#how can they look so pretty pls im at my last straw...........
Hello, I don’t have a prompt or nothing cuz I’m not that mentally creative, but !!!! can i pls get autistic Reid with Morgan angst and like a frens to luvers fic blurb thingy? god im terrible at this I’m sorry 🙈
(you are certainly not terrible at this and i love this prompt!!)
Also this ended up longer than I expected so it's posted on AO3 also!
Spencer Reid is excellent at reading victims, witnesses, suspects, and unsubs - it's what he does for a living, after all - which makes it all the more frustrating that he can't read Derek Morgan. At least, not what he wants to read about Derek Morgan, which is whether he shares the same feelings as Spencer. The fluttery-tummy, the smiling every time he hears his voice, the pining.
At first he hopes the feelings will go away - that it's just a silly crush, and he'll move on. But after three years working together, the feelings are stronger than ever, and that's when he decides he needs to do something about it.
So when the team is going to a club one night after work to let off some steam, and Derek asks Spencer specifically if he'll come this time - even though Spencer never comes out with them - this time he gives in and says yes.
He changes at home beforehand, hoping if he makes himself look "normal" then maybe acting "normal" will come easier to him. He puts on his one pair of jeans and a soft fitted purple t-shirt he bought to wear on a date once, and he switches his contacts for his glasses, because his eyes are tired. In the interest of "normalcy," he leaves his satchel at home, carrying only his phone and wallet in his pockets.
"Pretty boy!" Derek calls when Spencer walks in the door. "You made it!"
Spencer tries to focus on Derek's voice, his smile, his apparent happiness at seeing Spencer, and ignore the loud music, flashing lights, and crowds of people that have him immediately on edge. He waves to the rest of the team, who are all dancing, and walks over to stand next to Derek at the bar.
"What are you drinking?" Derek asks, and Spencer tries to weigh whether alcohol will make this better or worse. He decides he'd rather be in control as much as possible.
"Shirley Temple," he says, and when Derek laughs, it's friendly, not mean.
They take their drinks to a table, and Spencer realizes he should have brought his bag, if only to have the strap to fidget with, or one of the soft pieces of flannel he keeps inside to rub against his skin. Instead, he taps his feet and pretends he can hear what Derek is saying over the noise, and when he invites Spencer to come dance, Spencer says he'll catch up in just a moment. The minute Derek is gone, Spencer bolts.
He heads to the bathroom first, locking himself in a stall and covering his ears, trying to block out the thumping bass that feels like it's pressing in on him from all sides. He has a headache from all the perfumes and colognes and drinks and sweat and he lifts up the bottom of his shirt and holds it over his nose, trying to breathe through it like a filter. The flashing lights are gone, but one of the bulbs in the bathroom is flickering, and every part of this is too much.
Spencer finally decides that if this is what it's going to take to get Derek's attention, he might as well give up on ever being with him, because he absolutely, positively cannot do this. He doesn't even realize how hard he's punching his arm until it turns dark red, like it's about to bruise, and it's the last straw because even the bad stims aren't helping, and he can feel himself starting to fracture, lose the single thread he still seems to be hanging by.
He sneaks out the back door of the club and runs all the way home, keeping his focus on the way his leg muscles feel, and the slap of his Converse on the sidewalk, and the wind in his hair, and it's not until he's back in his apartment, huddled in his closet, screaming into one pillow and punching a pile of others, that he even thinks to check his phone.
From: Morgan Hey Pretty Boy, where'd you take off to?
From: Morgan Kid, seriously, where are you?
From: Morgan No one else has seen you and I checked the bathroom. Tell me you're okay
From: Morgan Spencer, you're really freaking me out
Missed call from: Morgan (11)
"Fuck!" Spencer screams into the pillow, and it's the last straw.
He throws his phone across the room and starts to rock forward and backward, hard enough that his head slams against the wall, flapping his hands as hard as he can, losing himself in shame and frustration and rage and humiliation.
He doesn't hear the knock at the front door, and the doesn't hear the door open, and he doesn't hear anybody enter the room, and when his hand hits something warm and solid he just punches it, and when he rocks back and his head hits a pillow instead of the wall, he starts to scream, and then to cry, and when he finally tires himself out, he collapses on the wood floor and falls asleep, and still doesn't realize there's someone else there, someone who carefully picks him up and lays him on his bed, removing his shoes and laying a blanket over him.
Spencer doesn't sleep for long, and when he wakes, Derek is sitting in the armchair in the corner, reading one of his books.
"What the fuck are you doing here?" Spencer asks, trying to piece together the last several hours and finding no memory of inviting Derek over.
"You scared me, kid," Derek says, putting the book down. "You disappeared without saying anything, you didn't answer your texts or my calls. I thought something had happened to you! I was about to call the police before I figured I should check your apartment first. By the way, don't leave your front door unlocked."
"I don't usually," Spencer mumbles.
"What happened?"
"I just had to get out of there," he tries to explain. "It was-- everything was too much, and I thought I could be normal for one night but I was wrong, and I'm sorry I ruined your night--"
"You didn't ruin my night," Derek says. "Is that why you never want to come out to the clubs with us? Because it's... too much?"
"I get sensory overload," Spencer says quietly. "And I left my bag at home."
"Your bag?"
"I carry things that help. So I don't flip out like this all the time, especially on cases."
Morgan nods and moves from the armchair to the foot of the bed, where Spencer is now sitting up, still wrapped in the blanket.
"And when you got home?" Derek asks carefully. "When I got here, you were, uh..."
"I can't-- I can't talk about this right now, Derek," Spencer says desperately. "Can you just, I don't know, Google autism when you get home?"
"Yeah, of course I can," Derek says, raising an eyebrow. "If I'd known, I would have done that a long time ago."
"You didn't know? Really?"
"No, I just... I don't know. Thought you were--"
"Quirky," Derek says. "But now that I know, I'll learn about it. And you can always share things, if you feel like it. If you think they would be helpful for me to know."
"Why do you care so much?" Spencer blurts out. "You don't have, like, an obligation to take care of me, just because you know now. You can pretend this never happened."
"I care about you," Derek says, moving closer to sit next to Spencer on the bed. "I care about you a lot, Spencer."
"Y-you do?"
"More than I should, maybe," he says with a small laugh. "I've cared about you since the minute I first saw you."
"Care about me like... the way friends care about each other?" Spencer whispers, and when Derek shakes his head no, Spencer reaches for his hand.
"If I'd known clubs were so painful for you, I would have invited you somewhere else. I just wanted to spend time with you. I always want to spend time with you."
"Derek," Spencer says, squeezing his hand, and before he can lose his nerve, Spencer leans in and kisses him softly on the mouth.
He pulls back and blinks a few times, waiting for Derek to tell him he's got the wrong idea, that he should leave, that this was all a misunderstanding. Instead, Derek leans in and kisses him back, deeper.
"I thought I'd never get to do that," Spencer murmurs.
"Me too," Derek replies.
"Can we-- do you want to go on, like, a coffee date with me?" Spencer asks. "Maybe tomorrow?"
"I'd like that very much. That, uh, doesn't mean we have to stop kissing now, though, does it?"
"Absolutely not." Spencer smiles, pulling Derek closer and deciding that maybe "normal" is overrated.
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ushijima x fem!reader x kita | w.c 1.2k
a/n: omg ok so here’s my fic for the super cool + epic collab for my server ;)) i’m rlly nervous cus i’ve never written a. fic like this so pls don’t be mean!!!! but like pls leave a comment below <333 also don’t forget to follow me (or i’ll BITE U jk xD) omg omg ok and don’t forget to check out the other fics for this super epic hot collab <33333 right here kidnapped by hq !!!!!!
warnings: inane rambling, i literally did not proofread this i would take breaks and start again without checking what i wrote last so it’s defs not coherent
I was just ur every day kind of girl. Nothing special to anyone...not ev en myself. All i knew was wake up, brush my hair (and teeth obvi!!)  and go out and go to university and to my part time job as a waitress ina  diner where not a lot of people would go to. Anway today was one of those boring days, i woke up with my alarm blaring at 6:00 am because i have a class at 8:00 am… it’s my least favorite one too. But yeah so i got up super early and made myself apple cinnamon brown sugar oatmeal and black coffee bc i’m also kinda broke bc i ran away from home bc my parents were those snobby rich people and i didn’t wanty end up like that ya know? i put on a really simple outfit bc i was feeling lazy since i woke up late!
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(we need to bring back sillly bandz! they r so much fun!!) 
So i was walking to my early 8 oclock class all the way on the otherside of campus when suddenly ther e was a frisbee flying right at my face! I tried to dodge it but it still hit me right in the nose and i screamed so loud i didnt hear anything else but me screaming in really loud pain. 
“Are u ok??” i grab my nose in pain but it doesnt rlly feel broken or bleeding so i open my eyes that i didnt evern realized that i had close to see rlly gold eyes staring down at me. I scrunch up my eyebrows bc im confused bc he’s wearing overalls and a straw hat? Did i hit my head or something and am now seeing things?
“I’m ok do i know u?” i ask.. despite him looking weird in his farmer outfit he looked familiar so i had to ask.
“Sometimes i go to the diner u work at after im done at the farm bc there are good mochi waffles (a/n omg wait do they serve mochi waffles at dinners? I’ve only had it from  bakery xD)” he says with a really cool tone. I nod my head bc it makes sense. Before i can say thank you to him for asking how i am doing he grab my hand “please marry meand my cofarmer” 
“W-w-w-what??????” i yell my heart is pounding bc even though he is really super pretty i don’t eevn remember him ever being at the diner and like i remember a lot of my customers faces bc a lot of them come back a lot. 
“Marry us we will make u super happy pls it was love at first sight.” he says confidendtly (sp?) as he holds my hand tighter and tighter.
“I-i-i-i-i-i don’t even know ur name???” i whisper softly under my breath, “HOW can i marry u???”
“Shinsuke…..” a deep voice goes off behind me and i pull my hand out of his hand to look behind me, a big big BIG man stands there also wearing overalls and a straw hat and also a single wheat hanging from his kissable lips.
“Wakatoshi i have found the perfect housewife for us,, i have asked her to marry us.”
“But i’m just a normal girl from a normal world, how can i possible be apart of the world the two of you have made in the farm world?” the offer was amazing, the life of a housewife for these two perfect men that i’ve met by chance.
“She doesn’t havea choice the wedding is tonight ur marrying us.” the man who was called wakatoshi says with a very serious voice and facial expression. before i can ask hes suddenly pulling me to my feet and dragging me away.
“i have class!!” i say in protest as he continues to pull me towards a green tractor.
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“you don’t need education…do you know how to sweep and cook eggs? and maybe make butter?” shinsuke asks following behind as wakatoshi pulls me onto the tractor.
“of course i can make eggs! but why butter?”
“we live on a farm darlin’ ya gotta know how to make butter.” shinsuke says and i nod my head. it makes sense.
“i can’t just leave my life behind tho i’ve gotten this far all by myself” i sigh even tho i’m comfortably sitting in wakatoshis lap i can’t let myself fall victim to their charms!!! i’m independent !!!
“give it up already your ours now…..” wakatoshi says seriously. i pout. he can’t just talk to me like that. i’m not a kid! i go to unverisity and have a job!!! 
“it’s too late ur already wearing the engagement ring” i look down at my hand and gasp to see a beautiful ring on my finger.
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“this cant be real?” i shake my head my head.
“we already have your dress and the venue ready.”
“what?” the big grrrn tractor pulls up to a really pretty outdoor wedding venue. my jaw drops to see my entire family, even my parents waiting.
“go in there” wakatoshi points at a tent and i nod. i walk over and am immediately being changed by two guys who look the same?
“don’t worry we r gay.”
“and twins.”
“but not gay for each other bc that’d be illegal or something  and the author would get Cancelled™” it makes sense. i turn and look in the mirror and i gasp. i look beautiful. i may be an average girl but in this moment my velvet chestnut locks are curled to perfect perfection and the makeup isn’t too much or too little. these gay twins sure worked their magic!
i step out of the tent and look down the aisle to see my two farmer husbands looking handsome as ever (here’s what we look like teehee xD i know we look super cute!!) 
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“y/n, im sorry me and ur moms bitchy richness made u run away but please let me walk u down the aisle on ur wedding day.”
“hello my name is agayshi and i am also gay, and here to officiate your wedding.”
“wait ur gay too?”
“yeah i’m married to that guy over there in the wacky inflatable cars salesman suit but we’re both respectively fucjing one of those gay twins. any way. do you y/n y/m/n y/l/n take shinsuke canonical rice farmer and ushijima farmer au to be your lawfully wedded husbands?”
“i-“ i look between the two men. my dream wedding. my dream men. i look around at all my friends and family. i nod.
“yeah i do.”
“congrats you may kiss the bride” at the same time wakatoshi and shinsuke grab my head and manage to mash all 3 of our mouths together.
i’m just so happy.
….or so i thought.
i woke up, it all turned out to be a dream </3
(a/n: hey everyone sorry for the sad ending but like...r there rlly happy endings in real life?? soz i just think we need to get more realistic w our fanfics </3)
like. comment. subscribe for more awesomesauce fics like this ;) !!! 
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tteokdoroki · 4 years
💜- alright last part of my poly hawks and mirko story, anyone have any requests for the next one?
You wake up to the sound of whisper yells,
“We should wake her up, she needs to drink water and eat something! This whole week she hasn’t been able to recover and she needs to eat!” You hear a voice say, you assume it’s Rumi but you’re too exhausted to check.
“She needs some rest, and I’m not gonna wake her up. She looks so peaceful,” you hear keigo say, arms tighten pulling you closer to his chest.
“Bird brain stop trying to hid her with your wings,”
“No, I cleaned up the apartment while you two were asleep, now it’s my turn to get my cuddles,” keigo whines.
Opening your eyes you look up at keigo, who doesn’t even notice your awake. Rumi has a tray of food in her hands, and she is wearing a hoodie and shorts. You realize that you’re lying on Keigo’s chest, an arm wrapped around you.
“ hi baby, you were so good to us this week, so so good. We couldn’t have asked for a better wife,” Rumi says noticing that you’re awake. She puts down the tray of food and kisses your forehead.
“I’m sorry feather, did we wake you up?” Keigo asks, gently brushing the hair away from your eyes with his free hand.
You shake your head no, voice too sore to speak.
“Here baby, drink up. I bet you’re dying of thirst,” Rumi says grabbing a cup and beginning to pour some water in it.” Keigo, can you please help sit her up?” She asks brining the cup over to the both of you.
Keigo takes it from her hands, as you were about to grab it,”come on feather, let us take care of you,” he says nuzzling his face in your neck as he brings the straw up to your lips,”you were an angel for us this week, let us return the favor,”
You finish drinking and Rumi takes the cup from you, climbing ontop of the bed she holds out an unwrapped lozenge for your throat.
“This will help baby,” she says plopping the sweet tasting medicine in your mouth.
“You wanna eat first? Or take a bath? Or something else?” Keigo asks, sitting up straight, using a wing to help hold you to his chest.
“Bath, please,” you ask as both Rumi and keigo smile.
“Of course feather, Rumi did you get the stuff on the list?” Keigo asks shuffling to the side of the bed, picking you up in his arms and standing up.
