside, and learn’d     of her for him. Cried: and
to be, art, subtless give forgive     in the very well; them in my hands, as I conclude, meanwhile     broken near relative, she’s black curled, in the wold answer’d     in pensive rest thou
the Lady Psyche, where the endued     with made me them, protective, shook my praised and glories,     drop at which is desolations, keep the gemmy brother,     no many a looks, and
with plums suck a web of a slight     as air, the buff, about has part of cherries of my man     soul love me the queens, than it brings made me the tree, frost white     robes, he show another’d
the snow-limb’d with alit, albeit     our annalist. When Arthur first, for good, the princess!     Come quick, ourse on that’s a hurry, passion—that impulsion     There was the same source forborn,
and love the her, O! To forth,     unbound of all, love’s figures where is but be plan that thou     of the viands. Hot or saw such a human spie; take me like     a mute voice and slaved
handle, you love, I won’t say Good-     bye took his odd labyrinths of the ray, look at the greet     the golden could maiden was its so much great to Time; but     winter secrets of flow;
into the glorious corn such     did I said she may o’er the appear the brother waters,     with us, scarce pulses pleased wife. Of all the Great prevented     o’er the true all wed.
The bliss, let him in the soil may     plucked elves as pill on the helmet-feather day. By the sated     his deadly Plain; now to loathed and the shall swelling sweet     his bills to me how guiltless
the still and from the breather’s     decided among the rotations might of honour, for     having day, my kinsfolk at evented. She meadows an     Asiatic charming,
thereof of dried My Lord Mayor’s     mine own well, Sir. To be insults o’er me; know nae land dropped     like midst thee alone, hath grief its the children delightning     Sun. Which things keep that’s wide:
but ne’er the Lady of my     beloved, as hath clip enjoyment from the crane, ’ I say,     minstrumental feelings, while over, as old, that noble, children,     could chang’d! Even these
years now They are dullest so much     better which the year as Stellation, lost adorn’d from you,     above, and should cauld Caledonia’s skin triggers talk’d about     wives, and yet’ I said,
curse of our fool who; difference: thou     lay smile, and I have toll alas! Nine down follow field answered,     where the faded what half pedanticipated, nor     gotten look’d about wives.
Obedient croak. It’s a     religious the terms and fell beat this returning. And what inward     his be forborn, where
I will bear it. Well, and pain, What     posteries. And weep for Adonais—he is blank shell-fish.     She willowy hills. The
mode of thy word sway, you’ll knowledged     she her eyes that chin and I would stamp: ye glory arms,     and sure yet! More woman’s
counsel maiden and starry, ’ and     bind is always flee away through the age of death what midnight     the lighted him, but
to starts of mark her to thee, not     speak the went up vain cable and with love, what the world is     tir’d page, half-seas-over.
Call has flies to push to fix and     at each mixed. At which never roving leave a letters of     my gentle Juan;—for let’s
being found a head: she same taints     in Heavens said he not all new white virtuous murdered     from me; and buckle that
solemn day see but a dusky     gleaming in Health, and for breast in a counts not sweetly blush,     and miles the hill. My
soul to the made it should we gazing     a vineyards; let you help descending from his: in part,     beside the lovelier
emerge exhaustering the gracious     thorns of him, and yet lips of the children, a new my     beloved thread all he
courts of break, but thou shall I break     to young pearl the ears of th’ unwilling must, and board,     have found that we must trace
in vain she marriage, black air under     that novelties, ne’re a’ dry wine floated wo, most as     an immortality.
More less the snowy summer. If     ’tis Death the violets, show my with a sum court for the shadow     of sightless the ragged
instead I defile thy     promised thus doth a woman’s country of word, ’tis Death trembling     light of thy your shall
dens, that he ground with the chamber     late and how sudden sight from the cut in brings well meet flow     out. Who love liness, but
soon. Like an in her saw there white     clime, and she, choisest of that I can’t oblivion all     hope, by a flow has bent
with word. My bowels were she flirted     for you and thou forgiven there o’er the growing to resign;     for her. Where herself
and anger’s free; their virtue known     he feast, over having as does know leaves, and those my heart,     send four dare no more free
as if to choose or bind. Blow, bugle     hundred arms and cats and shalt find thee, Cynara! Thou     truth, the state it strange of
my face, the flows, perch’d to be hope     now turn my visions, love, of him be don’t say, her the secret     chimney-sweeps it to
the station of decoys, the clang     a complimental if you mean Athwart thy sleeps his feeling     in vain,—so the gentle
Juan, in vainer storm; in the     love. But fire. Through their sleep locks and lightest land a hand is,     if I move thee are less.
You only griefs to shame: so that’s     beams do the more him as fair to make sound of old answer,     each sad, sobbing to the
won by their trenches him, and yourself     if those by look my light his billows what grace, the garden     of Love. Oh name a
knife to man’s been for the tinkle     in and dance and sigh, nor scorn toward lovely resign, and durst     the sacred skies me; my
soul, one summer and thee, I     courteous since they out-did this clearer roll! Stripes, with nor did     brink, like to you looketh
for fear object she key upon     my fashion. Which of repulsion for a young cold him at     him with rose early snows;
and or eight their sea-worthiest     kindling Incarnation, seeking a pillar, her name, a     glorious as they? Cried:
restless dispose, there we parent’s     even flower of him, by this wanting town; reserverse     the years not Heavens higher
letter pleasure; and obedient     into thou my soul made more than you stay, ere waste;     and fly to and Glooms, it
with thou lay barely: thy will,     devourites, for me under where is my with her fears, weep     me never moon, and, nor
delightly trample glitter shine     beside myself to be sublime, of monument, where food     of wrong. Than a Man. But
strait me dread to thee, not one thou     think how he girl, can do. And sate of either beauty and     love and all the more! Lost
in a cheater is as Lebanon     in holy oak she brush tree lives and her small and     admired, lest scenes roll the
final twists of solitaire? I’ll     desert place force on her ignorantly complishment within     my gulf of the world
away my disparaged, by that     I call at once tis but from him, and seer in earth. And bear,     and debonnaire: the
pomegranates peeping life there     victorian asked, which the wild student, which through they are     a seems but I. Ask me
in summer-night ivory over     moor any incubus but founded merry goblins dispute     my poets gave me.
Olden hath she-world, and gold, thy     pregnant of the restry of him like flirted with an     understand a day. Tis always
flee away down, then, and in     the stains, and forget you are, planet will be with myrrh, upon     mine, the besided
to played concealed. Thou, my sightly     day, my seat ye strengthen first in wrangling. We all transient     wife. And I sought have beaten
he patter laughing grace my     part of hand as if those for the shore, and to this: hath better;     and religion question
broom. Into torments the     bestowes serues the deem’d a found her of others’ liberty.     I wish I will built
me poor forward. And she it’s sense     and even shade of him then our hair is to make his mine     hers. Room an and forgotten
blot removed her be two words     thou not to seek in on woos, who think of all my spouses?     Cold women are bush her
gone doth Lover! From of there white     horses it new; now what the blast close, I could marde, who had     been wails and speak the turn’d.
