#how can they possibly expect me to go to work when I’m thisss baby n cozy…
bb-elsie · 7 months
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I woke up like dis ッ
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malereader-inserts · 5 years
Father Figure
Fandom: Good Omens Pairing: Crowley x Male!Reader X Aziraphale Summary: They’re trying their best Word Count: 1,507 Request: “Hello! I really loved “to your days off” and I thought that it’d be really cute if the reader & ineffable husbands raised a kid together!!💛👼🏼😈👱‍♂️” A/n: You have a baby boy called Wesley because I don’t think it’s common and also people say it’s better when writers fill in the blanks of naming added characters
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Wesley is possibly the most amazing thing that was to ever grace you.
Wesley was your baby boy, three years old and the most adorable child, though you are biased. He came about in a time you didn’t expect it really, you were positively not in a relationship three years ago with a girl, but you were curious and you forgot to use protection.
The mother of the child did not want to get rid of the baby and you stepped up, as any decent human being, to be the father. Unfortunately, the mother died during childbirth and you were left to be a single father - not you minded.
It’s just, made life a little harder, your sister helped here and there but it was mostly you and little baby Wesley. Then you started dating a demon and an angel, you don’t know how it came about but six months into the relationship, you didn’t want to question the second most amazing thing that was to ever grace you.
You had no secrets other than your child, you were terrified in all honesty. You were doing an astounding job as a single father but you were afraid your significant others would judge you. You made time for your son, for your boyfriends and your job. 
You made it work.
They found out when the pair was walking in St James Park, Aziraphale wanting to feed the ducks until they see you, crouching down by the little boy and feeding the ducks with seeds.
“Hello love!” Aziraphale greets, you freeze before looking up at the two looming figures.
“Hello you two,” You greeted, standing up at full height and kissing them on the cheek.
“Why do you have a child next to you,” Crowley asked, eyeing up the child, his nanny instinct begging to come out before looking at the duck and sinking it.
“Daddy!” Your boy shouts as you turn your attention to Wesley, who was pointing, “Duck!”
“Yes, Wesley,” You chuckled, ruffling your boy’s hair and kneeling by him again, “Crowley, can you not sink the ducks?”
The duck emerges as your son starts tapping you viciously and pointing at the duck, you laugh at your son as your boyfriends just stare at you, with heart-shaped eyes. You lifted up your son in your arms and turned to face your boyfriends.
“Wesley, baby, meet my boyfriends,” The boy turns to look at the blonde and the red hair men in front of him as you pointed who was who, “Aziraphale and Crowley.”
“Hello, Wesley!” Aziraphale greets happily, shaking the boy’s hand, as Crowley just stares.
“More daddies?” Your son says to you as he squishes your face with his small hands, causing you to brighten and nod, “Yay! Crow-whee!”
Your son motions grabby arms at the demon and within an instant, Crowley melts and comes to cuddle your son, who happily cuddles the demon’s head.
“Careful, he likes to tug hair,” You warned as you hear the hissing of your demon whilst your son tugs the red hair, “No, no, Wes don’t do that, sweetie.”
“You look exhausted, honey,” Crowley points out to you as he passes your son to the angel, who starts tickling his stomach, Crowley throws an arm over your shoulders and pull you close to him, allowing you to lean your head upon his shoulder.
“Yeah, Wesley was sick for a few days and he’s finally recovered so I haven’t had much sleep,” You sighed, shutting your eyes briefly, “Sorry about springing this upon you, you don’t have to be more daddies for Wes-”
“Nonsense!” Aziraphale says, knitting his eyebrows towards you, still holding the child, “You are our love and we’re willing to help! You do need a rest, my dear.”
“Come on,” Crowley says, leading the way back to the bookshop, “I’ve been dying to be a nanny again, Wesley is perfect.”
“Please don’t teach him something ridiculous!”
“What do you take me?”
“A mild annoyance, a demon,” You say flatly but softly kissing the jaw of the demon, “You might have been the nanny for Warlock but Wes is-”
“Wesley is a spitting image of you and the only thing I would like to do is help raise him to be like his father,” Crowley interrupts as he opens the door of the bookshop, you soften as you smile gratefully at the demon.