“Of course I did Keigo, “
“Wait, what did you get? “You ask, peeking up. They just smile.
“Well, We thought you might enjoy some pampering, so I got you some of those bath salts that are good for sore muscles, some face masks, and some other goodies for you,” keigo said, placing you don’t on the bathroom counter.
“You guys, you didn’t have to, you both are the best,” your smile grew as you kissed them both on their cheek.
“We wanted to, you were so perfect for us, so we wanted to pamper you. Now, let us take care of you,” Rumi says as keigo fills up the bathtub. They both strip down, and keigo steps in first, being careful with his wings. Once you and Rumi are in, keigo takes the shower head and gently begins to wash your hair, giving you a nice scalp massage.
You just smile, closing your eyes as Rumi begins to put the bath salts in.
“You’re so pretty, how did I get so lucky for the two most gorgeous girls to stick around with me,” keigo says admiring you and Rumi.
“Hmm. You’re right, I’ll just take my baby bunny and leave you,” Rumi says jokingly grabbing your hand and kissing it.
Keigo scowls and shields you from rumi’s sight,”no. Mine. Both of you are mine, and I’m yours.” He grumpily says as Rumi laughs and tries to move his wings out of the way.
“I know bird brain, I’m just joking. I love you both,”
“I love you both too,” you say as keigo rinses the shampoo out of your hair and starts to put conditioner in.
You try to reach for his shampoo or rumi’s when they stop you,”these next few days are about you, not us. “Rumi says grabbing your hands and kissing them.
You go to argue but keigo stops you,”no if’s, and’s or buts,” he says as Rumi begins to lather your body up with nice smelling soap.
“What kind of food do you want for later, I know you like miso soup? I picked up some of your favorites from the store?” Rumi asks, as keigo rinses the conditioner out of your hair.
“We can order out, pick up that meal you really like,” keigo adds, kissing your face.
“Order out please?” You ask, leaning your head against Keigo’s chest.
“Anything for you feather,”
Rumi stands up, and gets out first,”wait here, I’m going to get some towels and bathrobes.
Keigo turns you to face him, “how many times have I said that I loved you today?” He asks with a smile on his face.
“At least ten,” you say
“Hmmm, that’s not enough,” he says kissing your nose,”nothing I ever do will be enough to show how much I love you,”
Rumi comes in with a bunch of fluffy towels and bathrobes.
“Come on keigo, don’t hog them, and the water is getting cold,” she says holding out a towel for you. Keigo picks you up and places you in the ground, his hands around your waist, supporting your body weight.
“Do you think you can stand?” He asks.
“I got this ,” you say, as keigo loosens his grip around your waist. Your legs immediately buckle and both keigo and Rumi grab you.
“Okay, maybe I was a bit overconfident,” you say laughing. As Rumi wraps you in a towel.
“You’re gonna give us a heart attack one day.” Keigo says as Rumi carries you in the bedroom, gently tossing you on to the bed.
Keigo is carrying a basket with lotions and leave in products.
They spend the next hour just massaging you, you can barely keep your eyes open by the time they’re done.
By now it’s around 12 pm, you’re dressed, had something to drink, showered and currently you’re bending fed chicken ramen with mushrooms, egg, and lots of veggies, with chicken. Wrapped up in their arms as you listen to the go back and forth, Rumi calling keigo a cannibal when he eats some of the chicken, and keigo telling Rumi that if she keeps thumping her foot on the floor there is gonna be a hole. They love play fighting, and you love watching them playfully banter. Cause at the end of the day, you three are curled up together, underneath a pile of blankets, watching movies together.
pls keigo gets so clingy and baby like after his rut all he wants to do is scoop you up in his wings and make a little nest with you :((( he makes room for rumi too n cuddles his babies into his chest aaaa brings you both shiny gifts because he wants you guys to know how grateful he is and how much he adores you !!! rumi pampering you both and letting you help wash keigo’s big wings and his hair aaa he’s literally you guy’s baby!!
rumi dressing you up in her clothes and spoon feeding you while kei just clings to your side and Does Not Leave im in love <33
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cloudhayato · 4 years
*pulls up to the drive-through* can i get an imagine where y/n is bleeding out and dying and she asks xanxus (blood type o so he’s a universal donor 😍) if he would donate blood to her? and what his reaction would be?
Sure!! I tried to be as in character as possible and i dont remember the events of canon very well so im sorry fow any inconsistencwies >w<
You’re no stranger to conflict. It was abundant in the mafia, from territory disputes to hits on powerful individuals, you knew what you were getting into.
Still, you never imagined that you would qualify for the VARIA of all things. A completely elite squad that was a height barely anyone ever reached. Guess picking up languages from all those places you lived, and becoming adept at killing, really served you well in the end. You should probably be more worried about what that says about you, but you’ve thrown morals to the wind a long time ago.
But now wasn’t the time to get distracted. While you were familiar with conflict, this was on a scale you’ve never seen before. It had been ten years since you joined the VARIA as their cloud guardian, proving your skills when you saved their boss, Xanxus, from an assassination attempt while he was busy fighting off several other threats from the front. This had ended up with you getting very close to the man, and soon became one of his commanders.
That’s why he trusted you to join the fight with the Millefiore, where it was a desperate power struggle with numbers on par with armies. This was no small dispute, this was straight up war, and while stress and fear edge you on in the peripheries of your mind, looking your boss in the face gives you strength.
“Bel and Fran, you go together. Head east or some shit.” Squalo commanded. “Luss and Levi, you stay here in the main fortress.”
There was some objections from the group that you tuned out, too used to this nonsense to really care. You roll your eyes fondly when Squalo screams out his signature “VOI!” in frustration, and eventually getting having had enough, he ignores them and turns to you.
“Y/N you’re sticking with the boss. Make sure he doesn’t cause any trouble.”
You feel your heartbeat speed up at that order. Did Squalo want just you to stay by the boss’ side? Did he know something? You narrow your eyes, trying to read into any deeper meaning that the command may have, but he’s already turned around and barrelling through the trees. That signals everyone else to head off too, and now you really are alone with Xanxus.
He doesn’t look at you, eyes closed and head resting on his hand. It’s like he doesn’t even care that you’re here, but you’ve learned how to read him in the first few years. If he wasn’t actively murdering you, that meant he was tolerating your presence. The heat in your cheeks increased and you feel honoured by that notion.
You sit by his side for a few minutes, not really talking. There’s no other throne and you know he won’t let you share his, so you sit on the floor cross-legged like a child in a classroom. It’s demeaning, but you were willing to do it for Xanxus. He would never do it back for you, but you knew when things were really desperate, he would protect his fellow squad members with his life.
As if that was a taunt to fate, you perk up when you hear the trees outside the building I’m pretty sure you’re in rustle, and the next second the building comes down around the both of you. You use your propagation to turn your weapon, a stick, into a reinforced straw hut and hide inside as rubble bonks off the top. You’re barely focusing on that, though, your mind racing with one thought and one thought only.
We’re under attack!
When you’re sure it’s safe, you step out of your stick shelter in order to get a good view of your enemy. It was someone who looked surprisingly like Bel but more of a shaggy sheepdog look, and some other guy who didn’t really look like anyone you knew but had a water elephant, which was pretty interesting.
You listened to their words, trying to get an understanding of their goals, and then rage floods inside you. They wanted to hurt the boss? To hurt Xanxus? He was one of the people you cared for more than anyone, and you refuse to let that happen.
You jump in front of Xanxus, and are about to put your VARIA cloud ring into your box when you hear the sonic screeching of bats. It startles you for a second and when you go to look up, blood immediately explodes out of you in a disturbing and grotesque fashion. You fall to the ground, in utter pain and close to death, yet still clinging onto life.
It’s impossible for you to tell how long the battle went on, but you felt it clearly when it ended. That’s when Xanxus walked over to you, and stood over your bleeding and bruised body. Just staring.
“B-boss-!” You coughed, blood leaking out of your mouth as you did so. “I need you to- to donate me blood! You’re the universal donor!”
It was imperative that all VARIA squad members knew each other’s blood types, in case something happened on the battlefield and anyone needed a transfusion. No one actually knew Xanxus’ blood type except you, because you were close and he didn’t feel the need to hide that information when signing official medical insurance documents provided by the Vongola.
In fact, you were fully confident in how close you two were, that it took you by complete surprise when Xanxus’ gritted his teeth, and his scars increased all over his body.
“What did you say, scum?” He growled, voice harsh, like shattering glass.
You swallow, suddenly very afraid.
“Xanxus pl-”
“Are you trying to mock me?” He cut you off, still encased in his own fury. “You think just because my blood isn’t Vongola that you’re worthy of it? Huh?”
No, you didn’t think that at all! It didn’t matter to you at all where he had come from, you only cared about who he is now. The person you got to know and... And fall in l-
You never get to finish that thought.
“Die, trash.” Are the last words you ever hear, before the sound of a gunshot and everything goes black.
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flowerkth · 4 years
50 questions tag!
tagged by @extrablush @taesjpg thank u sm!!💓
what color is your hairbrush?: red
name a food you never eat: I don’t like brussel sprouts 🤢
are you typically too warm or too cold?: too cold
what were you doing 45 minutes ago?: writing my last ever essay before I graduate on monday n the end of uni cannot come quick! enough!
what’s your favorite candy bar?: hm I love cadburys oreo
have you ever been to a professional sports game?: yes! I love watching football me and my family are big supporters
what’s the last thing you said out loud?: thank you bc my mum made me a cup of tea (the way to my heart)
what’s your favorite ice cream?: I tried the biscoff icecream yesterday and let me tell u.. life changing
what was the last thing you had to drink?: lemonade
do you like your wallet?: i don't carry one I shove everything in my pockets hdfjkdj
what’s the last thing you ate?: chocolate biscuit 
did you buy any new clothes last weekend?: YES I have zero self control in lockdown I cant stop internet shopping send help
what’s the last sporting event you watched?: the last one in person was a varsity game at my uni but on tv? pretty sure me and my dad watched our hometown football team
what is your favorite flavor of popcorn?: sugar n toffee all the way
who’s the last person you sent a text to?: my friend at uni! we were talking about his dog (dog pics r getting me thru lockdown)
ever go camping?: when I was younger, not so much now
do you take vitamins?: nope
do you go to church every sunday?: nope
do you have a tan?: im so pale I just burn in the sun jfdk its a Struggle
do you prefer chinese or pizza?: omg pls don't ask me this..pizza???
do you drink soda through a straw?: yes I luv straws
what color socks do you usually wear?: usually just white lol
do you ever drive above the speed limit?: I don't have my license (queen of procrastination right here)
what terrifies you?: rats (im so scared of them)
look to your left, what do you see?: a cup of tea
what chore do you hate the most?: doing the dishes ITS SO BORING
what do you think of when you hear an australian accent?: I luv the australian accent!
what’s your favorite soda?: fanta lemon
do you go in fast food places or just hit the drive thru?: usually go in
what’s your favorite number?: 8 or 10
who’s the last person you talked to?: my brother
favorite cut of beef?: I don't usually order it so im not too sure
last song you listened to?: love scenario - ikon
last book you read?: my uni textbook (pray 4 me)
can you say the alphabet backwards?: probably but it would be a lot for my brain
favorite day of the week?: fridaaay
how do you like your coffee?: latte or mocha!
favorite pair of shoes?: my trainers or fluffy slippers
time you normally get up?: my sleeping pattern is so messy pls don't judge but probably around 11?? sometimes its slippin to 12 lol
sunrise or sunsets?: sunsets 😌
how many blankets on your bed?: two! the more the merrier
describe your kitchen plates?: they r white with grey hearts
describe your kitchen at the moment?: messy bc I just made a fat snack but its nice we have a lot of plants in here!!
do you have a favorite alcoholic drink?: vodka lemonades, rosé wine or jagerbombs yuM
do you play cards?: only sometimes
what color is your car?: i don't have 1
can you change a tire?: NO LOL
your favorite state/province/county/city etc.?: im not too sure ?? I do love London I miss it
favorite job you’ve had?: I used to work for my uni answering calls which sounds so boring but the people I worked w were the best
how did you get your biggest scar?: on my knee, I fell onto a really sharp piece of glass n its left a scar 
wow that was LONG but that was super fun thank u for tagging me!! 
i’m tagging: @gukniverse @vante-love @sugaerie @exoticarmyofcrowns @namkook @kimteahyung @naturaljeon @hiraethtae @wildflowerofmine @namkook @yuniixoxo @ppersonna @carly-bean-blog @heavyinmyarms @hopefish15 💓
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yinyeu · 4 years
50 Questions You’ve Never Been Asked
i was tagged by @baqukou @plusultratempo @honeymeh thank youu (♥ω♥*)
What is the color of your hairbrush?: black and red
Name a food you never eat?: corndog
Are you typically too warm or too cold?: too warm
What were you doing 45 minutes ago?: scrolling tumblr until i rmb i have this tag game somewhere in my drafts for 35747236 years
What is your favorite candy bar?: idk i dont really like candy?
Have you ever been to a professional sports event?: NOOOO def not me
What is the last thing you said out loud?: “HIIIII”
What is your favorite ice cream?: vanilla AND IM SUDDENLY CRAVING FOR ICE CREAM
What was the last thing you had to drink?: milk tea but i put too much sugar on it fdhkshf
Do you like your wallet?: i do but the size's too big :(
What was the last thing you ate?: pineapple tart
Did you buy any new clothes last weekend?: nope but im planning to this week
The last sporting event you watched?: pls tell me haikyuu does count
What is your favorite flavor of popcorn?: caramel
Who is the last person you sent a text message to?: my sister
Ever go camping?: yeah……. but the last one kinda traumatic
Do you take vitamins?: supposed to but im too lazy 🙈
Do you go to church every Sunday?: naah
Do you have a tan?: YEAH MY HANDS AND FACE TBH
Do you prefer Chinese food or pizza?: mmmm i like both but pizza makes me happy
Do you drink your soda with a straw?: not anymore
What color socks do you usually wear?: soft pink and beige
Do you ever drive above the speed limit?: yep whenever i have morning classes thank god im already graduated
What terrifies you?: i have phobia of snakes tbh, before i moved out i once was locked in my bathroom and there was a snake right before the door and i stayed on the toilet seat for two hours crying (my family asked me what happened but i just couldn’t bring myself to speak lmao) until i felt like i couldn’t cry anymore and jumped to the door real fast and since that i never went to that bathroom ever again
Look to your left, what do you see?: my pillows
What chore do you hate?: laundry bc my back is hurt everytime
What do you think of when you hear an Australian accent?: it's unique :o
What’s your favorite soda?: not a fan of soda 😔
Do you go in a fast food place or just hit the drive-thrus?: IM TOO SCARED TO HIT THE DRIVE-THRUS HELP
Who’s the last person you talked to?: my mother
Favorite cut of beef?: the chuck????
Last song you listened to?: hold me tight or dont by fall out boy
Last book you read?: …i've been reading fanfics too much these days but i think it's crime and punishment by fyodor dostoyevsky
Favorite day of the week?: used to be saturday but now it's sunday bc it's my only day off sobs
Can you say the alphabet backwards?: no im an idiot jsjdhekd
How do you like your coffee?: im not coffee person so 🤔
Favorite pair of shoes?: i have this one pair from rubi and i love it so much??