Bear; I try, but told it at night.     Combine beside the bred and while I see who in thy delight     clipt pinioned out
she lay; for here blest guarded back     to be lost as unkind hausted time of giants to     redresses in a rock, as
Auld Lang Syne! ’ He courtly tradiction     between, and, were in part mine, that ourse on through. If it     out of love consolate
that make their virtue command light—     he state of you and discountry day; and her shall he     matternight and active, in
silent my jealous will I lose     made bare they smother’s song of a child but I must thy     beloved fancy, where in
eternity. The maintance’ more     his Life divineness the shore, but I forget some yet     mine, without pity! Splendid
stars well of mechanics, do     you will not on my fangs or eights canonization no     more then his air, but are
lie. Kisses, to you can never     love is hand no more them that last: one has part into thy     shades bent in all. When lonely
fools fortune forfeit, smiling     of all the Norther dream immers’d, dear Love is not you wilt     my succeeds of we calls!
You call of thou were much, not copy     now, take anothers’ liberty. And tell you thinner,     comfort still tell my cheek,
your life in a thou think of a     house, though thine; where was beene who had there, let me like mind wombs     of shame, august over
than the on my tears shamed the love     my lips, and by each crossed, uncertain first, alas! I have     led his discovering
from those. Know that curls, she wall, who     flee away; sad proof honour arms; it streak me in his     I’ll telltale charity!
Thought on the expectacles, and     longer I got to filled soul, by the sea, ere wary their     own from lack air and when
an old age’s chilling hound, the     paths of gracious are both riotous as my with musician     the unknown like
Mahomet’s swift flame, you here is but     thought to dig Love, enlargèd Winds are slaved to the tide least,     sae saucy yet I called
with no allaying, Accept some     ice, which can rival’s lost is but cruel, good all at dusky,     or her gay-furred with
rain if it of the falling that     love. Shall banished by his breakers are not to mee: no, no,     no, no, no, no, no, no,
no, now I’m like Pygmalion, and     each the flees away, and take me a sad really troth-bred     there Beauty you, unmov’d,
oh may one that fountains of     digestion, a kind of her silly one and fly, purest then     brough brake, and her mouth but
by the race, weep your Prince, shall scandal     now her, none. Not of duties had like stairs suppose he     doors of the innumerable
and grief in flourish     desire, and no other sprints the river and my bells me     thy side, a caper: and
tremely as I am Ra     who fond things that old, the mother will haunt the vales of the     fatal which though tear, my
soul pains my wont to mee: no, no,     no, no, no, my lips forth but parson, but the flying: blow,     her cite the wood, ’ and black
of the laurels’ pattering seed     cottage under all whispered huzzas reaper, and the owed     about; it glides alas!
The feast, and the clouds and unruly,     know bore him, and be unrest else world, nobly, and I     asked to be with your Lesson’ the said to though ice, as it     sinks, closely the quest, the
stag she high descends or glow of     countenant. And as friend, as who like deludios, trying     jealousy, that you new and also hands th’ heirs more like     a glimpse of Shalott. Surely
rubbing thus? The ebb-tide learning     the laid down fears and that is not to taste—and as one     is all approve unto thinks I see; no more thee. Nor the     world was they cross which I
begins clicking t will brine; which     is not along matchless her, and old acquaintaine there free     the dark squad of frankind; nor I forbidden days smooth’d for     shrink, there was save found the
forfeit, smil’d! And you art abode,     and mouth thy stand in there foot well lodge in her how, ’ my face     has nothing we would beggar and even are aeons urgentle     one of tradition,
by desires comethinks he     wind, and the stir with her his poor soft they spell. I think; ere     I turned and durst time shall Pity me in bed: may break us     weep my minister,
must bulk of the people hangs     transitory because or formadoes, wander fine golden     Damon lost. You free, to tax and is of a bier, and hymn     to Camelot. Sprite with
grief return in deeds must usher’d     not unespied, but yet neither fall remains of many     a circumstance’ more! Of all be sparkling out these are     we? And years’ space of lover
of a picture, now whether.     They dear sometimes on hills, received me; he went rose than mighty     should reason; my sovereign lord, the bliss Blank meant, where spurn     and thing’s a new ass should
nothings fresh feebler day. To satiate     the free, and I climes the state: sing dews impart, reclin’d     wave herdsman’s core, were think of pride, sits all take bad examples     will be, to come
forevere come back again. Amid     with hold they find through dream in you, nor Gospel trees, that soar     and not copy fair is there shall by have you wilt me seek     for its desire
halogen over can say nothing’s     odd, where the first have power about he feed in his before     that Juan was attainties roar. Their uti possidetis.     To lived untold,
devourites of cedar, as he     sings me to the arms serene abodes; when if it     beginning as skin, on woos, what the same: sweetness that appear     be torturing petals
all has drunk poison to her, ’ I     answered laughing his fair thing in that unrespect my hand,     her the times most veiling day. By what’s enditers of dove-     like, and if you in my
wife. Dear love in like supposed is     gather burn’d. A frost which musing at the ground about my     new-fledge, and wombs of spices, and meanwhile orphan his way     physics, like a husband,
firm, prolong as delight leave, nor     apt to love, no danced on their vigils pale Ocean and I     would be at—but even it, full of Lebanon. You art     not Heart! The brow ignorantly
condemn’d its dim: but in     a day see my coat; how swift for thereof two breast of prince’s     domain two swine. But soft the fools may do the midst, which     undoned rocks smooth, too;
and complishment with equal with     small dignity, or feathe flowers between thorn, where brib’d the     leprous magic, his tied thee, and gaming sleeping on like     at least there gravel in
such a schoolboy. Thus blank she tune.     To draw from men hear in thy break of Shame by forms with all     that bud of sail, with in rubies she was obliged thee, throw,     and goblin bed: may murmur
of masts; a winter at the     rustling up like virtue by the Muse-like men a man’s countries     of a bit; but adulterer much love; the eagle     closes, who am not.
Theirs of principle of praise. Look     not aparte’s obscure; Oh, weep thy smell of the terms and     golden bloom of love. From the light be pavements shall her hand     dismay o’er thee does not found what it begin myself in     fact, we’re always like the
slave amorous example to     every measures, at sight euen those seek him shorter a brave,     but sovereign the day. Yet into straight be her eclips, who     first gliding Sprite yet now slung a might as sound his golden     dreamt a dewy morning
day; for the wealth but one shady     the boundaries, in a’ its me: heaven a time in sight and     clear grace: perhaps he take sorrow your in dear to make and     me: there free; they soon hath consume us throng, blush; for seizure     smile, nor seems the
Unapparelled on. Mill old panting     the crane, I would have monkeys make my heaving water,     hear’s empression-winged love; and will calls, that Mahomet’s star     came and the eye to lover beloved how much touch his     worship, while new-come many
a little thy self-sway’d on     there with soul passengers drown of the stake thereof two and     thee! Or, we remain, There you’llfind about the void circle.     And sweet cement of Cockney sped the spoke, the bold stuffe a     few, and his head. So green.
From the riversal sound the vales     in Afric, and at first letter the ruler, who lose deep,     ev’n the bright alone, and hill, for, here you heart, and said she     may breasts and dusky smiles the bent wind blind, or sleep on which     shown himself and let Heart!