Whilst you fell asleep on the sofa in the back room of the bookshop, the angel and demon kept your son entertained. Whilst you snooze soundly, Crowley’s Nanny Ashtoreth was ready to come out, your son was delighted.
“What do kids like to eat?” Crowley asked, not a demon who likes to eat and looks at his boyfriend.
“Healthy or not?” Aziraphale asked, thinking of an assortment of food, “Never mind, us two will go to the shops and let him pick out food for himself.”
The three headed out to the car, leaving you in the back knowing you’re out cold and probably won’t be awake for a few more hours. Crowley had to restrain himself from buying everything in the store for Wesley, who giggles every time he gets a glimpse of Crowley’s eyes.
“Sweets!” Wesley exclaims loudly in Crowley’s arms, “Sweets!”
“Uh, no dearie,” Aziraphale says softly, whilst he was buying food, he did not want to feed your child bad stuff.
“Wesley,” Crowley warns, this time using a stricter tone, “Daddy wouldn’t be happy if we fed you sweets.”
The boy pouted, his bottom lips quivering as he burst into tears whilst the two supernatural entities started to panic. Crowley passing the child into Aziraphale’s arms, trying to hush Wesley. Then, it got out of hand, Wesley started to hit Aziraphale and wailing, making other shoppers to look at them. 
“Take him to the car, Angel, I’ll deal with thisss,” Crowley involuntarily hisses causing the toddler to wail even louder.
The Angel moved quickly to the car, sitting the bleary eye kid on his lap, “Oh dear, what is it, Wesley? What do you want?” The Angel said so softly, that the kid looked at him with wide eyes.
“I want daddy!” The child cried, eyes tearing up once again and letting out a screech of a cry.
The angel grimaces as he started to bounce his leg, hoping the movement would cause the child to stop crying. When Crowley returns, disgruntle, looking at the child he sighs.
“Sing to him!” Crowley says, “All I have was that lullaby for Warlock and I don’t want to be on the bad side of (Y/n).”
“Just get the car moving!” Aziraphale says, holding the child closer to him and softly humming whilst the toddler kept wailing.
The two was starting to get a headache and that was impossible for the two, almost impossible, even Queen wasn’t able to calm the child down. Wesley kept crying as they enter the bookshop, Crowley now holding the child as Aziraphale was holding shopping bags.
“Sh, Wesley, you’ll wake up daddy...”
“‘m already awake,” You mumbled, rubbing your eyes, “Hey, baby.”
You swiftly take Wesley away from Crowley, who looked upset that he failed to keep you asleep as Aziraphale looked defeated. You wiped the tears away from your son’s cheeks, your son calming down upon seeing you.
“Alright bud,” You say, smiling brightly despite being tired, “Looks like you’re super tired, is that why you’ve been crying? Nap time?”
“Nap time!” Crowley exclaimed to Aziraphale as if the most obvious thing in the world, “Nap fu-”
“Crowley, children ears!” Aziraphale scowled as you sighed, humming ‘Love of My Life’ to Wesley.
The child placed his head upon your shoulder, holding you tight as you sway through the bookshop, the two watches you, the natural parental instinct kicking in and Aziraphale softly smiling thinking how soft the scene is whilst Crowley was having a mini tantrum that he couldn’t figure out Nap time.
“Are you done? I have one child, not three,” You say with sass as you go put Wesley on the sofa in the backroom as Crowley snorted whilst Aziraphale gasped, offended, “And I say that with the goodness of my heart.”
“Rude,” Aziraphale bellows as you emerge from the back, shushing him as he reddens, “I’m sorry dear, we couldn’t help you that well.”
“It’s fine, it’s just one-time thing, you’ll get the hang of it,” You shrugged, yawning, “Well, taking care of a child instinct will come back to you, I did hear you help raised Warlock.”
“Well,” Crowley shrugged his shoulders, “I’m sure Wesley won’t be as bad as Warlock.”
You sneezed and groaned, “Oh, yeah, I might be on the bench for a while, looks like my kid’s given me his sickness.”
“Oh, I’ll get you tea!” Aziraphale claims, bustling through his shop as you looked at Crowley.
“Ready to be a dad?”
“Not really, Nanny yes, Daddy no,” You patted him on the shoulder, kissing his cheek, and smiling.
“No one really is ever ready to be a parent.”
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