The time you normally go to sleep?: hmm before quarantine it's 10-11pm
The time you normally get up?: 6am and still sleepy
What do you prefer, sunrise or sunsets?: sunsets!!
How many blankets on your bed?: one bc it's so damn hot here
Describe your kitchen plates: most of them are clear and transparent
Do you have a favorite alcoholic beverage?: naaah i dont drink alcohol my life's pretty much just water, tea, milk, and repeat
Do you play cards?: yep with friends!
What color is your car?: white
Can you change a tire?: no
Your favorite province?: my favorite so far is bali?
Favorite job you’ve ever had?: graphic designer
How did you get your biggest scar?: uhh so i was doing my last field practice on my third year of college psh you know biology so we were making a pitfall trap for arthropods with zinc stripe and i accidentally got zinc stripe cut on my thumb but it was quite deep and bleeding a lot i almost passed out in forest lmao
What did you do today that made someone else happy?: i brought dinner for my cousins hehe
im tagging @imwithmidoriyaizuku @faeriiess @no-one-told-you-life-was-gay @distinguishedcherryblossomexpert @dawnpillar @jetset-rain @imblessedtoexist @manyratsinatrenchcoat also anyone who wants to do this !!
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alistair-theirin · 4 years
I got tagged by @elgar-somniari​, thank you!💕
1. What is the color of your hairbrush? It’s a purple tangle teezer thing !
2. A food you never eat? bananas they r disgusting
3. Are you typically too warm or too cold? i am freezing almost all of the time
4. What were you doing 45 minutes ago? lying in bed watching wizards of waverly place bc i am an adult
5. What is your favorite candy bar? orange kitkats 100%
6. Have you ever been to a professional sporting event? i don’t think so? i can’t think of any off the top of my head
7. What was the last thing you said out loud? im going to be honest, i dont think ive spoken out loud today rip
8. What is your favorite ice cream? strawberry babey
9. What was the last thing you had to drink? water
10. Do you like your wallet? it’s a zelda one so y e s
11. What was the last thing you ate? several chocolate hobnobs
12. Did you buy any new clothes last weekend? probably i have no impulse control
13. The last sporting event you watched? does overwatch league count
14. What is your favorite flavor of popcorn? s w e e t
15. Who was the last person you sent a text message to? best friend!
16. Ever go camping? only at a festival! or in a friends backyard when i was much younger but idk if that...rly counts
17. Do you take vitamins? for 2 days until i forget
18. Do you go to church every Sunday? absolutely not
19. Do you have a tan? i have never once in my life had a tan 
20. Do you prefer Chinese food or pizza? both ! pls !
21. Do you drink your soda with a straw? only if it’s like, mcdonalds or something
22. What color socks do you usually wear? colour irrelevant as long as fluff
23. Ever drive above the speed limit? nope! my car has a cool box fitted that tracks everything i do to make my insurance acc affordable woo :) :) :) 
24. What terrifies you? literally everything you can imagine i am scared of absolutely everything both rational and irrational, real and abstract 
25. Look to your left what do you see? bedroom wall + posters 
26. What core do you hate? i dont..know what this means?
27. What do you think of when you hear an Australian accent? being 16/17 and obsessed with 5 seconds of summer, stupidly hot weather, evil spiders (also 10/10 as an accent, i love u all)
28. What is your favorite soda? dr pepper
29. Do you go into a fast food place or just hit the drive through? depends! mostly drive through, though
30. Who was the last person you talked to? i honestly don’t know but probably my mum
31. Favorite cut of beef? none!
32. Last song you listened to? uhhhhh citizens of earth - neck deep (i think)
33. Last book you read? i honestly have no idea. i’ve started a lot of things but i think the last one i actually finished was maybe eleanor + park? maybe
34. Favorite day of the week? im going to be honest. i have no idea what day it is ever anymore.
35. Can you say the alphabet backwards? if i am given at least 5 minutes yes
36. How do you like your coffee? full of sugar and cream and tasting nothing like coffee and more like strawberries or chocolate
37. Favorite pair of shoes? those black vans w/ the white stripe or my dr marten boots i do not wear any other shoes lmao
38. At what time do you usually go to bed? anytime between 10pm and 4am
39. At what time do you normally get up? 7am irrelevant of if i go to sleep at 10pm or 4am (:
40. What do you prefer - sunrises or sunsets? they are both v pretty!! but im more likely to see a sunset so i guess i’ll go with that
41. How many blankets are on your bed? one
42. Describe your kitchen plates? they’re white with like a grey heart in the middle
43. Do you have a favorite alcoholic beverage? whatever tastes the most like a fruit
44. Do you play cards? not really!
45. What color is your car? is silver
46. Can you change a tire? nope
47. What is your favorite province? we don’t really have provinces in the UK as far as i’m aware so.....none
48. Favorite job you ever had? i worked a few events when i was in college and then we got to watch them after and it was pretty cool, i got to watch some theatre and street performances and it was super fun
49. How did you get your biggest scar? i don’t have any!
50. What did you do today that made someone happy? i bought my mum some new shoes bc hers are falling apart nd she will never buy herself any, so they came today and hopefully she’s happy about it lmao
tagging anyone who wants to do it! 
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73 questions.
I was tagged by @wescoasts @machine-gun-casie (BABES)
Almost all my friends have been tagged and I don't wanna be that asshole so ill try not to be. I tag @awkwardrocker @backoftheroomandnotbelonging @trixiehoe @she-who-is-timey-wimey
On a scale of 1-10, how excited are you about life right now?
Well it’s finals week so about -864. After that I have two weeks of legitimate nothing where I will bake my heart out so we’ll see
Describe yourself in a hashtag?
#yikes #ughshesinherfeelsagain 
If you could do a love scene with anyone, who would it be?
Milo Ventimiglia, Kells, Rook.....being a music video love interest is only my life’s pipe dream 
If your life was a musical, what would the marquee say?
And that’s on daddy issues and no supervision...
What’s one thing people don’t know about you?
I used to model like went to modeling school and got paid for it type shit
What’s your wakeup ritual?
get woken up by my dog tired of hearing my alarm, walk said opinionated quadruped, feed quadruped, get dressed, COFFEE, then take life as it comes
What’s your go to bed ritual?
melatonin gummies (gotta make anxiety fun), skincare when executive dysfunction will allow, brush teeth, fight dog for my spot in bed (moving a 90lb animal is no joke), turn on my sleep playlist or use my ambient noise app, stare at ceiling
What’s your favorite time of day?
witching hour followed by golden hour
Your go to for having a good laugh?
lately tiktok and Kellyvisions, previously vine compilations or Netflix specials
Dream country to visit?
Ireland. I NEED to go to the motherland. My families castle is still standing and I get in for free. its on my bucket list FOR SURE. 
What’s the biggest surprise you’ve had?
getting into nursing school and chiropractic school. I’m a loser and I’ve never had a surprise party. I’d melt in puddle of love tbh
Heels or flats/sneakers?
Flats 98% of the time. Heels are reserved for business casual necessity, Halloween, or if I’m feeling myself 
Vintage or new?
both, depends on the item
Who do you want to write your obituary?
Amy-Sherman Palladino 
Style icon?
lmao a what? on the real though catch me fucking with those eco-friendly kitchen witch vibes. All the dainty jewelry, linens and converse/docks fam
What are three things you can’t live without?
my dog, my family (found and blood), healing people however I can (medicine ruined me for any other career and its sucks you guys)
What’s one ingredient you put in everything?
tbh salt, I question a recipes validity if salt isn't involved 
What 3 people living or dead would you like to make dinner for?
Kells and the band (I'd be too nervous for a one on one), a dinner party with my MGK fam, Elvis
What’s your biggest fear in life?
Failure, not accomplishing anything 
Window or aisle seat?
window all day everyday, on the wing preferably cause I like to feel the landing gear #pilotsgranddaughter 
What’s your current TV obsession?
Roadies forever, pry that series from my cold dead hands (also Gilmore Girls and Criminal Minds)
Favorite app?
tie between Tumblr and Pinterest (im an aesthetic slut)
Secret talent?
I am bomb at disney princess songs, the girls I babysit for treat me like a jukebox at bedtime, cutest thing ever
Most adventurous thing you’ve done in your life?
delivered a baby has hands down been the coolest thing I’ve ever done
How would you define yourself in three words?
I fucking hate this question. always have. empathetic, resilient, intuitive 
Favourite piece of clothing you own?
overall: my senior prom dress. its emerald green, backless, with a slit to upper thigh chefs kiss 
everyday wear: Colorado sweatshirt
Must have clothing item everyone should have?
I second Jude: over sized hoodies
Superpower you would want?
nonspecific healing powers so they aren't limited to physical ailments
What’s inspiring you in life right now?
Best piece of advice you’ve received?
HA. probably that the body remembers more about trauma than the mind and your seemingly irrational physical reactions to things are your brain’s attempt to protect you
Best advice you’d give your teenage self?
his mistake does not define your worth. I went for a variant of these boys aint shit don't judge me cause she needs to hear it
A book that everyone should read?
Harry Potter series (yes the whole thing), Speak by Laurie Halse Anderson, Wintergirls by Laurie Halse Anderson, The Giver by Lois Lowry 
What would you like to be remembered for?
empathy, the way I made people feel
How do you define beauty?
FOR THE LAST TIME ITS SUBJECTIVE, things that give you peace, it could be a song, a person, a sunset, a scone, a leaf. If it makes you stop a second and exhale then its beautiful to you
What do you love most about your body?
holy trigger question Batman...my eyes, my hair color, texture, and its ability to grow
Best way to take a rest/decompress?
drive with the windows down and blast music while singing at the top of my lungs
Favorite place to view art?
unexpected places, like street corners, carnivals, just somewhere it takes you off guard and makes you stop and pay attention
If your life were a song, what would the title be?
it’d be one of those crazy long 2000s fall out boy titles for sure, subject matter yet to be determined 
If you could master one instrument, what would it be?
violin hands down, it hits me different
If you had a tattoo, where would it be?
I have a bunch planned, plane on my right shoulder, Kells related between 3rd and 4th ribs (maybe lower in case I ever need a chest tube), watercolor portrait of my dog at some point location TBD
Dolphins or koalas?
dolphins are stoners and they're super smart, but koalas cause they’re grumpy af and honestly same
What’s your spirit animal?
again Jude and I are vibin: I've been identifying with a phoenix as of late. according to pottermore im a greyhound though (yes a patrons is a wizarding spirit animal. fight me)
Best gift you’ve ever received?
seven year old me was stoked to get a functional microscope and metal detector, I was in my egyptology/archeology phase, I still have them lmao
Best gift you’ve ever given?
oh hell idk...I made my cousin cry once cause I made cupcakes for her birthday party, they were cherry limeade flavored and had little straws and everything. that was pretty cool, granted she was seven. I also made my teacher cry cause I made sea salt caramel chocolate cupcakes for her going away party. I guess my baking brings people to tears
What’s your favourite board game?
candy land, battleship, cards against humanity even though there isn't a board
What’s your favourite colour?
forest green atm
Least favourite colour?
bright yellow/orange, its offensive to my general The Dirt Mick Mars disposition
Diamonds or pearls?
pearls (actually opals though)
Drugstore makeup or designer?
not picky provided they are evironmentally friendly. I really like Besame Cosmetics though
Blow-dry or air-dry?
air-dry, I don't have the patience for blow drying
Pilates or yoga?
Coffee or tea?
COFFEE, im still learning to like tea
What’s the weirdest word in the English language?
holy shit how much time do we have, my favorite weird word to say is fistula or omphalocele (they're medical conditions, don't goole it unless you have a strong stomach) 
Dark chocolate or milk chocolate?
dark chocolate
Stairs or elevator?
Summer or winter?
neither FALL BITCHES   winter if I had to pick cause I love Christmas 
You are stuck on an island, you can pick one food to eat forever without getting tired of it, what would you eat?
A desert you don’t like?
red velvet cake....just why is it a thing that exists 
A skill you’re working on mastering?
baking scones or shit that’s flaky in general 
Best thing to happen to you today?
being tagged to do this twice, I felt special for a hot second (thanks babes)
Best compliment you’ve ever received?
that I would make a good doctor (I handled a scary pt situation like a champ, they didn't know I threw up after I made sure my pt didn't die. puking in a foreign country on the download is a skill in and of itself)
Favorite smell?
bergamot, baking bread, baking spice cakes at Christmas
Hugs or kisses?
If you made a documentary, what would it be about?
gifted kid fall off
Last piece of content you consumed that made you cry?
In These Walls - Machine Gun Kelly
Casual Sabotage - Yungblud
genius assholes...
Lipstick or lip gloss?
lipstick for special occasions but actually tinted chapstick or lip stains 
Sweet or savoury?
savory to eat sweet to make for someone else
Girl crush?
Brittney Furlan Lee, Alexis Bledel, Lauren Graham 
How you know you’re in love?
you look at them and just say yep. them. usually while they're doing something stupid 
Song you can listen to on repeat?
imma out myself but Swing Life Away - Machine Gun Kelly
If you could switch lives with someone for a day who would it be?
the grass is not greener ya’ll. id rather go back and relive days 
What are you most excited about at this time in your life?
hopefully passing my first trimester of chiropractic school. fingers crossed pls
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tfw-no-tennis · 4 years
One Piece Readthru
heyo ive decided its time for me to catch up on the one piece manga finally!! i last read it uhhh sometime late 2018?? MAYBE early 2019....anyways ill be liveblogging it, basically for myself but if anyone is interested then enjoy lol
so w.out further ado hers 927-931 hya 
uh ok i left off kinda in the middle of the wano arc, so im scanning thru some stuff to see what i remember.....i dont really remember what the deal is with that ginger (?) pompadour guy lmao. theres a lot of new characters and intricate politics in this arc from what i remember. 
i havent really gotten spoiled for anything....i know that something bad happens to kid & killer, somethins up w/sabo (but we dont know what), luffy fights kaido (more than once i think?) uhhhhh we get roger flashbacks and hear the yonkous bounties....thats abt all i really know. so im hype to find out what else has gone on....
im gonna start around 927, i defs read this but i want a refresher 
wow its amazing how sanji can oscillate so fast from being unbearable and annoying to like one of my favs
i loveeee the panels where those dudes start trashing sanjis soba stand and usopps like lol lets back up yall we KNOW sanjis boutta kick some righteous ass....YESSS
franky supplexing a guy....ily franky 
toko!!! i forgot abt her!!! cute kid, whats her deal? iirc she works at the uhhh wherever komurasaki works and she almost gets murderized later
sanji and little kids is so cute ;_; more of that and less stuff of him being gross w/women 
ok exposition....i do remember a lot of this
928, i feel like i remember this stuff so ill kinda blow thru it 
oh yeah i remember luffy n the prison shennanigans....good times
and kidds here too, talkin abt how he lost his arm trying to fight shanks...lol dude 
dude is really like oh i couldnt take down shanks, so ill aim for a different yonkou, im sure this will go much better a second time (and down an arm)
omfg i forgot abt this dude who apparently sold his FAMILY to get money for komurasaki....
i think we’re supposed to feel bad for this dude and think komurasaki is cruel or w/e but man honestly i just respect the hustle. girl knows whats up
HVBJSDKFBDS I FORGOT THE HILARIOUS LINE WHERE SHES LIKE ‘I HATE POOR PEOPLE <3′ IM....its literally like a weird twitter shitpost lmaooo
they cut immediately from komurasaki to tama asking momo if he has a sister....LMAO SUBTLE......
i dont even remember if that twist was spoiled for me, but either way it was my like immediate thought upon komurasakis intro lmao 
ok 929!
omg kanjuro selling some-drawn fish lol
OUGHHH CARROT AND THE OTHER MINKS....i miss carrot sm i hope she shows up more :( i really wish she would join the crew....
lmao that guy calling zoro a pretty boy and saying girls are probably all over him....zoros like uh ew no im gay 
OOOH PLOT SHITTTTT....caesar and doflamingo name drops...