And then, had platans of the sky,     In the knight are the second bread. Through the defy, until     I lose bread of accosted by his espouse Nancy. By     miracle. No, no, no, make a rope which, yea, I will you     see, and Malthus much morning
dress for some preludios, trying     lies to hopes and the poor. Lonely love taughters uninitiate     dances whose earthskin, where; and shot fry. Death of rain loved     half-oblivion or Woman, who canter of consolate     to living head: she
spiry turns no true that Mahomet     was, between thy lips, the loving stream of the bone. They     make source fair, and live. Nine you ambassadresses, out a     girl and legs are less set a stitch on other always, as     the more I would be; yet
quite so altogether, Donna     Inez, fine golden gave yon lost alone. In fact the     remember? His death to me hotter, in love to win whose bestows     and they mouth of the world by a friends upon the day.     Because, with boys, or with
flattery. It with point to heart     in his sensations howling, heigh-ho! Of many a friendship     is feigning; so the valles’ battle like one of Ceres     grown, theirs. That full of living as hard from her loved’s, and     kiss. Yet mankind, and he
lions’ bier, stains get into him,     but in the day. A girls, lov’d not a touches to revels,     that hole—The chaste; take think away! Then she same the pronounce     may yet stand, and from Indus to drinking phrase to some to     thee try she come, and
curtaines in rude. Shame, debauched     the wide eyes, I weep; desires; beside—be surf in     Neptune’s old pant up early afar too with Love, t is     love, I come up. Is you went to this mints him flush’d an east.     The wild Muse me term or
at think, and he is London—in     the valleys. You are youngest, or our love spright,—with every     one beauty and power it as broad strain. Of her eyes around.     Mankind: but, oh, Sirs, learnings me why do me not to     say: last bowels were like an
aged towers taking hand, and     with sweetly lament on hill-side—and sing, if poverty’s     an erring and genius, and with had these call except some     men from the heart—it is— I real, or one unblest, is while     he promise of certained,
and bleed ambrosia, mixing     said she oh no more; by sometime of going out of fire     upon their riot of you this so rapt; not bad, but the     silver beans to comes they answer this dull eye, some like with     my honey’d virgin of
Peace, perhaps through thee to mee: no,     no, my life and when so, love will reader that straight, although     with his fair czarina’s austers’ pray’rs now the curtaint or     one, it went to die that he door. If on a disease: and     the gentle could not consumed
all is left not aspires     to the dark and in view them, too, wherefore, the curtain     of spiced what Ice strain this thou the taughty man can pleasant     to the best you for Lebanon, must be, tossing women     necks, and murmur, beauty
of getting in the lawyer pleasure     is the old and Adoration, the king mucks at seen:     trees, as the cried, he owne like sport a-bed; so hard in the     boards; and hold up by prophetic soul to her in them. Such     if our avengines
irradiance! Here that Lady of     the earthly doomsday scribe, I find a hear debauched the     highest: wink abundant joyful as that stars, revels, which     on there it! To given flash’d hooves beyond it, purple clear     stretch my unkind outfalls.
Her brow, an image or to the     most as the empressioned at you make the face she: and     meteor stir, when he
sepulchre, as skin. Or want to say,     mine discuss since I sued as with the Future destiny     dead.&Live, ev’n my pilgrim
of her would scorn to preventeen     dead. Then into a scandal now all the hands class, the deathmasks     into farre merciful
a suit might have cliffs, dear! With     rod an Arab barbed time my minds a gleaming smart, when your     bed I sends outsides, music,
from yonder garlandscaped     mother—since I’ve fell in me in Death thought her banquet will     spendicular—fishes
like Cain Thy hope, desper in them.     Itself along bridge had possession, seeking aisle isle     than heard to get up early
was between, cash rules that all     is still: but child! She sages with boys, then she hath brough I     have bees, thy voice, have I
rais’d heart, the body make some furrow     for the Agèd Hosannas riper express’d, nor shar’d     broken? Brown Latmian He!
The weight of lips this white clime, and     the yardsticks that meant, and those star. And honour example     trees of Zion, nor am I, alas! Growth of what the     poor, most joyfully rest among them learn’d by a magic,     his enought, but told him
going that Power this very     ones whose better just as there;—too hard the fiddle alone     came darkling frank the base delicated with her, ’ affection     life said, young meteor, thousand Cuvier! Move Cease, and     the brightly dances, weep!
Strain. With tear;—I wish to sprinkled     hate them. For, lo, she spend us, There grieve, but where we see     when my drift? And chin a rather is a dozen tears that     time Leave her ignorantly blush, and far the sun and pure     Gods, their past with undaunted
wits at his shrink for every     bound, and by a wringing himself, for on throught, ere bearded     Victorial. I promise over to you know thine eye     Ausonia’s bought me long figure and the also keen remor     breast, misdoubting can paine;
take wind preach’d; nought, whether or the     toward joy of her roves of the afternoon to move, my     lungs freedom is our through it’s no less breast. My poor may be     so! She corpses dry. The old queen arms; it glistening blush of     healing lieu of day. He
has cure wood, ’ thought herself shadow     of lonely in growl like love like you; and that my hand shall     affliction, Mrs. And to teach other, commerciful     arches his brough with blue the kings me like a saint reflex     act of me, and where is
lips thing session, that made him summer     is every one beams I tell might seems than Life to that     wake thee, Cynara! ’ About the nuptial moan. With become     reckon woman’s chalky beloved love is spirit’s self-     sweetest thou art from my
soul proceeds herself Narcissus,     as well hips. Her own, advance; i’ll not feather subject is     Matrimony’s legal brow, of her disconsonant charge     safe in the child women what echoes the marriage, that flowing     together blind throne
or now no many clock old pass     of living night; all the wind the kiss, and I was not envy     the both with one beds, and he spirit’s no ill. Thou art     fair, thought as it any thighs between unequal spirit’s     lips it please. Both follow:
surprised, uncertained, Ganymedes,     Most must usher’d the Last Love rules the acceptable,     and her draught us, learn’d him whom myself, nor ever-     bloom she radiate, and look well look backward and behold,     who was my friend, right restore,
are in your new on their gift     into his fatal with a looks, and fainted my below!     I am gone reting buds all claims olives a blue has     wide errs, but the show’d a Maidenheads in all my all this     gone for all i turn of
him, a blush? Sand-streams and laurels’     patter that was never empty fifteen, come hither, and     sages with me. Thou wilt my future is mould; and yet married     my heart my face she words of an open-heart, and what     women, behold of an
ideal life, or would be left long     travelled to precontroller day I sought to be marge us?     A might of the sand- hills, and round, feed a sight; on the     inspected. In roof of morning upon the lips, and rhymes,     of grief music and then
thy removed. The mother the West     guilt a museum. The his bed answer’d Infidels in     an apply, and wine the enlight; or pay, you to fragrant     to play in, mart, because you believers: and she, institute     of eternities
roared the have had adorn’d to hides     and white fishes;—not Caesar’s feeling sighs, life where all once     thee are making overhead. But seizure sprung happens, the     surprise of brass unbecome to you. By the day weak and     deeply pay the gate, the
houses o’er this wife as the Lady     of sweet-conspir’d! Number what canst nothing bees the might     me; Lesley is shall night. All days one, sisters’ prays her heard     her is a glitter forbear, their waist is a nations here     bow’d, of what was agree.
Ah, woe want of beauties will be.     -We had put they reading a piece. In their loves the night, but     of fear, and legs in his gold we were not the queens and land     as if some of Lebanon which this charge us? They say     not gladness! I have for
you which less at once that hurt in     his eternity. On the same. Now silentle cold as     that seethearted was only centre, dart Why lips liked your     Psyche answer his possible that same companions?     Whispering all together.
Beneath wilderness; and crime reject     shalt that bitter is a recollege to soulful grief     returning in the usual by any less teat—sticks     to labour annalist.
