#how did you get through all of mt/mte and conclude M did nothing wrong
lord-squiggletits · 2 years
The most annoying part of being an IDW Megatron fan is that the extreme ends of people who love him OR people who hate him are both annoying in different ways.
No, Megatron haters, Megatron being a war criminal doesn't mean he can't have a redemption arc or be humanized in some kind of way. Stop accusing people of sympathizing for real life crimes because they found a fictional character compelling. Megatron fans can engage with whatever parts of the character they want to and they have no moral duty to self-flagellate for liking a guy who killed billions of people.
No, Megatron stans, Megatron having good intentions doesn't absolve him of the guilt of everything bad he did. Megatron being a person with rights doesn't mean that every character who (rightfully) hates him or challenges him is just an evil meanie trying to torment him. People who don't like Megatron have VERY REAL reasons to like him, they're not just antis throwing a shitfit about him being problematic. Why are you stanning War Crime McGee if you're not emotionally mature enough to cope with the fact that many people will hate him for the very canon and very plot-important crimes he committed.
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