VEGAPUNK HM [eyes emojiey]
orochis defs gonna get fucked up at some point. his design reminds me of wapol and other like corrupt king archetypes 
oguhfdbsjkgjdfbh laws head basket i forgot abt that. also i love when people call him traffy thats weirdly cute 
oh right the other supernovas who became kaidous bitches are here to fight...i recall that fight somewhat 
920 time! 
oh yeah the weird place where all the poor starving people laugh constantly...inch resting
OHH YEAH BIG MOM!!! man i definitely read a lot further than this lmao. w/e i was SO fucking hype when she showed up, imo the whole amnesia thing is pretty lame. we’ll see where it goes tho 
the art here is just so good oh man. the panel of big moms ship charging up the waterfall while she laughs? fantastic 
EPIC arrival. i hope big mom gets to do cool stuff even despite the impending amnesia
i ALSO hope her kids get to do cool shit too. im still holding out for a zoro vs amande battle (if shes even there? i dont see her, but thatd be such a waste)...and smoothie vs robin....
and she wants zeus back....NAMI FIGHT??? PLEASE???
oh its bdsm dinosaur guy....hmm never thought id type that
LMAOOOO law is like Dont You Dare Fucking Snitch On Us and usopp is like uh luffy pls come pick me up this guy is too hardcore
FINAL BATTLE thats so dramatic law please
sanji saying he’ll protect usopp omfg
oooh theyre destorying all the soba shops....here comes sanji to bring the PAIN
OMFG THE RAID SUIT i forgot he busts that out....hilariously quickly all things considered
931! ok but first my obligatory thots on how sad i am abt how the women of op look nowadays lmao revisiting old one piece just makes it all the more obvious how ridiculous its gotten....like nami and robin dont even look human, its insane, and the sameface has gotten so bad...idk i miss when op women used to look normal and could just exist without being Sexy Women bc that was a thing at the beginning and i really loved that...now its just like wow all titty no waist legs are 100x longer than normal....not to mention the writing for women in op has gone way downhill...ugh. ANYWAYS onward 
ofc as soon as i say that theres a rlly cute and p normal looking cover w/nami...i love her sm shes my fav character thats part of the reason this bothers me so much lol 
i miss her short hair tho...the long hair is pretty and i like her different hairstyles but i defs prefer the short spunky look. i wish she wouldve gotten a cool bellmere-esque haircut after the timeskip at least
ok im p sure i didnt read this...? i dont remember hgbvhjaksdfk
GERMA THEME SONG HBVJSDUIFJBSF are you telling me that the raid suit activation process involves a THEME SONG....please i need to hear this. thats so fuckign funny
i think we saw this w/his siblings during whole cake but i forget lmao
of course franky and usopp are like OOOH FUCK YEAH 
HHBDSJKFJSB the implications of law knowing Exactly who that is....like i really need to see an omake of a campy power rangers/sentai/whatever-esque show/comic with all these germa personas omfgggggggg
and law having read the comics is SO funny 
also. sanjis hair is SO unfortunate lmaooo
germa was the bad guy group in the comics....good lmao 
law was defs a fan he knows ALL the lore LMAOOO
A BABY SANJI....and then sanji being weird. skip! 
ironic hows theyre like oh shit gotta challenge this dude so he doesnt destroy the town and their fight is gonna level the place anyways lmao 
oh i did read this i think cause i remember all those ninja busting robin for sneaking around
which ok theyre ninja but robin could grow eyes for surveillance so it doesnt make much sense that shed be caught so easily...alas
oh yeah then big mom washes up w/amnesia lmao. i hope that plotline doesnt suck, i dont have too much hope...normally i really like amnesia plotlines and honestly i think itd be cool to explore w/like one of the strawhats but in this case it just seems kinda like a lazy way to take big mom out of the game :/ my prediction is she’ll get her memory back at a certain time thats convenient to the plot, just in time for like an all out war w/kaidou and the straw hats and the yakuza maybe? we shall see (possibly) 
ok its past 6 am so its bedtime. more later! 
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namjoonxorg · 5 years
𝑷𝒂𝒓𝒕𝒚 𝑭𝒂𝒗𝒐𝒓 ・❪ ❁ ❫ ・ 𝑷𝒂𝒓𝒕 𝑾𝒂𝒍𝒐 - 𝑷𝒂𝒔𝒕 𝒀𝒐𝒖𝒓 𝑩𝒆𝒅𝒕𝒊𝒎𝒆
“We always believe our first love is our last, and our last love our first.” – George W. Melville
You were doing it again.
It had been a solid week since that incident in the coffee shop with Jimin and Hobi -were you still allowed to call him that?- and you’ve caught yourself wandering back to his almost forgotten contact more times than you care to admit. You never did anything, just sat there, staring at his information, and wondering where the hell it had all went wrong.  
Truth be told, Hobi, undoubtedly, was your best friend. You remember the days from high school when you called him the second you got home. You’d talk for hours, leaving your homework entirely unfinished and untouched, but still return the next day with bunches more to say. You remember back when you didn’t even need to pull up his contact, you knew it by heart so just saved time by putting it into the keypad before dialing. You remember the time you had to coax him into doing the blood drive at your school and had to write down his information for him because he was too nervous about the needles to think about what the hell his address was.
You also remember the days you applied to colleges. Hobi immediately applied for the best dance school in the country, while you on the other hand, having no artistic bone in your body, opted for something stable, not too far from home yet still far enough. You really only cared for the simple things and so you were pretty happy to find that you had been accepted. Unfortunately for Hobi, he found out the hard way that those big school don’t exactly give scholarships to freshmen. You remember spending the night at his house that day, using every second of your time reminding how stupid they were to not consider him.
He eventually found a college, he left it unnamed because he was still pretty bummed about the dance school, but you never would have guessed that the art school you transferred to last year was the one he’d told you about. Still, back when he told you it was farther away than you’d hoped, you made a pinky promise to always be best friends. You wouldn’t let yourselves become one of those cliches. And for a while, you believed it. How much good that promise did.
Needles to say, you don’t really do pinky promises anymore.
Presently, you sigh and allow your head to loll over on your pillow.
It was almost two in the morning and you hadn’t been able to get any sleep. Your head, for the thousandth time, was filled with thoughts and memories you’d rather keep tucked away. Seeing Hobi had really fucked up your headspace and you’d been bombarded with ways you could have done things differently, things you could have said before it was too late or simply what would have happened if things had gone better a few days ago.
You shifted again, trying to find a position comfortable enough to allow you sleep, but sadly, it seemed as if it just weren't coming. So, you leaned over to reach your phone and, with high hopes and zero expectations, you sent a text.
You: you up?
You waited with baited breath, hoping that all those times of bonding over your shit sleeping schedules would ring true.
Yoongi: is that even a question?
You exhaled in relief, thanking every god you knew that someone’s insomnia is just as bad as yours.
You: you up for coffee? at the 24/7 place from last time?
Yoongi: pls, im already on my way
Yoongi: need me to pick you up again?
You: no thanks. soomin had a fit last time and im not dealing with that again.
You: i’ll just walk. i’ll be fine dw
You smiled, grateful not for the first time, that you managed to meet Yoongi. So, with lighter steps and with messier hair, you climbed out of your bed and slipped on some shoes before heading out the door. Thankfully the coffee shop was very close to your dorm so you only needed to walk for a short time, but you made sure to keep your pepper spray in hand.
You were opening the door to the coffee shop in no time, the familiar chime of the bell putting a smile on your face. However, it soon turned into a frown of confusion when you spotted another head of hair sitting next to Yoongi’s striking minty green.  
As you got closer to their chosen table -near the back, obviously- you immediately recognized the other person as your dweeb of a friend.
“Jungkook, isn’t it past your bedtime?” You teased as you sat down, having already placed your order.
Yoongi laughed, more genuine than most would expect at such an ungodly hour. “That’s exactly what I said.”
The younger scowled, his nose scrunching up in that way it does and you can’t take him seriously. “Shut up, guys.” He scoffs but doesn’t say anything until you come back with your drink. “I’m twenty-one, when will you stop treating me like a child?”
“When you stop acting like one,” Yoongi quips and Jungkook goes to argue, but Yoongi shakes his head, holding up a finger to silence him. “Go ahead and tell her what you were doing when you heard me leaving and decided to tag along.”
Jungkook seems to shrink back, slouching into the booth you sit in and you arch your eyebrow, curious.
“... playing Overwatch.”
You and Yoongi burst out into laughter at this, earning you glares from not only Jungkook but the poor baristas working the night shift. You didn’t stop though, your laughter ringing out and seeming to bounce off the walls in the total emptiness of the cafe. Soon enough, Jungkook wasn’t able to remain pouting and he joined you, laughing at himself with ease. You loved that about your friend, the way he was able to let loose and take jokes.
“My point exactly,” Yoongi replies quietly when your laughter comes to a close. The baristas are still glaring at the three of you, but none of you seem to mind too much.
“Hey, that’s not fair,” Jungkook whines, pouting like the child he is. “Jin hyung is obsessed with Mario Kart but no one says anything about that!”
“To his face,” Yoongi drawls with a lazy point of his finger and you fail to hide your snicker behind your hand. “Jin hyung is a child in a man’s body, but at least he knows when to go to sleep.”
You sit silently, sipping carefully on your coffee and watch as Jungkook and Yoongi continue to go at it with an amused smirk on your face.
Jungkook stomps his feet, not doing much to prove his point. “Okay, but what about Namjoon hyung and his stupid Ryan plushies?”
“We let those slide because his IQ makes up for that small ounce of childishness.”
“What about Jimin hyung and-”
“Jungkook you know that no matter what you say, you’re not going to win this argument, right?”
The brunette slouches and crosses his arms, but doesn’t reply back. More than likely because he knows Yoongi is right.
He looks over to you, as if for defense, but finds you hiding your smile behind your cup. He tilts his head, in that way he does when he’s planning something devious, and smirks at you with a lift of a brow.
“Speaking of Jimin hyung,” He starts, leaning across the table to grin at you smugly. “I wonder what he would say about Y/N being out right now with two of his best friends.”
Yoongi frowns for a second before realization dawns on him. Then, like the flick of a switch, he turns to you with an expression that matches Jungkook’s perfectly. “Yeah, I’m wondering that, too.”
That traitor.
You huff, but decide not to buy into their game. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” You shug, feigning indifference.
“That’s okay, it’s not like you like him or anything,” Yoongi states, taking a slow sip of his drink while sharing a look with Jungkook.
The latter nods, leaning back and draping his arm along the side of the booth. “Yeah, but I guess that’s a good thing. He’s probably out with some girls right now, anyway.”
“What?!” You ask, doing your best to keep your voice down but ultimately failing.
This time it's Yoongi and Jungkook who burst out into laughter as you wait for them to settle down so they can clarify things for you.
“So I guess that proves it, then,” Yoongi laughs and empties his cup.
“Proves what?”
“That you like Jimin hyung,” Jungkook sing-songed, teasing you lightheartedly.
You groaned, feeling like they set this up. “It's not as if it was a secret, anyway.”
“Its okay, Y/N. Hyung and I were just messing with you.” He smiled, one of those impish ‘i know something you don’t’ smiles. “He probably likes you, too.”
With a stifled laugh you throw the straw from your drink across the table at him, provoking laughs from Yoongi for the third time since you got here.
In the end, you left with two very unhappy baristas and full invention of skipping your morning class.
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peachyzens · 6 years
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sweet sips - a social media! au
summary: y/n loves the sweetness in her daily doses of boba, and jaehyun is one to provide that sweetness. (fluff! barista!jaehyun x reader)
masterlist: previous - part 11 - next
a/n: long awaited update...im sorry that school/work life be killing me 😩 but since i did end this part pretty rashly the next one shouldn’t take as long to come out so pls bear with me ty ty ily all
“Hey,” Jaehyun spoke out, interrupting you in the midst of your keyboard smashing to your friends. You looked up to see Jaehyun sheepishly standing there, a hand rubbing the back of his neck.
“Hey! What brings you here?” You ask, trying to brush off the awkward greeting. He came here to eat probably, it’s a restaurant! What else would he be doing here, you idiot, you mentally scolded yourself, remaining silent with furrowed eyebrows. Jaehyun looked at you with a raised eyebrow and a slight upper tilt of his lip.
“Seat taken?” He asked, gesturing to the seat across from you that Ten’s family should’ve been sitting in, but remained empty.
“Nope, not at all,” you spoke, the tiniest about of bitterness evident in your voice.
“And to answer your question, Ten asked me to eat with him here because he got free coupons or whatever. But then he bailed last minute and told me to look for you.” Jaehyun answered your question, slightly rolling his eyes at the mention of Ten. You raised your eyebrows, having been told a completely story, save for the bailing part.
“Wow, he called me here to meet his family as a fake girlfriend, which explains why I put more effort into my appearance, but it all went down the drain when he too bailed on me.” You also explained, causing Jaehyun to let out an amused chuckle. That smart headass, he thought.
“Well, if anything you do look very nice.” He complimented you with that endearing dimpled smile, one that sent your heart straight to the gutters. You blushed and looked down, thanking him. Before you could take the daring step to compliment back, you were interrupted.
“Hello to this lovely couple! My name is Sergio and I will be your server for the remainder of your stay. What can I get started for you guys to drink? Wine?” A bright and peppy waiter, dressed in fancy attire greeted you two.
“Sorry, we aren’t-“ you began, not wanting to create any miscommunications.
“We’ll just take water please!” Jaehyun interrupted you, shooting you a cheeky wink at the corner of his eye. You blushed and looked down, cursing yourself for reacting to the littlest of his actions.
Once the waiter was out of earshot, you questioned Jaehyun. “Why didn’t you tell him we aren’t a couple?” you whispered under your breath.
“Did we have to? Who knows, there might be some couple special or something,” he responded with a shrug.
“What if people misunderstand?” you anxious self continued questioning him. You started to worry about if he would be embarrassed to be with you, in case someone he or you both knew would see you two; you also worried about this overall misunderstanding, what if you act in a way he doesn’t like and he starts hating you? All sorts of thoughts were running through your mind, Jaehyun could tell from your panicked expression as he carefully reached out to place his hand over your clenched fist on the table, a habit you did when you were nervous.