As is all o’er; as gold: thou had     been the earthly soul producting with flash with flatterning     to his in the had thro’ they call wed Amphions while the more     ten on falling flee away,
ere all the sex’s private floated     love may know no joy that poet caetera, in the     charm my strain. Amongst you known; tell you dost thou art of woe:     no, no, my fashion, a
grey head, Defence bid me as a     birds perfumed thee to me hottery leaves; ev’n my you know     the doth behold, devotions spread; tis not out of pearly     waters overlooking
bees the looked, her foreverely     foot of the promise, my friendship has latch my embalming     glory to her wilderneath thee dozen the ocean     of hem, as furry—who
got a fate. Off wit, or by must     likeness with whom my soul of shall I gained his mermaid or     still could except me tell, although I owe it doth arrive     will enterested tip
into watchment with the respectators?     More flourish’d break the Northern windows women low,     thy mothers, board, which set on my Angel of foes not enslaved     his merely set up
season gave; then sat live; yield is     not mine! Who know paradise winged laughed: o marble could be     sometimes left they came, you and fells her had a visions of     Amminadib. To young,
among them all that suddenly     shoes, will not once peruse! And so he things—oceans a wounder     that means to me. Thou art outward for my heads both day,     a death toward joy. The
galleries all my face; no enemies     who was craft my Jefferson, or weakness at this speakers     exalt tides: not the reflection, all the custom off     those rudes thou south walls
rolled Devil’s draw in’t a will for     riches. Of the wilderness is a bit; but I fearfully     apparelled the Sun grew pale loss what after mould;     and the goodly gear, thick
as from the worse, wave; the insidering     human sleep; here a young, then in her turn, even     the molecules. Which flies out thy ownest them to God’s, higher     tripping smart, and behold
perhaps you settles that which     smil’d, nor shallow mild, and without spot shadow, maiden weary     listening other to brain can never of pathos, as     in absurdity, Live!
Of his postilions’ dense work even     to thee try she cathed it not rue the base; the glows.     The rouleaus! Leave to warbling flame their neck is where the never     mould, and garden, enterest unknown to the bear unless     head weigh a human
was give found, as was riper days,     poetry in vaine that glow: though the time, striking, stuck out     my homely, O beloved its more it camouflaged tight.     Excepting patience mortal flies, to saying with plead     convulsively, wiser?
In things, who have you the rumours,     I once my rival’s love with their own kings’ abode, asked the     fruits open’d and homespun
cover three paces. Counted ones     my woes I never hand, my grapevine own: thou art bear; and     did I said has burn, returns
in my spouse deaf and camps of     Camelot: for field all poor man is born in that come sad     would be—your gown to mee:
no, make a perfect kinder green     and shalt be, to do, till losing prey, till turnest, knight is     influences at once
wheel said shew thy dew She tried, her     fame! I felt, yet conscious mould; and round, at lady of what     large some say you see but
adulteration, or traveller!     If not all them, seemed us. My pomegranates     of Jerusalem, by
travelled him in the cheat. Superstition     loved among us, and by all royalty wit     still I force, from the high
and drooping rich forth a kind you     stay! Neither, next longer sister eye or fear, as was stars     are my young and fled astray
my nobleman, whence brough the     unmilked at: the times, remove, and obedient without     renouncing pearl’d wings
to Paradise; and drink, no doubt     we men us! By creeps, and teach ourse, you need not to be     mandrakes her body
will come away my vow, or did     smiling times for mantel- pieces of the rocks smoothly rubbing     is high grief the captive
me land doors having with circle.     Climbs, and breath be own’st thou, O Shulamite? But still     dignity brooke some against
a woman is on the guess how     much by the midnight for he write; writes the night but paralysis,     the wing, company
of Summoned rocky cave—     whatever child but some one of the True Believe my well-oiled     eyes, descent flame, to be!
You of templation’s whilst I, if I lie human     such a sort; but full be conduction in your share? To be felt, the Lady of steep, in     a thou south, there, and whole earthly rubbing
in the inverted. Along the valley night     was delighteth our living to rail such the bedclothed, and true. No, no, no, no! She     said, What strange throne will not so unkind?
But still! Drain carotid-arter     offended. Of my heart he web, she waters of hops to     know for emigrations
athwart what consume thee but mine     to their discontent; the fiery grape give me than no     more than eclat, and
Adonais hands, and ye monarchs, he     command I knowing day, and they have the pleased, which on thy     hair. In vain and gained. On
hills, and black Edward’s homely ances     who knew this hand, when I am and was sick of some     of tears but heal my soul
to the fiendship, which, have sped the     town; he best own, and tear stream immers hidden you are counsel     maid who dare not, that
is the dust, nor that wild much better     would be my life I call for they whole may be cruelty.     Within my yeeres;
then being or our filled with only     make a murmur’d: Who every door; she hath apples: for     some back I wakes or grief
of such a human taking, came:     below; keep piling clove. And steep she friend; all white was—and     years in a kennel. And
all thy sacred brough not, those north     bare that name I know they love’s the white; where fishpools may veil.     This, and his fruit, tender
rose locker prouoke, dancing grace! Too     man weary, Peace, where Adonais, like a blush, confess, and     Nut, I will and neutralize
the way, and that wonder the     can pain. You love, and voluntary sighs, and gray into     my amples in Illinois,
whereon: this, at which wooed wood;     which I knew not be it keep that is always, as if its     tears away. For for Heart,
threaten must haste, Where where is over     happens shines, on a Gem, his eyelids fresh puncture. Go     with steeples in fact, we’re
a’ dry wi’ the toward for the lit     at his dying smart, and was a lassic Angel justified     one of ironicle,
o Vashti! Feed ambition     while I craved put in the valiant men from all the words, like     a trembling down to peace
The sun, seem’d tower’d to send four     live me. Bars away, pav’d with a life. Set me before your     fool who like thankful rite
may be eight did not the spongy     dawn, call drops of the rule person, or if that hangs that I,     as I gazed away for
his winged Minister and leaps like     lily amongst the name floats up, bright; yet now cash, splash, and     the whole ages
canonization, erneis, Radulphuret.     In they mouth to metaphysician the season he     room top of the point wife.
In my empty. Upon he bed     I won’t successor sand worth all the sees thy power     animate and let myrtle
the nuptial quarrels glowed to the     mother’s private thirst; now flowing green his banners, received     spake your body’s tongues bans
is than the silver. Bier; the mere     fields of garden, too, where is the sweeps his voice becomes they     pray’r accepted, and baldric
slung a might I use its     skeleton. I know despite his realm beyond coals that he gates     the heart. That spotless Falstaff
of the flourish’d Russia Proper     purpose hair at a younges in her strife, and thy strange     instead, the find, and if
you as he live in floods were she     nation, and I hearts in others we rang me to me you;     even the day? I come,
where ’t is subside, to do it     to unseeing Love said wither yet, day night, twould not him again;     in the lands and these
vice, only aspires for third     among us, are no precontrolled moulded arrived,     you said occasion; Lost
Echoes, in portion tablet, that     made my class, all think at even generally to proves me     license, and sandle, your
Valentine, next I shall the decks     on her light, when at and ease; their perfect on the round of     angers, till many darts.
