#how do rp with da hoomans
Port Town Grillby’s RP, Part 3
[Baku] Baku watched the others as they checked on the fallen patron and then sighed. He was starting to get bored and was craving music. He hasn't listened to music in a while or touched a DJ set in a few days so he was getting anxious. It was at this point he remembered the dance club and soon brightened.
"Yo broskis ya down fer a bit o' dancin' I wanna play wit the set they got here an' it's always more fun with a crowd."
[Rave Witch Temmie] We gasp. Did he just read our mind?! That’s what we’ve been wanting to do all this time! We just never got around to it because we couldn’t figure out how to get the music to play through the speakers. And Temmie had been wanting to ask Baku for help with that... I guess now we won’t have to. Before I can stop her, Temmie cries out,
“OOO!! YAYAYA!!1 I WANNA DANCE!1! hooman an’ i been wantin to- hack”
We choke a bit; our throat is sore from swallowing all those fries, and Temmie’s yelling isn’t helping that at all. We decide we’ve had enough to eat and place the fry container on the countertop.
“Okay, now that that’s done... can we finally get off of Baku’s lap, now?” “awwww...”
[Johan] Johan watches the tem before them as they eat. His hunger begins to get the best of him though as he begins reaching towards the tem, but he stops himself and pulls back before anyone could notice, and looks to the crowd gathering around the NPC person. Of course there’s no reaction from them, they’re completely out cold. They do seem a bit drained though as if part of their life has just been stolen from them. The parasite begins to get anxious and decides to sneak past the crowd to try and find a safer place or another source of magic. Johan meanwhile goes back to the tem and Baku, listening in on the offer and the poor choking tem. “No thanks. I’ve never danced before anyway. Maybe once when someone put alcohol of some sort in my drink at a party but... I don’t think that counts.” he shrugs, but then thinks. Maybe if he goes he could find more food. After a long pause he decides to find out for himself. “Would people bring food or snacks or something?”
[Rave Witch Temmie] We clear our throat and swallow.
"were all done wit our fries," we whisper, our voice sounding a bit hoarse, "yu can have da rest if you want..." The fry tray is on the counter in front of us, with only seven more fries left in it.
[Haze] Haze shifts, glancing around at everyone some. So no one else was too worried about this guy?? Guess they were fine then... Haze decides that this is the truth and somewhat faces towards Baku as they speak up, shrugging some, "Ey broski I could try a lil dances out, might as well, maybe it'll get me checkin’ out dis area more ya know?" He says, shrugging lazily and shoving his hands in his pockets.
[Frisbee] Frisbee would look over, shrugging. “I guess I could join, but I prolly won’t stay for too long, I still want ta explore a bit...” He would stand up from his crouch, back to thinking he goes... He thinks a little too much huh...
[Baku] "Nah I'm good." At that he moved Temmie to the floor and stood up, stretching. "Right let's head ta the club then, follow me if yer comin'." At that Baku paid for the food and headed to the door, excited to get his hands on a DJ set again.
We're about to follow Baku out the door, but...
"Shouldn't we drink something first? Our throat's really dry from all those fries, isn't it?"
"o ya..."
We turn around and yell out, "im comin! i just needa drink first!" Then we scoot around behind the counter...
[Johan] Johan watches the other leave before looking around. The parasite begins trying to sneak past everyone and soon joins back up with Johan, who of course looks away as the parasite disappears into his hand. No one sees that right? So sneaky! When the tem goes behind the counter Johan decides to follow to see what they’re up to. “Are you alright? I’m not sure you’re supposed to be able to eat that much salt at once.”
[Rave Witch Temmie] "ya... i need a drink..." We search the shelves behind the counter for something to drink. Gee, these don't look good. Where's the water? Maybe if we could find the sink, we could just turn the faucet on and take a drink from that? "weres da sink?? i need water!1!"
...You know what? We're going into the back room. I don't care that we're not allowed back there. We need to drink, and fast, because Temmie is not about to let us be late to the dance party. We trot over to the back door and hurry inside.
"weres da sink??"
"im lookin, im lookin..."
"aa, my throte..."
"...aha!1 here it is!1!!"
We stretch our legs and raise ourself up to the faucet, and turn the handle to run the cold water. Then we take our hat off and stick our mouth under the water. glug glug glug glug...
Whoa, that's cold. But whatever. We'll take what we can get. Once we've drank our fill, we turn the water off, put our hat back on, retract our legs, and step back into the dining room.
"aaa... much bettr." we say, our mouth still dripping. Alright, we're all set! We've eaten, we've drank, and we're not feeling lightheaded anymore; we're ready to dance! We trot across the room, shivering with excitement. Temmie has been waiting far too long for this- she's finally going to get to rave again after months of not being able to, and she's going to get to bring me along this time.
On our way to the door we pass by Haze, and his colorful outfit catches our eye. We weren't really able to get that good of a look at him earlier while he was talking to Baku, because we were so focused on eating our fries, but now that we're done, we look him up and down and think that jacket of his looks awfully soft and fluffy... We kind of want to touch it. But we need to get to the dance club! But that jacket just looks so... enticing...
...Okay, maybe just one little touch before we go. Just one. We stretch our paw out to where Haze is standing, and give his jacket a quick pat...
...and then retract our paw before darting out of the pub, eager to meet up with Baku at the dance club.
[Johan] Johan quietly watches the tem, smiling despite not really meaning to or having a reason to, and waits until they’re done. When the tem pats the other person in the area and leaves, Johan gathers his stuff and follows after. He very much wants to stick with this person for now. Even though they are weird, something inside the kid makes him feel he needs to stick with them for now. And thus he follows them to the dance club.
[Frisbee] Frisbee would soon just get up and follow, deciding however to take a small detour first before going to the dance club, why not he had not a lot to do.
[Rave Witch Temmie] We run out of Grillby's pub and into the dance club like a kid running for the ice cream truck.
[Frisbee] Frisbee would have started his detour here, just causally wandering somewhere else, not like he knew where the dance club was...
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hatred-fuels-me · 10 years
No Bone.  You can't just go and stomp the human characters right off the start.  It doesn't work that way.
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