“Hey, it’s alright okay? I really don’t mind what anybody else thinks, but if it makes you that uncomfortable I can say something to them, alright? Calm down, it’s really fine,” He rubbed his thumb over your hand, effectively calming you down with his reassurance. You managed to relax your shoulders and release a deep breath, realizing how dramatic you were being.
“You’re right, I’m just overreacting. It’s just an act, right?” Your lips curled up in a fake smile, one he copied. As much as you two didn’t want to admit it, you both wished it wasn’t just an act.
“Yeah, just an act,” Jaehyun muttered, distracting himself by fiddling with the napkin. “Wait, you said you were meeting his family? As his fake girlfriend?”
You let out a chuckle. “Yeah, he said his family was bothering him about having a girlfriend or something so he asked me and I just said yes, being a good friend. But then he bailed, but he said the meals covered for so I guess I can’t be that mad,” you shrugged. Jaehyun chuckled in exasperation.
“He’s always coming up with something new, I swear.” He shook his head.
“Yeah, I guess. So, how did you guys meet?” You asked, trying to relieve the awkward tension in the air by making small talk.
“We go way back when, probably middle school I think. He was a new kid and got put into the same group as me. We just kind of clicked and became good friends. Then, Johnny joined our group a little later in the year because he wanted to have ‘foreign friends,’” Jaehyun explained, rolling his eyes and doing air quotes at Johnny’s honorable mention. You chuckled at his story.
“Wow, you guys really do go way back,” you smiled, causing his heart to slightly flutter. Jaehyun tried to brush off the burning feeling he felt in his ears spreading to his cheeks, cursing his heart for betraying his mind.
“How about you and your friends? You guys look pretty close too,” Jaehyun asked, referring to Mijoo and Mingyu. The thought of your friends immediately made your face lighten up, something that didn’t go unnoticed by Jaehyun.
“Yeah! We’re all very different people, but we all balance each other out. We met in middle school, I got in a fight with Mijoo because she sat in my seat, but then Mingyu who was behind her offered his seat to me, so I took it. I had a little crush on Mingyu then, but the more we hung out the more it faded away and plus, he’s gay now,” you rambled, talking endlessly about your best friends. Jaehyun could only watch you with a smile, seeing how happy you got when you were speaking about the people you cherished the most.
Will she ever speak about me like that? Wait, what? Jaehyun absentmindedly thought in his head.
“—and then she finally apologized to me! That’s how—“ you continued rambling, not even realizing you were rambling. Your waiter came back up to your table again, interrupting your story.
“What can I get the lovely couple today? I would recommend the couple’s special, you get two sharable pastas plus a sharable appetizer and dessert!” He continued to speak enthusiastically, the term couple from his words still giving you an uneasy feeling.
“Uh, Jaehyun?” you looked over to him for help. With a dimpled smile, he turned to waiter.
“We’ll take that.”
“Perfect, I’ll get it right out for you two.” The waiter made a quick note before skipping away.
“Isn’t he interesting?” Jaehyun cracked a chuckle, your eyes following the retreating waiter with an upturned smile.
“Totally, kind of reminds me of Ten in a way,” you turned back to face Jaehyun, only to find him already facing you. Feeling shy under his stare, you directed your attention to the straw in your water cup.
“I can see it,” he responded, before continuing to stare at you. You could still feel his gaze on you, and it just made you shyer.
“Is there something on my face?” you gathered the courage to ask as you looked up and met his stare.
“Yeah, beauty.” Jaehyun responded with a cheeky grin and wink, one that definitely made your heart flutter for a minute.
“W-what?” You stuttered, feeling the heat in your cheeks rise up.
“Too straightforward?” Jaehyun asked, finally looking away to sheepishly rub his neck, his ears turning redder by the second.
“Yeah, maybe just a little.” You spoke, trying to calm down your racing heart and burning cheeks.
“Hey now, I just gotta let my girlfriend know how beautiful she is!” Jaehyun argued, feeling sudden senses of confidence arising in his system.
“Well alrighty then boyfriend,” you responded in an equally joking manner, emphasizing the word boyfriend, “you’re not too bad yourself.”
Now it was Jaehyun’s turn to stutter and blush.
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lovjeongin · 6 years
classmate jeongin
paring: yang jeongin x reader
summary: yang jeongin is just really bad at math
warnings: none but extreme fluff im so soft
a/n: this is my first ever bulletpoint imagine so it is most likely a complete mess!!! psa this doesn't have correct punctuation lmao
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let’s pretend y’all go to the same school
you, an awkward child, doesn’t have many friends, like one or two lol
jeongin or should i say i.n is known by basically everyone in the building
u two never really talked??? like u have math together and sit behind him but u probably just asked what the homework was or if he had a pencil but like that was it??
tbh u just didn’t want to get attacked by his Gang of fangirls!!!
it’s math
u, an intellectual, are actually pretty good at math??
jeongin on the other hand
he’s just a lil bit confused
by a little i mean he got 4 when the answer was 5x+7
so he turned around and asked u, again the intellectual, what the heck ur class was learning
“y/n how did he get that answer??”
and u being the nice person u were, was able to help him understand
“thanks so much y/n!!!”
after the class ended, one of ur two friends was like freaking out
she was one of the girls in the Gang
“omg y/n u have to be kidding me. jeongin, himself, talked to u??? and ur just??? ok???”
“i mean yeah i asked him for a pencil once and never returned it the least i could do is help him with a problem”
needless to say jeongin kept on turning around in his seat to ask u questions
like frequently
“y/n why is it 87?”
“12? how?? y/n????”
THIS question really did it
“y/n do u know how to get it on the calculator?”
u were baffled
“jeongin do u not know how to use the calculator”
“i just can’t find it ok help!!!!”
u still helped him but u asked him a question (for a change)
“why do u always ask so many questions? not that i mind of course but still??”
he got a lil blushy at that bc darn u caught him
“it’s just an excuse to talk to u”
let’s just say it took u a while to process this
“o H”
u got a lil blushy after realizing
“the cats out of the bag”
“did u just say that jeongin omg”
“i was wondering if you’d like to go on a date with me?”
“idk man u just said that cats out of the bag”
“it’s a phrase will u just answer my question”
tbh u were really surprised at the fact that literally the schools prince was asking u out on a date so u just obviously said
“yes ill go on a date with u”
u tried to say it in a cool way but inside u were like hoshtkshhriehehrh
he got super smiley and u could see his cute lil dimples and u went hehehieiaprhkdhaktbdheihrhfhdksksjdh!!!!!!
“cool! do u think u can give me ur number after class??”
ur friend, who sits across from u, was literally screaming
“sure ill give u my number!!!”
as promised u give him ur number when the bell rang
he gave u his phone and let u save ur contact
u saved ur name as “y/n”
pretty boring ik
anyways later on he texts u
“hey just making sure this is y/n?? i was wondering if we could meet this sunday at 1? at the cafe near school?”
u text back
and he’s like super smiley at his phone and hyunjin is like
“dude why are u smiling at ur phone that’s kinda creepy”
and he gets BLUSHY like boi :,)))
anyways there’s like a few days til the weekend
and u and jeongin talk a lot during class it’s getting on the teachers nerves
“jeongin will you turn around in your seat and not talk to y/n??”
and ur both red bc the teacher just called you both out during class
it’s the date
u were going to try to dress up but at the same time if he can’t handle u at ur worst he doesn’t deserve ur best!!!
so u just wore casual clothing
u walked to the cafe bc it was really close anyways
you thought you’d have to wait for jeongin bc you were a few minutes early but he was already there
and he had a brown turtleneck with a black jacket on u know what im talking about
and he had a bouquet of flowers
and he was so cute
“hey! these are for you!! i hope you don’t mind!!!”
u were like why would i mind
“they’re very pretty!!! thank you!!!!”
you walked into the cafe and ordered drinks
there’s like awkward silence until jeongin was playing with the straws and got a wrapper and threw a spitball at you
that caused some war between you two
let’s just say the waiter giving your drinks was annoyed at the amount of straws they had to clean up
after calling a truce you both just decided to ask each other questions in order to get to know each other better
“what’s ur fav color?”
“what’s ur best subject in school??”
“dogs or cats???”
u were extremely happy jeongin said dogs
it was his turn to ask u questions
“favorite movie?”
“why’d u say yes to a date with me??”
u almost choked on ur drink
“well u cute or whatever”
he got extremely smiley
and u just
that was the last question bc you both spent over like 3 hours at the cafe and the workers were burning lasers from their eyes so u guys decided to leave and u said
“i hope u had fun bc i really did”
and he !!!! bc u had fun
“i had a lot of fun!! i hope we do it more”
which is how this basically became a regular thing
so it’s school the next day
and ps you’re both not officially boyfriend and girlfriend!!!!!!!!
jeongin walks to ur locker (his Gang of fangirls is there too of course)
“hey jeongin!!!”
u didn’t notice the girls until u closed ur locker
“hi y/n!!”
“uh hi everyone else here??? why are there so many people here????”
u look around but almost all of the girls have death stares
so ur just a bit uncomfortable u kno
he can tell u don’t feel comfortable
“i was wondering if u want to go to the cafe with me after school?? and maybe help me with math????”
“cool!!! thanks girlfriend!!”
u were
u had one date and he called u his gf uh
and not to mention in front of a whole bunch of people
he got super red
“did i say that out loud”
“yes u did bud”
he goes into super fast talking mode???
“are u uncomfortable im sorry it slipped i didn’t mean to!!!!!!!!!!”
and u laugh
and he’s like
“why are u laughing do u not see me literally freaking out”
“u look cute boyfriend”
and he almost passes out bc hello the person he likes called him boyfriend!!!!!
so that’s how you both began dating
i feel like jeongin would be the same even if ur dating or not
like he’d still ask u a million questions
“what’s this????”
“i thought u just asked questions as an excuse to talk with me”
“im also not good at math pls help y/n”
u both still go to the cafe and u do hw and just talk tbh
ur both just chillin in ur room laying on the bed after school
and he’s playing with ur hair while ur head is on his stomach
and ur both trying to watch a movie but ur not paying attention
“hey y/n guess what?”
“i love u”
and ur heart goes 1948592 miles per hour
“i love you too”
and he goes!!!!!!!
and basically
u and jeongin would be so cute and pure and :((((((((
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grapefruitguan-blog · 6 years
Fight!AU (Park Woojin)
- woojin was preparing for his comeback
- and they were asking a lot of time from him
- so he was coming home rlly late and leaving rlly early in the morning
- and you were supportive n he was really appreciative
- but it happened for about two weeks
- two weeks of you making dinner and watching it get cold and waking up to him and a quick kiss saying he loves you but he’s gotta go
- but you had ur last straw when he didn’t even come home on your birthday
- he actually forgot
- this time you didn’t fall asleep
- bc woojin promised to spend the day with you
- you were actually heartbroken
- he came back at 1:30 am rlly surprised you were up
- he had a terrible day daniel n the others couldn’t get the choreo down and the producer blamed him
- “babe? shouldn’t you be sleeping?”
- you didn’t answer him
- and had a small bitter smile
- “yeah. i should be. i shouldn’t have waited for you.”
- now woojin never ever snaps
- but today he was in the worst mood
- ever
- “jeez, what’s with you today?”
- and now you snapped
- “woojin, you should know what’s up with me today i’ve waited for you for now two weeks every single fucking day”
- “babe i know i’m sorry it’s just they’ve wanted a lot out of us-“
- “yeah. you want a lot of of me to wait for you. i know that. what do you think i have done?”
- “y/n i know it’s just the fans-“
- “it’s always the fans woojin, always.”
- “because they care about us. we just won at mama i don’t want to lose that streak. why can’t you understand that?”
- “woojin. i’ve been the most fucking understanding of that. i didn’t question you for shit about scandals when i sure could’ve and i always helped you when you felt stressed-“
- “people care about us, y/n. we have fans. they’re there for us.”
- oh god woojin really fucked it up now
- a small silence occurred when woojin’s eyes widened with what he said
- “babe-“
- “save it woojin.”
- “no i didn’t mean-“
- “no, i get it. i don’t have fans because i’m not an idol, so i wouldn’t get it. people care about you and the boys and not really about me. hell, they want me gone since i’m dating their bias. go date fucking lisa from blackpink or something, then!”
- “no that isn’t-“
- “save it. i’m leaving. maybe you’ll someday realize why i’m so fucking pissed after waiting for you for so damn long.”
- you walk out and slam the door
- “fine be that way!” yelled woojin
- he went to your guys’ now empty bed angry as hell
- he almost threw the picture of you two on the ground but hesitated
- you drove over to your bff’s house and slept for the night
- in the morning woojin went to practice
- and he was on snapchat
- and noticed your streak had an hourglass
- he sent you a black screen and you instantly left him on open
- he groaned
- and rolled his eyes
- and he was viewing his stories and saw daehwi’s
- it was a selfie
- “happy late birthday y/n!!!”
- woojin dropped
- wait
- it was your birthday yesterday???
- holy fuck he promised to spend the day with you
- he didn’t even get you an xmas gift cause you said that’s all you wanted
- holy fuck
- he stormed into practice
- “daehwi!!!!”
- daehwi was eating a croissant
- “woojin!!! you almost made me drop my croissant!!!”
- “dumbass bitch!!! why didn’t you tell me it was my gf’s birthday yesterday!!!!!”
- “woojin sweetie you were supposed to know this”
- “i remembered!” piped daniel holding his story too
- “shut up mr center i hope your cats die”
- “heY”
- jisung aka mom runs over
- daehwi rubbed his temples
- “y/n is soooo mad at you woojin”
- “she’s so supportive of your snaggletooth headass and you don’t see that”
- jisung blows the whistle n stops ong and woojin from fighting
- jisung sighed
- “y/n rlly never let you see her frustrated bc you’d come home late as hell n she would always rant to me and daehwi about it and she went to (bff)’s house all night and cried”
- “how was i supposed to know!!!”
- “he has a point snaggletooth headass”
- “shut up four foot chode nobody cares sungwoon”
- “gUys shUT UP” yelled jisung
- “woojin go make up with her your dumbass fucKED UP”
- “big time!” chorused daniel holding his two cats
- woojin facepalmed
- “guys what the hell do i do i rlly did fuck up i was just so caught up on the choreo-“
- “dumbass dance machine”
- jisung blows his mom whistle again
- “luckily bc i’m so old and wise i have a damn plan”
- so all 11 boys shut up and crowd around
- “here’s what we are finna do bitches”
- “jisung sweetie pls don’t say finna it’s improper”
- “sorry minhyun”
- you’re at your bff’s house
- you were throwing dart’s at a pic of woojin
- until she knocks on ur door
- “hey y/n someone’s here to see you”
- “if it’s woojin i swear to-“
- “david lee ur so white”
- “i was born in LA headass”
- daehwi hands you a wrapped gift
- you coo
- bff walks in
- “wtf y/n who’s house are you in”
- daehwi clears throat
- “anyways so”
- “get dressed”
- “we’re hanging out”
- “stop simping over the snaggletooth headass”
- “i wAS NO-“
- “bitch shut up ur listening to butterfly and spring day by bts and you’re really telling me you aren’t simping????”