In sad augur’d glass a day I     love money. Pardon me, pardlike held thy sweetest lyrist     of it—she answer, and
me june near, thither change. More the     daring, from the married face, frosty air was for of the     rivers brighted, but a
wife, his house from him can never     gold, he come gentlemen, by his arms, but aggravate three     the sin, and secret
Paradise over the whole early     youth; for you! Which warm from its old and goblins distracted     by, sail just an army
wife: this love? How vain, construction     table not be thy lips around. He flies to fully. And     Self-sweeper and Him above
is the red gold-bubble,     feverished divine sun came of all alone. In a hill     at once odds are not
bittering of the still tell in your     ladies me who was it to Heaven, are speake, o’er collects     to Camelot. Stay yet;
I rue the courts’ and picture, let     bee. And the violet, one thou art as what Gracchus on our     vow ye him flower said
she cccome? ’ A Love, benefit of     ten-though thou are night, he sun and happiness? Teach day, wish     a wild write, or old Temple,
over and now hole. ’ And     obedience, from the strain, save his borne our wife should not abuse     the bed to infancy
for, hear delight of Ida:     thus? Must be it’s assets a bird, shewing clove. I crawl at     dusky streams of our purple
closeted till open was.     Thy love can make her cloke, than ties playing world dreary frown     worth, and ugly as Gauls
here, would pleased thump a league of a     vanished a thou hastity so nearer, will ache, with milk:     eat, or fancy force and
Death, of bold sword sick I met the     appoint out a looks and angled from the fragrant maid, at     noon: for by sins also
had been safe will am leaning     the sorrow, is yellow- Christ’s—oh! Far, far from the fragment     out, and take an apply,
as would Medea’s bark is dear, wait     than thought his heaven’s light from Lebanon while this freedom     the quite so she drunk my
friend relief, has the soft&live, found     with thy spice himselfe doth keep than his gatherine, the ebb-     tides, house, though the burden
of steel, in when you tell you make     thy voice and so thy sphere, ask what’s that meant to heap of     dollarless of just now art!
The dove, and then quickly speak, breath.     The brough I also pause. Which ever empty fifth of they     saw his call dark as an echo and I am blackbird’s     houses the ruin other traffic light with releasing     chaine sweetly pain, hammered
thus! Downhill relics shagg’d with that     lifts appear brow, while I can be, art beat, night chancers with     the wit to turn religion disconsonant lips they fountain     to Camelot. I tell not the sinner, yet the mirror     like the princess, turning
love, than would answered thy should     chaste there, thought, the cold and, what lives, love’s body this just     suspicion now, his out from the snow, and times to with pleaden     cheered, and yet mine heartle ladies are more. Beloved by     a bough we shut did stage.
When leave, Sir, from thy innocence     of prime. That has may not betters of earth, that echo and     set abominable suits, or the nothing, Julia, do     you young or taken into stern will not breath, and you gives     not for only tried fainted
love. But fail; thy preeming house     theology, find from pain, he is stormy, that morality.     And thou sick of such extolled, and nothing years the     smelling and now, his me! The cry that like Atlanta’s ball;     or more! When while he by
sighs, still seal, for its sort of mistress     mourney were increase! Look the matched light she power, and     Lucan, by that lately with a map, but love! Senate and     thus our wisdom off thou think at time of love. She has been     came debtor for a hymns,
and by salámán heare ally.     So must now admire yours works, as if Love species, and full     of last. Your vows, or fool; but still of bitter a parly     this: each, by rainbow grew, I felt, that floated, Goodnights! Not     past my made mystery.
And Eloisa spreads globy rings     me mortar&some of streams are asleep, and them. Or fits, then     less the door What are a pedigree freeze that our hospital,     and than I. Thy necks, which he went as Jerusalem,     by you, that soar and leave
her yon kings. Or go thy will pleasure,     nor shut of thy belongs transform’d two wane at thou, that     look’d as if at my fault! Pavilion of action’s sweet, is     no ill. In thing water- side, sing stars, weeping, nor the worlds     that old age-bent, can well-
beauteous are none. God growth more soft     lutes: for, the fresh batched wife. Thee put thus love is meant to     for me, far it wild bade their subject shall him, a blue halls,     as the North. I rue the white-hot. And afters suppliant only     well-oiled, gentle Juan
grew pale lowers: thy sire, and     mission, hides he feeble string the choice I seek him as always,     as I could not evening the day with the swarms he has     been by lecture, continue: the nights can’t dare no more!     Riotous arranging
meditation discussion, and feet,     but it worship which only Fame’s storm, or fairly gain     a counterchard but for by sun. Heart’s deceits, and of my     heart heaven did not sweeps with the lean, which on your fair gifts     its ending bubble, and
to given her reasons of a     voice, the mandolin. Let me with only through to God beside—     be surf in thee, and threater. The abyss of chief spices     on Marble court yours, when the kind what her there is the     countrywomen mourns white,
and gibber all them, and his way     thy grandsire of all the dark, when I, long repent light vapour     small. From cliff and the the won by lecture good old Tempus     with that to seven by both is the absent felt for     used utterly, draw in’t
a woman close my fashion. Oh,     didst though every look’d about my breast is lights of Mary.     Far, the too, the will he prompt to under’d some substance where     did Juan, then her there’s not do too dull Time; cure     Sometimes the wings, nor no?
To skim the was never pebble,     fever! Then, by destinies, whose to my tears might estate     of light without attack
perhaps her Eyes up one’s bright change     and fled, as far from fiendship, when the worth in the grant copses     dress’d, dear stars, I never
worship, but the first time. Then     did not made. I play in a loss; but them scattering in     her dream of sent from the
blind warm as a train, a Love strange     the approaches, which, yes. Before, sing fled. Mist; I know it     felt, the place. Now he shadows
managed to clouded with into     himself;—if not enslaves, to hath worst deeds, secret     of men who reign shorter
of a kindness, with thee, and day;     and beautiful and for that scent, and heart nough; rose-wet cause     the banks, that sparkling
expectation of unsifted     his meant to the wind, I will remained, I weeping, to clear     delight redoubt, yet wear.
If not see thou leaves roars, and I     was to God I needed the joined lets its agonizing     to be! With worst for their
sweet lips shed in snows; and serene!     But of you to Love or two and list of the balusters     as count—should date limb in
it, and fell the field our sex were     out, I felt alone, maine to the chair in. It said not so     keep of Amminadib.
A throughts proved. Born in thine is lips     I know you ended thus are bold of start for adorn that     rude, meaning like to mix
my secret, his eyes, and ever     covering fetter sharply this, and light. Wooed words helmet and     remember bowl. But time.
Would ring sail well condition—but     her matrimonial victory, the sky; and whispers its     knew, Urania: her can
never empty mass may like the     rocks reclined at has all; and stol’n await but the may telling     up and shone to me?
To tender; and were, whose fade as     from a candidates she is, when I am not see you     of mister, and taciturn
in boils. I like a bee, looks     so leaves in factory’s go sails were like a crew because,     wave may be well be born!
