#how many intense crying scenes are they giving khao in this show?
bird-inacage · 1 year
Only Friends: Episode 10 Preview (Ray goes to Rehab)
So this looks like a really promising development in Ray's arc. It appears that in a scene immediately after this heart-to-heart with Mew, Ray talks to Sand about going to rehab. He finally seems open to the idea of tackling his drinking addiction.
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It could be that he's taking Mew's advice seriously, "If he loves you too, do your best to keep him. Reduce your ego. No one can put up with everything you do." These words may have been a reminder to Ray of how lucky he has it, and has inspired him to take steps in the right direction to get better for both his and Sand's sakes. Especially as Ray's actions in Episode 8 (as Sand rightly points out) nearly got them both arrested.
But Ray has one small condition. He isn't using this as leverage, but an opportunity to encourage Sand to do something he also wishes in Sand's best interests. Ray knows how much Sand cares about his wellbeing, and is fairly confident Sand will no doubt make good on this condition for the sake of Ray going to rehab.
Ray nudges Sand to confront his own father. I think Ray is conscious of how he lost his own mother, and how Sand is potentially missing out on a great opportunity to connect with another parent whilst he still can. If it goes sour, then at least you know. But having never explored this, Ray probably feels like it would be a real shame if Sand never tried at least. Ray has mentioned this a couple times now, which is a sign he's increasingly thinking for Sand too.
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Ray seems clearly apprehensive when Sand hands him the pamphlets about the rehab clinics he looked into. I think the enormity of making such a commitment finally dawns on Ray. When he suggested the idea to Sand initially, it probably was easier said than done.
I know there are a few theories about the agreement Sand made with Ray's father potentially centring around rehab or helping Ray quit, but I feel like we'll find out soon if that is the case.
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After Sand meets his side of the bargain where they go looking for his father, it seems like Ray gets admitted very soon after.
The scene where he cries in Sand's arms looks like a clinician's office of some kind. My guess is Ray is crying because he's really terrified of being left alone to face his demons head on. Alcoholism being the cause of his mother's death and now the disease which also has him firmly in its grips.
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My other hope is that the intensity of his reaction is a sign of how much Ray is now in love with Sand and unable to bear the thought of being apart from him for some time.
This entire image of Sand cradling Ray does look like what a parent would do in this situation. Sand is a provider of that unconditional love Ray never felt. Calm, reassuring and the ultimate feeling of safety. Therefore watching Sand leaving him there must be terrifying.
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