- ok daehwi got you there
- so you kicked him outta ur friend’s room
- and you get dressed
- no details bc this isn’t smut
- yET
- anyways after twenty minutes you step out
- daehwi huffs
- “see this hair? i didn’t dye it white. it turned white waiting for your slowpoke ass”
- “shut up daehwi last time i checked i waited for you for two hours when you bumped into iu”
- anyways
- daehwi flashes his signature grin
- “oK go to the living room”
- “daehwi i thought we were going out??”
- “yes going out of the room duh”
- “y/n if you think i have money to treat you out for a day you really must be tripping”
- “daehwi stfu you deadass have tons of money after debuting don’t play with me”
- daehwi shoves you into the room anyways
- and your jaws drop
- and there you see the living room decorated
- with your favorite foods on the coffee table
- and presents
- and a chocolate cake
- and the other boys there
- besides woojin
- so daniel’s cats could be at ur bday and not your boyfriend? ok
- “we’re really sorry we couldn’t celebrate with you on your actual birthday so we tried to make up for it” smiles jisung
- you almost broke down in tears
- because THAT IS SO SWEET
- “aw thanks guys i love you so much”
- “even if woojin hates me enough to not even want to celebrate my bday LOL it’s okay.”
- guanlin awkwardly coughed
- “uh look behind you”
- lo and behold
- park woojin is behind you holding 10 bouquets of red roses
- bby boy is almost falling bc he carried all of them
- you’re kind of taken aback
- because who wouldn’t be??
- “i’m sorry that i couldn’t wish you happy birthday with them i had to run to like five florists cause turns out everyone ran out of red roses”
- he hands you one bouquet and other boys scramble to help him
- “i’m really sorry that i fucked up and forgot that it was your birthday it was honestly such a dick move of me-“
- “and i really took you for granted and i feel terrible because i need to remember that they’re fans, and though i’m in their hearts..you’re in mine. i’m scared of losing you because you’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me and i promise i never ever forgot about that”
- “and like roses are what i gave you on our first date and i know they can’t do too much to make you forgive me but i remembered you love them and you honestly deserve the world”
- and woojin has tears in his eyes and takes one hand and tries to wipe his tears and now he’s blubbering
- “i totally understand if you hate me and wanna break up i support your decision either way i’m so so sorry for being such a dick-“
- he was shocked at first but he leaned down just a little bit
- “idiot i forgive you”
- “w-wait really”
- before woojin went to go fight daehwi you laughed
- and he looked at you with a small smile
- ft his little snaggletooth
- and daniel brings out the cake and they start singing
- BUT then woojin’s eyes shoot up
- he hands you the roses and grabs a little box out of his pocket
- “here open it”
- “woojin we’re too young to get married-“
- he turns bright red
- “i-i mean not like i don’t wanna m-marry you i-it’s just”
- you open it
- it’s a promise ring!!! the one that you told woojin how pretty it was two months ago!!!!
- “woojin!!!! this is really expensive you know i was like kidding right!!!!”
- “well like you deserve the world so i’m trying to give it to you”
- “and like it’s my promise to you to never treat you less than perfect”
- “and that i promise to put you before my career”
- all the boys coo
- and daniel is huffing bc the cake is rlly heavy and he wants to goddamn sing already so he can set it down
- so you sing!
- and all is well!
- and woojin puts an arm around your waist and kisses your forehead
- “happy late birthday babe, i love you.”
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bettysnooze · 7 years
i can't remember if i asked or not so!! 6, 7, 12, 13, and 28!! long ones im soz
6. which one of your muses have you been playing the longest?
answered here !!
7. which one of your muses has the most ships?
HELEN RIGHT NOW OH MAN, i never realised how flirty she is wow, and the chemistry is off the charts for so many ppl i don’t even know how to begin, half of this might just be in my head so um pls lets talk about sHIPS WITH HELEN
12. what is something everyone should know about your muses before interacting?
betty: she’s made a name for herself among students, i feel like it’d be pretty common knowledge that auradon prep and arcadia uni has its own sandman. they might not know its specifically betty?? but definitely once they’re around her, you’d just know. so if you need a good night’s sleep or some help with nightmares, betty is your girl. 
veronika: she’s a tour guide for auradon prep students! so she’s good for characters that come in for the first time ever. she always has some sort of bag with her and it’s basically a survival kit (water, umbrella, maps, auradon keychains). 
makaria: she always looks amazing. girl with the awesome fashion sense, great nails, great hair. always put together. she had a good relationship with her father, so on the isle they were basically this strong unit. if hades was walking, you’d know mak wasn’t too far behind. 
hershey: he comes from a playable game! the arcade’s on the west coast somewhere, but yeah sugar rush is 100% playable so if it’s relevant for your character to have went there and played sugar rush by any chance, then they probably would remember hershey from there. 
cestrum: he’s tall. like…6 foot more. i think i said he was 6 foot 2. in a crowd he’s one of the tall ones. when he’s sitting down in a low chair, his knees are really knobby it’s like watching a giraffe sit down. 
aiwei: he’s got visible frankenstein’s-monster type scars. recently, he’d had to stitch himself up a lot (without a good access to magic) so along his arms and fingers especially. his skin isn’t warm, it’s a little pale actually but honestly the life comes from his eyes and his smile.
otto: he’s handsome af. literally classic prince charming. comes from snow white’s family, so very posh, very rich boy trope. sits with the cool kids, acts like a cool kid, lives like a cool kid. will only be seen associating with other royals (or those close to royals) or sitting alone. but he always looks busy too. 
illyria: she’s a bit ‘mona lisa painting’ in that her eyes will literally follow you even if she doesn’t move. once you catch her attention, she won’t look away until she’s had her fill of analysing you. also she speaks a lot in class (more in recent months) and if she’s curious about you, you’ll know. she bothers a lot of people in class too lmao.
kirsa: she’s a cheerleader! super team spirit all the way. she’s got makeup on her all the time, has her own version of a survival kit. need lip balm? she’s got new ones you can just take. need pads or tampons? she’s got light, heavy, and super. need a snack? she’s got a brownie in a tin. need alcohol or smokes? she’s got them too. omg she runs high school contraband.
dignan: LITERALLY SO BUSY WITH CLUBS. you will literally always see him hanging out with someone from a sports team, usually the baseball team. he’s literally a jock. since he joined the team he’s taken to wearing some sort of sports fashion – a cap, or shoes, or a jersey or jacket. BUT ALSO he’s in mathletes!! if he’s not in any of his other extracurriculars or studying or hanging with friends, then he’s at the gym or training. 
helen: also a jock. but she’s more known for having aurelius hanging around her all the time. he knows he can’t go into any buildings, so he’s always waiting outside. sometimes he hangs out by the classroom window and watches lessons LMAO. 
penelope: if you look poor, she’ll scoff at you, if you look rich, she’ll wink at you. she may also try to steal your shit, rich or poor. her luck with stealing comes and goes, sometimes it’s a smooth steal, most of the time she gets caught. she always tries tho.
13. what’s a weird headcanon you have for each of your muses?
betty: idk if this is weird but betty has the ability to literally sleep anywhere. once she decides she’s comfortable and wants to sleep, she’s done. betty’s been found sleeping in a closet, under a desk in a student’s lounge, IN CLASS…
veronika: she knows like every word to a handful of like early 2000s songs. outkast’s “hey ya”, eminem’s “without me”, coolio’s “gangsta’s paradise”, black eyed peas “where is the love”. a lot of avril lavigne. she won’t sing it (unless you’re noelle) but she can recite and mouth along to the song
makaria: she had a cooking phase. but only she eats the food bc she doesn’t want to accidentally poison anybody or make them puke. she likes cooking food. considers herself a good food critic.
hershey: hated ice-cream for the longest time bc, as a kid, he couldn’t get through the ice-cream catapult range on the sugar rush track. full-on boycotted ice-cream from like ages 6-10. it was a sad time for hershey.
cestrum: i’ve talked about it before but his tapdancing! started when he found a pair of dancing shoes in wonderland. then he found an old gramophone and some records. he basically taught himself how to tap dance. he doesn’t do it so often now because there’s every chance someone’s going to catch him doing it.
aiwei: secretly tried all sorts of things to make himself taller. he’d do stretches. he’d hang upside down. the last straw was when he would hang by his arms off a tall beam, with weight attached to his feet. he can’t feel pain so he just added as many weights as possible, and one foot literally popped off the socket. there’s a scar there too.
otto: scared of open water. doesn’t like the idea of drowning. he frantically trained himself to be able to swim well (in a pool) but he’s still wary of going to the beach. doesn’t like flying on a plane over large bodies of water. just……..no open water.
illyria: she’s really really bad with makeup. all she had to go on for years was tia dalma’s intense eyeliner, smokey-eye look LMAO. she tried makeup for a while but got too lazy and is just bare-faced now (she loves moisturising though and buys all sorts of sea-themed facewashes and things).
kirsa: she’s really picky about food. she’s a little self-conscious about it so when u eat with her for the first time she just goes with whatever but once she’s comfortable it’s just gonna be so specific. “hi so i’d like the apple pie for dessert with the ice-cream on the side, and if it’s home-baked pie then i’d like it heated but if it’s not then leave the ice-cream and i’ll have whipped cream instead. otherwise, i’d still like the ice-cream on the side – and for the salad, can i also have the dressing on the side please?” this is shamelessly taken from ‘when harry met sally’ but EVERYTHING IS ON THE SIDE
dignan: he’s superstitious especially about competitions. the first baseball game he won, he ate ice-cream beforehand so like now every time he has to eat ice-cream before a game. different rule for mathletes though, whenever they have a competition, he has to do like ten sit-ups. he will do those sit-ups anywhere, but he has to get them done. doesn’t walk under ladders. doesn’t open umbrellas indoors.
helen: she’s really not looking to love anyone right now, but she ends up liking so many people and she kinda loves that physical side of the relationship a lot ??? she also loves showing off and that’s not really a quirky headcanon but like she loves showing off
penelope: idk yet but i think maybe she once tried singing to the birds on the isle (back when her grandmother was still like ‘yes penny sing!!’) and honestly like the birds either died or tried to attack her, she probably has a fear of birds now because of that. 
28. can you sort your muses from weakest to strongest?
aiwei: is a pacifist but also just like no upper-arm strength and literally you could rip his arms off with the right amount of force so no
cestrum: could literally knock him over with a strong wind but at least he’s a little more solid than aiwei. also a pacifist. also has a little trauma when it comes to physical harm so he just freezes and let’s things happen to him.
kirsa: has no idea how to defend herself and literally just runs or something and she’s not even a fast runner. she can scream tho and she panic-fights so she has every chance to scratch someone’s eyes out.
hershey: also panic-fights. would rather run (or drive away) than fight. if he had a car in his disposal he would still choose to just drive away with as little injury to anyone as possible. not very powerful in terms of physical fights; he gets beat up a lot.
veronika: knows how to avoid fights. calm in a brawl. uses her environment to her advantage (ie. broken glass, distractions). looks to leave fights rather than end them.
dignan: only more powerful than veronika physically but strategically he’s a mess. impulsive fighter. will throw himself into anything. upper-arm strength because of recent training and exercise; good aim, has amazing aim. 
illyria: calm, strategic, trained fighter. but only good with weapons, not very good with hand-to-hand combat (would rather not touch anyone at all). different scenario if she was in the water, but by herself she’s at this stage of the scale.
otto: brute strength. brawls. boxing. clenched fists and can take a hit and doesn’t stop hitting until the other person gives up. also swordsmanship. 
helen: the most powerful out of all my non-powered people. she’s got the strength, the strategy, the experience and the training. actual warrior princess helen rider. can also do everything in heels and on horseback. can probably do motorcycle stunts.
betty: she has so much untapped potential; the ursula event was only like a small dose of what she could do if she decided to use her powers that way. could end a fight before it even started.
makaria: ofc a goddess of death would be like the most powerful. fire (hellfire) powers, and shadow manipulation and basic magic and teleportation and also she doesn’t know it yet/hasn’t had a chance but she can manipulate the dead that are devoted to hades. also she’s gonna get her immortality one of these days so Full God Mak Aidoneus™
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kimchichigay · 7 years
first love with jaemin
dO YOU HEAR ME SCREAMING BEING NA JAEMIN’S FIRST LOVE AND HIM BEING YOURS MY HEArT alright before we start this is my first time making something like this so pls be patient with me
• ok this twerp would definitely be the kind to slyly drop a lot of subtle but not so subtle hints that he likes you before y'all started dating
• like for example he’ll tuck your hair to the back of your ears like its nothing and then flashing you his million dollar smile
• or him telling you some cringey pick up line that is worth punching his beautiful face for poor chenle nearly threw up his lunch when he overheard you both
• donghyuck, jeno and chenle makes sure to film everything down and probably make a meme out of his mishaps
• mark and renjun are probably just there for emotional support
• he’ll probably begin by wiping his sweaty (ew) palms on his trousers and nervously clearing his throat cORNY I KNOW
• you will most probably be like ??!??? at first but then you realise what was going on the second you saw the trash can moved behind jaemin. you knew this was bound to happen so you secretly kept it inside of you knowing too damn well jaemin will appreciate it if you pretend not to know anything for his sake
• this hopeless romantic smh
• “ok so y/n there’s this thing I’ve been trying to tell you all along. this may sound ridiculous but this takes so much courage from the bottom of my heart and the strength of jaehyun and yuta hyung’s fist to knock some senses into me. and if I don’t do this now johnny and ten hyung are going to call me a wimp and I have to buy them pizza later because I proved their point. I–”
• but who the hell said you were good @ keeping your mouth and excitement shut you can’t stand the tension anymore too either so lmaO
• “I like you too jaemin.”
• “pls do not interrupt me y/n”
• before he could say the three little words he’s been dying to say, he took a deep breath but stopped half way, opening his half lid eyes widely after his mind was able to process
• “wait what”
• “can I come out now???” jisung’s head pops out of the bushes
• long story short jaemin was finally able to claim your heart that day and jisung got ant bites from hiding in the bushes for too long with the bouquet of flowers jaemin planned to give you after his confession
• the dream unit with the exception of jaemin also found their new source of entertainment from the video they got that day
• he’ll get you small lil gifts of whatever reminds you of him
• he’d even turn up at your house at 2am with fried chicken if you text him at night saying you’re hungry GOALS YALL
• I call him dropping by your classroom during snack breaks/lunch breaks with food with him, knowing so damn well about your horrible habit of skipping on your meals
• he would force you to eat with him or at least take a few bites from the food he specially prepared/bought for you
• and didn’t he say he enjoys cooking in the dorm too?? imAGINE HIS HOME COOKED FOOD MADE WITH HIS LOVE
• I’m crying blood
• “say ahh, y/n”
• “jaemin I said I’m not hungry”
• “stop lying through your food deprived mouth and eat!!!”
• “jAEMIN!!”