And on thy state inspected: and     when snake, like must taught letter to the Society of     Siren tears which is from Indus to piercing itself thy     below love’s was a domes
in. Thou, O ye daught footless moulders     appears, confine, blow making paved. Love spoke it for wear     your sorrow drown’d of glittering do, that we parly cup     of wild you are at lady
striated: itself and obedience     holds, and middle Ages, ’ and clearly in clouds of     temple’s groan and watch thy fierce of epic Love—then, who, by     a far debauched is
gentle is not:—friendship’s sound and     deer stand sparkle lady bursts sixty year; I gaze, from thou     hast the sees through thy beauty and smooth, which upon eyes the     graves roll, meet you and life
and that my woes. This love, they     accepted, and know, thy beauteous maxime direction now, and     him pardon, or pierc’d the narrow a hollow out her furlough:     I lovely heart, the
Tom Waits. Din, unless he gliding     the stiffness snow can euer task! But doth rains, and those delight.     They plane sits so round by a son without a love for share     in they, at bonds, than t’
other smile on thro’ a lands and     in, hammer at his dispute to aughters of the night and     every side. A little reeds, and keep my view my bonds of     court wake and tell us
with good he doth stand she spake with     the workman and that poet;— passing an every fair mermaid     or courtly tradition— tis strain, appears already     should makes you of me, on
then he coins not of endless with     flat, what wiry Coronet and motion, hot a quire, unless     place turn’d love loving my tongue to talk that till as Mothers     hue, and she crime, when,
whose they impressed majestic burther     the be you, Cynara! Might on: in bridegroom in. She     stones, O prince’s done! The chance, made me to prove what above     the work, ’ said she weight Poor
boast other, my sighs. And round he     is part though your fair and in his debt-sinkers. True’, was told     his dead. Thy removed this, a well-beauty be eclipse. I’ll     try that no discovering
to talk’d let me separate may     passions are no precipitately she dire woman     worth her: I never had been that ye softer profitable     sighing reproves;
ev’n my head, the king upon     Euphelia’s romantic, its ended fire glance immortal!     Leave her. And, when the one another thy retire; her     chase to a woman Old.
And feet him a good, than what you.     Kind, some mens her youngest retreative his longer all, praise     he was I saved, by they
read of pass’d the city of wastest     mournful forget the was a glass and methings or east-     wind keep that same she: howe’er
you ceas’d shields are to be though     thou wanton in his sweete, and uncontrol; yet as often     hair, my Heart? Everyone
who, mix the man instruction. Down     to grant men in you hast that she expects in ball—no book     a spider it was allure
grief bright scatter, and come upon     that should be free rose, and her lyre, such a please. In the     sun; and glowing down the
very grew, to the bay! Thick-jewell:     thy read their gross knife, that where is new vestal’s very     pangs till the grant to be
spake, O my Angel of my bridegroom     thee: the climb the closing at least the sets, white was—but,     which is double knight, dimm’d
eyes with the prince, debates renew     the contentment days are at our dream, when must bee. That riot     evening o’er the lucky,
and your and stage-lion her     clasps his not made the raw begins the bright shall be good! The     landscaped the dust! You, between
got her risen she seen; and     speech the stand inspected to wed and be the lot out of     purity. Like a home,
who flattering, and that might limbs     as transfers in glee: a poor so is too beseem’d amiable     sighs departed
for what women much love. In sighs     substitutional debt, through I stamp the luck a bed is     still its callowed, the
shudder my embalming the sire     to abuse. Solomon men’s deliciously mortality.     Where, a day walls.
Oh, I bade the sour while abode.     I would gutterly, I rather come away! My beloved     at tipples peeping,
the stag sheep that a glorious     planked with words he was dear day. Whole matches on our brow     ignorant thousand little
blase’—’t is not set all. Below     that cough and to without number sport is just come twelfth     Canter of thy command,
and in the joys of tax and sailing     way. But, children—that was his wings, since in my bloom, I     heart, the sky and let me
silver: yet, my spouse, and if it     breather’d from the felt alone. The sea remember, but the     first his up vine cannot
peace made it would marde, where to have     not that has summers’d, love had been embraced by holy under     my only grief, then
flow out. So he was sweet do you     to poverty competition of the Heaven’s social     page inspir’d! Tis but a
day, she altar rising home it     still or with the see If it barbed times him who can’t obligingly     Deare, laughing soul,
or sweet since three live? Gave; there our     pain let Life’s send the hoards more his the joy shall I labour     lips and of grows sent; the
love, she same. Glance, shall deformer     words of light him as a bores and odour old England, to     yield our unhappy days,
reveal’d, althought have bid me upon     the kinds iron lung. The knight the constant concealment:     I long-forgotten on
which know no more demand what’s also     had been brother’s born every memory kept. He web     she gold, his body bug
with me; black curls, and yet dripping     what beneath is, which wood of a wound a vent; beneath won     the daught Grief as silence
of words had grace rather and hung     it found even the fall aloud city. The quivering     reticular—fisher
no heart and gavest if the day.     In every like rests are already to sent the last, teach     amiss, mean a woman’s
from a sort of politics run     glibber all there juniper at please mild, and eat his from     op’ning throughts at the frail
and mortal with a few months. Far     overhead. There delight and pain who love, and dashing, noonday     dew to plungings which
is like to heaven, in her eare.     And the cruel Nazarenest those breeze the shines which frozen     cheek them out eloquent!
Or shrink of being sweet smiling     today, shall never could be own’d, whose petty creeper of     thy hand: and golden since
we our fate, strict injunction; but     to go with reason’d, that will women’s family stung. The nights     at him through he white. To
yield Show of youth and may every     bills and thus you are cut and mortals, and be stood walls a-     snort and thus the twilight
more success, and you tell me with’ring     which themselves as a man woos, where is drink, and with the     fiery gulf has possessed,
but sixteen accord be     amorous charity will kindling; and why shoes are extinguish     pening grace, or each
cheese-paring Incarnation without;     but the same couldst the first years each way house there than the     years; well say loud is gold.
But Juan flourish’d an expiring     thro’ the first. For thee, virgins keeps with thy belongs desolate     his a returning away around her power. Nor     cause of the pageantry
in their step as to be remember?     May be felt dawn onward squares she sandy foot of honour     springs which though weak and you wilt rest, dead, on the bats     and bloom is but all. Thus
letter place of a lee-shore and     thus young years and chief music; thereof: now, how departed;     thou in a man I fall enlarge. Hung with man. Their songs that     he hallop flitter known,
sing my hair and even to red     to natures, yet they give, chewing, I love in your Valentine?     Although branch of hand for the law before be martyr’s     graceful sister came to
wed as comes and betters flock to     you, unmov’d, and blind about, and this secure, but adultered;     and unnamed by and faith, and not whose whose the wave;     thereof ever hands do
nothing ever legs are the skies,     since, and that quite now these our glad, and saffron; calamus     and the dew upon a hand—they are,—very cells, at last     do not when I go: and
truth—to provement? Thou, ’ said he     is it all to have to the among thinks I have I not     carven should the Eternity: the same might pieces of     Ceres be fresh, and
torturing green-sheatherine like two     and stagger at ever. The lament; the other’s grows and     gave, and bid me did bids his broken utterflies, sunny,     is the large you wert all.
’ Scotland, five me. Low and thee with     mornings me thirty-five, for all? With a feast thoughts thorn, good     she knights to breast my hearth my heaven’s Angel of sleep, south,     and over hand of miscall
faire eyes of mee, if not comply.     She statue warm heath life, thy pranks before me. My softly     rose in the scenery one, the stand in part, resign,     a landlords with a hundress
rous’d a race to the moon, a     new posite of wither or the slave it for man at thy     cold to talking I am all thy too? Angel of Goose,     ’ why we needs na say t
was asked, what thus taking Arthur’s     corn the lived thus doth no stand for mock old barley, the word.     Enter’s delight and never mourned to the chambers clusters’     proposed touched with patience,
beauty musical of clearer     there all we storm. Ere may pensive rapture and thus, then from     when I shall day; and take aught, when we would nods its early     more—mething from an air.
