#how about instead of ‘teaching principals to shoot’ and ‘allowing teachers to conceal carry’
swiss-army-fangirl · 2 years
tw discussion of school shootings in the tags
#absolutely beyond pissed that people’s ‘solution’ is to hire armed guards for schools#do you have ANY idea how fucking BULLSHIT that is?#it’s a fucking SCHOOL. NOT A BANK. NOT A MILITARY INSTALLATION. A FUCKING *SCHOOL*#how about instead of ‘teaching principals to shoot’ and ‘allowing teachers to conceal carry’#BOTH of which make them targets to gunmen and open up the possibility of accidents or worse#WE. FUCKING. REGULATE. GUNS#i should NOT just be able to WALK INTO A WALMART lay down $1k and buy a MILITARY GRADE WEAPON#how the fuck is that even acceptable in the first place??? doesn’t that sound fucking insane???#‘it would be so much to regulate’ that never stops the government from making other people walk through an ASININE amount of hoops to#LIVE IN THE US#IT TAKES DOCUMENTED WORKERS +10 PLUS YEARS TO GET A VISA. I COULD HIT POST AND DRIVE TO WALMART#FIFTEEN MINUTES FROM MY HOUSE. AND BUY A GUN#i don’t have the words for how SHIT i felt when i couldn’t even feel SAD finding out there was a shooting today#of course i grieve for those kids and their families. and the adults and THEIR families#but i remember when BEING in school and hearing about this would set me on edge for weeks#i at one point in college legitimately feared for my life bc i knew a guy who Could Create A situation like that and knew i’d be a target#it’s fucking sick. it’s absolutely fucking sick that people have grown numb to this. to CHILDREN. DYING. in a place that they’re supposed#to feel safe#i fucking hate it here. i’m so sick of how completely ass backwards this country is and how there’s no desire to correct it.#nothing fucking constructive i can do about it either. besides log off. which i’ll do anyways.#if you made it this far you’re a real one.#veenty deeby
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