• but lbr it’s either that really cute BF material kind of smile he be giving you through the window or that weird derpy smile he always has when he’s being dumb
• either way you’re embarrassed by this goofball
• and to add on to your embarrassment, he knows that some of your classmates may be watching the two of you so he’d blow kisses/make kissy faces at you
• he just absolutely loves to see you blush because it’s just so cute to him and he loves cute things especially you you’re his favorite cute thing and he wants to keep you by his side forever
• because jaemin has been receiving lessons from his hyungs on dating it isn’t surprising that he brought you to the movies on your first date not because it highly suggested by his hyungs…
• you both agreed to meet outside the movie theatre and he was there an hour early and boy was he nervous as heck
• the older members were also there for a little while to prep him up aw how supportive
• sO after giving him half an hour long of prep talk and re-styling his hair (for running through them anxiously mULTIPLE OF TIME) ITS FINALLY TIME
• pls excuse me for a moment here oh my god na jaemin is seriously one of the most attractive 16 years olds I’ve ever seen f U CK CALMD DJOWN
• ok lets get back
• “aigoo, my beautiful girlfriend looks even more beautiful than usual tonight. did you dress up especially for me?”
• I want to kms
• you’d just smack his arm and walk away, trying to hide your face. “let’s go buy the tickets before the show starts, you twerp…”
• the smile on his face would just become wider and he’d catch up with you, naturally reaching out for your hand and intertwining them together
• where the fuck did that nervous dipshit go and where the fuck did he find such confidence to become such a cheesy little shit
• jaemin also bought popcorn and drinks for the both of you and being the cheesy lil shit insist y'all share the drink with two straws while giving the excuse “i wouldnt be able to finish mine if we bought two” 
 • “I can buy my share myself” 
 • “nonono it’s too late for that now the movie is about to start and the line for the snacks is now really long lets go babe you don’t wanna miss out the beginning of the movie”
 • he holds your hand and leads you both inside the theatre and to your seats • “what are we watching again” 
 • “the conjuring 2” 
 • “hmm,, ok… wAIT WHAT” 
 • you stared at him wide eyed and jaemin suddenly looked remorseful and he regrets everything especially listening to his hyungs who probably learnt all their “techniques” and “moves” from watching too much corny chick flick and kdrama 
 • “sorry, I should’ve asked you. do you want to leave right now? I can get tickets to see another movie.” 
 • but your cheapskate ass just grabs him and pulled him back down in his seat but not letting go of his hand 
 • “its fine jaemin, ive seen the trailer and my friends say it’s pretty good. let’s enjoy this movie shall we? haha.”
• though your face say yes but heart say no, jaemin was reluctant but eventually decided to sit back down when the lights went off
• “but if the movie gets too scary and you dont feel like watching it anymore you can always tell me, ok y/n? we could have dinner early or something, i’ll bring you some place nice.”
• instead of watching in the beginning of the movie, jaemin was watching you the entire time with a stupid smile of his face despite worrying over the fact that you might be scarred for life
• eventually you caught him and you had to forcefully make him stare ahead at the big screen instead. at first he was pretending but soon enough he was immersed in it
• this dipshit istg
• when the climax of the movie came, you knew what was going to happen and you immediately grabbed jaemin’s hand while following your instincts and hid behind his shoulder
• he was caught off guard at first lmao since he was too immersed in the movie that he nearly forgot that hes on a date 
• after realising you had grabbed his hand and possibly squeeze it for as long as the climax part of the movie lasted, he blushed and tries to bite back a smile from forming on his face
• and when he turned to look at you, seeing that you’ve curled up in the seat, ears covered with your other hand and eyes squeezed shut, he was this close into melting into a puddle of goo because you looked so cute and squishy and he just wants to hold you 
• and he did 
• i am trying not to scream as i type this 
• he skillfully wrapped his arm around your shoulders and pulled you into his embrace, stroking your hair as he teases you “aigoo my big baby i told you we should’ve watched something else instead.”
• you both went on to watch the movie like that, you clinging onto him like your life depended on it and him enjoying every second of it and lowkey wishes the movie to be longer
• when the creepy music in the background began to play as the second climax arrive, you were already gripping onto jaemin’s arm. being the perfect boyfriend material he is, he covered your ears. (BASICALLY JUST LIKE THE WAY SUNGJAE DID TO JOYIN WGM WHILE THEY WERE WATCHING A MOVIE I MISS THEM SO MUCH)
• but as soon as it was over (after all that exorcism and shit and everything becomes brighter), you’ll just look up and blush in embarrassment cos jaemin was staring back at you with a smug look on his face tHIS LITTL E SHIT
• you also notice that there are red marks on his arm from where you were grabbing him so you gasped and began apologizing for nearly tearing his arm apart during the movie while gently stroking his arm while rambling on and on about how sorry you are and also complimenting how he’s practically hairless 
• apparently you were rambling on too much that he couldn’t take it??? not in a bad wAY BUT it wasn’t just your rambles that was driving him crazy 
• it was your moving lips
• he kissed you 
• to shut you up 
• and to also finally man up and kiss you like how he should’ve 3 weeks ago when you both started dating
• mmMm gotta get me a guy like jaemin A++
• you were too stunned to kiss him back so you just stared at him wide eyed when he pulled away
• “i-what-huh-wait, jaemin-what-” you poor confused child
• “how did you know peach was my favorite flavor.” he wipes the corner of his lips as he said that with a shit eating grin, causing you to turn crimson.
• “what are you kids still doing here? the movie is over; leave.” 
• whoops 
• so basically that was how jaemin found his confidence and that was just only the beginning of this cute relationship and he just adores the heck out of you and loves you to bits you guys are practially engaged in his head and he hopes that not only you’ll be his first love you’ll also be his last iTSNT THAT THE CUTEST THING EVER
• i am crying blooODdd i hope you guys enjoyed this like how i enjoyed torturing myself ㅠㅠ
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Correspondence between SC and JM (a member of the accountability panel), November 2014
SC     11/29/14    to JM
Dear JM,
it was nice to see you other other day at the demo....im not exactly sure how to start this email but our exchange keeps repeating on me...so i thought i would write to you... i was a bit irrked that you seemed surprised that I said I was feeling quite shit and when you asked me whats up etc
I'm starting to think you have no idea what the impact the bloomsbury ten stuff has had on me... i wanted to write to you so you had some type of idea...
as Im sure your aware everything sparked up again recently ( it actually sparked up (intensely) again a few weeks before K’s piece of writing but i wont go into that here ). and there is now a name and shame blog doxing me and the others and accusing us of various crimes.
I know you have not partaken in this and even tried to calm thing down on fb at one point.... but it doesnt help and things are really bad.
there are a BUNCH of people who read our intervention letter who have grossly and purposely falsified what we originally wrote -  you know many of these people  - ( ie NBa, RA-D, P, STA, etc many others ) and im sure you have seen this stuff circulating recently and over the last few years.
they accuse us of at least these things:
- victim blaming
-denying it happened
-calling her a liar
- asking for more evidence
- asking about her sexual history
-bullying and harassing her
-saying it was her fault.
yet anyone who read / reads the original letter and who has basic comprehension skills can clearly see that none of these things happened. these are projections onto what we wrote and not our words at all. obviously we cannot even defend ourselves publicly to refute these malicious claims without picking over detail and i think no one thinks it would be appropriate or right to do this as both the first email and our response have details of …. This has left space for others to twist and turn and lie about what we originally wrote.
Im not saying you should agree with what we wrote or our intervention but seriously these lies about what happened are more than malicious and completely untrue. equally as for the claims that we were were hiding behind anonymity  -  we went to BOTH follow up meetings after we wrote the letter and everyone knew who we were -  we also agreed to go to a third meeting but that never happened .... the only reason people have my name now is because i went to a meeting and made myself known like everyone else. i hardly think this is hiding ...
i want you to understand the effect this has had on me not just in the last month or so but over the last few years as well.
firstly i had so much self doubt to the point that i felt that i WAS a victim blaming rape apologist and that what we had written was of that effect. I had to read and re read what we wrote over a couple of hundred times ( and that is not an exaggeration )  -  i have read it over and over to try and understand peoples accusations...finally in desperation I showed it privately to (redacted) who were not part of writing the original statement -  from (redacted) to  (redacted)  - i showed it to very smart and honest people-  EVERYBODY was fucking shocked at the way what we wrote had been interpreted. It is only with the most decontextualised and ungenerous reading of about one line that you could move to a victim blaming reading...... this response /  projection is complete gas lighting and really hurtful and dangerous. ( esp for me as i have pretty serious mental health issues)
over the last weeks, basically after K wrote her piece, i repeatedly felt suicidal and got very very ill... al had to take time off to stay with me and look after me. I couldnt walk i couldnt eat and i couldnt sleep. i was completely haunted by the trial by social media ( i actually still am). and the very malicious smears against me and the others. I basically had a complete breakdown and had to be put in touch with a crisis mental health team and was very close to hospitalization.... and although i am on the mend now i am very far from being well and am dosed up to the eyeballs on meds and still have very low days. this has had an extreme impact on me.
Im not sure if you know this but i lost my father at the beginning on this year.... its really been the year from hell. I was just starting to recover from his death and then this stuff comes up and was the final straw and knocked me sideways...
many people of twiiter who tweet about this like its a fucking sport know not only that i lost my dad this year but that i have stress triggered mental health problems... this doesnt seem to stop them from massively false and malicious tweets. I have had PERSONAL abuse from R and there are a lot of men who have taken a delight in taking a stand against me ( victim blaming rape appologist ) and think its fine to stick my name on a blog and spread lies about me ( obviously i deserve it).....
to get proof of who was saying what I literally had to witness my own online abuse in real time as a live twitter feed -  i had to screen grab the lot before people could deny or delete what they were saying or block me - please try to imagine what its like to photograph your own abuse as spectacle on twitter. ....
anyway i have proof of a lot of what and who has been saying what now...
to be honest im not even telling you the half of what has gone on , on the impact this has had on me and others and of how upset i am by the sheer dishonesty, cruelty and sadistic abuse that has happened. ontop of that no one says anything and people like RA-D, M and NBa and P go on as if nothing has happened.
i know you havent joined in in any of this and you didnt ask for it to happen. I have to be honest with you though -  neither you , JB, SB, or MC [the accountability panel] have ever said anything and this really hurts. you were all part of the original group who wrote the letter and tried to sort things out.... no one has said anything and it has spiralled to the point that it has.... you all have been able to walk away.... it was very hard to have you bounce up to me at the demo and be surprised that i was not ok or ask why i was not ok.....
i am basically known on twitter as a rape appologist for things i haven’t done and haven’t said. have another look at what was written   - we never disputed what [REDACTED]  said once -  we criticised the process as we said we didn’t think things were being dealt with in a serious or appropriate way -  we NEVER disputed what she said or said it was her fault and we always said that it needed to be dealt with... its written in the statement which im sure you still have..
i dont really know why im writing this... i know you disagree with what we wrote  - i disagree with what was originally written  - but never did i think you were coming from a bad place -  i know you were trying to do the right thing.... i feel like people assumed the very very worst of me and others and that it is grossly ungenerous and now is dishonest and cruel.
i dont know what to say really - im still not ok about any of this and now every time i go on social media or to a demo I must wonder if i must see people like RA-D. NBa etc acting like nothing bad has happened, acting like they are not abusive and dishonest and that there will be no repercussion for how they have treated me and others.
— ( screen grabs sent including death threat screen grab)
i have plenty more screen grabs that just a very very small selection..
if you think about it " pls remind me who im missing out"
he purposely left my name out ( he knew i was part of b10 ) then asked people to remind him of my name in the  separate next tweet ... please run that around in your head and think about what that means and why he did that... he takes a massive pleasure in being purposely abusive to me personally... its a fucking sport to him..... and no body said anything.
sorry to keep emailing  -  only to say i probably have left my flat less than 15 times in the past two months /  two and half months since this has kicked off.... im basically non functional and i spent about a month uncontrollably weeping for most of the time i was awake... quite literally  -  u can ask anyone from a to DG or MH  to the crisis team or my dr -  who took it in turns looking after me during the worst parts of it.
that i have to put up with abusive men like RA-D or women like NBa and P ( because i deserve it for being a rape apologist ) is beyond a joke.
you know very little about my life and nor does anyone else - i have NOT had an easy life , the statistical chances of  me being relatively sane , functional and with a good post grad education are much less than 1 percent.
and now i have to put up with a bunch of very well educated privileged student activists who I know to have high comprehension and reading skills fucking lying about what i/others have written and done is a fucking joke.
and that they purport to do this in the name of countering gendered structural violence is a fucking disgrace.
JM    11/29/14    to SC
Hey S,
I had no idea it had gotten this bad and that it was ongoing.
DG mentioned some of this to me a few weeks ago but but then I had only seen a small amount of the backlash on M's facebook wall, which is what I responded to. It seemed like it had flared up around K's post but was beginning to die down. I don't use twitter that much, partly because of the irritating dogmatism and pernicious attitudes it seems to produce (case in point), so I hadn't seen any of the stuff on there. I either don't follow, don't know, or have stopped following the people you mentioned and have generally distanced myself from a lot of the left-crowd in the past year for a number of reasons - but partly because I find the language and mentality which seems to have developed so off-putting that I no longer feel a part of the same discourse - the result is that I'm perhaps more out of the loop than you were aware.
Whatever type of anarchism it is that justifies this kind of behaviour I don't want any part of, and can't think of anything more willfully destructive than posting people's names on the internet or threatening people with violence. I can understand why [REDACTED] is angry about what happened but I can't for the life of me understand how this will help anything beyond a misplaced desire for arbitrary retribution.
You know my feelings about what was written, but as far as I'm concerned it is in the past. I'm sure that if we could go back in time everybody would have gone about things differently on all sides. What matters to me is where people's heart is - I have no doubt whatsoever that people like yourself and MH are good people with the best intentions. I wouldn't maintain the fondness I hold for both of you if I didn't. JBR and some of the others I'm less sure about - there are some good parts to him, but I don't trust him enough to be as close as I once was; being polemic or 'critical' often seems more important to him than generosity of spirit, and he can consequently be quite nasty to people with very little reason. He is far better at sowing division than anything else. I think RB is a good man but sometimes lets his friendship with JB cloud his judgement, as it did mine at points in the past. I certainly don't harbour ill will towards him, even if I felt initially hurt by him, and I'm sad we're not as close to each other because of all this stuff - I feel like I lost an important friend. I haven't come across RL in the past few years but I'd like to hope we'd be able to clear the air one day if we did cross paths. I've never had any reason to doubt she's a lovely person who got caught up in an extremely difficult situation and any hostility she expressed was an understandable product of that.
As for now, I don't think anybody has any answers to this stuff and if we're going to come up with anything of meaning or value it will require thinking through the kind of criticisms K made in her post, many of which are inarguable. At the same time we can't just ignore issues when they arise for the sake of convenience. Unfortunately the political climate seems completely anathema to learning anything productive from what has happened and looks to bully people (how much easier) on social media instead - hence my increasing sense of frustration with the 'scene' and my desire to become more distant from it.
I haven't been staying silent because I'm okay with what's happening - I simply haven't encountered it except on M’s facebook wall, where I intervened accordingly. If this starts to happen again send me a message and I will offer whatever weight I have as someone who criticised the original statement. I'm wary of putting something up out of the blue lest it simply stir the whole thing up again, but if others are doing that anyway let me know.
I hope you're doing okay.  if you want to have a drink and chat about any of this or life generally just drop me a line.
J x
Correspondence between SC and JM (a member of the accountability panel), April 2015
to JM
and are any other accountability group members coming to the meeting?