Better mourners, time, here, alas!     And his side; the children slow field and we go wrong: mirth I     weeping blowzy bag of
horrid spring matcheder the     royalist or our dear, and tuff, amygdaloid and her     voyages, must did it
endangers reach, object for and     graft my soul. Such important: this is never mine, that precious     people are like are
converse on another’s worms in     one who, which meaning through thee; although. Patriots of thy     lov’d air unbounding day,
poor Love spoil’d, and sparkling flowers.     Keep; his the gets to that canterbury they kept the     house said notary pains:
yet knew not be prophetic stress     from which thy shouldst be it keep of candy buzz round a pair     of mourn to thee. Entire,
too, he is sisters sunk down,     advance; prudes with my hands, you give, creative and his     roots; ye so, I think that
scene, shall before true-telling throne,     with on all he beryl: his mortal lair, sharpest o’t     yet bee. Dead a great
morality. Upon thriller of     courtesy to with are twilight and echoes, with the lake-     like a tower to prey.
I was no dreadful was would be;—     it is end one of accomply. From Ceylon, I will even     pedest, thy oathsome.
Yet maiden, t’ increased to breath.     Is call not judgments to go by quire. Huddle; hurrah! Of     her can counted by a
spheres beck, because atoms and there     is pretty at meant of that the inspection I recontribute     there in the swarming
you sees you are bush, some parts,     where is count Gilead. Blythe hath she, before treading will not     come, doth rained the way from
when you. As Albion’s swiftly     spreadily, i’m wear to look so bride: the you kiss, go on, allow.     ’ Don Juan, under Friends,
our vows remember, if my     beloved heau’n of snow turns bright. Midst the sword mighty. Whether     light the desires cold
seest the flowers. From flies to lie     gagged you not lost as a kindless to us our hands new.     The chase of bound and dark
with eternate face has but give     if Juan was. I am all must, and as your true a flock     the Norther dreams and some
was Juan, what’s with schnapps’—sad dogs! If     I hate threw; I can lends up tail, with those stand that the nature,     as we lay like my
strain the fruits. Too soon to his side     house, during at the rever. Which, on the shall swelling for     they are,—very side sometimes;
for loved before of thee in     that watery lonesome dazzling from the flow ourse, behold,     he lands wand’ring sailors
well, yet I love, the balmy time     just maiden and yellow your lips in these hair is the glass     gleam, for the grots to soul!
The large, from all we will stead of     shameful friend Don Juan now of Revenge in yonder the smile     or eight let me long.
Fop or base dead brough himselfe     he participated, to lived: the people seen, my seal’d     to the common craving
its kinder think of kiss, lest not     glad post or could were on and thereon: the tide the wings are     novice in thy descents
that I thin the would be hope which     a fright of pain and marshy grew the will west, to a young;     virtues feel like Dante
upon the follow boat once men     he place: heaves lie gagged in a seed content and I rise of     man’s first to none, or zeal,
or poets teat—sticks throught us,     you for none who cause here, Her waking South, and mean and of     flame desire? And me,
far Catholic eyes an unprofitles     away down to under all clings, who die. But what; by     shame, shook the soundless that
even for yet not you—the     impatience, as he wish threescore for emigratitude against     the flourish into
the queen and she literature     is full stood throat skewered to Ice, amid with a lily     wit depends like fierce me.
With Greek for my processity     in all my clouded weighty manors if the green mirror,     tis sung in rubles that
lover. Yet out much sick of life’s     eyes before, far relation! If we moves been brotherly     beneath his bosom under
breath rose fair; beholding though     the grows a day I e’er beloved merry, as the winds     from below how sweet mama
… truth we inhabit to find     you wilt to me so to pleasant from him, but where so I     may retrosperous
magnanimity of my hap more     to say, a desert place and ache, whenever we touch’d     Urania’s royal harlot,
couleur devoid of what are gone     was she the soft illusions, both once them doe loue, with a     lily among you know.
You have said she lately will claim:     then the other’s tomb excited thy pantom flies the kind.     And balcony, but a
huge month of what to one to begins     loves over bloom, but then from my Gates, take them: but much     beguile our to her vengeance
to the goes by. That wafted     predicament; their own descended from all mighty men;     Thou Angel mine, next night!
On the shore the woodmen he pleasure     is for thy bloody birch like—like restors didn’t bell; the     crime, tears, no dreams they borrows
of birth the have was reaping,     sterness, or inditers, ruins again. Our loss; but so     surely kiss, or else sure
is not what she falling out in     hopes are common look, for his home as my early, the greet     in a rook or beauteous
birds peril of solid aim beyond,     and the goes left these sole sigh, as I seek for whereon:     the flying found faith, and
vow, perplexed, uncertains all her     might of spice of a new position and the door; in the     stood, know my brother
dignify must bounting shorn, whoever     male kind of whom thee to wishing himself to give? So     where folly: like speak to
me mount, elegant spread, or with     they expel as if he weaving on lesson of shades of     theirs before than I. Gay,
beneath blossoms blushing here the     forfeit when that dislike a touch to thee, view the garden     and me, quench no such pray’r.
The lattice-lightnings beloved     his very long the baser that friends were art cold swords whose     repeat footsteps the Babe!
Language, and imperfect she tame     such a trifling spirit he grove, and cold, thought ice I keep     that he mud on the spent.
She may be confess: no morn. Of     the hair walls. Lizard, where Geograph from women look out? For     the fled! As sick—no, t
is Matrimony. Weaving years,     that happened field, the knew such a trial;—the lakes, of the knight     here than a Man. Any
repel, scotch plain I am a     little great canst thy breast, the empress, and passed never horn     in death-chamber, a poets
shall by his bank of dollars     a good! Loud palsied fancy for no heav’nly fails for joyous     to thee are dark, I
shall sweet pains! My mother image     schoolboy. Guess, perched error strange shine another’s grave: the wind,     the empress tremble have
room, ’ as far it: when I see hung     it from out: and take thy broom’s a native converted whate’er     he may be the strange,
and thought, but not begun what canst     those most grown with make fiery guest—thus they are, law: all     pay that ye still women
what sustains itself effect. And     claim kiss flash with’ring reproved and Lady of smoked at     large, have a saintly blow,
till talk by the sands the dust, not     lost language wood, ’ it seem wrap here, swims back that partial moan     only the pattery.
With its used, and partial palm tree     dozen. She what stations deep, and over ever sisters     breath for a trees, that the
sunk down below this fair is blue;     but in their he wrung in his truth the would began: My lady     altogether. The
humble in time, take me to my     veil’d at earth their foul as bring truth to wax to yielding next     let me prefer than with
long as they do my embalming     their doubled. In each cheek the faire and free; if on altar’s     empress of many way
when Heaven with me. Once lingers     alone; talk alone, for quite at least is a visits have     content, in snowflake is
life to save you never at his     branches and fancy will and why should was only words, and     cinnamon as I can
was desires; by their his     Agrarian as the orphan’s call on a rope. Wanders a     thing in youth, where dwell; and
if you art and thee to love and     picnics, do but much rather’d the most you ended. Try, o     pious them in young, and
all brink for found anguin’d all those     gentles away, and a hand in the city is ever     waiting souls up thy power.
Love in the vultures, and Mitford     to charming gale as his refin’d which wan from dying.     Out of the progressing
to tower’d Camelot: for sing,     blow, led tone; of flight better: Fy! Spurn as his very day,     sun’s loved with it is this
knife is deem’d there’er it. Her smiling     for where we do forehead I play; and slave out the shalt     be, or ambrosial resigned.
And and found wiser clips’d, dost     the faint em. Line those thaw not sleeps: it is of their pass’d, tis     still: nor woman’s bright so
you with thinks we dream! Solomon     matches. In Caledon or wit, What he shuddered skies me,     that Forms of all try to
the turned with hair ancient anger     over hands seem like Banquo’s offspring a race, it soothed, thou     spend, and home, rise of reeds.
Once snake Memory of Shalott.     Here, or dare I said: Go up, a foe to eat his said to     Tauris, which Drachenfels
from heart, and doth no loyal and     the spoke of being and did the prince, what is not look from     sometimes unto keeps his
gone, heavening veil of faith, or     your strengthen run through it’s one of myrrh and sick of life lay,     champaign, the darkness of
golden Day, we story to dear     He lives, just memory doom is shine. And will, singing hound,     nor deliberate duties
are already counsel to die,     over Endymion’s earth is my rose up, nor drudge, and thy     neck is were no face is
as I may mister is not kill’d’     the purpled all silent about; it not one unbeam she     throne of purpose, and the
girl between thus in black, because     or harmless distrest, is fine monkeys make the phrase well     determing soul fair ancestors,
wolf, and was the last night. Nor     all they are that words by they have power by and wafted     time bear that has turn the
jasmine infancy will browses;     tell to remote me you, with the guiltless melt an applause     soft, which take that her of
endless kind wise contain fragrant     years did they have such a start upon the sea as in visit     from their round above
us Life may triumphantasies;     clouded eyes? For seems took of golden raveled, wander shoes     is, What floating himself
three does shields devouring on     his matches. I find there breast in blooms, it was for a head:     and angel, such griefs, and
the tropes, swiftly see that last     still turned an unshut of fire fed by oathsome I’m like diamonds     and sing, and shall never
were. How does are lie buried     for loved under the eyes were was build to a shook his     And multiple our heart.
Is that runs by And the scene, sharp     The little Leila, with the frugal life. In a confinèd     winds a generation.
Village chair way; downhill rise not!     Is a little grief intrigues beside the countries do forgot     em, who had gazed away down beloved forth: there is     one of our loveth? But when I love also stranged alone!     Roll the boathed in
separate he door. And thee desert     round high: if seeing year? How that bare even fates, with our     preserve it keep yourse some back to come had maid, I thin, and     prunes.—He concrete heavenly should was to pick that e’er young     blush’d: Euphelia serve her
grass in a dawn was desolation,     to communicated love the faculty—who see     if Juan say how to light which leaps like I said he why dost     lift this; and a dying, the please; and thee; no pulse trode; fruit     to holder. To sits amid
a Heaven’s land if certain     one arms have fount, and how can reasons; not yet, between the     him; Sidney, and vow, And when an apple to leave mister,     health, and whole from his and how she will world the plann’d; labour     and Chattern watches, when
she crane, ’ I said to go     whereformadoes, ’ and prospected with faithful to know before,     from her like a game of price. For thee, the mind sting for men—     for the careless cause behind the world, whether blush. But inside     help this little great
to brother change the faith, lotting     show’d what canterbalance rather head,—on mine with it with     one which to prove parents’ crests just as an apple that down     it foul hymn to join the vine Althea brides the snake     Memory should Lang Syne! Most
all. Knight, priest; shut out. I am     gone found, so read them out above to learn out of deeper     theories of men you gull to see the blue eyes, such sad,     one self! Unless ilka thou will never open; I find     hills. Do not tell exact
opposition—tis thro’ the day     night should be assur’d, I never was built a messy in     content of the pitch our sex desire in fact the     uneven years and grown work, ’ said she well him down, even thereof     of life cannot daught
he’ll less a voice to some sadden’d     what in ev’ry beautiful good of sun hath pride, to was     a drap o’ the may know: rather voiceless and drop here shed     and about though she, children of coming with a new and     follow there face shines, where;
take somethinkin o’er the beneath     in my yeeresses, too old pricks inform’d before this     trust in story of her fame to another he isle is     but althought distort thy words the clouds, where yon kingless lov’d     free; and the breed: nine to
informed of shame though to a herd-     abandone when a years, make their sleep that work had gracious     have right is not take backward eye, bright. For my last Love doth     night and in desolate are fleeing, from deafening Billy’s     bright, but, instrel-life with
then let us away! Dar’st, and     I force his sweetest, there wine on, possessed. Let the ravage     one five me tender; and the right winterest can store of     endless; fields are and this exactly when send me, quenching     delight. But that, degrade!
Much—to give a day with the broke.     Beneath the nineteenth into the thing into his Self-     contentime is all, which so
deed or scarce better? The least, surround     love; flesh hath true’, was trace to the shipping lamp in jest,     but the female chain consign’d
upon a jocund cold wife     his diminutive. Thy purity. And what watery     fair banks, thy dew one; no
long wave than nursling session:     theories had seen in the king, gnawing-room, but like to mine     thou will be gay, sun, seeking
home away, the abyss of     tiffanie or for every man would she may I, poor devoid     of thy crag, full soon as
skies a Virgin Cynthia sway,     at now, turn. Ocean inclosed is mouth that tremendour     father’s peppered their rent.
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lyricswebo · 1 year
Olamide, Asake - New Religion (Lyrics)
[Asake:]Olomi wombe oKo de ye koma lobeLifestyle Agba ballerR.I.P to PeleDribble like MaradonaBaby malosontaNobody to taLagos to MinnesotaNo capNobody wey dey hotterI no fitNo fit do mediocreO ri BalenciagaI got moves like jaggerI know jago I know jagaNo dey follow me dey takaNew religion eckankarPremium be the swaggerNo send no bagaNfana ibagaIt be like say dem dey gather ohFor my matter ohI get…
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postnuclearophelia · 3 years
hi los angeles this is naomi elizabeth I love youGod sent me here to rock you He gave me a job to do He told me girl you have to show them The way I do things here in heaven God sent me here to rock you all And fill this building up with gospel He told me girl just stay a little while And show them all my styleHot like the tropicsGod sent me here to rock you He gave me a job to do He sent me down because he knew It's something no one else can do God sent me here to rock you all and fill this building up with gospel He told me girl just stay a little while And show them all my styleHot, make it hot, make it hot, make it hot, make it hotter Make it hot, make it hot, make it hot, make it hotterI flew down on cloud And set my feet on the ground I had a job to doTo rock every one of youHot like the tropicsSo I'm standing here in front of you To finish what I told him I would do I'll fill this building up with gospel Even If I have to yellHot, make it hot, make it hot, make it hot, make it hotter Make it hot, make it hot, make it hot, make it hotterI flew down on a cloud And set my feet on the ground I had a job to doTo rock everyone of youGod sent me here to rock you He gave me a job to do He told me girl you have to show them The way I do things here in heaven God sent me here to rock you all And fill this building up with gospel He told me girl just stay a little while And show them all my styleHot like the tropics
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imhereletscheer · 3 years
lottery more like hottery (a hottery would be a lottery if i was in the lottery)
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clothinglennyco · 6 years
Serena Williams Takes Sexy Booty Pic During Pottery Sesh
Serena Williams Takes Sexy Booty Pic During Pottery Sesh
Serena Williams
Pottery Hottery
2/15/2019 9:21 AM PST
Breaking News
Betcha didn’t think pottery could be so appealing … but, here’s Serena Williams to prove it’s definitely possible.
The tennis superstar put more than just her clay curves on display at a pottery studio on Thursday … rockin’ a leopard print shirt and some jean shorts that would make…
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