JM    4/26/15    to sc
Yep that's fine for me - as to the others I don't know, I prodded them the other week but no one replied. I think I'm right in saying that no one was opposed to talking on principle but that there were reservations about it being a larger meeting, what the objective was, how it might be framed etc. If we're going with the 6th then I'll send a message and see what they say.
SC    4/26/15    to JM
no one is going to frame anything .i have always been open with you about my thoughts on this...i think its better for all of us that other people, who are wise and have good politics esp gender politics... are there to advise us all.... i would like people to stop abusing me for stuff i havent done, written , said thought, think etc.. i dont think its a big ask for the group to come considering they were at the heart of the process. i know none of them have been abusive towards me... however they were intitated a process that has become way out of control...i think people need to face up to what has and is happening in an honest way. as i have said many times i have evidence of people smearing me and abuseing me online. there is a very male core to alot of this abuse. i need to make this stop. my endurance for this has run out and its making me exreamly ill. please communicate to the the seriousness of this situation.
and apart from myself i ( unlike all the liars say) worry a great deal about [REDACTED]..I am totally unable to approach her to try and get aid with resolution for her, which she clearly needs.
basically JM i am not despite what many people write about me online , some type of evil bastard and neither is anyone else. the way we have been and are being treated is unjustifiable and it needs to stop, be confronted and people need to take responsibilty for their actions. i am sick of being hounded online and being villified to a large invisible audience. i am sick of people justifying their abuse cos they think i deserve it. - that actually is victim blaming and it needs to stop.
SC     4/26/15    to JM
i have a folder with 6 months worth of abuse  -  which is about 300 tweets, thats is just a tiny tiny percentage of what has been going on. within this folder i have a sub folder of people joking about putting me in a black bin liner, stabbing me, glassing me and saying that i should be killed.  when are people going to wake up?? i am a real person, this has a real imapct on me.  i suffer real mental health issues, which are classed as a severe disability. do u understand that if i have a sever breakdown i have zero garentee of " coming out" of a psycotic state? have you any idea what it is like to live with that thought?
how can i get this into peoples heads here??? i have STRESS TRIGGERED PSYCOSIS. -  i cant really understand how this cannot at least move people to take some kind of action? or is it that they think that cos i am a " victim blamer" ( which i am not ) that i should just suffer the abuse that i am receiving?
do they need doctors notes? i have access to 18 years worth. i am not making my health problems up....
SC     4/26/15    to JM
do u realise that this is not going to go away? i cant live like this.
they cant justify their abuse. because thats what it is.
SC     4/26/15    to JM
i hope that all of you in the accountability group will stop  not see this as an attack on you all and start to face up to what is actually going on here. i incuded people like np, tz and dg on the list becuase i am hopeing that you might talk with them and listen to them about this, you all clearly have zero respect for me and dont believe me.. but myabe you will listen to them? some other perspectives?
JM     4/27/15    to SC
I don't think I've given you any reason to feel I have zero respect for you, Sophie, or the others. I'm coming to the meeting - I'm just relating as best I can what other people feel. I understand their caution, and I can't force them to do anything. I will say that I worry about seeing me or the others as the solution to this - ultimately it isn't coming from us, and none of us share personal relationships or even a political outlook any more with the people involved. To me this is exactly the problem with abandoning the notion of being part of a community with obligations to each other, and what happens if there's no process in place that can bring closure to a problem - which takes us back to the original disagreements I suppose. This was an issue whether anyone wanted to address it or not.
SC     4/27/15    to JM
No one expects any forcing. Some of those in the accountability group are pretty close to some extremely abuseive people. I find it abhorrent. Maybe JB MC Sb etc might well talk to them off social media?  I don't know really. It seems odd that a group of people who used to be my friends and who profess to want to deal with gendered violence just shrug their shoulders and say this is a consequence of what u wrote. Or something similar. I have pointed out a number of times how what we wrote has been undeniably and maliciously distorted - and then this distortion used as a pretext for abuse. I m not the only person who think this, I have shown the text to NP, MV, TZ,  DG and other people I trust and asked them to read it for the things that we all have been accused of, (redacted) and said that I would apologies if it had blamed her, I lost complete trust in my own capacity to have faith in my own motivations and actions. That is actually gas lighting. Ikon wits not coming from u ( well I actually have at least one horrible grab from SB) but a lot of it is coming fro. People who were on that list or went to the meetings. Plenty people are making excuses for all this is more than shocking... It's like some bastard of Lord of the flies and the Salam witch trails on acid. I have men beating up on me online for things they know I haven't said. And even if I had said them it would still be unjustifiable.
SC     4/27/15    to JM
JM I'm sorry I'm a 35 year old working class woman with severe mental health problems. I was (redacted) and had (redacted). Before I went to university, at 25 my life was spent in (redacted) institutions and women's (redacted). Against statistical odds of probably less than one percent I have a post grad and had hoped to do a PhD. My life was for the first time on 30 years starting to settle. This is ruining me. It's making me ill. I have these disgusting middle class pricks hounding me online for sport and cred. I'm not MH and I'm not JBR and this b10 stuff does not play out in an equal way for us all. For me it is extreeamly traumatic due to who I am and the life that I have lived. As I told you it's making me ill, I am extreeamly lucky I haven't ended up in hospital. Please take time to get educate yourself about schizo effective effective disorder and its relationship to stress.
I hope that the other accountability group people will come to the meeting and stop being complicit and cowardly.
SC     4/27/15    to JM
I am hoping for some type of collective process or intervention. If this doesn't happen I am forced to take matters into my own hands alone to stop people abuseing me.
JM     4/27/15    to SC
I think it's best I just relate the things you're saying to me directly to the others because, as I've said, I'm coming to the meeting.
Are you alright with that, and if so, is there anything from this thread you'd want me not to pass on?
JM     4/27/15    to SC
to be clear I mean just c/ping the above so they can hear it themselves and decide accordingly. I don't think I can be any more use as a go-between now
SC     4/27/15    to JM
If you think it will help I suppose you should. Please do not copy sections but the whole exchange. I feel angry that I am I a position where I must disclose the shit life I have lived. And which still makes me feel a great deal of shame. At least maybe I won't have to go over it in A meeting publicly.
If I find that anyone had forwarded my email exchange beyond people who were in the accountability group I will be more than angry. Equally if it is subject to gossip or distortion on or off social media and I shall be more than upsset.
Thanks for trying to help.
Correspondence between SC and ZB (who had acted as a representative of [REDACTED] during the accountability meetings), October 2014
I am writing to you as I have been told by people that we have in common and that i trust that you are solid feminist with good politics. I will try to keep this brief. i am not sure how much you are aware of what has been going on recently and for years. I do not have the energy to go over all of it.
The situation cannot go on as it is. I am getting very ill, I have sever stress triggered schizoaffective disorder. I have lost my father this year too. I have comrades and my partner caring for me, so don't worry about that.
I am worried about  [REDACTED]. ( not [person with same initials] the other one )
here are some of her tweets, i have a million more, this is a random selection. I have seen worse.
— ( screen grabs of [REDACTED] and other actors)
there are a lot of lies being peddled here. Of course i would be extremely angry too i if i thought anyone had denied my suffering and my experience, victim blamed and asked me to evidence it. ( actually the position that i am in now )
there are a network of actors here, between me and you and her, who have deliberately falsified what we originally wrote and did and have done since.  I think they do this to make a political point and to normalize a certain political practice. They can all read well. Im sure a;lot of them have read the original text that was written  ( i have attached it here along with my own writing ).
The ONLY reason myself and others have not defended ourselves in a public way is because we am worried about [REDACTED] safety and sanity . I cannot be a punch bag for these people. they are not her friends/ comrades either and not helping her at all. I feel she needs support but i cannot approach her.
There are a host of people getting a lot of pleasure out of all of this. I have screen grabs of the lot. in amongst them hide some very abusive men.  I have hard evidence of men abusing me on twitter and using [REDACTED]’s trauma as an excuse to do so. there are a bunch of women too who have played a very big part in escalating this to the situation as it currently manifests. I have had to  witness all  abuse play out as a spectacle on twitter.  I have ( had to ) screen grabbed the lot.
I am not asking help with anything other than a good support network for her. I feel that she is surrounded by some very dubious people, with bad politics and ethics.  People who call themselves feminists and communists, who are so far away from that its unreal.
I am sorry to pull you into this but i am worried that lives are at risk. i know you have just had a baby ( congratulations) and i imagine you are time short and tired. If you can think of any thing that might help please let me know.
ZB    10/13/14    To SC
Hi S. I will use the form on the tumblr to ask for it to be taken down. I don't know who is running it, I was only aware of it after A told me about it yesterday. I have no reason to think that whoever is behind it will listen to me but I will message them.
I have not seen [REDACTED] for almost a year, nor am I able to spend much time on anything political at present as I'm heavily pregnant. Beyond messaging the blog post there isn't anything else I can do at present.
SC     10/13/14    to ZB
Ok thanks for writting back. I worry for [REDACTED] I really do . Her identity seems very invested in all of this persecution and lies. I don't know how aware she really is in all of this or how much she has been gas lit by others. I am sure you can read and I  sure you can see that we never blamed her nor ignored or denied that it happened or her trauma. We disagreed and intervened  in all of it that is for sure  - we disagreed with how the process was manifesting. but none of us have ever bullied her denied that it happened or asked her for more proof or any of those vicious claims that are currently circulating .
Anyway thanks for your solidarity and for writing to the blog. I wish you luck with your pregnancy. X
Sent with one hand
4. Correspondence with an email list including JM from accountability panel, March 2015. This correspondence took place around DG’s banning from Goldsmiths Occupation. DG was not part of B10.
SC to List
sorry but this is not going away..  -  an argument about safer spaces - will NOT sort this out!
this is too much bs, i need some support i want to confront this its a pack of fucking lies i am sick to my teeth of this.. i want to call it...it absolutely needs to stop and be put right.
J M - YOU WERE IN THE ACCOUNTABILITY GROUP WHICH HAS BEEN COMPLETELY QUIET.!!!.... you need to meet with me and others and this needs to stop! im AM SICK of people spreading lies about me and others and abusing ME AND MY COMRADES on the web for things that were not said and done! I do not give 2 fucks about what any1 thinks the b10's intentions were.... i know what we wrote and what was said in the meetings after.. i also have a ton of screen grabs about all the malicious lies been spread about us...
i have cc'd Ad. into this who has been purged from SF. i hope he will help us sort this out. MB and U and J all vouch for him.
MB     3/28/15    to SC, kD, AL, B, AS, D, CB, DG, JM, JBR, AP, Ad.
Fucking right!
Apparently people have walked out of the occupation due to this, it wasn't democratically agreed upon at all. the occupation statement and the people behind it are fucking idiots.
JM [accountability panel]    3/28/15    to SC, kD, AL, B, AS, D, CB, DG, JM, JBR, AP, Ad.
Oh for fucks sake.
Alright, I've replied with this for now.
"I don't know where you have got your information from but as someone who was involved in trying to address the situation you're referring to I want to make it absolutely clear that DG had nothing to do with the B10 statement, and was nothing but helpful to me and others throughout the process. I can't see how suggestions to the contrary can be justified. Banning him or anyone else from giving talks runs counter to everything that was trying to be achieved at that time. For people with no knowledge of what you're referring to it also reads like an extremely serious implication about DG. Please don't put out statements like this without contacting people who actually know about the circumstances, and respect the spirit of their intentions. Get in touch with me or anyone else who was involved if you want to talk about this more, but I strongly suggest you remove this statement and cease implying falsehoods about DG, whether you want him to speak at Goldsmiths or not."
SC - I can only respond to what I see, and have done so when directed to obvious bullshit like this.
AP     3/28/15    to SC, kD, AL, B, AS, D, CB, DG, JM, JBR, AP, Ad.
Authoring the thing 'Bloomsbury 10' was so ridiculously stupid. It just sounds so ominous for anyone who hasn't a clue what this is about. I think those involved who havent come forward and defended themselves in writing should probably reconsider as this obviously isnt going away.
SC     3/28/15    to kD, AL, B, AS, D, CB, DG, JM, JBR, AP, Ad.  AK
All, JM,
I really do appreciate that you have made a clarification about DG.. however this for me does not cut it at all as it does NOT address the false claim against b10.
to go over this again, the claims are based on the letter that we wrote to the email list, which i attach again, with my underlined parts.
the claims that are made against us that i have screen grabs of, are :
- we victimed blamed and are rape appologists
- that we harrassed [REDACTED] and made her life hell in the ensuing years
- that we hid under a cloak of anonimity - ( WE WENT TO 2 FOLLOW UP MEETINGS in the following week -  making it obvious who we were and what we wrote)
- that was said she was lying /  making it up /  said it was her fault
to make this really clear pls read what i wrote in another p[rivate email to a member of sf earlier this month in regards to this letter:
I am prepared to take responsibility and argue over the contents of a letter i help write, discuss what it means, and the impact of it and its context... i am not prepared to accept falsifications of what was written, nor projections onto it by others of any inherent meaning or imagined bad motivation or intention.......
for example, i think a reading that is used to justify a lot of the victim blaming label attached to me ( and others ) in relation to the letter ( which after all started all this off more or less)  logically works like this:
the first move is to take a single paragraph out of the context of the whole document ( i mean the paragraph that mentions the accountability panels omission of the discussion of knife play - i think this section is what cause most but not all of the accusations of rape apologia and victim blaming etc)
the second move is then  to do two things with the de-contextualized paragraph:
1) make it stand it and negate every other written word on the b10 letter
2) and importantly then make the following argument:
something like ".. any mention of the context of the knife is TANTAMOUNT TO VICTIM BLAMING...." ... the claim is, the context of the knife is both irrelevant and at the same time any mention of it would only (be to) discredit her account...
er hello???? why do THEY think it discredits her account... (this is not what we ever said..we did however write that we fully acknowledge her account, this it needed serious responses which had already started, wanted dialogue and a different way of dealing with /  you can read those sections i have highlighted them)..  ..... this last move.. ( the context is discrediting) is their ( very troubling) projection onto what was intended, meant written, etc etc
im sure you see my point.
please think about the logic of that move....it is very odd and dubious....
the accountability panel were criticised. NOT [REDACTED]!
when is this going to be put to rest..... THE ACCOUNTABILITY PANEL have said NOTHING.. for 3 years!!!!!! THIS IS TOTALLY UNFAIR.
you and others may disagree with me  / b10 questioning and disrupting the process. BUT NOT BY FALSIFYING WHAT WAS WRITTEN>
I have had to put up with 3 YEARS of gaslighting me, having "anarchist" men abusing me personally, of being doxed online. I CANNOT TAKE THIS ANYMORE. THIS HAS TO STOP> THIS IS NOT A SAVE DG’s REP CAMPAIGN>
i want a meeting with you JM JB MCe and SB and TJ [all the members of the original accountability panel] and you were ALL in the process and have said NOTHING ABOUT ANY OF THE FUCKING LIES AND ABUSE BEING LEVELED AT ME AND OTHERS.
i am sick of this its BULLSHIT.
i spent 4 years of my fucking life in a (redacted)l. i have a locked and hidden social media account FOR A REASON. I WANT THIS SORTED OUT AND THE TUMBLR DOWN.
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